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Everything posted by Horatio

  1. Horatio

    Jesse's topic

    He does acknowledge what I say to him, but he breezes past the "personal feelings" and sacrifices them for practicality and opportunities and stuff like that. I'm not sure if that trade is better or worse. I would never sacrifice personal feelings for practicality and opportunities, etc. It really does not matter exactly how much money you have, if you are not happy. If you love what you are doing, have inner peace, then your life will be full. Who cares if your house is 1,500 square feet or 15,000 square feet? If you are happy, then you are living your life the way you want. If you sacrifice your personal feelings and are forever chasing the almighty dollar, then nothing will ultimately please you. How sad. I say, follow your heart.
  2. Horatio

    My place. :)

    *wonders if a certain I love you had anything to do with this *
  3. On the phone part, do not text her back. Call her and blame it on your parents. Tell her that if she keeps texting you, your parents are going to take your phone away. Parents are always good for this. As for asking someone politely to shut up, good luck. I don't know of anyway where you don't look like a bad guy. I am sure someone else will have some good ideas.
  4. I know someone who is feeling really happy now. *sees Li somewhere around cloud nine* We will definitely need a picture of the two of you. Perhaps at the carnival. I would but we don't have many together, and the ones we have I don't like very much. Haha. We didn't take any at the carnival, but when I go see him on Thursday I'll ask him to come to the park with me and we'll take pics! -Li I'm happy for you. Perhaps a little jealous that it all works out for you, but meh. xD I'll deal. But YAY! =] And I like seeing pics of board members, it allows me to have more of a mental image of the people, more than just their avatar. xD Haha, I felt the same when I heard about others having great relationships, but now I'm in one and it's awesome! I like seeing pics of board members too! Cause sometimes you have an image of them in your mind and when you see a pic you're really suprised. -Li So... I hope you have a perfect picture in your mind of me. A really handsome, blonde, fluffy, jet-flying, motorcycle-riding hamster. Not a hard one to picture. LOL But just in case you can't picture me, I will give you a picture of my best bud... Hubert. He is the attitude hamster. Don't you just love the expression on his face? LOL *decides that this is a picture for Taynio's contest* That is such a cute pic! I must take some pictures of my rattie sometime and post them here. -Li Thanks!!! I really love the look on his face!
  5. :wub: It sounds like you are in a relationship with a really wonderful guy. You sound so happy! As for your father... LOL he was there once! LOL
  6. The good thing about a cold swamp is there are no mosquitoes! Well, it's supposed to get into the 60's by the end of the week. Our campus has some serious drainage problems though. You would think that with the $35 grand a year I spend here they'd be able to fix that... True.
  7. Horatio

    My place. :)

    And your heartbeat... ?
  8. Forget that one, look at this!!! And of course, the bot is STILL right next to me. *wonders if I am talking to myself*
  9. I thought it would help just to post this: The gap narrows!!!
  10. Oh my!!! That is the ultimate!!! Mushroom_king should absolutely love it!!!!!!!
  11. WHOA!!!! Check these numbers out!!!!!!!!!! And of course, the bot just had to be here right next to me! *wonders why the bot doesn't go after someone like Arkcher*
  12. Horatio

    Jesse's topic

    That's kind of pretentious, my dad would be like, "why can't you just tell me this stuff?" I don't have any real excuse not to tell him other then that I don't want to. Besides, there's no need to randomly let him know about this stuff. I can leave it behind, unless he tries to make it happen again. Then I will feel the need to bring this stuff up. I don't think I would bring it up. I get the feeling your father is not a "discussion of personal feelings" type of guy. LOL I kind of see him more like Old Faithful when you bring up something that is not in line with his point of view. LOL
  13. Horatio

    My place. :)

    That's because you will be down here near my cage! LOL Yup, and I'm back now, with my wonderful high speed internet connection. We missed you!!! Except, I am mad at you... you brought your cold weather with you and left it here. LOL And brought it up here as well! thank you! lol Hey, Lara had to drive us through the cold weather, slush included. Lara did a great job driving! You all made it home, safe and sound.
  14. The good thing about a cold swamp is there are no mosquitoes!
  15. LOL... so are you? LOL Don't worry Horatio, I know that you knew I was already over him and you were joking. =D LOL! I can't slip anything past you. You know me too well. LOL!
  16. Then this is the best career for you!!! Haha, nice. XD Exactly the reason I chose the profession I did! LOL Sounds like fun then. XD The other reason I chose the profession. LOL Yeah, I'm planning on choosing a fun profession. =D Airline pilot is definitely one to add to your list! LOL
  17. In the mud were three little moldy bread loaves, all of which loved to play shun the non-believer, in which we ate pickles and shun the nun on the run with a gun who was stunned when a ton of some fun, some dumb fun, with nun's stun-guns and bad puns, eating hot-cross buns with your mum who weighs two-tons of no fun ate a carrot. Chewing gum monsters were coming through your mind. Suddenly, a piggy came and ate your I less-than-three pigs Siggy. We all lived in a hard boiled egg where the yolk was always on the run from the nun eating a bun that was un-fun and over done
  18. Horatio

    Jesse's topic

    Then you definitely need to leave a page of this up on your computer.
  19. Horatio

    Jesse's topic

    I kinda wish he would, it's certainly easier to type it out than to say it to his face. Thank you. Haha...maybe he has an account too? I'm not sure if he even looks here though, I think he just looks at my livejournal, which would be unfortunate because it's not as fruitful of my thoughts as this topic is. You could always type it out and then leave the post for him to see on your computer.
  20. Then this is the best career for you!!! Haha, nice. XD Exactly the reason I chose the profession I did! LOL Sounds like fun then. XD The other reason I chose the profession. LOL
  21. In the mud were three little moldy bread loaves, all of which loved to play shun the non-believer, in which we ate pickles and shun the nun on the run with a gun who was stunned when a ton of some fun, some dumb fun, with nun's stun-guns and bad puns, eating hot-cross buns with your mum who weighs two-tons of no fun ate a carrot. Chewing gum monsters were coming through your mind. Suddenly, a piggy came and ate your I less-than-three pigs Siggy. We all lived in a hard boiled egg where the yolk was always on the run from the nun eating a bun
  22. Then this is the best career for you!!! Haha, nice. XD Exactly the reason I chose the profession I did! LOL
  23. Horatio

    My place. :)

    That's because you will be down here near my cage! LOL Yup, and I'm back now, with my wonderful high speed internet connection. We missed you!!! Except, I am mad at you... you brought your cold weather with you and left it here. LOL
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