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Everything posted by Horatio

  1. What could you be thinking????????????? *thinks of how the world would smell a day later* It'd be worth it. =D Oh, 'Raishey, I won't be able to type or respond as quickly. Cause I am using my g-mothers dial up intarwebz. Oh no... a slow cheese. LOL
  2. Ask our geeks here on this board. I know Arkcher is really good at fixing things as long as you have duct tape in the house. LOL
  3. What could you be thinking????????????? *thinks of how the world would smell a day later*
  4. Yeah, there's a lot of missed people who would make this board better. I guess it's still a good board, it's just got a different feel, like it's another place, without these people. :closedeyes: I got my friend to sign up, not sure if she has posted anything yet. Haven't seen anything as of yet, but I will keep looking. hmmz. I gotta bug her tomorrow then. xD You know, you should ask her what she signed up as. XD I have not seen any new posters yet. If you invite her at a particular time, let me know and maybe we all can be on at the same time. *remembers Insta Talk*
  5. Alrighty. =D Bye bye. I'm charged up, electrified and ready to chase a Wolf all around the boards! *runs around in circles* *sets up little micicle stands with a different flavor micicle at each forum*
  6. *sends TGHL in for psychological testing* On another note TGHL, who do you think the Illuminati has planned as the next President of the USA? It was only the National Anthem of the Soviet Union. Allow me to consult Dan Brown, God of Truths which may be true, but may also not be true. Hmmm... Says here Hillary Clinton. Also says that she will introduce a welfare state in the US, achieve much good and then be assassinated by a disgruntled hamster. ROFOCLH!!! Good one! Here, have a freshly baked cakie for that response.
  7. Have you heard of Lisa McPherson and the other cases at the Fort Something Hotel which is owned by the "Church" of Scientology? Yes. That was why I wrote the post I did.
  8. Alrighty. =D Bye bye. I'm charged up, electrified and ready to chase a Wolf all around the boards!
  9. Got to run. My battery is down to about 2% and is getting ready to put the computer to sleep and I do not have a cord handy. Talk to you tomorrow.
  10. Wow, I really don't know! Uh. Would it be cheating to look it up? XD Absolutely not. Go for it. Tifton, Georgia! I now know some amusing information! Yaaay! =D They even have a Starbucks! Which I find more amusing. I didn't go to Starbucks, I got coffee at the gas station. LOL
  11. You are slow. It will pop up in the first slot. *waits with a case of multi-flavored micicles as the first prize*
  12. Wow, I really don't know! Uh. Would it be cheating to look it up? XD Absolutely not. Go for it.
  13. Horatio

    Oh em gee

    LOL. Oh my gosh. That's so cuuute. o^.^o Helen would give you a ride, but being a wolf, you are a bit big for the right seat. LOL
  14. Travel quiz question... Today I was in the Reading Capital of the World. Where was I? (City and State)
  15. Then this is the best career for you!!! Haha, nice. XD Exactly the reason I chose the profession I did! LOL Sounds like fun then. XD The other reason I chose the profession. LOL Yeah, I'm planning on choosing a fun profession. =D Airline pilot is definitely one to add to your list! LOL My friend Hannah was telling me about her neighbor who was a flight attendant and how she has a lot of stories from that. Flight attendants have a much harder job. They have all the customers to deal with. Pilots just go up front behind the locked door. LOL This is true, but the flight attendants get to move around and talk to more than just a couple of people. XD Very true. I know a lot of flight attendants who really love their jobs. Interesting, I have not heard too many flight attendants say they don't like their jobs. I'm really curious about what it's like to be a flight attendant. For now, I'll just chill and pretend to be putting forth my best effort in school and then decide my career like my senior year. XD I will talk to a couple of my friends, and then give you their version. Sounds like a good plan. =D I will do that.
  16. Horatio

