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Everything posted by Horatio

  1. First... skip the veggie and go for the ice cream!!!!! Second, I like the last pic because you have part of your face in the mirror. That's cool.
  2. I think you are having too much fun with that camera. LOL
  3. In the USA a budget surplus does not happen onernight. So you have to look back in years. There were lots of Presidents who did more with foreign policy. As for coming to my conclusion that he was a useless President, sexual exploits never entered into my thinking.
  4. I've always wondered that, but I guess it's because for some people, those are the only homes they can afford. Actually mobile homes are very expensive.
  5. *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* If I was Chuck Norris I would do something about it *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~* And if you were Chuck Norris, what exactly would you do about it???????
  6. - Because I edit out an reference to the f word. I accept NO imitations. That is enough to start. I see no problem with your moderation. Glad to hear that. Any other issues that you have with yourself? Issues or problems? Problems... yes. Isues... no. LOL Whatever. >.> Well, any problems you want to talk about? Whatever???????????? *sends Cheesemaster a dictionary* Are you wishing to speak in ebonics sir? LOL As for other problems: - I am a chubbie hammie. I need to diet, but love to eat all those things that are not good for me. - I need to start running again. I was using my chain saw and cut up some really huge logs. I dropped on of the log pieces on my paw and couldn't walk for about a month. Of course, this interferred with my running. - I am supposed to be studying and cannot concentrate. Looking outside the window seeing the people riding on their bicycles looks enticing and I want to go out and play. That's enough for now.
  7. I am not sure if everyone heard the news from Florida. We had lots of storms and of course, there was a lot of destruction. It focused mainly on the mobile homes that were totally destroyed, right down to the ground. Nothing remaining. My question is: why aren't mobile homes outlawed? If everytime there is a severe storm, the mobile homes are totally destroyed and people are hurt and killed, why do we still allow them? Any thoughts from anyone?
  8. - Because I edit out an reference to the f word. I accept NO imitations. That is enough to start. I see no problem with your moderation. Glad to hear that. Any other issues that you have with yourself? Issues or problems? Problems... yes. Isues... no. LOL
  9. Dude, Taynio, Awsome hair. xD I love it. Although, I wish I could get my hair to be straight so that I may do some sorta awsome ponytail type thing. *wonders why you cannot make a pony tail with curly hair* :blink: :blink: well, instead of going out straight and down, it just makes a big poof on the back of my head, really. straight hair ponytail (facing right)- _ / mine- &- hard to do with characters. xD But it isn't a good thing. I love your curly hair!!!!!!!!! So what if is goes completely wild when it is behind your head!!!!! Have you even seen a curly haired hammie? NO! How cool would that be if I was the first curly haired hammie.
  10. - Because I edit out an reference to the f word. I accept NO imitations. That is enough to start. I see no problem with your moderation. Glad to hear that.
  11. Dude, Taynio, Awsome hair. xD I love it. Although, I wish I could get my hair to be straight so that I may do some sorta awsome ponytail type thing. *wonders why you cannot make a pony tail with curly hair* :blink: :blink:
  12. - Because I edit out an reference to the f word. I accept NO imitations. That is enough to start.
  13. I, Horatio, would like to submit an entry please. Remind you, I do not like these spiders and this is why I could not get into the swimming pool. And, if anyone tells you spiders cannot hang out underwater... they are totally mistaken. This guy surrounded his entire body in an air bubble and stayed underwater for a really, really long time! I tried to get a picture of the spider in his underwater bubble, but I am not good enough for that level of picture taking.
  14. "He's Coming Tomorrow" by A.S. Tomorrow he's coming. His car will be running. His mind will be racing. But his heart will be jumping. Tomorrow he's coming. From class he'll be ejecting. His feet will be pacing. For she, he will be embracing. (L) lol looks like Ich knows the song too Two hearts beating together.
  15. Sounds like you are in a great place. Please tell us the name of the CD, it sounds like one I would like to hear.
  16. Horatio

