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Everything posted by Horatio

  1. Horatio

    My place. :)

    That's because you will be down here near my cage! LOL
  2. subtle messages from the band, maybe? :blink: :blink:
  3. O RLY? YA RLY And you think Puss-N-Boots just wore boots?
  4. Must be the make-up around the eyes. That doesn't help the manliness of the pic. *wonders how Cheesemaster would look with eye make-up* *doesn't* You could always ask your mother to borrow a little of her make-up. I'm perfectly fine without makeup. xD And taynio, I can't really tell how you look without makeup due to the quality of the picture. xD Lol Try makeup. Even Celeb guys wear make up. Why do you think they look so good all of the time? It isnt natural beauty lol. But yeah.. I will have to fix that problem then... get a better quality tomorrow. I will do some stuff to my hair also . That is if my hair will...LISTEN!!! GrRRR!! lol So..yeah..okay....thats all. Take a look at Marilyn Manson. LOL
  5. ahahaha. I'm so bad for typos, lately. XD I bet a platinum mood is FANTASTIC. ^.~ It was a great typo! Sure did put a smile on my face.
  6. *hears song playing in head... You Can't Always Get What You Want....*
  7. Have you ever heard of Miriam Webster's? Have you ever heard of not feeling like pulling out the dictionary and looking it up? ;D LOL Have you??? LOL As for me, I use the dictionary all the time. It is one of my favorite books. yes. Can be useful. But... so can you! =D LOL I've already looked both words up and have a clear understanding of the usage. LOL Which you should share... And deprive you of the excitement of discovering something new? I'm trying to give you the happiness that comes along with helping a friend. ROFOCLH!!!!! You think way too quick. So, do I win the definitions yet? Do I look like Brie? Nah, I dun wish to spread you upon my bread. I'm just letting you know I am not a softie. LOL Yes, but I have beaten down your defenses, and now take the lead. >.> Soo... the definitions should be mine... Sure. They have always been yours for the taking. Just ask Miriam-Webster. LOL Nuuuuuuuuu. ;.; >. Why? You are such an advanced student, intelligent, loves to learn... this confuses my brain. You want me to hand you some information on a platter? Spoon feed you? *goes off to have some Friendly's Butter Crunch Ice Cream* Kind, helpful, willing to oblige and do whatever you can to make people happy. All of these describe you, yet you wont give me two simple defintions? Why don't you want to look them up?
  8. Must be the make-up around the eyes. That doesn't help the manliness of the pic. *wonders how Cheesemaster would look with eye make-up* *doesn't* You could always ask your mother to borrow a little of her make-up.
  9. I think you look terrific without make-up!!!!! You are being way too harsh on yourself.
  10. LOL... I am a pain quite often. But I love how people use the English language. When you find someone who speaks or writes well, it is fantastic. When people use words incorrectly, I find it amusing. For example, "Can you tell me the time?" I love saying "Sure." Or how about when someone points to their wrist. So, I am supposed to assume that you are asking for me to tell you what time it is? LOL I always look at my wrist and shrug my shoulders, as if to say... what? Another example, in which I totally was a pain to you... the difference between the word issue and the word problem. I listen to people think they are speaking good English and I must roll my eyeballs at that one. LOL What exactly is the difference between issue and problem? Have you ever heard of Miriam Webster's? Have you ever heard of not feeling like pulling out the dictionary and looking it up? ;D LOL Have you??? LOL As for me, I use the dictionary all the time. It is one of my favorite books. yes. Can be useful. But... so can you! =D LOL I've already looked both words up and have a clear understanding of the usage. LOL Which you should share... And deprive you of the excitement of discovering something new? I'm trying to give you the happiness that comes along with helping a friend. ROFOCLH!!!!! You think way too quick. So, do I win the definitions yet? Do I look like Brie? Nah, I dun wish to spread you upon my bread. I'm just letting you know I am not a softie. LOL Yes, but I have beaten down your defenses, and now take the lead. >.> Soo... the definitions should be mine... Sure. They have always been yours for the taking. Just ask Miriam-Webster. LOL Nuuuuuuuuu. ;.; >. Why? You are such an advanced student, intelligent, loves to learn... this confuses my brain. You want me to hand you some information on a platter? Spoon feed you? *goes off to have some Friendly's Butter Crunch Ice Cream*
  11. Horatio

    My place. :)

