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Everything posted by Horatio

  1. You're too critical of yourself. im aware of that. im working on it. im working on it all. its hard for me. That's great!!! Never expect to fix the big things overnight, just small things. All of a sudden it will all come together.
  2. Horatio

    Jesse's topic

    Yay! Yes, it has been waaaay too quiet around here. Which is bad because I'm bored out of y mind and in need of some form of entertainment/communication with people other than my family (whom I love dearly, but three people aren't enough to keep me from going insane). I've had that feeling too. *Tumbleweed rolls by* let's play tumbleweed soccer! Yay tumbleweed soccer! What's the teams? =D Just join in. Okay! *steals the tumbleweed and tries to pass to jesse, but the weed floats away* Aww... *being much faster than a wurm, catches the tumbleweed and covers it with dark chocolate* Hahaha I remember this... I don't! *eats the chocolate tumbleweed* Ack! Weedball! *starts making weird ack noises* *performs the Heimlich maneuver on Glowurm* *gets more tumbleweed and air drops it in the northeast* *adds dark chocolate, milk chocolate, white chocolate and fluff*
  3. I am happy to hear this. As soon as HampsterKing gets the board problems fixed, then he will be adding more avatars. *wonders when Cheesemaster will figure out I am using his avatar* ... I want to eat a cheese. D= A cheese coming right up. LOL
  4. *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* Horatio, could you send the ones in bold to Hamsterking? I'll search through the TAWPEEK for other pics I want as avatars. Thanks. *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~* I will do that. Not too many as he will probably try to get some from everyone.
  5. I am happy to hear this. As soon as HampsterKing gets the board problems fixed, then he will be adding more avatars. *wonders when Cheesemaster will figure out I am using his avatar*
  6. I saw the little sports mode, but did not think this would let in enough light for the sunrise.
  7. Im so confused. D= Am I stuck with just telling her this and completely breaking her heart? I dont really want to do that, but dont see any alternative. One question for you to ponder... are you interested in Brianrietta because she is elusive? If you had her would you still want her? Sometimes people want what they can't have.
  8. What camera do you use? A Nikon Coolpix 5900. 5.1 Megapixels, 3x Zoom (w/ED-glass), in camera red-eye fix and D-lighting.
  9. Congratulations!!! Glad to see you got a new computer! Did you see my two sunrise pictures? The first one is blurry, but the second one is a bit better. So if you have any advice on how to take better pictures please tell me. No I have not seen them. Where are they? HampsterDance Talk, The Best Friends of Horatio Club. Check the last couple of posts.
  10. Congratulations!!! Glad to see you got a new computer! Did you see my two sunrise pictures? The first one is blurry, but the second one is a bit better. So if you have any advice on how to take better pictures please tell me.
  11. Horatio

    My place. :)

