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Everything posted by Horatio

  1. Please keep an eye on your Ok bye topic as sometimes people take a while to catch up to a topic. *builds a cage next to mine for Glowurm* We have a pretty good view of the sunrise over the river.
  2. Actually I think your poem is really terrific. As for an answer to your question, tough one. They are out there, but just not at your location at the moment. Thanks. I mean I think I did a good job conveying my thoughts and emotion in the poem, but not such a good job on technical stuff. I was being lazy. Yeah, I've been thinking more and more that I need to go find their location and put myself in it. Ian's college sounded like a great idea! Hm...I'll have to figure something out...I have a couple of ideas but no good way to put them into action at the moment... Keep in mind, your ideas have to pass the 'parents' test. LOL
  3. That was one strangeeeeee dream! As for Freud, you will have to wait for Mega Wolf. LOL
  4. Horatio

    My place. :)

    The words of a wise old hamster... patience dear girl, patience. As hard as it is, please enjoy the male friendships and try and not look for someone. When you quit looking, the perfect one will appear. I've been "not looking" my entire life. Not that that's a bad thing, it's just kinda depressing. And I am enjoying my male friendships, I just wish that there was one who could be more than just friends. Where are all the good Christian guys? In Florida. lol Tell them all to come up here. We're severely lacking. Okay, I will let them know. Hahaha Maybe I should get to know some of the guys on Ian's campus...I got bored and did a search on one of the other websites I'm on, and most of the other Christians are on his campus...If nothing else, I might make some good Christian friends. That sounds like a superb idea!!!! Hm...I need to get a liscence and a car... I thought you already had your driver's license. The car is going to be a tough sell to your parents. They will definitely want to know why and then "to meet guys" probably won't be an answer they want to hear. LOL
  5. I have some pretty flowers outside my cage. When they bloom, they only last a day or two, but here is what one looks like up close.
  6. Actually I think your poem is really terrific. As for an answer to your question, tough one. They are out there, but just not at your location at the moment. Thanks. I mean I think I did a good job conveying my thoughts and emotion in the poem, but not such a good job on technical stuff. I was being lazy. Yeah, I've been thinking more and more that I need to go find their location and put myself in it. Ian's college sounded like a great idea!
  7. Horatio

    My place. :)

    The words of a wise old hamster... patience dear girl, patience. As hard as it is, please enjoy the male friendships and try and not look for someone. When you quit looking, the perfect one will appear. I've been "not looking" my entire life. Not that that's a bad thing, it's just kinda depressing. And I am enjoying my male friendships, I just wish that there was one who could be more than just friends. Where are all the good Christian guys? In Florida. lol Tell them all to come up here. We're severely lacking. Okay, I will let them know. Hahaha Maybe I should get to know some of the guys on Ian's campus...I got bored and did a search on one of the other websites I'm on, and most of the other Christians are on his campus...If nothing else, I might make some good Christian friends. That sounds like a superb idea!!!!
  8. *is really excited* This is going to be really great! Please do continue!!!!!!
  9. Actually I think your poem is really terrific. As for an answer to your question, tough one. They are out there, but just not at your location at the moment.
  10. Horatio

    My place. :)

    The words of a wise old hamster... patience dear girl, patience. As hard as it is, please enjoy the male friendships and try and not look for someone. When you quit looking, the perfect one will appear. I've been "not looking" my entire life. Not that that's a bad thing, it's just kinda depressing. And I am enjoying my male friendships, I just wish that there was one who could be more than just friends. Where are all the good Christian guys? In Florida. lol Tell them all to come up here. We're severely lacking. Okay, I will let them know.
  11. Horatio

    My place. :)

    Someone got pushed out to sea because of the mere thought of the squareroot of two. It was back in ancient greece I think. Even so that's a petty waste of class time given that middle school kids today learn about irrational numbers routinely. Yeah, at least once per class you can hear him say, "Now how can I prove to you guys that this is true..." And all of us are thinking, "Seriously, we'll just take your word for it..." lol Horatio You must have been reading my mind. LOL I was wondering how to classify the professor... rational or irrational? LOL Hahaha So, today I got the brilliant idea to set up my hammock in my room under my bed frame. It took a lot of rearranging, but I am now happily sitting in my hammock with my wonderful wireless internet connection. I need to take your idea and set-up a hammock in my cage. Go for it! I got the idea from my dad. When he was in college, he had a bed loft frame made of chain link fence, and set up a hammock on it. So I got bored, and, with a lot of rearranging, set up my own. Then I took a picture of the top of my computer screen, my feet, and the end of the hammock with my cell phone and sent it to my dad explaining what I did. I'm still waiting for a response. *waits for picture to appear here* *cough, cough* It's on my cell phone, I'd have to email it to myself or something. Sounds like a great idea. *waits*
  12. Horatio

    My place. :)

