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Everything posted by Horatio

  1. 19 was in there, but unimportant. so I really dont know what to do, I dont want to leave RPVF 'cause I know it'll hurt her, and moreover I wouldnt want to hurt the friend of someone I do like. I fear this post has gone unseen by those who are not Horatio. o: People please read above post.
  2. Are you going to get after me to exercise?
  3. wait, Which game? o: The Superbowl, I believe. HampsterKing posted a topic, so I figured it was this evening.
  4. :o :o :o Have you been talking to Cheesemaster???????????????????? *wonders if there is a conspiracy to make me a slim hammie*
  5. Gee that's too bad you are without contact. That kind of thing will make you crazy. LOL Yes, yes it will. XD Oh, on another note. I have now been told that I'm a flirt more than once by more than one person. And both times I'm like, "I am? o_o". XD Isn't it one of those things where I'd be able to tell, or is it one of those things that I wouldn't be able to tell with? Unless they've observed me flirting with the guy I actually like, I guess that's not THAT bad. XD Never did think people would actually tell me directly that I flirt a lot. ._. Which sex told you that you were a flirt? A guy did and a girl did. XD Here is my version of flirting. There are some people, let's say girls, who have good self esteem, great confidence in who they are and when their personality shines, people react in different ways. Those reacting people who have insecurites are threatened by the confident girl. So they say, 'look at her... flirting', when in reality, they are somewhat envious, jealous that they do not have the ability to radiate in the same manner. As I see it, you have a great personality, are really great looking and believe in who you are. So when you put on a smile and radiate your personality, I see a confident person who is just having a great time relating to other people. Yeah, I suppose flirting can be just personality. I guess that would be my case. Of course, there's always the people like Max who flirt with every person of the opposite gender they see, and they're using pick-up lines all over the place. XD True for Max, but I see you as someone who has a great personality and wonderful self esteem. Thank you very much. You are definitely welcome. I will warn you, that when you have great confidence, you will hear people say all sorts of things because they are envious of your ability to accomplish what you want, feel good about yourself and just have fun. So, ignore any and all comments that are not positive. They are only said to bring you down to the level of the comment giver and you are too good for that.
  6. Gee that's too bad you are without contact. That kind of thing will make you crazy. LOL Yes, yes it will. XD Oh, on another note. I have now been told that I'm a flirt more than once by more than one person. And both times I'm like, "I am? o_o". XD Isn't it one of those things where I'd be able to tell, or is it one of those things that I wouldn't be able to tell with? Unless they've observed me flirting with the guy I actually like, I guess that's not THAT bad. XD Never did think people would actually tell me directly that I flirt a lot. ._. Which sex told you that you were a flirt? A guy did and a girl did. XD Here is my version of flirting. There are some people, let's say girls, who have good self esteem, great confidence in who they are and when their personality shines, people react in different ways. Those reacting people who have insecurites are threatened by the confident girl. So they say, 'look at her... flirting', when in reality, they are somewhat envious, jealous that they do not have the ability to radiate in the same manner. As I see it, you have a great personality, are really great looking and believe in who you are. So when you put on a smile and radiate your personality, I see a confident person who is just having a great time relating to other people. Yeah, I suppose flirting can be just personality. I guess that would be my case. Of course, there's always the people like Max who flirt with every person of the opposite gender they see, and they're using pick-up lines all over the place. XD True for Max, but I see you as someone who has a great personality and wonderful self esteem.
  7. Your left hand is holding coffee and your right hand a ice-cold Sprite?
  8. And how to you expect me to run and carry it? I need the coal miner helmet version.
  9. Gee that's too bad you are without contact. That kind of thing will make you crazy. LOL Yes, yes it will. XD Oh, on another note. I have now been told that I'm a flirt more than once by more than one person. And both times I'm like, "I am? o_o". XD Isn't it one of those things where I'd be able to tell, or is it one of those things that I wouldn't be able to tell with? Unless they've observed me flirting with the guy I actually like, I guess that's not THAT bad. XD Never did think people would actually tell me directly that I flirt a lot. ._. Which sex told you that you were a flirt? A guy did and a girl did. XD Here is my version of flirting. There are some people, let's say girls, who have good self esteem, great confidence in who they are and when their personality shines, people react in different ways. Those reacting people who have insecurites are threatened by the confident girl. So they say, 'look at her... flirting', when in reality, they are somewhat envious, jealous that they do not have the ability to radiate in the same manner. As I see it, you have a great personality, are really great looking and believe in who you are. So when you put on a smile and radiate your personality, I see a confident person who is just having a great time relating to other people.
