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Everything posted by Horatio

  1. Those put a big smile on my face. Wonderful!!!! *hands Jesusfreak some terrific air-popped popcorn for a snack*
  2. The robot police came and ate him for his insolence. And cheesey brought his own so that he could pwnulate everyone. I came up with a random word by accident today! =D plurify. Kinda like pluralize, although said when really tired in spanglish. xD I think my favorite made-up word ever is fastishlyish. Definition: Fastishlyish: the speed at which - Kat's - shiny golden Claymore slices through the air. LOL
  3. Horatio

    My place. :)

    *is very happy I am a hamster*
  4. 15 HOURS !?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! Yeah I was really tired. x___x I woke up at noon and went to bed at like, 9:00 or 10:00. Let me understand this... you woke up at noon, and then went to bed at 21H00, nine hours later. So how does that add up to 15 hours of sleep???? *gets front paws out and tries to do the math*
  5. Horatio

    Oh em gee

    ROFOCLH! O RLY ???? *laughs so hard Adam is sprayed with coffee again, and he is NOT pleased* YA RLY XD The only place I know of that you don't have to drive is New York City. Are you planning on moving there? LOL
  6. Horatio

    Hado fan club

    Hado is really great! I think everyone loves Hado.
  7. I have not seen it yet, but I will ask HampsterKing to tell you more.
  8. Horatio

    My place. :)

    Nice days are... NICE!!! And pink, apparently. I tried to find the colour "rose" but there wasn't one in the database. Oh, so nice days are rose? Rosy to be exact!
  9. How cool is that! Where is your camera????
  10. Horatio

    Oh em gee

    I go to Fargo and Grand Forks quite a bit. LOL Usually only in the winter. LOL You ought to change places with Arkcher. He wants to go a very, very cold place. If you could pick where you would like to live, where would that be?
  11. Krisluvsdogs, look here and check out Dog Lover's siggy! I think you will like the puppy picks.
  12. Horatio

    My place. :)

    Nice days are... NICE!!! And pink, apparently. I tried to find the colour "rose" but there wasn't one in the database.
  13. Horatio

    Oh em gee

    ROFOCLH! O RLY ???? *laughs so hard Adam is sprayed with coffee again, and he is NOT pleased*
  14. Yeah, there's a lot of missed people who would make this board better. I guess it's still a good board, it's just got a different feel, like it's another place, without these people. :closedeyes: I got my friend to sign up, not sure if she has posted anything yet. Haven't seen anything as of yet, but I will keep looking.
  15. Well, if we were to see a picture, perhaps, we could make positive comments about it. Ugly Betty is on the tele.
  16. *sings* "I feel pretty! Oh so pretty!..." LOL PTMYLOL PTMYPTMMLOL
  17. *sends TGHL in for psychological testing* On another note TGHL, who do you think the Illuminati has planned as the next President of the USA?
  18. Not really. Some religions are against eating pork, ya know. Like Veganism. Veganism is a religion? I thought it was an unhealthy obsession. Like PETA. Incidentally, Scientology is not a religion. Anyone who is a Scientologist should be ashamed. And see a psychiatrist. Actually, they should see several. An entire team of them. In fact, if you have a moment, they should be sent to Switzerland and placed under sterile laboratory conditions where a team of scientists from the world's great universities, Oxford, Cambridge, Paris, Berlin and Leiden and so on, can study them under controlled conditions and with full protective gear with careful attempts to make sure that the scientists' cash doesn't mysteriously go "missing" and into the coffers of the Church. It always brings a smile to my face to read your posts TGHL, in fact, I always miss you when you are not here.
  19. Horatio

    My place. :)

    Nice days are... NICE!!!
  20. Horatio

    Oh em gee

    Two things I have to say about this... one, you as the driver of the vehicle can require all your passengers to put on their seatbelts, or else they don't ride in your car. And two, yeah for Texas that they don't totally dictate what happens in your car. The state is placing the responsibility on the driver of the car. Yeah for that!!! So, it really does not matter what the state laws are, it is your choice as the driver of the car if you want people going without seatbelts in the back seat. You make the rules. True, its really stupid not to do that, but I just think its hilarious that Texas doesnt care about it that much. XD In my post on seatbelts a while back, I was saying that Florida does not care about people in the back of pick-up trucks, but the will dictate what someone inside the car should do. This does not make any sense to me. Pretty soon in Florida, they will make a law that when you drive you must wear sunglasses or other protective eye devices, because we just had a pedestrian hit and the driver said they could not see the pedestrian because the sun was in their eyes. This is the "it's not my fault" defense. But what about those of us that can't have sunglasses because we wear glasses? And what about night time? Transistions lenses. LOL *realizes I have been watching too much television*
  21. Horatio

    Oh em gee

    LOL. The plan is to see if your parents are still alive after teaching you how to drive. LOL
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