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Hampsterdance Discussion Board


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Everything posted by Horatio

  1. Excuse me please... is it crunchy? I SED I'M NOT SHARING! >_> except with trent. Too late. *stuffs pouches with the wonderful peanut butter* Thanks!!! MMmmmmmm, Peanut-butter Hamster meat! :lol: You are sooooooooooooooooooooo bad!!!!! *zaps Mushroom_king's brain to completely eradicate that thought from her head*
  2. Excuse me please... is it crunchy? I SED I'M NOT SHARING! >_> except with trent. Too late. *stuffs pouches with the wonderful peanut butter* Thanks!!! VBYUYVUYO!!! Evil Horatio, do not steal people's peanut butter! MK has the Meat Grinder, and after listening to my more-then-6-hours worth of pink floyd (mostly the wall ) I now claim the Shredder. And horatio gets to be the first person put through it. :o :o *stuffs a bit more peanut butter in my pouches so I can really gum up the shredder*
  3. I hope this stops soon. must be hard to live with. Like the song. cheesey award for you. ^.^ *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* Thanks. You guys are the only people I talk to about this. I don't even talk to the A.D. about this. *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~* I am sincerely happy you consider us friends enough to talk to us about it.
  4. Horatio

    My place. :)

    I agree. Papers and I do not agree. I finally finished it around 4am. Now I get to take my last final exam and go home. *coffee in paw, reads very carefully Jesusfreak's post* Okay...congratulations on completing your paper and I am sure you will get an A! Good luck on your last final exam. You should receive and A on this one as well. Yeah for being home for the holidays!!! Thanks! I hope so too. Remember that insane history project I was doing? I got an A on the presentation and an A- on the paper...way better than I expected. And I'm pretty sure I did well on my last final too. It is sooo nice to be home for the holidays. When I got back, I saw this huge trailer in our front yard. Apparently we got a new ultralight airplane. It only has one seat though. If I haven't told you before, you have very cool parents. But I noticed all the "toys" showed up after you departed for college. LOL, do you think your parents are trying to tell you something? LOL I want to go fly the ultralight. lol thanks. I think they're pretty cool. I found out this morning that I got an A- in my BHP class, which makes me happy. I can't wait for the weekend! Congratulations!!! Are your parents giving you the Ultralight for Christmas??? Thanks! lol no, the ultralight is definately my dad's. I don't know how to fly (yet). For Christmas I'm more or less expecting a playstation 2 and some DDR games, which is what my sister is getting. So I guess the piano is your mother's. LOL
  5. Horatio

    My place. :)

    I agree. Papers and I do not agree. You agree to disagree with papers. I really don't disagree with all papers, let's see... newspapers and I get along quite well, looseleaf paper and I have lots of fun... *wanders off on a paper trail* You said yourself... I was just clarifying on different papers. Remember I am a blonde. LOL *tries to cover tracks*
  6. Horatio


    It's spelled "ouaf". I'm glad you're going over those words in French. That is something that seems to be often neglected. Would you please tell us how your call would sound in French Monsieur Le Wolf? Gah I missed this post. Unfortunately I don't know what a howl sounds like in french. Ouuuu laaa laaaaaaaaaaoooooooooooooo. LOL
  7. Horatio

    My place. :)

    I agree. Papers and I do not agree. You agree to disagree with papers. I really don't disagree with all papers, let's see... newspapers and I get along quite well, looseleaf paper and I have lots of fun... *wanders off on a paper trail*
  8. *big smile* Soooooooooooo superb!!! Thanks! You will have to make hard copies of these and put them away. Just in case... . I have. I type them up in open office (my version of word) and save them to my computer before I put them here. I believe he will read them one day.
  9. hahaha right? But hey, William Hung got a record deal out of it. XD Would you buy one if his CD's????? No, but I know people who have. I think the idea is that it's so bad, it's funny. o.O Interesting thing is that William Hung is laughing all the way to the bank.
  10. Horatio

    My place. :)

    I agree. Papers and I do not agree. I finally finished it around 4am. Now I get to take my last final exam and go home. *coffee in paw, reads very carefully Jesusfreak's post* Okay...congratulations on completing your paper and I am sure you will get an A! Good luck on your last final exam. You should receive and A on this one as well. Yeah for being home for the holidays!!! Thanks! I hope so too. Remember that insane history project I was doing? I got an A on the presentation and an A- on the paper...way better than I expected. And I'm pretty sure I did well on my last final too. It is sooo nice to be home for the holidays. When I got back, I saw this huge trailer in our front yard. Apparently we got a new ultralight airplane. It only has one seat though. If I haven't told you before, you have very cool parents. But I noticed all the "toys" showed up after you departed for college. LOL, do you think your parents are trying to tell you something? LOL I want to go fly the ultralight. lol thanks. I think they're pretty cool. I found out this morning that I got an A- in my BHP class, which makes me happy. I can't wait for the weekend! Congratulations!!! Are your parents giving you the Ultralight for Christmas???
  11. *wonders if I am invisible * As you recall, we were having board problems and I believe this caused a lesser than average amount of posts. People will read your wonderful song and reply. Please have patience.
  12. Excuse me please... is it crunchy? I SED I'M NOT SHARING! >_> except with trent. Too late. *stuffs pouches with the wonderful peanut butter* Thanks!!!
  13. And If I had a starship, I'd call it Jefferson. LOL Quite good! *wishes I had thought of that one*
  14. *big smile* Soooooooooooo superb!!! Thanks! You will have to make hard copies of these and put them away. Just in case... .
  15. really? i like it but i didnt think it was that good. As you could tell, I really liked it. yeah. i wish i could say more then thanks. maybe ill add a slew of smilies?.. AND A KITTY. maybe not a kitty.. it wot upload You are most welcome. As for the smilies... they made my day! Mushroom_king was having trouble uploading, so I have asked HampsterKing about the images not attaching. One quick question, after you choose file, then click UPLOAD, did you know that you must go to the left side and drop down the Manage Current Attachments and then click on the green plus sign in order to get them into the post. that didnt process... k now it did. i would do that but it just says "uploading file" for like.. a year. lol ill try it tomorrow i guess.? I will have HampsterKing check the file size again. kayyy Please try it again. HampsterKing was working on the boards today. nope. didnt work lol I will let him know. Thank you for telling me.
  16. Horatio

