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Everything posted by Horatio

  1. Absolutely. If you have it you can email it to me at pmajr@earthlink.net and I will make sure HampsterKing adds it, or you can email it to him at support@hampsterdance.com. If you email it to him, it is really important that in the subject you write: AVATAR PIC FOR xMYOWNMINDx. If you wirte anything else, he may delete it because he gets around 2,000 emails a day. The safest, quickest way is to email it to me.
  2. Well then, come around more often!!! We miss you! How was Cow's birthday? Tell her we send our happy hammie birthday wishes. maybe i shall. i totally forgot about it. i miss her. i think shes mad at me though. Send her an belated birthday card, she will like that you thought of her. i went on myspace, can i say that?, and commented her I'm glad you did that. Hopefully she will thank you. hopefully she doesnt think im dirt. You could always apologize for whatever it was that came between you both. no i cant. and i dont believe i did anything wrong its a conflict of morals. im sorry it made her feel that way she wasnt honest with me though i thought all was good never meant to hurt her feelings.. You could always say you never meant to hurt her feelings. But... sometimes, lives change and your friendship changes so much, you think you can't go back. It takes two, she has to want to work it out as much as you do.
  3. The computer intervenes before I get here. This is my favorite topic to post in, so I always try and come here.
  4. Well, you took your time before becoming a maniac poster like me.
  5. You have 230! You are almost halfway to 500!
  6. I wish that people would quit cutting down old oak trees, just because they are too lazy to rake leaves.
  7. I am really hoping this works for you. Lauren, you are much too fantastic a person to be in such pain. This is great, and I hope you continue to write.
  8. Well then, come around more often!!! We miss you! How was Cow's birthday? Tell her we send our happy hammie birthday wishes. maybe i shall. i totally forgot about it. i miss her. i think shes mad at me though. Send her an belated birthday card, she will like that you thought of her. i went on myspace, can i say that?, and commented her I'm glad you did that. Hopefully she will thank you. hopefully she doesnt think im dirt. You could always apologize for whatever it was that came between you both.
  9. Horatio

    My place. :)

    LOL Baffle them with baloney I always say! You can win more battles with big words than you can ever imagine.
  10. The place where you cut it was the fan in the classroom. Will your teacher allow you to take a pic?
  11. How phenomenally fantastic! I really liked this! Please do write more. For someone who is pulling a story out of thin air... you are terrific! *hands Glowurm The Platinum Moon Award and a year's supply of coupons for Starbucks* Whoohoo!! *Jigs to the rolling stones* [voice=Elvis]Thankyaverymuch[/voice] You are quite welcome! I'm tired too. Sleep well, my glowing wurm!
  12. I noticed! You were able to run off the Google bot, and looked who arrived through the back door.
  13. *gives Glowurm the same glasses I gave Cheesemaster* What double post? Your hand being asleep and Cheesemaster trying to cut off his... LOL I'm sorry, but I actually have a screenshot of it. ;D I'll delete it if I can have some starbucks. Paid by you. >D LOL How sneaky of you!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So, how much is it going to cost me? I'll get the cheapest coffee. So only $10 Ha. I made a jab at starbucks' prices. I'msocool But really. It'll cost $10 which is... 100 H$. If I remember right. xD You can afford THAT! *whines a lot before handing over the money* Here you go... but before I release the bucks, hand over the screenshot. D: But I deleted it because I knew you would. Dangit. Maybe I can fabricate a new one because you deleted the second one. xD Well then again. You did indirectly admit to double-posting. So I guess I dun need to. I confuse people. It's my job. *realizes I paid Glowurm too fast* Actually, I deleted the first one. LOL *loves playing with words* *goes back to creating Plan A*
  14. How phenomenally fantastic! I really liked this! Please do write more. For someone who is pulling a story out of thin air... you are terrific! *hands Glowurm The Platinum Moon Award and a year's supply of coupons for Starbucks* Whoohoo!! *Jigs to the rolling stones* [voice=Elvis]Thankyaverymuch[/voice] You are quite welcome!
  15. *gives Glowurm the same glasses I gave Cheesemaster* What double post? Your hand being asleep and Cheesemaster trying to cut off his... LOL I'm sorry, but I actually have a screenshot of it. ;D I'll delete it if I can have some starbucks. Paid by you. >D LOL How sneaky of you!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So, how much is it going to cost me? I'll get the cheapest coffee. So only $10 Ha. I made a jab at starbucks' prices. I'msocool But really. It'll cost $10 which is... 100 H$. If I remember right. xD You can afford THAT! *whines a lot before handing over the money* Here you go... but before I release the bucks, hand over the screenshot.
  16. How phenomenally fantastic! I really liked this! Please do write more. For someone who is pulling a story out of thin air... you are terrific! *hands Glowurm The Platinum Moon Award and a year's supply of coupons for Starbucks*
  17. *gives Glowurm the same glasses I gave Cheesemaster* What double post? Your hand being asleep and Cheesemaster trying to cut off his... LOL I'm sorry, but I actually have a screenshot of it. ;D I'll delete it if I can have some starbucks. Paid by you. >D LOL How sneaky of you!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So, how much is it going to cost me?
  18. Horatio