    Jesse's topic

    Please end up doing what works best for you. Remember, if you audition and receive a scholarship, then somewhere into the season, quit, you need to know how much of the money you are responsible to return and repay. This is a good question to know up front. Glad you talked with your parents. Hopefully your father did not get too upset.
  17. How about the violin????? Trying. :] But I've been so busy recently, I have play practice everyday after school until eight. And by then I'm so pooped, I just go to bed. Showtime is only in about three weeks, and after that my wisdom teeth are being removed, so I'll have plently of time to practice. *screamsssssssssssssssssssssss* ALL your wisdom teeth have to come out? *runs in wheel in a panic mode* How horrible!!!!!!!!!!!!! Why????? I hope you are taking them all out at once. LOL If it was me, the dentist would only get one chance. LOL As for play practice, remind me, what is the name of the play? You are doing what with the school play?
  18. The board isn't active anymore because you are all going somewhere else to play. True, but I dont want that to get the board out of activity. so all the Interesting things I have to say go on here. XD which is sad 'cause im not posting very much 'cause nothing interesting is happening. I would like to better understand why everyone is leaving. Well, I'd like to call it a vicious cycle of HD. :closedeyes: Or, what I suspect to be a cycle to be. See, you know how there seems to be different "sets" of people here? The more senior ones, Jesse, JF, and a few rare appearances from others, come less often because they are busy with things like school, real-life settings to adjust to, etc. And then there's the "next generation", me, TBFOF, Arkcher, Kat, Cheesey, etc., who are just in the lower ends of high school time and getting into that, and so we come more than the "1st generation". Now, the newer ones, I'm thinking this is just their time to get into it. It's a slowing time, but I think it'll pick back up, with more friends. ^.^ Now, my guess is that people won't see "the originals" as often, but eventually there will be people here for incoming years. ^.^ I appreciate your thoughts. Sometimes I think it is me. Nooooo. No. No no. Horatio is too awesome for us to just abandon the boards. You've done nothing wrong, I assure you. its just everyone else dealing with growing up. Thank you for saying so. I do appreciate you letting me know. You are quite awesome yourself.
  19. Creepyman has pretty much left me alone. Yay. ^-^ Gee, that's too bad. Now what will you have to talk about.
  20. A little too much. Me mum has seen some and asked me to take some down on my very own space *cough* !my! space lol. But seriously we are not do advertise websites but that site is hard when refering to it...because it is myspace/yourspace...you now...I mean..its an hard wording thing.... If you have to take some down, please leave my favorite... the one where it looks like you have a water spout coming out of the top of your head. I love this pic!!! LOL
  21. you are missing out on a significant contribution to music history. Haha. MK, at least it's not at bad when girls/guys were t-shirts that they buy from Wal-Mart, with bands on them they have never heard of. I always make sure that I inform them who the lead guitarist or singer is. Like, Mick Jagger, or Angus Young. The shirts I hate are the american eagle ones where it is like "Spring break '85." These people weren't even ALIVE then. >.> :wacko: So why do they buy them????? :wacko:
  22. LOL!!! It looks like you were having a great time!!!
  23. The board isn't active anymore because you are all going somewhere else to play. True, but I dont want that to get the board out of activity. so all the Interesting things I have to say go on here. XD which is sad 'cause im not posting very much 'cause nothing interesting is happening. I would like to better understand why everyone is leaving. Well, I'd like to call it a vicious cycle of HD. :closedeyes: Or, what I suspect to be a cycle to be. See, you know how there seems to be different "sets" of people here? The more senior ones, Jesse, JF, and a few rare appearances from others, come less often because they are busy with things like school, real-life settings to adjust to, etc. And then there's the "next generation", me, TBFOF, Arkcher, Kat, Cheesey, etc., who are just in the lower ends of high school time and getting into that, and so we come more than the "1st generation". Now, the newer ones, I'm thinking this is just their time to get into it. It's a slowing time, but I think it'll pick back up, with more friends. ^.^ Now, my guess is that people won't see "the originals" as often, but eventually there will be people here for incoming years. ^.^ I appreciate your thoughts. Sometimes I think it is me.
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