    My place. :)

    I agree. Papers and I do not agree. I finally finished it around 4am. Now I get to take my last final exam and go home. *coffee in paw, reads very carefully Jesusfreak's post* Okay...congratulations on completing your paper and I am sure you will get an A! Good luck on your last final exam. You should receive and A on this one as well. Yeah for being home for the holidays!!! Thanks! I hope so too. Remember that insane history project I was doing? I got an A on the presentation and an A- on the paper...way better than I expected. And I'm pretty sure I did well on my last final too. It is sooo nice to be home for the holidays. When I got back, I saw this huge trailer in our front yard. Apparently we got a new ultralight airplane. It only has one seat though. If I haven't told you before, you have very cool parents. But I noticed all the "toys" showed up after you departed for college. LOL, do you think your parents are trying to tell you something? LOL I want to go fly the ultralight.
  17. really? i like it but i didnt think it was that good. As you could tell, I really liked it. yeah. i wish i could say more then thanks. maybe ill add a slew of smilies?.. AND A KITTY. maybe not a kitty.. it wot upload You are most welcome. As for the smilies... they made my day! Mushroom_king was having trouble uploading, so I have asked HampsterKing about the images not attaching. One quick question, after you choose file, then click UPLOAD, did you know that you must go to the left side and drop down the Manage Current Attachments and then click on the green plus sign in order to get them into the post. that didnt process... k now it did. i would do that but it just says "uploading file" for like.. a year. lol ill try it tomorrow i guess.? I will have HampsterKing check the file size again. kayyy Please try it again. HampsterKing was working on the boards today.
  18. Horatio


    thats pretty rad. it just pops back up! :] anyway, since this is my own personal thread about .. speaking.. wut i do best(worst? lol) i think ill continue.. i think im too young for the new message board i joined. im still so naive and inexpierienced compared to these people of all ages that post there.. alot of the people there are between 20 and like 40. its a pretty cool place though. very open. topics about sex, drugs, activism, politics, poetry, drinking, paranoia, hippies, the future etc. its pretty cool, but i am very ignorant. I disagree. You definitely are not ignorant. Don't believe everything you read. LOL i kno ignorant has a negative connotation, i dont mean it in a bad way.. i just mean that i have done alot ot learn from. We all have something to learn. LOL this tru. i was so sad this place was down yesterday. im glad i had other forums though :]] I am really happy not to see any more fatal errors. :] if your happy im happy. LOL, well good.
  19. Welcome to the hamster-wheel of life. LOL Always better to be the dumper than the dumpee. Seriously, you are intelligent, talented, beautiful and guys find you hard to resist. These qualities are actually a burden as you will have more guys chasing after you than you can imagine. Did you get him a present for Christmas? I hope you do not accept his gift even if you want it.
  20. You are so beautiful!!! Ian looks like he is a conductor of a major philharmonic! The cookie looks good enough to eat and the fire truck... that would have scared me. LOL Aw, thank you! Ian isn't the conductor of the philharmonic, but he's performing with them in a few days in NYC (I'm going to see his concert with my family ) The gingerbread cookie was good enough to eat, and is long gone. And yeah, I was mildly disturbed. The sounds of blaring sirens contrasted rather oddly with my happy peaceful Christmas music. Please correct me if I am wrong, you said Ian sung opera. Tenor or Bass? He looks like a Tenor. LOL Something about sirens does not really work with a Santa and Christmas music. I do agree!!! Yup, he sings opera too. He sings lots of things. I would have guessed tenor as well, but he's actually a bass, and he has a gorgeous voice. (but then again, by the time you're a junior at a choir college, I would hope you can sing well) @MK, Thank you! I'm not so sure about the statement in the parenthesis... I guess you have not watched too many episodes of American Idol or Nashville Star. Some of these people are way past college and can not sing a note. LOL Of course, they certainly did NOT attend a Choir College. LOL I watch american idol only for the horibble singers. xD lol Oh my gosh I know. The first round of singing is always the best. XD What amazes me is that they have the guts to get up before anyone and sing. hahaha right? But hey, William Hung got a record deal out of it. XD Would you buy one if his CD's?????
  21. No thanks. I like walking. But Glowurm... you don't have any legs. *wonders how Glowurm thinks he can walk* Two words: Fake legs. *wonders how many pairs of fake legs a wurm requires* LOL Actually, one. I can stand straight up, you know, why can't I use them while straight on the end, therefore only needing one? Because you have no spine to keep you upright. I do recall you quite clearly explaining at one point that I can stand on my tail. Need I find it and quote it or can we just say you're having a blonde moment and move on? A blonde moment? What's a blonde moment? *runs* The thing you can't live without. Coffee!!! I have a hot, steaming cup in my favorite butter rum coffee in my paw!
  22. Horatio

    My place. :)

    I agree. Papers and I do not agree. I finally finished it around 4am. Now I get to take my last final exam and go home. *coffee in paw, reads very carefully Jesusfreak's post* Okay...congratulations on completing your paper and I am sure you will get an A! Good luck on your last final exam. You should receive and A on this one as well. Yeah for being home for the holidays!!!
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