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Everything posted by Horatio

  1. You would not last long in our backyard... there are zillions and zillions of dragonflies. In the evening they seem to be especially hungry and active and are so much fun to watch. We have some honey bees that hang out at our back gate. I really need to learn more about them as they seem to be in the same home every year. The way you are with flying stingy things, I am with spiders. It could be a microscopic dot spider and I would be running. Those big hairy grove spiders are really creepy and really, REALLY fast. They can squish their bodies down to a sliver and slip through places that you would never imagine. Ohhhh, I remember once when I was in Arizona or New Mexico, all the tarantulas were coming into the FedEx facility in droves. And they JUMP!!!!!!!!!!!!! And really high! Not a pleasant sight when you are afraid of those guys.
  2. It is interesting, when you think about the things that make a day or an event memorable, it is usually the things that cost the least which stick with you the longest.
  3. You can have the cleanest house, and bugs will still invade. One of the worst bugs for me, besides spiders are those flying palmetto bugs. Giant cockroaches! UCKKKKKKKKK! I have this giant jar that I trap them in and return them to where they belong... the outdoors. Now that your sister pronounced stethoscope correctly, did you present her with the necklace?
  4. You did better than a smile... you MADE my day perfect!!!
  5. It is probably a good thing I do not work for Apple... no one would be permitted to leave the store until they purchased at least something Apple created. I would be fired the first day.
  6. Cleaning might be good for the house, but it is not one of my favourite tasks. I would rather be tortured by one million ants, two million crickets and three million grasshoppers. Of course, I do like the house after it is clean, so I guess I will just have to keep cleaning. When you wash your sheets, a really neat thing to do is to sprinkle a little baby powder on the mattress cover before putting on your fitted sheet. It makes the bed smell so nice.
  7. Your parents must be so proud of you. Logical, well thought out and carefully considered, your plans seem to be a great guide for your future.
  8. Aaaaaahhhhh, you made my day! Thank you so much for thinking of me and creating that terrific hamster and jet picture. You all are really terrific and I look forward to seeing you all realize your dreams! Love you too Paz!
  9. You are so disciplined to stick to your schedule. I am jealous. Ask this guy for coffee when you feel like you should. What you don't want it to ask him and then have to break the coffee date. Take action when it is right for you and you will be pleased with the results.
  10. Happy Birthday to you X-CAT, hope your day is outstanding with many, many more to come!!!
  11. I LOVEEEEEEEEEEEEEE IT!!!!!! Thank you for remembering! The hamster and jet is perfect!!!
  12. Teach her to use Siri. Your mother will love this feature!!! For example, hold the home button until you hear the double tone and then speak something like "Pizza". Siri will reply with an answer such as this... "There are a number of pizza places near you." The list will appear with an approximate distance from your location. When you touch one of the choices, a map will appear and then you will be able to select the name and the rest of the information will appear. Address and phone for a start. If you tell Siri to call Mega Wolf and you are in your mother's address book, then the iPhone will automatically dial you. The great feature is when an incoming call appears on the home screen, all you have to do is slide the green dot and you are dialing the call. No need to enter past the home page and into your address book. This bypasses all those steps. If you get a text, just slide the green dot and you will read the entire text. There are so many different and wonderful aspects to this iPhone, I cannot even begin to tell you. Help your mother discover just how superb her iPhone is.
  13. I plan on purchasing a copy!!! Whoo Hoo!!! Thank you for the details!!! Memphis is located in The Bible Belt, so there are lots of people in this city who would love reading that book. I am so excited for you all!!! Three years... wonderful! I am happy to know that you both are making future plans. You sound like you both are being totally logical about this, which is really good. The elliptical is not my favourite, but the octane is because it strengthens my knees. Hopefully next month I can get some flying because I am already tired of reserve. The great thing about this reserve is that I am getting my "fall cleaning" out of the way.
  14. That must have been difficult for you. I think that your choice of a jazz musician is a fantastic choice. This will open a good number of doors, probably many more than marching. This will be a decision that I believe you are happy you made.
  15. I had the same feeling. You are really smart and I know you will grasp the material and be able to do well on your tests. Math and Science were my favourite subjects.
  16. What an amazing post!!!!! CONGRATULATIONS TO YOUR FATHER!!!!! He must be so excited that his book has been published. In Florida I go to BAM, but here in Memphis, Davis-Kidd is my favourite bookstore. Please tell us the title of the book or how to find his book. I would love to know more about it. The second one... outstanding! Do a great job editing! I think intelligence runs in the family. You are very smart yourself. Now I know why your siblings are doing so well. Speaking of you... you had failed to mention marriage plans. Is it official? Spill the beans please. The Octane is sort of like an elliptical trainer, but not really. It is a machine that I would love to have in the house. It would be great to be able to hop on it at any hour. The company is Octane, so I believe you can look them up and see what they look like and what they do. I think the gym has the Octane 5000 or something like that. I just remember it is a four digit number and has three zeros. Not much to report here... on reserve. B>O>R>I>N>G>.>.>.>.>. I want to fly, not sit and hang out waiting for the phone to ring. Some guys really like sitting around, but not me. At the moment, I am cleaning my office. It looks like ten F5 tornadoes just struck and hopefully I can get it all straightened out in the next two days of reserve. Memphis is getting cold. BRRRRR.
