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Everything posted by Horatio

  1. Let me go find the Halloween costume topic... *runs off* *hurries back...* Here you go... click on this: http://www.hampsterboard.com/board/index.php?showtopic=4414 thanks! You're so welcome. On another note, the weather people are predicting a severe windstorm in the northeast where there may be another black-out. If this happens, it will be in the next few days. ok...ill be carefulllll......just hope it doesnt happen while im t&t'ing....although if we had a flashlight, it probably wouldnt be too bad....just have to watch out for the cars without stoplights.... *equips Dog Lover with night vision goggles* There those should help. i was watching season three of monk (i borrowed it from my mom's friend...still waiting for season 4 at the library...) and there was an episode "mr. monk and the blackout" and he gets night vision goggles....and he also goes on a date, which is very out of character for him (idk how many of u watch the show,.....if u dont, u should,..its awesome....) halloween is very very over now...and btw im STILL!!!! waiting for season 4 of monk from the library...grrrr....i think im like 7th in line now...anyway....i went as a witch for halloween, if its of any use to anyone...ok ttyl ~Liz finally got monk season 4! havent watched any of it yet tho cuz my mom and i are visiting her friend in long island...i could have brought it in the car on the portable dvd player but i had to do homework.....and i also had other things...like reading my elton john biography from the library and listening to elton john music....lots of decisions! Please get the homework done. It is April and there is only a couple more months of school remaining this year. You have all summer to indulge your Elton John senses. *pops in the Yellow Brick Road CD*
  2. ah, but cheesy, how can you be sure these are my thoughts? I could just be stringing broken lines together. you never know. That's why I put disclaimers up. however since you brought up the religion thing and it's my topic and nobody ought to care since I'm not continuing the discussion after this... your topic on gay marriage did turn very slightly into a religious debate, if you didn't notice. Taynio brought it up, and the essay did have much religion in it. That's asking for a debate, in my eyes. and what good is freedom to debate if there are limits on debating? I can understand there's a time and place, but why do people shy away from it? seriously, I dont' see what is so intimidating about religious debate, yet nobody is willing to participate. It's just banter. I do so in good sport, or try to, yet everyone always takes it personally, as though I'm attacking hem personally. I'm not. I happen to have strong beliefs, and they often conflict with society's beliefs. [off topic: the guys here are talking about basketball players and their faults...what on earth are they saying? *sigh* this is what I get for hijacking chairs in the sports section!!] and the conflict isn't any fun if I can't utilize my logical skillz in a decent debate. *sigh* curious, determined, logical, and loves to debate are not always the best combination of traits. ok, I'm done. ok, that rambling was true, but it isn't all on HD that keeps me from expressing myself. I was verbally attacked and blocked for engaging someone in a debate....they took it to be biblebashing. I don't know the right level to debate on anymore. I want to, but if I try too hard, I'll drive friends away, and I'm tired of losing friends to a stupid debate. I can't stand not knowing how much of my thoughts is too much, so I'd rather just shut it and enjoy the show. now I'm done. When I was a really young hammy, my parents always told me never to speak about politics, sex and religion. Very good advice. The reason people back away from religious debate is because it is a very emotional topic. For many, faith cannot be debated because there are no facts, just belief. This leaves many people on grounds that simulate quicksand. In addition, you are discussing, for some, an extremely personal topic. They do not want their faith questioned. Debating a topic that they feel uncomfortable discussing, leaves them feeling attacked. Now rationale departs and emotional verbage begins... all resulting in feelings being hurt. The same goes for sexual and political views. if only my mother could see her attacks in what she claims is "I'm not attacking you". I see what you mean. What I suggest is to make an offer of a religious debate and if you have no takers, then let the debate idea go. You can always come here and go a couple rounds with TGHL. LOL. He really loves a good debate. And if you cannot raise his attention, you can always debate on the usefulness of the monarchy. LOLI've tried different debate topics before, H, and he's really good at ignoring me. Monarchy is great, 'long as I get to be king. ;D But I understand what you mean, Paz. Horatio has a point about how emotions take place in some religious debates, but not logic. Or whatever. I don't feel attacked, though, during debates. I guess. It's just that recently I've met a lot of attack and rejection and I fear it happening again. besides, I value the friendships I have here. I'm not good at making friends, and it's hard to maintain the friendships I do have. I would rather be in an okay place here than blow my mouth off and make everyone miserable. I don't want to ruin what I have at HD. I've done that before on an IM, and I got called a sheep, blocked, and well, that's a whole ramble's worth. but anyway. friendship is more important than expressing myself. I can do that in this topic. I'm done. I am really sorry you were treated that way. People can be very mean. Here I do think that you have the ability to speak your mind on religion and politics in the topics that are designated for that. I try to stay out and not moderate too much there because I feel you do need a place to say how you feel. With one special topic for each subject, this allows someone who does not want to hear your thoughts to avoid the topic. We really like you. You are a talented, creative, intelligent person with a great emotional and expressive side. I hope you always keep the fire blazing brightly and never let anyone extinguish it.