    Oh em gee

    Here is a friend taking a drive in her car.
  17. Horatio

    Oh em gee

    LOL. The plan is to see if your parents are still alive after teaching you how to drive. LOL Actually, my youth pastor really taught me how to drive. Two weeks ago, I was saying how I didn't have any skills. And he was like, "You have mad driving skills, don't you?" I just sat there and said, " ... Umm. No. I've only driven once before. And that was even before I got my permit, down our circle drive. And the entire time, my mom was yelling at me." So he just said, "C'mon. We can go around the block in my car." He's a brave man, that Nathan. LOL! True, but he also had divine intervention on his side. LOL!
  18. Horatio

    Jesse's topic

    Jesusfreak has an excellent point. As you are planning on concert band, if you decide you don't like marching band, then quit. Pick the areas you like and then pursue them. Good points from both of you, and I didn't think about it this way. Maybe that's why I've felt like a failure at times - I was expected to develop all of my talents at the same time. Now when I think about that it makes my head hurt. That means I have to make a decision...bah, I shouldn't stress about it too much. Right now, I'll focus on the clarinet, and building my TR level. And school of course. Speaking of which I should find an article to discuss in French class...oh yeah, I'll try not to worry about what other peoples think...all of us are weird when it comes down to it. *flees to do homework* Good luck on your homework. I think you should discuss French cheeses. Wonderful subject! Just finished having some Mimolette. Tasty! As for decisions, do not try to think too far ahead. Just make the decisions that are needed for today. French class, homework, etc. The decisions at college can wait.
  19. Those put a big smile on my face. Wonderful!!!! *hands Jesusfreak some terrific air-popped popcorn for a snack* Wooo popcorn! Now you just need a good movie or good book.
  20. 15 HOURS !?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! Yeah I was really tired. x___x I woke up at noon and went to bed at like, 9:00 or 10:00. Let me understand this... you woke up at noon, and then went to bed at 21H00, nine hours later. So how does that add up to 15 hours of sleep???? *gets front paws out and tries to do the math* 24 hours in a day minus 9 hours of awake = 15 hours of sleep. But that is not continuous sleep. *wonders what spell - Kat - has placed on Cheesemaster to have him do her thinking* I didn't mean continuous sleep. XD I meant total for the day. So you stopped the clock at midnight for that day, and how much sleep did you get the next day? LOL
  21. Horatio

    Oh em gee

    ROFOCLH! O RLY ???? *laughs so hard Adam is sprayed with coffee again, and he is NOT pleased* YA RLY XD The only place I know of that you don't have to drive is New York City. Are you planning on moving there? LOL No I'm gonna get one of those people that I can pronounce but now spell that have the suits and the sweet hats. Kind of like Driving Miss Daisy. LOL
  22. Then this is the best career for you!!! Haha, nice. XD Exactly the reason I chose the profession I did! LOL Sounds like fun then. XD The other reason I chose the profession. LOL Yeah, I'm planning on choosing a fun profession. =D Airline pilot is definitely one to add to your list! LOL My friend Hannah was telling me about her neighbor who was a flight attendant and how she has a lot of stories from that. Flight attendants have a much harder job. They have all the customers to deal with. Pilots just go up front behind the locked door. LOL This is true, but the flight attendants get to move around and talk to more than just a couple of people. XD Very true. I know a lot of flight attendants who really love their jobs. Interesting, I have not heard too many flight attendants say they don't like their jobs. I'm really curious about what it's like to be a flight attendant. For now, I'll just chill and pretend to be putting forth my best effort in school and then decide my career like my senior year. XD I will talk to a couple of my friends, and then give you their version.
  23. 15 HOURS !?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! Yeah I was really tired. x___x I woke up at noon and went to bed at like, 9:00 or 10:00. Let me understand this... you woke up at noon, and then went to bed at 21H00, nine hours later. So how does that add up to 15 hours of sleep???? *gets front paws out and tries to do the math* 24 hours in a day minus 9 hours of awake = 15 hours of sleep. But that is not continuous sleep. *wonders what spell - Kat - has placed on Cheesemaster to have him do her thinking*
  24. *thinks of a reply acceptable to moderator standards*
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