    I should. I haven't had the time though, because not only do I have to go through uploading them, but I have to resize them first so they fit. Plus there's something wrong with the picture system right now, or at least there was last I checked. Oh well. Yesterday I finally got myself caught up on my work, and was able to go play DDR with Lara for awhile. Then I watched Heros with Marius and Brennan, and then ran down to the floor meeting. They were talking about housing and how that works for next semester. *hopefully* Lara will get her RA position, in which case she'll have a single room, and then I get to steal her roomie. (We already talked about this). If not, then I'm stuck without a roomie. Being "stuck" without a roomie is not all that bad. LOL Some people try really hard not to have a roomie. I would love to not have a roomie, but it costs extra. It works like this: Single=1 person, double=2 people, triple=3. The less people in one room, the more expensive. Even if it is the school's fault? Let's say when Lara becomes an RA and they have not found a new roommate for you, they charge you extra??? I could see if you requested a single room, then charge extra, but I was thinking if they did not come up with someone else to move in you should not have to pay extra. It's my responsability to find a roommate, or I get put in to get a random roomie, possibly one I don't like. I might ask my mom if I can get a single anyways, because I would really like that. So we'll see what happens. And Lara's going to see about getting a single room regardless too, in which case I could get her roomie. So yeah, I'm hoping for the best. And it's snowing outside! Hard to believe that a few days ago it was in the 50's. And today I'm going to be inducted into some honors society, so my mom and grandma are coming to visit, and drop off some stuff for my FL trip. Today I also have to get laundry and most (if not all) of my packing done. Then there's homework and studying for the calc test and physics exam on Friday. *sends Jesusfreak a congratulations card for the honors society induction ceremony* Thanks! Yesterday we got the calc teacer to move the test over, so I only need to do physics homework and studying for tomorrow, as well as get lots of packing done. I also need to eat as much of my frozen food as possible, because I have to unplug and defrost my fridge for vacation... Have a dinner party. LOL That should clean out the freezer. Well, it's two things of raspberry sorbet, and one thing of tofu ice cream. Flush the tofu ice cream down the toilet and have a party with the raspberry sorbet!
  12. Must be the make-up around the eyes. That doesn't help the manliness of the pic. *wonders how Cheesemaster would look with eye make-up*
  13. Exactly what I want to know. It is really sad that these entertainers have forgotten who made them big. $300 for a ticket is horrible and truly unfair to the majority of those who would like to attend a concert. They forget just how many CD's people have purchased and who those people are.
  14. Hey Dumb Philosopher... we will now talk about Toto's favorite topic... deodorant. Why is it you only put deodorant in your arm pits? Why not all over your entire body? How about on your feet? Wouldn't this cure smelly feet?
  15. It loves you! =D Oh no! *hands Google bot off to someone else* *takes google bot* Google bot... Find me +Horatio +Hampsterdance. I can never get on here without the Google bot being right along side me.
  16. Do you have sweat pants? They would be much better than jeans. T-shirts that are cotton, no matter how they look are the best or a sweat shirt, but you will definitely sweat, in a sweat shirt. So, I would try and find an old t-shirt that is cotton. What is good about sweats? #1, they are usually 100% cotton and #2, you will definitely sweat all the unwanted layers off. You don't want to sweat out your weight. >. You DO want to sweat out the toxins and replace the lost water weight with eight glasses of water a day. Flushing out the toxins in your cells is not a bad thing as long as you make sure to replenish your body with lots of water. I don't drink that much water, so I try not to sweat that much. You need to drink at least eight glasses a day. I find it hard, but I wake up, drink two glasses, around mid-day I drink one glass, lunch two glasses, mid-afternoon one glass and two glasses before I go to bed. Doesn't always work, but that is what I aim for. Seems much easier that way. I don't like water, though. For some reason, it makes me feel sick when I drink it, unless I do something such as chug a bottle. >. Do you drink it cold or from the tap? Most times I drink it straight from the tap, but sometimes I just need it to be cold from the ice box. I like it best a little less than room temp from a bottle. >.> I drink it from a mug/glass so I know how many I have consumed in one day. I can't stand tap water. >. O RLY
  17. Do you have sweat pants? They would be much better than jeans. T-shirts that are cotton, no matter how they look are the best or a sweat shirt, but you will definitely sweat, in a sweat shirt. So, I would try and find an old t-shirt that is cotton. What is good about sweats? #1, they are usually 100% cotton and #2, you will definitely sweat all the unwanted layers off. You don't want to sweat out your weight. >. You DO want to sweat out the toxins and replace the lost water weight with eight glasses of water a day. Flushing out the toxins in your cells is not a bad thing as long as you make sure to replenish your body with lots of water. I don't drink that much water, so I try not to sweat that much. You need to drink at least eight glasses a day. I find it hard, but I wake up, drink two glasses, around mid-day I drink one glass, lunch two glasses, mid-afternoon one glass and two glasses before I go to bed. Doesn't always work, but that is what I aim for. Seems much easier that way. I don't like water, though. For some reason, it makes me feel sick when I drink it, unless I do something such as chug a bottle. >. Do you drink it cold or from the tap? Most times I drink it straight from the tap, but sometimes I just need it to be cold from the ice box. I like it best a little less than room temp from a bottle. >.> I drink it from a mug/glass so I know how many I have consumed in one day.
  18. WHOA!!! Look at this!!!!!!!! Our highest number of people on yet!!! And I do know who the anonymous poster is... LOL. Another view of the same number: 131, this time with Arkcher and Cheesemaster.
  19. Must be the make-up around the eyes.
  20. Do you have sweat pants? They would be much better than jeans. T-shirts that are cotton, no matter how they look are the best or a sweat shirt, but you will definitely sweat, in a sweat shirt. So, I would try and find an old t-shirt that is cotton. What is good about sweats? #1, they are usually 100% cotton and #2, you will definitely sweat all the unwanted layers off. You don't want to sweat out your weight. >. You DO want to sweat out the toxins and replace the lost water weight with eight glasses of water a day. Flushing out the toxins in your cells is not a bad thing as long as you make sure to replenish your body with lots of water. I don't drink that much water, so I try not to sweat that much. You need to drink at least eight glasses a day. I find it hard, but I wake up, drink two glasses, around mid-day I drink one glass, lunch two glasses, mid-afternoon one glass and two glasses before I go to bed. Doesn't always work, but that is what I aim for. Seems much easier that way. I don't like water, though. For some reason, it makes me feel sick when I drink it, unless I do something such as chug a bottle. >. Do you drink it cold or from the tap? Most times I drink it straight from the tap, but sometimes I just need it to be cold from the ice box.
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