  3. I was asleep. =D Sleep? You don't need to sleep! I was visiting family (without compy D=) so I wasn't here. But happy Easter everyone! I know you weren't here!!! You were missed!!!!!!!!!!! Hope you had a great holiday!!! It was, thanks for kinda asking. xD I got earphones. xD But they won't stay in my ear. D: Try Gorilla Glue. The earphones will stay in forever after applying a bit of that! *shakes head* 'Raishey, you give great advice most of the time. This is NOT one of those times. xD I can't see why not? Your earphones will definitely stay in. LOL ...This makes me think of the FFA New Horizons magazine. Yeah. I was in that recently for the state insert thingy... Anyways. Not the point. In the New Horizons magazine it ALWAYS has like, 3 Gorilla Glue advertisements. I can tell you with certainty two things... one, Gorilla Glue expands from the tiny drop you use to a gorilla sized blob, and two, once you get this on something... it is NEVER going to come off.
  4. I was asleep. =D Sleep? You don't need to sleep! I was visiting family (without compy D=) so I wasn't here. But happy Easter everyone! I know you weren't here!!! You were missed!!!!!!!!!!! Hope you had a great holiday!!! It was, thanks for kinda asking. xD I got earphones. xD But they won't stay in my ear. D: Try Gorilla Glue. The earphones will stay in forever after applying a bit of that! *shakes head* 'Raishey, you give great advice most of the time. This is NOT one of those times. xD I can't see why not? Your earphones will definitely stay in. LOL
  5. CONGRATULATIONS ARE IN ORDER!!! Cheesemaster has passed the 7000 post mark!!! Go Cheesie Go!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. Anybody know that song where it is all like... "I tried so hard, and got so far.... But in the end, it doens't even matter...." I am STILL tired of that song. that is 'In the End' by Linkin Park. XD One of their better songs. I think so anyway. Well, someone chose that to be the song for the video about our world-championship winning in that lego robotics dealie. HORRIBLE choice of song I might add. But at some convention thingy where we went I had to listen to it on loop for a WHOLE (deleted by 'Raishey) DAY! I... I... I can't stand it anymore. >. You get The Gold Star Award for that one! LOL I like it when you self-mod!!!
  7. I was asleep. =D Sleep? You don't need to sleep! I was visiting family (without compy D=) so I wasn't here. But happy Easter everyone! I know you weren't here!!! You were missed!!!!!!!!!!! Hope you had a great holiday!!! It was, thanks for kinda asking. xD I got earphones. xD But they won't stay in my ear. D: Try Gorilla Glue. The earphones will stay in forever after applying a bit of that!
  8. !!! That's totally my jam! Why are you so awesome, Lexxy-Man? because I'm some bizzare mix of ninja, berserker and assorted woodland creatures who thinks Emo is for people lacking the mental stability for folk music? "peggy-o" Simon & garfunkle LOL! I knew there was a reason I really liked you! LOL!