  10. I would go jogging in the morning- exercise at night can lead to bad sleep. Exactly what I was thinking. LOL Great idea. I won't be so forgiving, tommorow, mind. >O :unsure: Ohhhhh? :unsure: Should I eat my last fattening meal tonight? LOL Not your last, per se... It is okay to indulge yourself every once in a while. So maybe I should head for the grocery store, before it closes and get a pint of vanilla bean ice cream??? Nah, cause there are about a million calories in a pint. xD *screammmmmmmmmssssssssssssssssss* I am going through sugar withdrawal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well, eat fruit. That is sugary. Some nice plums or tangerines make a wonderful snack. Then I need to go outside and pick some citrus from the tree. Be back in a few minutes. I want a citrus tree in my backyard. >. *sends a tree up to Maryland* At the moment, we have about six or seven bunches of bananas growing. I am really happy as these are the world's best bananas. As for the citrus. I picked the wrong fruit. I picked the orangeade fruit. I have to go back out. Be back in ten minutes. I have to go to the orange tree. How big is your backyard? o.0 And what exactly is an orangeade fruit? Orangeade fruit is an small orange type fruit that is really sour and makes an orange drink like lemonade. My backyard is small. The banana trees do not take up too much room, they pack together. The orange trees are only a couple and they do not take up any room as they are not really large. I need to have a grapefruit tree, lemon tree and lime tree and then I will be very happy. I also have a papaya and kiwi tree. I LOVE KIWIS! xD If your back yard is small, why does it take 10 minutes to get some oranges? Because I am a hamster. I have to get out of my cage, run outside, run up the tree and all the branches looking for fruit, put it into my pouches and then reverse the procedure. Oh. That could take a while. xD Especially in the dark. They still have not perfected the hamster lighted helmets and it is really difficult to see the ripe fruit.
  11. Gee that's too bad you are without contact. That kind of thing will make you crazy. LOL Yes, yes it will. XD Oh, on another note. I have now been told that I'm a flirt more than once by more than one person. And both times I'm like, "I am? o_o". XD Isn't it one of those things where I'd be able to tell, or is it one of those things that I wouldn't be able to tell with? Unless they've observed me flirting with the guy I actually like, I guess that's not THAT bad. XD Never did think people would actually tell me directly that I flirt a lot. ._. Which sex told you that you were a flirt?
  12. So it changed from visible to invisible. LOL Now it is even more of a ninja-program! =O Just wait until it multiplies into a million little ninjas.
  13. xD thanks. I wouldn't wanna get you in trouble, after all. But I do wish we could share IM SNs. But then, we might as well allow everything else that is banned if we do that. xD Thanks! I wouldn't want to get into trouble either! LOL But if we shared SNs, then we might as well shut down the boards. There would be no reason to stop in. LOL LOL I disagree... we could talk to each other outside the board but nowhere else would an environment like this exist. Or would everyone meet as a community/group, I guess. I dunno about everyone else, but I plan to stay here. I am really pleased to hear that. I think everyone here is special and people I would always like to know. When people disappear, I am sad.
