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Everything posted by Horatio

  1. Ah, okay. Thanks. 3 and 4 are a bit difficult for me. I constantly use the California ditz, "Oh my gawd!" and sadly it's by accident. I haven't been to church in 3 years. So basically those are things I must work on. o_o Are you familiar with The Golden Rule? I think religion is more than going to a building. It is how you live your live and how you treat others that is also very, very important. There are people who go to the building every week, and are the farthest thing from a religious person.
  2. Monday... now this is when things get interesting! Cars = Freedom A web of tangled wire could prove quite hilarious for bystanders. I say go for it... entertain the masses.
  3. There are two areas fo the bible that have the ten commandments. These two places are: Exodus 20:2-17 and Deuteronomy 5:6-21. There are slight wording differences between the two. I will just list a condensed version. 1. I am your Lord and God. 2. You shall have no other gods before me and you shall not make for yourself an idol. 3. You shall not make wrongful use of the name of your God. 4. Remember the Sabbath and keep it holy. 5. Honor your parents. 6. You shall not murder 7. You shall not commit adultery. 8. You shall not steal. 9. You shall not bear false witness. 10. You shall not covet your neighbor's wife. ( and for some religions, you shall not covet your neighbor's house...). Please correct me, if I have made an error. That is the best I can remember.
  4. Horatio

    My place. :)

    Skimming??? Lucky you. I would have to read and then re-read it about three times. LOL Oh gosh. If only I had time to do that...Instead I went out shopping with a group of my friends. I got a laptop backpack, and a new nerf gun (because the one I got before doesn't work that well). Aaaand now I'm being summoned to socialize. I'll have to bring my book with me... And of course I only got halfway through the reading. And another 30 pages are due for tomorrow. So that's 45 pages of reading. Teacher's crazy. I'll finish it over the weekend. I already have a huge list of things to do this weekend, mostly housekeeping stuff. My room is a disaster area... Skip the room, who cares how it looks. Unless of course you are going for a Better Homes and Gardens photo-shoot. LOL Somehow the week is never long enough to get all your homework done and then the weekend comes and it flies by. My studying technique is the "crammie-hammie" technique. I am putting 40 hours of studying into the last 8 hours of Sunday night. Hahaha I do that all the time. But this is reading, not studying. Reading actually takes time. o.O And my room is in really bad shape... :wacko: Okay, help me out here. Reading takes time and ??? studying??? does not????????????? LOL Depending on the subject and the amount of reading, studying can take as little as 15 minutes, whereas reading usually takes at least an hour. 15 Minutes ????????????? You must be a genius !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Studying takes me hours and hours. *wonders if blonde hamsters are lacking some brain cells*
  5. Horatio

    My place. :)

    Skimming??? Lucky you. I would have to read and then re-read it about three times. LOL Oh gosh. If only I had time to do that...Instead I went out shopping with a group of my friends. I got a laptop backpack, and a new nerf gun (because the one I got before doesn't work that well). Aaaand now I'm being summoned to socialize. I'll have to bring my book with me... And of course I only got halfway through the reading. And another 30 pages are due for tomorrow. So that's 45 pages of reading. Teacher's crazy. I'll finish it over the weekend. I already have a huge list of things to do this weekend, mostly housekeeping stuff. My room is a disaster area... Skip the room, who cares how it looks. Unless of course you are going for a Better Homes and Gardens photo-shoot. LOL Somehow the week is never long enough to get all your homework done and then the weekend comes and it flies by. My studying technique is the "crammie-hammie" technique. I am putting 40 hours of studying into the last 8 hours of Sunday night. Hahaha I do that all the time. But this is reading, not studying. Reading actually takes time. o.O And my room is in really bad shape... :wacko: Okay, help me out here. Reading takes time and ??? studying??? does not????????????? LOL
  6. Talk to her, man. I'm usually shy as anything as well. xD But ask her what is wrong some time. But... bad answers. Really... bad... answers... Well. it. >_> yeah. its... yeah. so. yeeeah. You're still pretty young, Arkcher. You've got time for things to work out. I do agree with Cheesy, your answers were pretty bad... You really shouldn't have said you'd laugh at her cause that makes you come across as kinda mean. Which we know you're really not. I know it might be hard but ask her how she is, people normally respond with "I'm good". If she says this then ask "Are, you sure? You didn't look too happy the other day." If she says something like "Yeah, I'm fine" then she probablly wants to avoid the question and theres really nothing much you can do there. If she opens up to you, then thats great. -Li You could always add: if you ever want to talk, I am a really good listener. That would open a door.
  7. I have the Corel paint program. Too hard for a blonde hamster. Besides... I would have to read the book.
  8. ALERT!!!!! Things will take much longer than usual for Li... she is in love and having a very hard time keeping her feet on the ground.
  9. :wub: :wub: :wub: I know someone who is feeling really happy now. *sees Li somewhere around cloud nine* We will definitely need a picture of the two of you. Perhaps at the carnival.
  10. I ran 3.5 miles yesterday. =D 3 at five miles an hour, and .5 at 7. But my iPod fell off the treadmill and fell down under the track and I had to turn off the treadmill and rescue it. >. Duct tape. I strongly recommend lots and lots of duct tape. *headphones already covered in duct tape* but even duct tape can't fix a ruined rhythm! =O True. But if you duct-taped your ipod to your body... then it wouldn't have fallen off and your rhythm wouldn't have been messed up. *sends Cheesemaster ANOTHER case of multi-coloured duct tape* but that'd be uncomfortable. But look on the bright side... it would stay attached for quite a long time! LOL But... that'd get annoying... and what about washing clothes? Tape it to your skin. That way you wouldn't have to worry about washing clothes. LOL showers? Just keep that particular arm outside the shower door. I have a shower/tub combo dealie, so I have a curtain instead of a door. =O Oh that is even easier! You can just duct tape the curtain above the duct-taped ipod to keep it from getting wet. No problem. Then you will only have to remove the duct tape from the curtain and your arm.
  11. CHEESEMASTER !!!!!!!!!!!! what? =D [/innocence] LOL... you are so bad. LOL
  12. Horatio

