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Everything posted by Horatio

  1. Found out that I am able to upload pictures again... Hooray!!! As we were wandering around Hong Kong, we made a detour through this mall called K11. As we were about to exit, there was this art called Toast Art that I thought was really interesting. Here it is. Totally comprised of toast. And no... eating it is not an option. Now for the pictures from my Room in Hong Kong. Foggy... As it was starting to clear, Smoggy... Glad I could get those pictures posted. They are a little oversized, but I wanted you to be able to get a close up of the details.
  2. I think I am starting to turn into a turkey. The last part is in slices for turkey sandwiched and today I took the carcass and lots of really great chunky vegetables and made chicken vegetable soup. Tomorrow I will continue simmering it for the second day. Then it should be rather tasty. Of course, I must been lucky, because this evening we had a cold front pass with lots of rain and the temperatures dropped, so soup will be good. As for the dim sum... next trip over to Asia, I will bring my lunch box with my freezer packs and FedEx you a bunch.
  3. Seventy-seven... I was happy to see people lurking. And they always revert to not liking to talk on the phone. It just takes a little bit of time. Smart move, I agree not trying to take this seriously.
  4. Understandable... you were enjoying a spectacular weekend!! It was great hearing that you had a terrific birthday.
  5. WHOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!! You are still doing the balloon gigs???????? *falls over in shock* You had not mentioned it for some time, so I just assumed that it had gone by the wayside. Glad to hear this is a way for you to make some money!!! Like you, I would not start taking medication for something that I could control without.
  6. Horatio

    My place. :)

    I wish I could have seen a video of Shane learning to ice skate. Those first steps are always hilarious. Ice Skating and dinner, sounds like the perfect way to spend your birthday! The Samsung phone sounds like a really nice device. Congratulations on a terrific birthday!!!! The next Praxis will be easier for you and as you said the reading test should not be tough, so I am thinking that you will have your certification very, very soon. Great news on a fantastic weekend!!!!!! Thank you for the update.
  7. WHOAAAAAAAAAA... There are 20 guests on here now.
  8. Ignore those ADHD tests... sometimes you need a change of topic as focusing takes an enormous amount of effort. I think that you have a great ability to focus and accomplish tasks as you have good grades, are an accomplished musician and have completed many different things and done well at them. Now procrastination... I am the King of the club. Of course, we have not gotten around to gathering more than one member, holding meetings, or electing officials, but I know that I am the absolute worst procrastinator in existence.
  9. There are little things that can drive you crazy, and those are the little things that can break apart two people. At least you remembered what it was that annoyed you, so this is good. Good decision. Your most recent ex was never described as a total jerk. In fact, I do not believe you have ever said that about anyone. You have made yet another great decision regarding this last guy and I do believe it is time to move on. As to the guests... it must be you. I am on here solo.
  10. Eat your heart out. I have had so much dim sum that I am turning into one. If you want, I can always FedEx you some directly from one of my stops in Asia. By the way, is that Elephant Bar located in the ground floor of a local hotel? I think we stay in a hotel downtown that has an Elephant Bar along the street near the lobby. Last night I dumped out the remaining gravy, dressing, cranberries and kept the turkey for sandwiches and soup. Today I started my "after Thanksgiving" diet.
  11. Exactly. I believe that you are destined to accomploish great things. I have an immense amount of faith in you.
  12. Very mature decision regarding your hometown ex. You are exactly correct knowing that you do not need to make a decision now. Regarding your legitimate date, this sounds like a chance should be given. Obviously he has some interest to ask you out, so why not give him a chance.
  13. Feeling somewhat better... my food probably will not be digested for another year. But... to answer your question, the reason for the delay in Thanksgiving dinner... I was in China or somewhere in Asia the days before, on and after Thanksgiving day. Then came our busy schedule, known as peak, then January, followed by some craziness in my schedule and that brought me to my "alternate Thanksgiving Day". I knew that I had some time to rest up and also the sell by date on the turkey was happening, so I figured... no time like the present. Anyway, I must admit, that it was really delicious. After returning from the gym today, I had to indulge in seconds.
  14. Actually, being the best at everything is not entirely ridiculous. As long as you know that you are giving the attempt, "your best" and do not need to be the best, then this is really a good thing as it keeps you striving to achieve.
  15. Absolutely... but only after my food coma goes away. Turkey, dressing, salad, whole cranberry sauce, gravy, and for dessert, strawberry shortcake, all made from scratch. Excuse me... I feel like I am going to explode.
  16. Dear Jesusfreak, Wishing you a most wonderful and terrific happy birthday. May this day be the greatest ever, with many, many more to come!!! HAPPY HAMMIE BIRTHDAY TO YOU, HAPPY HAMMIE BIRTHDAY TO YOU, HAPPY HAMMY BIRTHDAY DEAR JESUSFREAK, HAPPY HAMMY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!!!! We have baked a birthday cake specifically for your special day. Make a wish, blow out all the candles and let your birthday wish come true. Horatio
  17. BIG NEWS!!!!!!!!!! Today I am fixing Thanksgiving dinner!!!!! Alllllllllllllllllll Righttttttttttttttt!!!!!!!
  18. Of course, if you compare yourself to the bottom four in the class, you are happy with your performance and do not strive to do better. If you compare yourself to the top four in the class, then you are unhappy with your performance and always striving to do better. Interesting how this works. I believe you will always compare yourself to the top people in the group and will always be an achiever. For example, this is why you did so well in band.
  19. Are you still digging out from the snowstorm?
  20. Fantastic!!! You sound like you are doing really, really well! The top ten is good, the top four is outstanding!!!
  21. Lexxy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How are you???????? What are you up to????? What is going on in your life??????
  22. Horatio

    My place. :)

    Outstanding!!! Good luck on your tests! So, after this Praxis, you have one more Praxis to go, is this correct? The Foundations of Reading test should be easy for you, so that should be a non-event and your certificate will be in your hand before you know it.
  23. Horatio

    My place. :)

    I am thrilled the snow is up in Connecticut and not in Florida It sounds like the school is going to offer you some great opportunities. Good luck on your Praxis. I know you will do very, very well and have your CT certification before you know it. It would be great if you could get that science position. Perhaps the experience with Mad Science will give you an edge. How long does it take for you to receive your test results? And then how long after that does it take to receive your certification? Keep us informed please.
  24. Unfortunately, your body decided that it was going to sleep and it sounds like you had a very good one at that. Did you get an A on your paper?
  25. True. It is an adventure, and a terrific one at that. HampsterKing fixed the problem and I should be able to upload those photographs now... Nope... didn't work.
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