    The words of a wise old hamster... patience dear girl, patience. As hard as it is, please enjoy the male friendships and try and not look for someone. When you quit looking, the perfect one will appear. I've been "not looking" my entire life. Not that that's a bad thing, it's just kinda depressing. And I am enjoying my male friendships, I just wish that there was one who could be more than just friends. Where are all the good Christian guys? In Florida.
  13. I dunno, I havent there'd anything about that.. The 15th of April is always tax day. You need to have your taxes postmarked on that day. Well, usually the post office stays open to 23H59 (or so) and postmarks everyones letters in line on the 15th. Some places they have car lines and postmen standing out there just collecting the tax envelopes. Anyway, I just heard that this year, they are letting people pay their taxes on the 17th and the IRS is closed on Monday for a holiday. Very strange.
  14. Okay... I must be living on another planet. Did anyone else here that Monday is an IRS holiday?
  15. ah, but cheesy, how can you be sure these are my thoughts? I could just be stringing broken lines together. you never know. That's why I put disclaimers up. however since you brought up the religion thing and it's my topic and nobody ought to care since I'm not continuing the discussion after this... your topic on gay marriage did turn very slightly into a religious debate, if you didn't notice. Taynio brought it up, and the essay did have much religion in it. That's asking for a debate, in my eyes. and what good is freedom to debate if there are limits on debating? I can understand there's a time and place, but why do people shy away from it? seriously, I dont' see what is so intimidating about religious debate, yet nobody is willing to participate. It's just banter. I do so in good sport, or try to, yet everyone always takes it personally, as though I'm attacking hem personally. I'm not. I happen to have strong beliefs, and they often conflict with society's beliefs. [off topic: the guys here are talking about basketball players and their faults...what on earth are they saying? *sigh* this is what I get for hijacking chairs in the sports section!!] and the conflict isn't any fun if I can't utilize my logical skillz in a decent debate. *sigh* curious, determined, logical, and loves to debate are not always the best combination of traits. ok, I'm done. ok, that rambling was true, but it isn't all on HD that keeps me from expressing myself. I was verbally attacked and blocked for engaging someone in a debate....they took it to be biblebashing. I don't know the right level to debate on anymore. I want to, but if I try too hard, I'll drive friends away, and I'm tired of losing friends to a stupid debate. I can't stand not knowing how much of my thoughts is too much, so I'd rather just shut it and enjoy the show. now I'm done. When I was a really young hammy, my parents always told me never to speak about politics, sex and religion. Very good advice. The reason people back away from religious debate is because it is a very emotional topic. For many, faith cannot be debated because there are no facts, just belief. This leaves many people on grounds that simulate quicksand. In addition, you are discussing, for some, an extremely personal topic. They do not want their faith questioned. Debating a topic that they feel uncomfortable discussing, leaves them feeling attacked. Now rationale departs and emotional verbage begins... all resulting in feelings being hurt. The same goes for sexual and political views. if only my mother could see her attacks in what she claims is "I'm not attacking you". I see what you mean. What I suggest is to make an offer of a religious debate and if you have no takers, then let the debate idea go. You can always come here and go a couple rounds with TGHL. LOL. He really loves a good debate. And if you cannot raise his attention, you can always debate on the usefulness of the monarchy. LOLI've tried different debate topics before, H, and he's really good at ignoring me. Monarchy is great, 'long as I get to be king. ;D But I understand what you mean, Paz. Horatio has a point about how emotions take place in some religious debates, but not logic. Or whatever. I don't feel attacked, though, during debates. I guess. It's just that recently I've met a lot of attack and rejection and I fear it happening again. besides, I value the friendships I have here. I'm not good at making friends, and it's hard to maintain the friendships I do have. I would rather be in an okay place here than blow my mouth off and make everyone miserable. I don't want to ruin what I have at HD. I've done that before on an IM, and I got called a sheep, blocked, and well, that's a whole ramble's worth. but anyway. friendship is more important than expressing myself. I can do that in this topic. I'm done. I am really sorry you were treated that way. People can be very mean. Here I do think that you have the ability to speak your mind on religion and politics in the topics that are designated for that. I try to stay out and not moderate too much there because I feel you do need a place to say how you feel. With one special topic for each subject, this allows someone who does not want to hear your thoughts to avoid the topic. We really like you. You are a talented, creative, intelligent person with a great emotional and expressive side. I hope you always keep the fire blazing brightly and never let anyone extinguish it. You always manage to bring a smile to my face, Horatio. Thank you for the compliment, but know in your heart that everything I said is true.
  16. Horatio

    My place. :)

    Someone got pushed out to sea because of the mere thought of the squareroot of two. It was back in ancient greece I think. Even so that's a petty waste of class time given that middle school kids today learn about irrational numbers routinely. Yeah, at least once per class you can hear him say, "Now how can I prove to you guys that this is true..." And all of us are thinking, "Seriously, we'll just take your word for it..." lol Horatio You must have been reading my mind. LOL I was wondering how to classify the professor... rational or irrational? LOL Hahaha So, today I got the brilliant idea to set up my hammock in my room under my bed frame. It took a lot of rearranging, but I am now happily sitting in my hammock with my wonderful wireless internet connection. I need to take your idea and set-up a hammock in my cage. Go for it! I got the idea from my dad. When he was in college, he had a bed loft frame made of chain link fence, and set up a hammock on it. So I got bored, and, with a lot of rearranging, set up my own. Then I took a picture of the top of my computer screen, my feet, and the end of the hammock with my cell phone and sent it to my dad explaining what I did. I'm still waiting for a response. *waits for picture to appear here* *cough, cough*
  17. Horatio