  9. ah, but cheesy, how can you be sure these are my thoughts? I could just be stringing broken lines together. you never know. That's why I put disclaimers up. however since you brought up the religion thing and it's my topic and nobody ought to care since I'm not continuing the discussion after this... your topic on gay marriage did turn very slightly into a religious debate, if you didn't notice. Taynio brought it up, and the essay did have much religion in it. That's asking for a debate, in my eyes. and what good is freedom to debate if there are limits on debating? I can understand there's a time and place, but why do people shy away from it? seriously, I dont' see what is so intimidating about religious debate, yet nobody is willing to participate. It's just banter. I do so in good sport, or try to, yet everyone always takes it personally, as though I'm attacking hem personally. I'm not. I happen to have strong beliefs, and they often conflict with society's beliefs. [off topic: the guys here are talking about basketball players and their faults...what on earth are they saying? *sigh* this is what I get for hijacking chairs in the sports section!!] and the conflict isn't any fun if I can't utilize my logical skillz in a decent debate. *sigh* curious, determined, logical, and loves to debate are not always the best combination of traits. ok, I'm done. ok, that rambling was true, but it isn't all on HD that keeps me from expressing myself. I was verbally attacked and blocked for engaging someone in a debate....they took it to be biblebashing. I don't know the right level to debate on anymore. I want to, but if I try too hard, I'll drive friends away, and I'm tired of losing friends to a stupid debate. I can't stand not knowing how much of my thoughts is too much, so I'd rather just shut it and enjoy the show. now I'm done. When I was a really young hammy, my parents always told me never to speak about politics, sex and religion. Very good advice. The reason people back away from religious debate is because it is a very emotional topic. For many, faith cannot be debated because there are no facts, just belief. This leaves many people on grounds that simulate quicksand. In addition, you are discussing, for some, an extremely personal topic. They do not want their faith questioned. Debating a topic that they feel uncomfortable discussing, leaves them feeling attacked. Now rationale departs and emotional verbage begins... all resulting in feelings being hurt. The same goes for sexual and political views. What I suggest is to make an offer of a religious debate and if you have no takers, then let the debate idea go. You can always come here and go a couple rounds with TGHL. LOL. He really loves a good debate. And if you cannot raise his attention, you can always debate on the usefulness of the monarchy. LOL
  10. How wonderful!!!! It sounds like this guy is fantastic!!! I hope you two have a great time at the Gardens.
  11. Great album. im listening to GYBR right now ,as a matter of fact...funeral for a friend (Love lies bleeding) 11 minutes long and so worth it... so many great songs! i just got "songs from the west coast" out from the library....i like it, though my dad says he likes elton's older stuff better...i like all of his music....going through my dad's old records today cuz he said he thought he had some EJ albums and he did...tumbleweed connection, honky chateau, captain fantastic (which my mom had too) and greatest hits (the first one) (i have the cd of that) i was looking at the help for my mp3 player today on my computer, and it says u can put songs from LPs on ur mp3 player but it was kinda vague on the exact details...i have to connect it to the "line in" on my computer's audio device....which will be kinda hard since the record player's downstairs & connected to our stereo system and my computer is upstairs....o well....if anyone has any advice on how to do this please dont be shy...gotta go now, so ill ttyl ~Liz I love Funeral For A Friend (Love Lies Bleeding)!!!!!!!! Some long, long cables. LOL Just kidding. Actually I have no idea. Too bad you didn't have a laptop. That would make life much easier when trying to get album music to your MP3 player.
  12. Great album. I also found my Lisa Marie Presely CD. Did I tell you that? It was inside my Queen CD case. LOL... I hate when that happens. Somewhere I have misplaced one CD and I have already checked all the other CD cases and it is not there.