  14. So it changed from visible to invisible. LOL
  15. Gee that's too bad you are without contact. That kind of thing will make you crazy. LOL
  16. The tofu part. Eating tofu for me is like eating plasticized cardboard. Yuk!!!!!
  17. I would go jogging in the morning- exercise at night can lead to bad sleep. Exactly what I was thinking. LOL Great idea. I won't be so forgiving, tommorow, mind. >O :unsure: Ohhhhh? :unsure: Should I eat my last fattening meal tonight? LOL Not your last, per se... It is okay to indulge yourself every once in a while. So maybe I should head for the grocery store, before it closes and get a pint of vanilla bean ice cream??? Nah, cause there are about a million calories in a pint. xD *screammmmmmmmmssssssssssssssssss* I am going through sugar withdrawal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well, eat fruit. That is sugary. Some nice plums or tangerines make a wonderful snack. Then I need to go outside and pick some citrus from the tree. Be back in a few minutes. I want a citrus tree in my backyard. >. *sends a tree up to Maryland* At the moment, we have about six or seven bunches of bananas growing. I am really happy as these are the world's best bananas. As for the citrus. I picked the wrong fruit. I picked the orangeade fruit. I have to go back out. Be back in ten minutes. I have to go to the orange tree. How big is your backyard? o.0 And what exactly is an orangeade fruit? Orangeade fruit is an small orange type fruit that is really sour and makes an orange drink like lemonade. My backyard is small. The banana trees do not take up too much room, they pack together. The orange trees are only a couple and they do not take up any room as they are not really large. I need to have a grapefruit tree, lemon tree and lime tree and then I will be very happy. I also have a papaya and kiwi tree. I LOVE KIWIS! xD If your back yard is small, why does it take 10 minutes to get some oranges? Because I am a hamster. I have to get out of my cage, run outside, run up the tree and all the branches looking for fruit, put it into my pouches and then reverse the procedure.
  18. - Because I edit out an reference to the f word. I accept NO imitations. That is enough to start. I see no problem with your moderation. Glad to hear that. Any other issues that you have with yourself? Issues or problems? Problems... yes. Isues... no. LOL Whatever. >.> Well, any problems you want to talk about? Whatever???????????? *sends Cheesemaster a dictionary* Are you wishing to speak in ebonics sir? LOL As for other problems: - I am a chubbie hammie. I need to diet, but love to eat all those things that are not good for me. - I can relate. I have stopped eating lunch, and that helps. - I need to start running again. I was using my chain saw and cut up some really huge logs. I dropped on of the log pieces on my paw and couldn't walk for about a month. Of course, this interferred with my running. -Well, you need to get back to your running. If you can't run, then just walk, and build up from there. - I am supposed to be studying and cannot concentrate. Looking outside the window seeing the people riding on their bicycles looks enticing and I want to go out and play. -You could eliminate all of these problems at once, actually. If you go out and exercise, that would work on all three problems. That's enough for now. ^see above True, true and true again. LOL The problem is that it is really, really cold out. Solution for bad-weather exercise: Git a treadmill. *sends treadmill* Thank you Dr. Wolf. *places treadmill in the corner of my cage across from my wheel* No problem. XD *gives Dr. Wolf a big basket of micicles for her kindness* Yay micicles! *eats in corner* Glad you like them. They had a tofu version in the country market, but I didn't think you would care for those. LOL No, I wouldn't. Especially since I'm allergic to soy. XD Lucky you!!!
  19. *sprays a mouth full of plain yogurt all over Adam Zapple!!!* ROFOCLH!!!!!!!!!! Plain yogurt? Bluh. Sorry about A.Z, there. xD Right! I think you enjoy catching me off guard! Of course I do. xD :ninja: :ninja: :ninja: *calls in reinforcements* *poses as a reinforcement* *immediately smells the cheese and calls in my hammie buddies for dinner, sniffing out the stinky cheese* Nah, I am currently in a non-smelly cheese form. Good luck with this one! You think zamorano is not stinky??????? *rolls over with all my paws in the air laughing* whoops, need to change that. xD *watches* *changed* OH MY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My absolute favorite of all times cheese!!! Are you the Mimolette, baby or aged? *falls over in shock at the sight of the most wonderful cheese every* aged. With a nice tangerine colored inside. *wants some* *grabs all the mimolette and runs*
  20. I would go jogging in the morning- exercise at night can lead to bad sleep. Exactly what I was thinking. LOL Great idea. I won't be so forgiving, tommorow, mind. >O :unsure: Ohhhhh? :unsure: Should I eat my last fattening meal tonight? LOL Not your last, per se... It is okay to indulge yourself every once in a while. So maybe I should head for the grocery store, before it closes and get a pint of vanilla bean ice cream??? Nah, cause there are about a million calories in a pint. xD *screammmmmmmmmssssssssssssssssss* I am going through sugar withdrawal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well, eat fruit. That is sugary. Some nice plums or tangerines make a wonderful snack. Then I need to go outside and pick some citrus from the tree. Be back in a few minutes. I want a citrus tree in my backyard. >. *sends a tree up to Maryland* At the moment, we have about six or seven bunches of bananas growing. I am really happy as these are the world's best bananas. As for the citrus. I picked the wrong fruit. I picked the orangeade fruit. I have to go back out. Be back in ten minutes. I have to go to the orange tree. How big is your backyard? o.0 And what exactly is an orangeade fruit? Orangeade fruit is an small orange type fruit that is really sour and makes an orange drink like lemonade. My backyard is small. The banana trees do not take up too much room, they pack together. The orange trees are only a couple and they do not take up any room as they are not really large. I need to have a grapefruit tree, lemon tree and lime tree and then I will be very happy. I also have a papaya and kiwi tree.
