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Everything posted by Horatio

  1. XD Dude, We've never even been in the same state at the same time. ... while knowing each other. It still makes me D:! They are probably teasing. Just be like, "yeah, totally. Arkcher is totally the hawtness." xD yeah. If you exaggerate it enough or do it obnoxiously enough, they realize that such is not the case. so I need to work on that with RPVF. XD *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* Whenever Beardo teases me he acts jealous. 8~8the psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Dp,iemji*~* ... sssoooo, hes having issues getting a boyfriend? XD Arkcher, you're so bad.
  2. well. Once I get up and actually finish the tutorial, you guys will know how and have no excuse not to sprite jah-selves. *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* You better. Or Frank Zappa will eat your soul. *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~* IT'S COMMUNIST CHINA NOT RUSSIA. PHAIL SO HARD. *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* You make MK all D:! You lose 50 points! I Just Want To Make Love To You-Foghat (don't edit) *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~* YOU CANNOT TAKE AWAY POINTS FROM ME AS POINTS ARE MINE KTHNX (sidenote: I'm not being super crabby or anything, just so you know. I luff the MK and I'm kidding around. Just thought I'd make sure that was clear. o__o) *watches to see if - Kat - starts giving orders to her Mafia henchmen* :unsure:
  3. *wonders if anyone looks here* *wonders why everyone ignores my posts* *keeps bringing my picture up to the end of the line to see if someone says anything, good, bad or mediocre* *brings it up again* *waits for someone to make a comment* Didn't see the piccy before. But very pretty! You did a nice job. I always wished that in school they gave out stickers with things that weren't always that reassuring. Like, stickers with "mediocre" or "insufficient" plastered all over papers. xD Then you would have some group saying a teacher destroyed their child's inner spirit and creative genius with a sticker that bruised his or her ego. But, if you got a D or F, I think insufficient would be a much nicer way of putting it. Cheesie, you just might be on to a new idea. You need to develop and market it. Actually, in the news this morning they said something about how researchers have found that they should get rid of letter grades. Which I disagree with. And what... go back to numbers? I think they ought to colour-code the letters... bright, royal blue for an A, green for B, mediocre C should be yellow, D should be orange and F should be made with a massively huge red sharpie!
  4. Horatio

    Jesse's topic

    Shrubbery? In a forest? *thinks Cheesemaster has been in the microwave too long, as his thinking is mushy* I was attempting alliteration, perticularly pertaining to polygons, greenery and growth. Hmmmm, P's and G's, sounds like a P & G employee. LOL P&G? Whazzat? Well, I can tell you don't get to supermarkets much... Procter and Gamble.
  5. I am sure that made you feel much better.
  6. *wonders if anyone looks here* *wonders why everyone ignores my posts* *keeps bringing my picture up to the end of the line to see if someone says anything, good, bad or mediocre* *brings it up again* *waits for someone to make a comment* Didn't see the piccy before. But very pretty! You did a nice job. I always wished that in school they gave out stickers with things that weren't always that reassuring. Like, stickers with "mediocre" or "insufficient" plastered all over papers. xD Then you would have some group saying a teacher destroyed their child's inner spirit and creative genius with a sticker that bruised his or her ego. But, if you got a D or F, I think insufficient would be a much nicer way of putting it. Cheesie, you just might be on to a new idea. You need to develop and market it.
  7. Horatio