  17. OUTSTANDING!!!!!!!!!! Thank you for the update. Really terrific!!!
  18. Early classes are really tough. I had an 08H00 English class when I was in college and that was aaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwwfffffffffffuuuuuulllll! If you make it up, does it show twice on your transcript?
  19. You are smart in math, although this is not ideal, it should not hurt you too much. How are your grades in math?
  20. Better than Skype app... because it works all the time, is your phone text and not an app. and it is Apple.
  21. The iPhone is amazing!!!! Siri is so incredible!!! The camera takes such good pictures that I do not have to carry my Nikon Cool Pix with me. So... I get my two new iPhones and set them up with iTunes on my laptop. This took just about one minute or less on each phone. On the way back to the airport, I need to get gas, so I pull into the gas station and up to the pump. I search through my backpack, get my wallet and pull out a card to use at the pump. Fill up the car, which thankfully does not cost much as I have a little Toyota Echo, and run inside for a cup of coffee. Now I am only two minutes from the FedEx facility and my ride to Memphis. The flight is short and in no time at all I am back at the crash pad. When I get up the next morning, I am getting ready to head to the Apple store to get one of the iPhones transferred over to my friend's number. Well... I left the iPhone in the car in Florida. So, I figure that I will just buy another one at the Apple store and have that one transferred over. (Some things are better off left unsaid.) The Apple store line was short and I tell my friend to drop me off and I will call when I am finished and need to be picked up. Apple really had things organized as the line moved quickly and I was speaking with a representative in short order. I get another iPhone, 64GB Black with AT&T, and now it is time to pay. Searching through my backpack, I realize that I left my wallet in the car... in FLORIDA!!!!! o: But, I have my passport, a check and know my driver's license by heart. Luckily I get the new iPhone, get all the phone lines straightened out and try calling for a ride home. My friend is hanging out, outside the house, and as such, does not hear the inside land line. As it is only a mile, and a gorgeous day, I begin the walk home. When I reach the library, about half way, my friend shows up and gives me a ride for the last bit. Now, I have no license, no cards, no blah, blah, blah... and have to ride the airplane back down to Florida, get my wallet out of my car and ride back. If I had not been in such a hurry, I would not have to make a second trip. The good news about all this is the fact that beginning next month, Apple has created iMessage, so two iPhones can text FREE UNLIMITED... anywhere in the world!!!!!!!!!!!!! The only caveat is that you must use WiFi. Not a problem!!! I can do that. Genius, simply genius. Anyway, back to your question. The iPhone 4S is such am improvement. Siri can answer many, many questions and is pretty quick. If you allow the location services to operate, you just speak to Siri and say, for example, "Pizza" and she will reply something such as this, "There are fourteen pizza places near you." The list of fourteen pizza places appears with names, addresses and phone numbers. Very sweet!!! What I like even more is that fact that if a text message appears when you are not using your phone, you can just slide your finger across the text and it takes you there. If it is an incoming call, then you can slide your finger across the call an either listen to the message or call back. No need to enter the phone and then go to the department where the text or call is located. Siri will write text messages and send them, memos, dial calls... the list goes on and on. Plus it is fast. I love this new product! Time to play Pocket Frogs.
  22. YEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!! I am soooooooo excited! The iPhone has an 8 Megapixel camera which is amazing. Also, Apple has started iMessage where you can text unlimited to any other iPhone over WiFi for FREEEEEEEEEE! No phone company. Pictures to follow.
  23. Sure would. One of the perks of being employed by the company delivering the iPhones, means I can get inside the gate back where they are loading the trucks. *crosses paws*
  24. I have been tracking my iPhone and it is scheduled for delivery. If I go to the FedEx facility, I am wondering if I can pick it up before it gets on the truck? I would have mine before the store opened!!!
  25. Wonderful news!!! I am so happy to hear that the surgery went well and the recovery process is one step towards getting home. Good spelling is a great pet-peeve to have, also being polite. That was one of my mother's pet-peeves as well. Good manners and common courtesy will place you strides ahead of the competition. Learning to read with college textbooks, now I know why you are so tough on your little sister. You can thank your mother for helping develop your ability to write. If you have an Octane machine at your gym, try it out. It is a really terrific machine that is perfect for strengthening your knees. K is probably doing better and better. Time has a way of lessening the pain. How nice of you to say that you have not noticed any mistakes. From you, I am so happy to hear this. *panda in a restaurant images* conjures up images of *panda in the Wanchai Ferry advertisement*. Your colours have touched both FedEx Overnight and FedEx Ground. Nice!!!!! I like that.
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