  21. *sprays a mouth full of plain yogurt all over Adam Zapple!!!* ROFOCLH!!!!!!!!!! Plain yogurt? Bluh. Sorry about A.Z, there. xD Right! I think you enjoy catching me off guard! Of course I do. xD :ninja: :ninja: :ninja: *calls in reinforcements* *poses as a reinforcement* *immediately smells the cheese and calls in my hammie buddies for dinner, sniffing out the stinky cheese* Nah, I am currently in a non-smelly cheese form. Good luck with this one! You think zamorano is not stinky??????? *rolls over with all my paws in the air laughing* whoops, need to change that. xD *watches* *changed* OH MY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My absolute favorite of all times cheese!!! Are you the Mimolette, baby or aged? *falls over in shock at the sight of the most wonderful cheese every*
  22. I would go jogging in the morning- exercise at night can lead to bad sleep. Exactly what I was thinking. LOL Great idea. I won't be so forgiving, tommorow, mind. >O :unsure: Ohhhhh? :unsure: Should I eat my last fattening meal tonight? LOL Not your last, per se... It is okay to indulge yourself every once in a while. So maybe I should head for the grocery store, before it closes and get a pint of vanilla bean ice cream??? Nah, cause there are about a million calories in a pint. xD *screammmmmmmmmssssssssssssssssss* I am going through sugar withdrawal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well, eat fruit. That is sugary. Some nice plums or tangerines make a wonderful snack. Then I need to go outside and pick some citrus from the tree. Be back in a few minutes. I want a citrus tree in my backyard. >. *sends a tree up to Maryland* At the moment, we have about six or seven bunches of bananas growing. I am really happy as these are the world's best bananas. As for the citrus. I picked the wrong fruit. I picked the orangeade fruit. I have to go back out. Be back in ten minutes. I have to go to the orange tree.
  23. I would go jogging in the morning- exercise at night can lead to bad sleep. Exactly what I was thinking. LOL Great idea. I won't be so forgiving, tommorow, mind. >O :unsure: Ohhhhh? :unsure: Should I eat my last fattening meal tonight? LOL Not your last, per se... It is okay to indulge yourself every once in a while. So maybe I should head for the grocery store, before it closes and get a pint of vanilla bean ice cream??? Nah, cause there are about a million calories in a pint. xD *screammmmmmmmmssssssssssssssssss* I am going through sugar withdrawal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well, eat fruit. That is sugary. Some nice plums or tangerines make a wonderful snack. Then I need to go outside and pick some citrus from the tree. Be back in a few minutes.
  24. I would go jogging in the morning- exercise at night can lead to bad sleep. Exactly what I was thinking. LOL Great idea. I won't be so forgiving, tommorow, mind. >O :unsure: Ohhhhh? :unsure: Should I eat my last fattening meal tonight? LOL Not your last, per se... It is okay to indulge yourself every once in a while. So maybe I should head for the grocery store, before it closes and get a pint of vanilla bean ice cream??? Nah, cause there are about a million calories in a pint. xD *screammmmmmmmmssssssssssssssssss* I am going through sugar withdrawal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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