  13. You are so fortunate to have a mother who loves the theatre! I wish I could see as many plays as you do. As for the people who do the reviews, I never listen to them. Glad you liked all the plays. thanks! and we got some degree of discount on all 3 plays...so we werent paying 110 a ticket, which is too much. but that's the normal orchestra price now... gotta go now, bye $110 per orchestra seat!!! Oh my!!!! I could only afford the seats that were located in the hallway next to the bathroom! LOL Please, put me in your pocket and take me to the next play!!! Please, please, please!!!!! sure! actually i dont think we got a discount on anne of green gables, which didnt matter since the seats were $25 each..now if only broadway could do that! Oh, I love plays. Thanks for taking me with you. If only Broadway prices would come down to those off-off-off Broadway. LOL
  14. Horatio

    My place. :)

    Someone got pushed out to sea because of the mere thought of the squareroot of two. It was back in ancient greece I think. Even so that's a petty waste of class time given that middle school kids today learn about irrational numbers routinely. Yeah, at least once per class you can hear him say, "Now how can I prove to you guys that this is true..." And all of us are thinking, "Seriously, we'll just take your word for it..." lol Horatio You must have been reading my mind. LOL I was wondering how to classify the professor... rational or irrational? LOL Hahaha So, today I got the brilliant idea to set up my hammock in my room under my bed frame. It took a lot of rearranging, but I am now happily sitting in my hammock with my wonderful wireless internet connection. I need to take your idea and set-up a hammock in my cage.
  15. When President Bush was Gov. of Texas, had the most progressive wind energy program in the USA. Currently Texas has the number two output for the country. California is number 17. That is indeed interesting! That makes me wonder if Bush should have stuck with his job as Governor. He seemed to have some good ideas going for that state. Appearently as Governor he was able to make bipartisan coalitions and help with schools, prisons, etc... If he would do for the country what he did for the state of Texas, the USA would be an alternate energy leader and would benefit financially.
  16. Horatio

    My place. :)

    Someone got pushed out to sea because of the mere thought of the squareroot of two. It was back in ancient greece I think. Even so that's a petty waste of class time given that middle school kids today learn about irrational numbers routinely. Yeah, at least once per class you can hear him say, "Now how can I prove to you guys that this is true..." And all of us are thinking, "Seriously, we'll just take your word for it..." lol Horatio You must have been reading my mind. LOL I was wondering how to classify the professor... rational or irrational? LOL
  17. No, you are not an idiot. 'Raishey, we aren't all perfect here. Well, all of us besides myself. =D I can be an idiot sometimes. xD We all do. I never said you were perfect, but in my eyes you are all as terrific as you can possibly be. But, you are definitely NOT idiots. May I suggest you wander over and take a look at MiriamWebster? While you are there look at idiocy. You all definitely do not suffer from idiocy. That's right, we're not idiots........We're morons. LOL... well I have to disagree with that one as well. LOL
  18. When President Bush was Gov. of Texas, had the most progressive wind energy program in the USA. Currently Texas has the number two output for the country. California is number 17.
  19. oh, about the same, starting to remember why I stopped playing diablo 2 online. other tahn that. more of the same I feel. Life is just like that... the same thing, day after day. At least you are not any worse. How's the weather out there? oh, about the normal for this time of year, Rain, clouds and more rain. True. Could you send some of that rain this way? Florida is sooooooo dry.
  20. oh, about the same, starting to remember why I stopped playing diablo 2 online. other tahn that. more of the same I feel. Life is just like that... the same thing, day after day. At least you are not any worse. How's the weather out there?
  21. Lexxy... I see you!!!!!!!!!! How was your holiday? How's life? How are you??????????????
  22. You are so fortunate to have a mother who loves the theatre! I wish I could see as many plays as you do. As for the people who do the reviews, I never listen to them. Glad you liked all the plays. thanks! and we got some degree of discount on all 3 plays...so we werent paying 110 a ticket, which is too much. but that's the normal orchestra price now... gotta go now, bye $110 per orchestra seat!!! Oh my!!!! I could only afford the seats that were located in the hallway next to the bathroom! LOL Please, put me in your pocket and take me to the next play!!! Please, please, please!!!!!
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