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Everything posted by Horatio

  1. How far away would you say that plane is in the picture Horatio? The plane was within a mile. As the closure speeds are so fast, I could not get another picture of him as he had passed underneath us.
  2. I thought there might be some more of the Aurora Borealis in the picture with the oncoming jet, but hardly any shows up. Anyway, I thought it was kind of interesting with both white lights and the navigation lights in red and green. It would have been a much better picture if there were stars and lots of the Aurora Borealis in the background. As it is now, it is not really any good, except to show how an oncoming airplane looks at night. By the way, we turn on our white lights to show each other where we are. Sort of a common courtesy to the other guy.
  3. I thought there might be some more of the Aurora Borealis in the picture with the oncoming jet, but hardly any shows up. Anyway, I thought it was kind of interesting with both white lights and the navigation lights in red and green.
  4. Exactly!!!! That is the best way to view your current and future plans.
  5. The thought of your prison friend has popped into my head on occasion and it has made me aware of how close everyone of us are from having our lives radically changed forever. Electronic records are permanent. When someone tells you that they are gone, do not believe them. Electronic records can be pulled up and may reappear. So, never, ever write anything that you do not want put on the front page of every newspaper, social media site and other media such as television and radio. Just something to think about. What you think you are saying might be totally misconstrued by someone else. We are all just one mistake away from losing our freedom. WOW... that is something to really consider.
  6. Thanks!!! I have one more picture to post, and at first I could not figure out what the lights were, but then I remembered we were passing a Delta jet going the opposite direction and you can see his red, green and two white lights in a blur. You are absolutely right about how where we are today and how are lives have changed. Good point.
  7. Poly Tech is a fantastic school!!!!! Congratulations!!!!! Physics is an incredible major!!! I am so very impressed!!! How is it going? Jesse is up in Connecticut working on his advanced math degrees, Jesusfreak is a teacher, Mega Wolf is a music major, -Kat- is studying graphic arts, Lexxscrapham is out on the west coast studying and working, Topazia is enjoying the sun studying and working, Leguan had a work/study year long adventure in Australia; and I could go on and on. As for me, there is not much change... still flying. I have to make a living and this is the best flying job there is. I am seriously considering moving to Germany for about four years to work. It just so happens that I would be living and working in the same city as Leguan. What amazes me is how everyone has grown up and moved into a new phase of their life encountering new challenges and more excitement. So, as things change, they stay the same. I certainly hope you stop in and keep us posted. I am so very proud of you and just how much you are achieving! Congratulations on getting into a great school and good luck in your studies.
  8. Hamster Luver!!!! Of course we remember you!!!!!! How are you? What's going on? What are you doing? I hope you do stop by soon!!!!
  9. First... pictures of some icicles in Anchorage. As you can guess, it was really, really cold. Now some pictures of Aurora Borealis, which is also known as The Northern Lights. Please remember, these were taken up at altitude and the air was a little bumpy. You will notice that the stars are a little blurry.
  10. Harry loves his bike!!! His is a Harley... mine are BMWs.
  11. He has talent, but the model has to look good. Photoshop is good, but not that good.
  12. I so totally understand. Just start counting the days until it is over.
  13. Darn... I just love those relationship dramas.
  14. Famous last words: The photos will be added later... Yes, they will. I just have to stop playing with my unbelieveable iPad 3!!!! Ooooooohhhhhhhh... it is soooooo pretty and the display is gorgeous!
  15. NEWS FLASH !!!!!!!!! iPad 3 has been delivered to my house! Of course, I am sitting in Anchorage having coffee, but I am excited to get home tonight and open the box. FedEx is the best in the industry and I just checked on line to see that the delivery has been completed.
  16. Okay... on the way up to Anchorage from Memphis, I took some incredibly wonderful pictures... that all came out blurry. We were able to see the Aurora Borealis and it was absolutely beautiful. Of course, never leaving home without my trusty camera, I tried to take some pictures. Unfortunately, there was just not a whole lot of light up there and I was unable to hold the camera still enough while the shutter was open. It had to stay open quite a long time and the airplane was just a tiny bit bumpy creating the "Northern Green Blur", I will try and post some pictures later today. You have been warned, they will not be good.
  17. Well... wait until you see the new news! It was 84, then within the span of eleven minutes, it kept increasing until we hit 300!!! The new topics of interest are: .....THE HAMPSTERDANCE ART MEME .....Vocaloid
  18. A good professor can make all the difference. I remember my anthology professor. She was an incredible woman, very interesting and gave you assignments that really stimulated the brain. She was extremely inspiring and I remember her class with such a positive memory. Then I had some professors who were lower on the stimulation scale then spending a day in a graveyard. B_O_R_I_N_G_G_G_G_G. Reading a quantum physics textbook in reverse would be more stimulating.
  19. If you scroll down to the bottom on the very first board page, you are able to click on (See full list). This will take you to where everyone is lurking. What is really amazing is the fact that people are truly in the topics and not just in the community page. Your topics, Mega Wolf, seem to draw quite a bit of attention. At the moment, 12H17 Newark, New Jersey time... there are 84.
  20. By the way... speaking of pictures... You look gorgeous in your picture!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOW!!!!! I am impressed!!!!!
  21. AAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My pictures are not uploading.
  22. Horatio Hadley darker52843@mypacks.net Please do not associate my real name with this. Facebook computers are way, way too smart and connect all sorts of qualifiers.
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