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Everything posted by Horatio

  1. First... you should be in bed. What are you doing up so late??? Second... I didn't think anyone would respond so quickly. Third... great cartoon!!! You have to love that British humour. *blinks* where is the post you quoted? Did you not let that through or something? I wanna see the comic! One of the flaws of the board. I reply before I approve it so it happens in two steps. Otherwise, it takes four steps to approve it first and then reply.
  2. First... you should be in bed. What are you doing up so late??? Second... I didn't think anyone would respond so quickly. Third... great cartoon!!! You have to love that British humour. Its midnight, I'm a manic depressive and have insomnia as a result. Its fine though, it means I get to do more work. XP Ha, I'll give you time to prepare one of your careful and considered responses with insightful comments and everything. Satire is where we excel when it comes to humour, and I think you may appreciate some more cartoons about Bush by this cartoonist... kekeke. And on human rights, we may want to refer to the Iranian crackdown on the "revolutionary dresscode" as one of the social freedoms which they won under the previous reformist president is cracked down upon and now women must be strictly in compliance with the dresscode or face arrest and trial by Islamic Court. And if Bush dares invade Iran, I will go psycho. People mistake Iran constantly for a dictatorship with a corrupt leader, but that is what the USA has done for Iran's international face, in reality it is just an authoritarian democracy with heavy religious influences and overtones. Like the US. It favours have nuclear weapons and justifies a new arms race. Like the US. It has a habit of being internationally very tetchy and atagonistic while funding and training some terrorist groups. Like the US. Oh the two way hypocrisy we have between these two countries. Manic depressive with insomnia, no wonder I enjoy your writing so much. You have such a way with words. LOL British satire is so entertaining. Your political cartoons are great. The Middle East has different views regarding women. I do not agree with these views and wish all women could achieve equality.
  3. *stares at Horatio* Look what I found. I am looking.
  4. Nothing Hillary Dillary Dock can say will make me like her. She is more abrasive than sandpaper. Personally, I like Barach Obama. He may not have enough experience to be President, but I would vote for him any day over Hillary. You get Hillary, you get Billy. As far as what is spewing from Hillary's mouth, it has nothing to do with her beliefs, it is just what she thinks the public wants to hear to vote her in. Blah, blah, blah... You got what you were looking for, a performance. Enough said. As for the Republicans, Fred Thompson may surprise everyone if the grassroots group can urge him to run. France... Royal looks like a great candidate. Personally I would like to see her achieve victory. Iraq. What a mess. I want to finish reading as much as I could on the report by General Petraeus before I comment.
  5. First... you should be in bed. What are you doing up so late??? Second... I didn't think anyone would respond so quickly. Third... great cartoon!!! You have to love that British humour.
  6. *knows it is past TGHL's bedtime* I will give someone a bit more time to answer. I just know we have people with political views they want to share.
  7. Here... I will give you a hint. I look like a hamster. A blonde hamster.
  8. Very good idea. *places a beaver bug in - Kat's - fur*
  9. As a matter a fact, I do have an order. I will get it together and report back.
  10. Horatio

    My place. :)

    Whoa... this semester has flown by!!! I am sure you will get A's on all your final exams.
  11. *starts the beaver early alert system to let all the beavers know to get ready for - Kat - and her mafia*
  12. And what about the Democrats' decision to start pulling you out of the war by October? Which Bush will try and veto, but there is always the option of kneeing him in the crotch should he try to. We'll probably be half way out by then, leaving you some nice juicy insurgents in the South of the country to deal with. I'd say serves you right for giving us some of the most dangerous areas in Iraq to police, but that would be callous and be disrespectful to all the lives of the American soldiers who have been killed, no, slaughtered as part of Bush's plan to make sure his Daddy's oil trusts are packed full of cash. Welcome back TGHL!!! You have been missed. As for my comments, I will withold them until someone else has spoken.
  13. ... wait a minute, whats that have to do with anything? It's a love song ... cool. >_>; You might just want to add another song on that playlist of yours. One by Sell Out Boy. "I used to obsess over living. Now I only obsess over you!" Bhaha. So funny. Toto... you sure know how to make me laugh! *hands Toto The Double Gold Star Award*
  14. TBFOF would have been the first entry had his picture shown up, but we have another entry... Wildcat! Thank you for taking the time to enter.
  15. I disagree. There is not a billion kids online that write the same/better than you.
  16. Well then, come around more often!!! We miss you! How was Cow's birthday? Tell her we send our happy hammie birthday wishes. maybe i shall. i totally forgot about it. i miss her. i think shes mad at me though. Send her an belated birthday card, she will like that you thought of her. i went on myspace, can i say that?, and commented her I'm glad you did that. Hopefully she will thank you. hopefully she doesnt think im dirt. You could always apologize for whatever it was that came between you both. no i cant. and i dont believe i did anything wrong its a conflict of morals. im sorry it made her feel that way she wasnt honest with me though i thought all was good never meant to hurt her feelings.. You could always say you never meant to hurt her feelings. But... sometimes, lives change and your friendship changes so much, you think you can't go back. It takes two, she has to want to work it out as much as you do. were friends b/c our moms are i dont see her that often were not that close and im sure all will blow over by like.. the summer when i see her again If you want it to blow over, then I am sure it will. i just am something that doesnt really fit in her life but if i could only show people im still me im still lauren under all my choices and all my mental illness theyd understand but im just so timid i never say a word You are not alone. Many people are timid and keep quiet when, if they opened up, they might find what they are looking for. tomorrow im going straight to brendell. to tell her i quit group and i want therapy and when she asks why ill hand her a piece of paper i started in math yesterday and finished just now Do you think you should find a therapist you like before you quit? no. ive wanted to quit for over a year now. the only input ive EVER put into group is backing up that kids do drugs and that revenge is sweet the kids in my group arent like me i dont like them i dont like being there and it doesnt help me at all honesty, im in it for the missing class aspect. Then quitting is the thing to do. im going to but im not getting help i can ride this out i need to get stronger sitting in some room pouring my thoughts out to hear what i can hear from my friends is pointless my life is so easy i laughed about it today Okay.
  17. ROFOCLH !!!!!!! You get The Platinum Moon With The Gold Star Award!!!!! Excellent!!!!!!!
  18. Your avatar has been posted for a couple days now. Please take a look.
  19. *wonders if anyone ever looks here* If anyone does look, I am running off to take a sand shower. See you all in a bit. Look here until I return... http://www.hampsterboard.com/board/index.php?showtopic=4812
  20. *wonders what a cheeseninja looks like* Nobody knows (besides myself) cause you can't see me. *thinks about this*
  21. *wonders what a cheeseninja looks like*
  22. *gives Wildcat a biiii hug back* Glad you like it! I love the one you picked as your avatar.
  23. Wildcat... your avatars have been posted in the avatar section. I changed my avatar so I would get your attention!!! Do not worry if it says an error occurred, your avatar will be changed.
  24. Root Beer please! I LOVE root beer!!!
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