    My place. :)

    The words of a wise old hamster... patience dear girl, patience. As hard as it is, please enjoy the male friendships and try and not look for someone. When you quit looking, the perfect one will appear.
  18. *laughing* Probably because when they tested it, they threw glued objects together to see if the gorilla's could separate them. And when they couldn't, they then had the name.
  19. Hopefully your friend will get over the black eye and realize it was an accident, quit hating you and get back to being your friend. As for your grades, I can understand why you feel them slipping, you have so much happening in your life that is out of your control, this has an impact. The relationship problems of your parents has quite a bit to do with being able to study at home. This is not your fault. I hope something happens to bring calm to your home soon. The problems between your parents are not the result of anything you have done, this is something they need to resolve. Hopefully, your parents will come to a decision soon. Your mother's actions are really taking a toll on you. As for who you like, honesty is always the best policy. You advised her to think deeply about her feelings and this is also good. She is going through a learning time and this is really difficult for many. Advising her to tell who she likes was also a good idea. Perhaps the person should have heard it from her and not you. But either way, you should not feel bad. You were being a really great friend and thinking only of her and her identifying her feelings. As for feeling depressed, you are totally okay to feel this way. First, you are going through some pretty traumatic life stresses, second you are growing up. These things are really hard. I do suggest that if you want, to ask your father to find a counselor or psychologist to talk to. Find one you feel comfortable with. Not one your father feels comfortable with, but one you like. If you don't like the first one, try another. If you need help finding someone, email me and I can give you more detailed help. pmajr@earthlink.net is my email. Counselors are really good for helping you sort through things. Personally, I think you are a terrific person and hope your mother gets a counselor. She needs it. As for your hyperness, please try and find an outlet for your stress. Take up jogging, a sport, something to help you relieve yourself of the stress you are under. Please do not go through this alone as we are here for you. Your friend always... Horatio Yay! Okay, topic, BEGIN!!! (Pin please horatio? just beacause ) I will do this!!!
  20. You see, the key to that plan is having a fax machine, which I do not. *sends - Kat - a HP wireless fax, scanner, printer, all-in-one*
  21. Teen books are even good to read for hamsters. They bring you back to a place that you sometimes had forgotten about. Thank you so much for the reviews. I do think I will get the Elton John one out of the library. On a five to one scale... five being best and one worst, where would you rate this book. (When you have finished it of course.) Thanks.
  22. I can pin one or two of these for you. Besides, summer camp is coming soon.
  23. Great album. im listening to GYBR right now ,as a matter of fact...funeral for a friend (Love lies bleeding) 11 minutes long and so worth it... so many great songs! i just got "songs from the west coast" out from the library....i like it, though my dad says he likes elton's older stuff better...i like all of his music....going through my dad's old records today cuz he said he thought he had some EJ albums and he did...tumbleweed connection, honky chateau, captain fantastic (which my mom had too) and greatest hits (the first one) (i have the cd of that) i was looking at the help for my mp3 player today on my computer, and it says u can put songs from LPs on ur mp3 player but it was kinda vague on the exact details...i have to connect it to the "line in" on my computer's audio device....which will be kinda hard since the record player's downstairs & connected to our stereo system and my computer is upstairs....o well....if anyone has any advice on how to do this please dont be shy...gotta go now, so ill ttyl ~Liz *~*The Grabd Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* I also have One Night Only. *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~* cool..love the picture on that one!..lol ;-) let me see...i have on my mp3 player: greatest hits 1970-2002, goodbye yellow brick road, sleeping with the past, and songs from the west coast. im about to put on the one, peachtree road, and maybe victim of love. but that one's all cover songs! kinda weird....i have to listen to it first...im working on getting as many as i can...love the public library system! even tho what i do is slightly not right...(shhh!) if u dont understand what im talking about just forget it...if u do dont tell anyone ~Liz You are not alone. The reserve list for CD's at my library is months for the good ones.
  24. You are so fortunate to have a mother who loves the theatre! I wish I could see as many plays as you do. As for the people who do the reviews, I never listen to them. Glad you liked all the plays. thanks! and we got some degree of discount on all 3 plays...so we werent paying 110 a ticket, which is too much. but that's the normal orchestra price now... gotta go now, bye $110 per orchestra seat!!! Oh my!!!! I could only afford the seats that were located in the hallway next to the bathroom! LOL Please, put me in your pocket and take me to the next play!!! Please, please, please!!!!! sure! actually i dont think we got a discount on anne of green gables, which didnt matter since the seats were $25 each..now if only broadway could do that! Oh, I love plays. Thanks for taking me with you. If only Broadway prices would come down to those off-off-off Broadway. LOL yeah...my school play was $10 ...how's that for affordable! Allllll Righttttttttttt!!!!!!!!!!! Even I could afford that ticket!!! How was your school play? Weren't you in it? Or worked backstage? My mind is gone and I cannot remember what you told me.
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