    My place. :)

    This is a really tough one. Perhaps more people are worried about the papers and tests, but just not talking like Marius is. Does the nearing of the end of the semester and what is going to happen this summer figure in somehow? I will try and think about this. I don't think it's just papers, because if that was the case, they'd complain about it openly. I don't think the end of the semester has much to do with it, especialy because most of us are coming back for at least one summer session, although that might be part of Kevin's problem because I know he isn't. But I'm pretty sure his issues are a lot bigger than that... You are right. I feel bad for Kevin. Why are you going back for a summer session? To lighten your load next year? Yeah. I'm doing the summer session more for fun than anything, although it is making my fall semester schedule delightfully small (only 14 credits compared to my usual 17). I'm in physics class right now. And outside, the trees are starting to get leaves on them, and it's green and pretty. *random* I always love spring!
  19. Horatio

    My place. :)

    This is a really tough one. Perhaps more people are worried about the papers and tests, but just not talking like Marius is. Does the nearing of the end of the semester and what is going to happen this summer figure in somehow? I will try and think about this. I don't think it's just papers, because if that was the case, they'd complain about it openly. I don't think the end of the semester has much to do with it, especialy because most of us are coming back for at least one summer session, although that might be part of Kevin's problem because I know he isn't. But I'm pretty sure his issues are a lot bigger than that... You are right. I feel bad for Kevin. Why are you going back for a summer session? To lighten your load next year?
  20. Horatio

    My place. :)

    This is a really tough one. Perhaps more people are worried about the papers and tests, but just not talking like Marius is. Does the nearing of the end of the semester and what is going to happen this summer figure in somehow? I will try and think about this.
  21. Horatio

    My place. :)

    Glad she liked it. Maybe I should publish my rants... Ranting is a form of writing I don't seem too shabby with. Haha you should...in the school newspaper...anonymously. Speaking of papers, I finally finished my BHP paper! Yay! You deserve a round of applause! I would have procrastinated much, much more. *pulls some fresh baked hot-from-the-oven healthy muffins to place in a basket for Jesusfreak* It would be hard to procrastinate it more, seeing as it's due today. I'm printing it as I type. That's about my speed of procrastination! Why do something ahead of time, when you can wait to the very last ultra-stressful second! I finished up something for bio today in the period before it. Had to right a half-page summary of an article on stem cells. You are lucky to be so smart. I am usually trying to put a bunch of baloney together and make it look like I know what I am doing. that is what I do for english. xD Do you pull it off? It usually works pretty well for English classes, actually. I never was good at the power of persuasion. My english teachers would see right through it.
  22. Wow, I really don't know! Uh. Would it be cheating to look it up? XD Absolutely not. Go for it. Tifton, Georgia! I now know some amusing information! Yaaay! =D They even have a Starbucks! Which I find more amusing. I didn't go to Starbucks, I got coffee at the gas station. LOL I love Starbucks. XD It's everywhere I go, I can't escape it, and I just love their drinks so much. =D Never really tried starbucks. ...I do hope that when you do go you try the double chocolate chip mocha frappuchino. XD He has to be able to remember it first!
  23. thanks. i have a question.. and i dont want any bull. i dont care if my feelings are hurt. i want honesty.. am i good enough to actually like.. write.. as a profession? i dont want you to be like yes.. and then i got for it and fail and dont just tell me to try just talk to me about it. how can i get better? You absolutely are good enough to write as a profession. BUT... ask any successful author and they will tell you they have had lots of rejection letters. Grishams first book, A Time To Kill, one of the best in my opinion, was a sleeper until he wrote the super successful others. So, if you get rejection letters, do not dismay as this is part of the writing process. I would start collecting your poetry in a book, dated, to save for future use. This would not be your journal, but a poetry book. Read lots of other poets and see what you like and what you don't like. I have lots of other ideas, and will give them to you in a more organized method, but not at the moment. thanks. and i had poem books but my diarys and them always seemed to mash sometimes i even write notes to my friends that sound like poems writing is writing i cant help but mush it all together As long as you can pull out your poetry when you need to. i will i would never throw out a journal im a packrat i dont throw away anything... lol i almost asked for therapy today in group(yeah, its therapy but not REALLY) im miserable I am truly sorry you are miserable. I wish I could help. Asking for additional help is not bad.
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