    Jesse's topic

    Shrubbery? In a forest? *thinks Cheesemaster has been in the microwave too long, as his thinking is mushy* I was attempting alliteration, perticularly pertaining to polygons, greenery and growth. Hmmmm, P's and G's, sounds like a P & G employee. LOL
  8. Another great poem, full of expression. I would give you another award, but you already have a shelf full. Something else will have to be thought up for you. You are always welcome!!!
  9. I can pin one or two of these for you. Besides, summer camp is coming soon. its ok, i can handle them. idk if im doing a camp this year...hopefully...im probably old enough to be a cit somewhere now That would be cool. yeah...ive never been one before, although i have babysat. so that's some experience More fun than babysitting. You ought to see if you could try being a cit.
  10. Please get the homework done. It is April and there is only a couple more months of school remaining this year. You have all summer to indulge your Elton John senses. *pops in the Yellow Brick Road CD* i did the homework, dont worry! on the way home i just had to finish 3 english questions....we're reading to kill a mockingbird and even tho i love to read doesnt mean i love the book....it was ok reading it but interpretation just annoys me.... *remembers when I was in hamster school* I love to read, but really disliked the courses where we had to interpret the books. What a way to get people out of reading. English teacher: "So what do you think the author was thinking when he/she wrote this book?" Me: *thinks, who cares* English teacher: "Horatio" Me: "Yes ma'am?" English teacher: "The question was, what do you think the author was thinking when he/she wrote this book?" Me: "I don't know." English teacher: "This is your interpretation of what you think he/she was thinking." Me: *couldn't she pick one of the other hammies who's paw is wildly waving* English teacher: "Horatio" Me: "Yes ma'am" English teacher: "Does anyone else have any ideas?" Me: *thinks... thank goodness I don't have to answer* hee heehee! although, most of the time, im the one with the hand wildy waving....especially in math class! not kidding! i love math... listening to elton john's peachtree road right now....its pretty recent.....its cool....i had to go on the internet to look up the track list bcuz i got it from the library and they didnt have anyhting in the case other than the cd itself so i had no idea what the songs were called....so i thought while i was on the internet, might as well, check my email, check my neopets email, (my friend just got me back into it...the other day when she was over we looked up people who had neopets or usernames of elton john songs, like my "gelert" captain_fantastic325, and i "neomailed" them. still no response, but i can wait. then i came here on hampsterdance. oh, and i also went on the elton john wensite. that was where i looked up the track list. i cant tell u the url, but its as simple as simple could get. they didnt really put much thought into it. although that does make it easy to find. I LOVE ELTON JOHN!!!!!!! (sorry) im reading his biography right now, as mentioned in "book club" awesome book. ive been reading it for a while and its still only 1975! lol....wish i could meet him....and see him in concert....first row....i was looking at ticketmaster before and i could get 3rd row seats, little to the house right stage left of the stage. of course, they're $250 plus "additional charges" but whatever. ill raise it somehow. i could join the rocket club on the website, but it costs $40 and i dont like spending money online. not that i even can without my parents' credit card, and i doubt they would let me. of course, i think rocket club members get first priority seating and other perks, so it would be awesome to be one. but whatever. its raining a LOT here, so they canceled school. it was supposed to be a two-hour delay, so my mom and i drove to school, but the deans were out telling people to go home. not a huge inconvenience as i only live 10 minutes away from school. and now i get to stay home, listen to elton john, and put more of his songs on my mp3 player. peachtree road, the one, and victim of love. although im not sure about the last one cuz the songs arent original (sorry if i said this before...i dont remember) so i have to go now ~Liz As for the rain, Jesusfreak was hoping they would cancel classes because of the rain, and I said 'wishful thinking'. But it actually happened for you. Perhaps she will be lucky as well. The tickets to see him are sooooooo expensive and the best place to be are always were the tickets are much more than I can afford. I wanted to see Elton John and Billy Joel when they had some concerts together. To me, that would have been phenomenally outstanding. Have fun trolling around the sites. Perhaps you could form your own fan club and you make all the money. LOL Sounds like a good idea. Let me know when you finish the book, I have added it to my 'to read' list. Talk to you later... I am supposed to be studying and have not opened one book.
  11. LOL... wishful thinking. LOL Well, it's sort of a wintry mix now. There's actually some snow on the ground. o.O Still no cancelled classes though. *realizes just one more time, the benefits of living in Florida*
  12. Horatio

    My place. :)

    At least she is back.
  13. Horatio

    My place. :)

    I hope her alarm was not set for 03H45! Leaving her cell phone is like totally being out of touch.
  14. That I would like to have seen. *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* He said he would punch me in the boob if I tried to take a cruddy cell phone picture. Did you see my new Ramones picture? *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*TheAstronomy Domine*~* Nice guy... LOL Of course, I saw your new siggy picture.
  15. What do you think caused your bird's behaviour change? Not having enough attention?
  16. Horatio