    LOL... I would like only to watch the insanity, not participate. LOL
  12. Aw. Sounds like it's time to have a talk with your brother and your parents about privacy and respecting other people's belongings. I am very happy to hear you thought the same thing I did. You should have a policy that both siblings do not enter the other one's room without permission. He doesn't seem to have any respect for you or your things. One thought on the possibility of moving, if your mother decides to move, unfortunately you will have to go with her. I know this will be really hard, but you just might have to leave your friends. For you to try and live on your own would be much harder than you could ever imagine and I wouldn't suggest this. Life is hard enough without adding other problems such as trying to keep a roof over your head.
  13. The draft... and the reasons for your thinking? Saddam should not have been hung... why? Martyrdom? There is no point to it and it brings danger and risk to those who participate. Also, it breaches the Convention of Human Rights as you are forced to do it, it effectively strips you of your free will. What if you don't want to do it? In France and Germany, then you have to do the alternative of community service, but why should you do that? If you want to join the army, or that the US Army needs more troops then there are more effective ways of enticing them to join than forcing in excess of 2 million high school children to spend time in the army. Why don't they call it "Operation Vietnam?" It would be rather fitting. He was tried for crimes against humanity. Is it not a crime against human life to forcibly take it away? There are also better ways to punish someone. A life time in the same cell, with the same grey, concrete walls can be much worse than a short drop and a sudden stop. Also, as you mentioned, it has instigated a huge amount of protests from the Sunni majority who are doing precisely the opposite to what the Shia dominated government wanted them to do. Rather than uniting Sunni and Shia Muslims, it has only served to drive them further apart. PS The programme I talked about called Spooks, if you remember, is being shown in the USA under the name MI-5 on A&E... whatever that is. I highly recommend you watch it if you have opportunity. Do your feelings about the draft just apply to the USA or would you like to include countries such as Israel, as well. LOL Are you against the death penalty in all cases, or just this one? Personally, solitary confinement would be rather brutal punishment, but then again, they might be afraid that the wrong group in power might pardon Saddam and let him free. No chance of that now. The television stations cut the broadcast short just prior to the actual act of hanging, so I cannot imagine why anyone would want to get on the internet to watch the whole thing. I believe I saw an episode of MI-5. LOL I will have to look for it again. But now... it is time for a cup of coffee. All countries who force their citizens to spend 1 day or 1 year or however long in the army or doing community service against their will. I am against the death penalty in all circumstance, from Genocidal maniacs to a murderer. You may not know about her, by the woman we like to call Myra Hindley or the Moors murderess, went partially insane. She is dead now, serving over half her life in gaol. Surely that is a fate worse than death? A&E appear to have stopped showing it, according to my information, but you can still buy the DVDs from them. Series 5 is the one with the eco-terrorists and the Aftermath document, but that isn't out here yet, so I doubt it will be out over there. It seems that when your posts appear, it is always time for a cup of coffee. I must have known you were coming as I started brewing the coffee and came here. LOL *tapes mouth shut* Community service I do believe is a very good thing. What better way to learn about people less fortunate than yourself but to help them. This extends from being a hospital volunteer, special olympics, etc. to helping clean up wildlife refuges. Community service is a valuable tool to help someone grow hopefully with more compassion for other human beings.
  14. Here is what sunrise looked like from my cage this morning... The first one is a little blurry, but the second one is slightly better. If anyone has any techniques on using the digital cameras without a tripod, I would love to hear all the help you want to give.
  15. Horatio

    Jesse's topic

    Yay! Yes, it has been waaaay too quiet around here. Which is bad because I'm bored out of y mind and in need of some form of entertainment/communication with people other than my family (whom I love dearly, but three people aren't enough to keep me from going insane). I've had that feeling too. *Tumbleweed rolls by* let's play tumbleweed soccer! Yay tumbleweed soccer! What's the teams? =D Just join in. Okay! *steals the tumbleweed and tries to pass to jesse, but the weed floats away* Aww... *being much faster than a wurm, catches the tumbleweed and covers it with dark chocolate*
  16. Horatio

    Jesse's topic

    Yay! Yes, it has been waaaay too quiet around here. Which is bad because I'm bored out of y mind and in need of some form of entertainment/communication with people other than my family (whom I love dearly, but three people aren't enough to keep me from going insane). I've had that feeling too. *Tumbleweed rolls by* let's play tumbleweed soccer! Yay tumbleweed soccer! What's the teams? =D Just join in.
  17. If it's state then I live in South Australia. Vixen either lives in Victoria, Queensland, New South Wales, or Tasmania. I forget. Horatio-dood sould edit the first post so he has all the people and their states for people to look at right away. O.K. *runs off to edit the Vixen, Glowurm states* Thanks.
  18. LOL... *hands Cheesemaster a cookie, fresh from the oven*
  19. Today was such a slow day that HampsterKing made the "Today's Top Posters" List in the number 4 position! Yeah!!! Go HampsterKing!!! LOL
  20. It's the EASY button... go ahead, push it.
  21. This is a very accurate portrayal of the world today. Sad, oh so sad. When all the animals are gone, the humans will also be gone. And they will have brought it all about themselves.
  22. Horatio

    Jesse's topic

    Yay! Yes, it has been waaaay too quiet around here. Which is bad because I'm bored out of y mind and in need of some form of entertainment/communication with people other than my family (whom I love dearly, but three people aren't enough to keep me from going insane). LOL
  23. *hears the howls beginning to start up north*
  24. Horatio

    Jesse's topic

    Yeah!!!!! Jesse's back. It was getting very lonely here. LOL
  25. Your good news is great news. And this poem is one of the best ones you have ever written. It is lyrical with a great musical flow. *hands Topazia The Platinum Moon Award*
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