    My place. :)

    Skimming??? Lucky you. I would have to read and then re-read it about three times. LOL Oh gosh. If only I had time to do that...Instead I went out shopping with a group of my friends. I got a laptop backpack, and a new nerf gun (because the one I got before doesn't work that well). Aaaand now I'm being summoned to socialize. I'll have to bring my book with me... And of course I only got halfway through the reading. And another 30 pages are due for tomorrow. So that's 45 pages of reading. Teacher's crazy. I'll finish it over the weekend. I already have a huge list of things to do this weekend, mostly housekeeping stuff. My room is a disaster area... Skip the room, who cares how it looks. Unless of course you are going for a Better Homes and Gardens photo-shoot. LOL Somehow the week is never long enough to get all your homework done and then the weekend comes and it flies by. My studying technique is the "crammie-hammie" technique. I am putting 40 hours of studying into the last 8 hours of Sunday night.
  13. What an interesting outlook on politics you have TGHL!
  14. Time for all hamsters to take a little nap. Good night, sleep tight and see you all tomorrow!
  15. It wouldn't enlarge for me. Hopefully it will after the board is fixed.
  16. *screammmmmmmmmsssssssssssss* *grabs - Kat's - pants and pulls them back up again* -has since run a few counties over- *hops in helicopter and searches for Arkcher*
  17. *screammmmmmmmmsssssssssssss* *grabs - Kat's - pants and pulls them back up again*
  18. I was thinking the same thing! LOL Actually, I was hoping for a couple more avatars from her. Not at the moment. I don't have any new artworks on my new laptop. I will make some soon, I promise... I've borrowed my best friend's graphics tablet... It's so great! -Li Yaaaaay! I always wanted to try one of those. *sends - Kat - my oversized Wacom tablet, pen and mouse* Here you go. Hurrah! *expiriments* I'm glad you like it. For me, it was just here collecting dust. Horatio should doodle on it! That would be interesting, if I took the time to figure out how it worked. LOL *sends - Kat - a round-trip plane ticket*
  19. Horatio

    My place. :)

    Skimming??? Lucky you. I would have to read and then re-read it about three times. LOL
  20. Horatio

    My place. :)

    I do believe you will find someone who fits those characteristics. Perhaps not tomorrow, but if you have patience, I believe the perfect guy will be there for you. Many of the qualities you are searching for will be the basis for the guys you end up being friends with. So, I do believe the perfect guy is there for you and you are not striving for too high ideals. Oh, I know I'm not aiming too high, but you have to admit, finding a guy who meets all of these qualitiesis going to be tough, especially the one about being saved. And how's this for strange? Last night I had a dream I was going out with my friend Phil (who I know from waaaaaaay back in the day when he was friend with my sister who had a huge crush on him in elementary school. Then I found him on a networking site, and we've been chatting online) And to add to the strangeness, as I was typing, he IM'd me! Now that I think of it, Phil does meet pretty much all the requirements... However, he goes to college at least 4 hours away from me and is taken. Yeah. The four hours away is not a problem, however, the taken part is a really BIG problem. LOL But, you never know. He may be looking for someone such as you and she may not totally be the woman of his dreams. So, does Phil need "saved" from his girlfriend? xD Or wife? you didn't specify. lol It's his girlfriend. lol I don't know. He hasn't talked about her in a long time... Perhaps, you need to get around to talking about his 'life', then you will have more of an idea how important she is.
  21. *sends Li her own new Wacom, complete with a pen and mouse* TAFE is courses? What do you do there? Animal Technology is wonderful, please clarify a bit more on the Vet Nurse. Would this be the same as a Vet Tech?
  22. Absolutely. Personally I prefer the book, but I do use the site quite often.
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