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Everything posted by Horatio

  1. I have Corel Paintshop, I bet this would work as well. Thanks.
  2. Hey... how did you circle it??? On a windows you can edit it in the program you put it in after taking it. For us with macs, if you want to edit it, ctrl-click on it and open with: {insert image editing program here} or if you have an image editing program in your dock , you can just drag it over it and it opens it in that. Image editing program such as... Apple Works? or please suggest another program. Macromedia Fireworks 8 is one of the default programs in the current version of mac (I think), which I know you have. Yes I do have that. Thanks.
  3. It has nothing to do with taking this seriously, it has everything to do with not having the same feelings for her that she has for you.
  4. *thinks, I am glad this is not me* Good Luck!!!
  5. *sees a pair of chattering teeth coming around the corner*
  6. Did you save me some cheese ice-cream? Or at least chocolate? xD NO, I ate it all myself. Aw. Here let me help. *performs Heimlich manoeuver on Cheesemaster* There you go... cheese ice cream.
  7. Sorry about all of your misfortunes. I'm glad school is going well for you though. ^.^ I'm also glad that you are back. You need to stop by more often. Exactly what I was thinking.
  8. Horatio

    My place. :)

    Alive? Did they thing you would party yourself into oblivion? LOL And I am sure they KNEW you would do even better than well. I am certain they knew you would excel!!! You're a poet, and you didn't even know it. Yeah, they were all like "Well of course you did well, we all knew you would." Although about mid-semester, I wasn't too sure about that. Yet somehow I managed to pull off a 3.6-something, so I was happy about that. You definitely get The Gold Star Award for that one!!! I hadn't realized it until you pointed it out. Not bad for a blonde hamster. LOL lol Hey, I'm a blonde human, so I think that puts us on roughly the same playing field. Good point. LOL... except somehow I think you are much, much smarter than I am. lol I think we're both smarter than each other in different ways. Today we weny out shopping, and I bought like 12 boxes of candy canes to put in my peppermint tea (they were only 22 cents a box ). It was really nice weather outside for shopping today. Tomorrow is church, and if it's this nice out tomorrow afternoon, I might go see if our wireless works outside. Now that's a cool idea!!! I thought so, but it's a bit too chilly today. I got to go to church today, which was nice. Getting up at 7am so we'd have time to pick up my sister's friends; not so much. But church was still fun. I went to Sunday school with the high school kids. The lesson was on being content with what God does and lets happen to us, because He has a plan and a rason for everything. I thought it was kinda funny, because the idea of God having a reason for everything and not worrying and obsessing over stuff has been a common theme in my life the past couple of months. Interesting. My sister's friends are still here. They're watching the third Lord of the Rings movie in the living room, and my dad is putting new wheels and brakes on the ultralight. And I'm here. Except for rising before the sun, your day sounds spectacular. Glad to hear your father has decided on new wheels and brakes. Those are always good options. LOL LOL Hahaha yup. The plane probably needs all sorts of work, but the wheels and brakes are apparently first on the list. I'm thinking it could use a paint job too. It's current color is along the lines of Home Depot orange... With that color... I think the paint would be the first thing I would change. LOL
  9. Horatio

    My place. :)

    Alive? Did they thing you would party yourself into oblivion? LOL And I am sure they KNEW you would do even better than well. I am certain they knew you would excel!!! You're a poet, and you didn't even know it. Yeah, they were all like "Well of course you did well, we all knew you would." Although about mid-semester, I wasn't too sure about that. Yet somehow I managed to pull off a 3.6-something, so I was happy about that. You definitely get The Gold Star Award for that one!!! I hadn't realized it until you pointed it out. Not bad for a blonde hamster. LOL lol Hey, I'm a blonde human, so I think that puts us on roughly the same playing field. Good point. LOL... except somehow I think you are much, much smarter than I am. lol I think we're both smarter than each other in different ways. Today we weny out shopping, and I bought like 12 boxes of candy canes to put in my peppermint tea (they were only 22 cents a box ). It was really nice weather outside for shopping today. Tomorrow is church, and if it's this nice out tomorrow afternoon, I might go see if our wireless works outside. Now that's a cool idea!!! I thought so, but it's a bit too chilly today. I got to go to church today, which was nice. Getting up at 7am so we'd have time to pick up my sister's friends; not so much. But church was still fun. I went to Sunday school with the high school kids. The lesson was on being content with what God does and lets happen to us, because He has a plan and a rason for everything. I thought it was kinda funny, because the idea of God having a reason for everything and not worrying and obsessing over stuff has been a common theme in my life the past couple of months. Interesting. My sister's friends are still here. They're watching the third Lord of the Rings movie in the living room, and my dad is putting new wheels and brakes on the ultralight. And I'm here. Except for rising before the sun, your day sounds spectacular. Glad to hear your father has decided on new wheels and brakes. Those are always good options. LOL LOL
  10. Horatio