    My place. :)

    On the first part... LOL... and I wonder what the underlying thought process is? *cough, cough* Meet new guys. *cough, cough* On the second and most important part... Thomas' makes the most AWESOME SUPER SANDWICH-SIZED ENGLISH MUFFINS. You absolutely, positively must use those!!!!! The dumb Florida people didn't purchase enough of the super sandwich-sized version and I am soooooooooo sad. We only get the little ones. Maaaaaybe... And we used the normal ones, and they were good. I also made a funfetti cake. I'm surprised Marius isn't back yet... I absolutely love the super-sandwiched sized ones. I have a friend who sends me down a case and I put them in the freezer. My favorite is to toast the english muffin, then slice really thick slices of beefsteak tomatoes, cover with cheese and broil. Yummy!!!!! That's almost how I do English muffin pizzas: you toast the english muffins, butter them, and put a piece of american cheese, then slice of tomato, and then salt, pepper, and oregano. Bake until the cheese melts. Great pizzas! Tasty! *is getting hungry*
  17. Sounds like a truly stellar day! He even survived your family! So what flavour ice cream did you have on this memorable day?
  18. Horatio

    My place. :)

    On the first part... LOL... and I wonder what the underlying thought process is? *cough, cough* Meet new guys. *cough, cough* On the second and most important part... Thomas' makes the most AWESOME SUPER SANDWICH-SIZED ENGLISH MUFFINS. You absolutely, positively must use those!!!!! The dumb Florida people didn't purchase enough of the super sandwich-sized version and I am soooooooooo sad. We only get the little ones. Maaaaaybe... And we used the normal ones, and they were good. I also made a funfetti cake. I'm surprised Marius isn't back yet... I absolutely love the super-sandwiched sized ones. I have a friend who sends me down a case and I put them in the freezer. My favorite is to toast the english muffin, then slice really thick slices of beefsteak tomatoes, cover with cheese and broil. Yummy!!!!!
  19. *wonders if anyone looks here* *wonders why everyone ignores my posts* *keeps bringing my picture up to the end of the line to see if someone says anything, good, bad or mediocre* *brings it up again* *waits for someone to make a comment*
  20. Horatio

    Jesse's topic

    Shrubbery? In a forest? *thinks Cheesemaster has been in the microwave too long, as his thinking is mushy*
  21. Actually I think your poem is really terrific. As for an answer to your question, tough one. They are out there, but just not at your location at the moment. Thanks. I mean I think I did a good job conveying my thoughts and emotion in the poem, but not such a good job on technical stuff. I was being lazy. Yeah, I've been thinking more and more that I need to go find their location and put myself in it. Ian's college sounded like a great idea! Hm...I'll have to figure something out...I have a couple of ideas but no good way to put them into action at the moment... Keep in mind, your ideas have to pass the 'parents' test. LOL lol they probably won't care too much either way, as long as I don't rush into a relationship. If anything they'll probably be happy I'm going out to meet new people. Parents always want to see their children happy! So, I think you need a guy magnet... perhaps a motorcycle. LOL A real flashy ninja bike. LOL Hahaha nah, like I said in my other topic, I want the guys to be attracted to me, not my car. At the moment I want some sort of sedan-wagon, maybe a honda. Something small enough to be easy to drive and get good gas mileage, but big enough to carry lots of stuff/friends. No wonder your parents trust you so much. You are thinking logically and responsibly. LOL Yup. Sometimes I'm more logical and responsible than they are. It sounds like it. *pulls Jesusfreak off for a little course in being wild* lol Oh, I can be wild when the occasion calls for it... *wonders exactly how 'wild' Jesusfreak can be... upgrading from the sedan-wagon to the mini-van, for example* LOL
  22. Horatio

    My place. :)

    On the first part... LOL... and I wonder what the underlying thought process is? *cough, cough* Meet new guys. *cough, cough* On the second and most important part... Thomas' makes the most AWESOME SUPER SANDWICH-SIZED ENGLISH MUFFINS. You absolutely, positively must use those!!!!! The dumb Florida people didn't purchase enough of the super sandwich-sized version and I am soooooooooo sad. We only get the little ones.
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