    Jesse's topic

    And the ONLY chocolate is which chocolate??? Dark, milk or white??? All three. It's white on the head, milk in the abdomen, and dark on the hind legs + tail. I see you have covered all the bases in political correctness. Nah, if I was politically correct I would not have said the word "white" at all. I refer to how the word "black" was practically banned in England...for example "Bah bah black sheep" is now "bah bah green sheep". Scary stuff. So, you would have red chocolate on top, yellow chocolate in the middle and green chocolate on the bottom. LOL
  11. Horatio

    Jesse's topic

    And the ONLY chocolate is which chocolate??? Dark, milk or white??? All three. It's white on the head, milk in the abdomen, and dark on the hind legs + tail. I see you have covered all the bases in political correctness.
  12. Sure you can have two. But I wouldn't want to be in your shoes when you try and juggle them. Perhaps if they were in different towns. LOL truu. but there not. i just spent 2 hours on the phone with justin, even though he has to wake up at like 6 tomorrow. he was drunk and just wanted to talk to me it was cute i know he likes me alot.. idk if i wanna like him back i dont want my heart broken(or scarred) again its not fun at all and idk wut to do about matt. i feel like if i date justin.. ill never have a chance with matt.. ugh.idk. I can only believe that if you go back with Justin, your heart will be broken and scarred again, but this time much worse. Why would you want to risk the hurt, pain and sadness again. Matt seems like a guy you might consider more seriously. As you say, if you date Justin, then there is no chance with Matt, so I would write off Justin and just stick with dating Matt.
  13. I thought about seeing that movie, so glad to hear it was great. *puts it in line behind Happy Feet*
  14. Yeah Honey!!! Happy New Year!!! Glad school is going well and your are happy. So sorry to hear about the deaths of your schoolmates. That must be so hard for their friends and their parents. Hopefully Harley will be going to a place where she is happy. I know it must have been hard for you, as she was a great friend, but perhaps you can think of her in a green pasture soaking up the sun. I think I would have cried when she neighed. That would have torn my heart out. You definitely are not boring us. I just wish you could find ten minutes a week to stop in and visit and let us know life is treating you great. Say hello to Spot if you are in touch with her.
  15. Hey... how did you circle it??? On a windows you can edit it in the program you put it in after taking it. For us with macs, if you want to edit it, ctrl-click on it and open with: {insert image editing program here} or if you have an image editing program in your dock , you can just drag it over it and it opens it in that. Image editing program such as... Apple Works? or please suggest another program.
  16. You're too critical of yourself. im aware of that. im working on it. im working on it all. its hard for me. That's great!!! Never expect to fix the big things overnight, just small things. All of a sudden it will all come together. its hard. i dont know how to fix myself. expect SEE what i do wrong(but i never will stop forever, just for the second and thats wrong too..) at least im starting to see for the firends ive lost im making new ones. thats helping me out. plus its such a confidence boost to know someone likes you. :]] You are not supposed to know how to fix yourself. When you can see what you are doing wrong and try to stop for a second that is a beginning. You do not set out to stop forever, because somehow that doesn't work. Initially, just stop for a second, then a minute, pretty soon it is an hour, day, week, month, etc.. Having someone who likes you, cares about you is a great boost, but most of all, you need to start liking yourself. You don't have to like everything, but hopefully you will start liking something. i like alot of things. some seen as wrong. some ARE wrong. but some are most certainly NOT WRONG and were made illegal by racism, which is most certainly wrong. but idk.. i like stuff. like colleging and books and candles and music and doodling and deep conversations with jon or brian. i know matt is deep but he doesnt show it enough. hmm.. idk. how do i like MYSELF? i feel like my whole life ive been cut down and told i was wrong and that affected me to grow up and not like myself. In this case, I hope if there is one thing I can help you with is to like yourself and love yourself. Too many times adults can make young people feel bad about themselves when there is absolutely no reason for it. For example, Little League games should ban parents. There are far too many times when a parent belittles their child because he or she struck out. SO WHAT?!?!?!?!? It is only a game. Now the young person has a negative feeling amplified because of a parent. I find the behavior of the parent in that case unacceptable. My outlook is... who cares if you win or lose. Of course winning is good, but if you went out and had a great time, who is going to remember what happened in a game when you were some young age. Of course if a parent belittles the young person, this will be imprinted on them forever. But if the reinforcement was positive, saying 'don't feel bad that you didn't make a home run, the pitcher on the other team was really good' or 'it's okay that the team lost, I think we should all go to Friendly's to celebrate a fun game', then the loss turns into a great outing. Okay... I am blathering, but my hammie parents were so positive that sometimes I think it is not a good thing. It was always, you can do whatever it is you want to do. Just give it a try. They would say things like, there will always be someone richer, thinner, smarter, etc., so be happy with what you have because you look great or are great or something along those lines. Lauren, you are smart, pretty, have talent, a great sense of humor and are very insightful. I think you can accomplish great things in the world to the extent you wish to. Just believe in yourself and you can conquer the universe. its not even my parents (who throughout the years have made me want to kill myself countless numbers of times) but my brother who's made me feel like a failure since i have memories i never had any friends really and only had lindsey.. thats probably where i devoloped my co-dependency stuff idk and im shy and im generally awkard.. like in body language and speech and everything. i cant walk straight, never did.. idk i know im too hard on myself but i feel like if im not, then ill let myself go. for example.. i was like "i shouldnt try so hard to be skinny" and i gained over 15 pounds!! now im even madder at myself. idk. i need to be uptight and stuff about that. like i cant just be like.. my hair looks okay unstraightened.. cuz then i go like a week and my hair looks bad idk. but im curently living off of happiness of boys and friends. and tryinnnng to loose that weight + more. my friend lucy gained more then me. now were the same(but im shorter). i was never as much as her.. but she was less weight(then now and the begining of her anorexia) for longer. idk. i wanna loose 35 pounds by summer. and STAY that weight. i can do it. i need help but i can do it. then i wont be so ashamed of myself and i can walk and talk and dress and talk to guys with digity. it all comes down to if i were thinner, id have more confidence and if i had more confidence id be happier. *needs time to think*
  17. Sure you can have two. But I wouldn't want to be in your shoes when you try and juggle them. Perhaps if they were in different towns. LOL
  18. Horatio

    Jesse's topic

    Yay! Yes, it has been waaaay too quiet around here. Which is bad because I'm bored out of y mind and in need of some form of entertainment/communication with people other than my family (whom I love dearly, but three people aren't enough to keep me from going insane). I've had that feeling too. *Tumbleweed rolls by* let's play tumbleweed soccer! Yay tumbleweed soccer! What's the teams? =D Just join in. Okay! *steals the tumbleweed and tries to pass to jesse, but the weed floats away* Aww... *being much faster than a wurm, catches the tumbleweed and covers it with dark chocolate* Hahaha I remember this... I don't! *eats the chocolate tumbleweed* Ack! Weedball! *starts making weird ack noises* *performs the Heimlich maneuver on Glowurm* *gets more tumbleweed and air drops it in the northeast* *adds dark chocolate, milk chocolate, white chocolate and fluff* Fluff! *adds strawberries and sprinkles* *puts in chocolate hazelnut spread* Yum!!! Nutella, my favorite. Nutella and marshmellow fluff sandwhiches are really tasty, with some banana slices... And what would those sandwiches be on... graham crackers? No, good old white bread. Whole grain bread is better! And to Horatio's question, dark, for sure. LOL... great minds think alike!!!
  19. I thought you didn't use woodchips. But other than that, very cute. I don't. These were my neighbors that were here from the pet store. I was babysitting until today when they went back. Aspen is what the pet store uses because Aspen does not have any added oils or scents. I use shredded newspaper.
  20. I thought you might like to meet a couple of my friends...
  21. Horatio

    My place. :)

    Alive? Did they thing you would party yourself into oblivion? LOL And I am sure they KNEW you would do even better than well. I am certain they knew you would excel!!! You're a poet, and you didn't even know it. Yeah, they were all like "Well of course you did well, we all knew you would." Although about mid-semester, I wasn't too sure about that. Yet somehow I managed to pull off a 3.6-something, so I was happy about that. You definitely get The Gold Star Award for that one!!! I hadn't realized it until you pointed it out. Not bad for a blonde hamster. LOL lol Hey, I'm a blonde human, so I think that puts us on roughly the same playing field. Good point. LOL... except somehow I think you are much, much smarter than I am. lol I think we're both smarter than each other in different ways. Today we weny out shopping, and I bought like 12 boxes of candy canes to put in my peppermint tea (they were only 22 cents a box ). It was really nice weather outside for shopping today. Tomorrow is church, and if it's this nice out tomorrow afternoon, I might go see if our wireless works outside. Now that's a cool idea!!!
  22. Horatio

    Jesse's topic

    And the ONLY chocolate is which chocolate??? Dark, milk or white???
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