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Hampsterdance Discussion Board


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Everything posted by Horatio

  1. *introduces a couple of my friends*
  2. I would love to do that!!! Let me know when he approves them! -Li *is so excited passing along this message* Not only did HampsterKing approve your first group of avvies, he put in a request for an avvie!!!!! Would you please make an avatar for HampsterKing? Thanks! Let me know if you need any information from him to help you. *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final cut*~* Let me see if I can find it. I have no idea if he saw it or not. Thinking back, I think that was when he wasn't approving avvies and was working on problems with the boards. I made an avatar for him once. Dd he ever see it? I don't have it on my computer anymore. *~*The Psychgedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~* OK, then. I can make it again if you want, it wasn't very hard. Please do. By the way, your avatar by Li was approved. It is really spectacular. You ought try using it for a bit. *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* I'm like the only person using one of the older avatars though. And here: *~*The Psychedelic Lua*~*Tje Asrnomy Domine*~& I will pass that one along to HampsterKing. I am certain he will like it!
  3. I would love to do that!!! Let me know when he approves them! -Li *is so excited passing along this message* Not only did HampsterKing approve your first group of avvies, he put in a request for an avvie!!!!! Would you please make an avatar for HampsterKing? Thanks! Let me know if you need any information from him to help you. *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final cut*~* Let me see if I can find it. I have no idea if he saw it or not. Thinking back, I think that was when he wasn't approving avvies and was working on problems with the boards. I made an avatar for him once. Dd he ever see it? I don't have it on my computer anymore. *~*The Psychgedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~* OK, then. I can make it again if you want, it wasn't very hard. Please do. By the way, your avatar by Li was approved. It is really spectacular. You ought try using it for a bit.
  4. I would love to do that!!! Let me know when he approves them! -Li *is so excited passing along this message* Not only did HampsterKing approve your first group of avvies, he put in a request for an avvie!!!!! Would you please make an avatar for HampsterKing? Thanks! Let me know if you need any information from him to help you. *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final cut*~* Let me see if I can find it. I have no idea if he saw it or not. Thinking back, I think that was when he wasn't approving avvies and was working on problems with the boards. I made an avatar for him once. Dd he ever see it? I don't have it on my computer anymore. *~*The Psychgedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*
  5. Horatio

    My place. :)

    I love being outside and totally connected with my precious Adam. Hahaha The only bad part was part of something out there flew into my eye, and now the corner of it is all red and itchy. Lucky you... no need for glasses. I would be having a really hard time reading it I didn't have glasses. Oh, no, I have glasses. I've had them since I was two. Either whatever it was flew around my glasses, or I had taken them off to clean them or something. (For the record, my eyesight is really bad. I can see things clearly without my glasses if they're held about two inches in front of my face. Anything beyond that is fuzzy. ) LOL... kind of like hamsters. It was bad enough that when I was really little, thhey almost had to do an operation on my eyes. I was one of those little kids with the huge, thick glasses and an eyepatch. Oh my! At least your eyes have been corrected to good vision with glasses.
  6. *screaaaammmmmmmmmsssssssssssssss* Don't do that to me!!!!!!!!!! How did the results turn out? What did the doctor say?
  7. *loves this one* This is one of your best ones!!!!!
  8. Horatio

    My place. :)

    I love being outside and totally connected with my precious Adam. Hahaha The only bad part was part of something out there flew into my eye, and now the corner of it is all red and itchy. Lucky you... no need for glasses. I would be having a really hard time reading it I didn't have glasses. Oh, no, I have glasses. I've had them since I was two. Either whatever it was flew around my glasses, or I had taken them off to clean them or something. (For the record, my eyesight is really bad. I can see things clearly without my glasses if they're held about two inches in front of my face. Anything beyond that is fuzzy. ) LOL... kind of like hamsters.
  9. I would love to do that!!! Let me know when he approves them! -Li *is so excited passing along this message* Not only did HampsterKing approve your first group of avvies, he put in a request for an avvie!!!!! Would you please make an avatar for HampsterKing? Thanks! Let me know if you need any information from him to help you.
  10. Horatio

    My place. :)

    I love being outside and totally connected with my precious Adam. Hahaha The only bad part was part of something out there flew into my eye, and now the corner of it is all red and itchy. Lucky you... no need for glasses. I would be having a really hard time reading it I didn't have glasses.
  11. Horatio

    Jesse's topic

    Really? Didn't know some schools did that. I had to register at the town hall. I had no idea schools did that either. Yeah, it doesn't seem to be a popular thing among schools, but it is a neat thing because you get to register along with people you know, and all of us registrees got to wear that silly "I registered to vote today!" stickers around school. And the free pen + bookmark were nice. Actually I think it is a really great idea. The school is thinking that most people will find a reason not to register when they have to do it on their own.
  12. Horatio

    Jesse's topic

    Really? Didn't know some schools did that. I had to register at the town hall. I had no idea schools did that either.
  13. Because you are in love. *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* Horatio. David Gilmour is after you. Ever since I put that hamster pic in my siggy, I haven't had room for David, and he had to move back to Google, where he lived in a runty little house with no water. *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~* David Gilmour likes Google.
  14. Because you are in love.
  15. I would love to do that!!! Let me know when he approves them! -Li Absolutely!
  16. What do you think caused your bird's behaviour change? Not having enough attention? He does get a lot of attention. It's just that he's mean. You go to pick him up and he flys away. You go to pat him and he flys away. You go to say hello and he pecks your face off. Hes a little better now that I'm re-taming him. He'll actually let you pick him up and he sits on your shoulder and acts all cute. But he still prefers to sit atop his cage than with any of us. I had the best weekend. My boy came over at about 7:30 on Friday night (looking extra cute for some reason) and he got to meet some more of my family. Then they all went out and we hung out with my sis and her friend til another friend came over (actually we snuck him out of the house while his parents were sleeping) and we played on my laptop, with my pet rattie, with my guitars and then we decided to play Guitar Hero That lasted til about 4:30 in the morning when I fell asleep and was woken up by my boy. We had to take my friend home and then we came back and fell asleep and just cuddled. We woke up at about 10am, had breakfast and looked at picture from the night then fell asleep again til about 1. We then went out for ice cream and went to a few pet shops. We came back and more Guitar Hero was involved. Then lots and lots of cuddling and something to do with ice and dogs. Then he went home at 12. And on Sunday I was dead with a headache so it felt like it never existed. I'm happy. -Li Except for the headache, it sounds like you had a really wonderful weekend!!! It is really nice to see you are so happy.
  17. Wonderful!!! I am looking forward to it!
  18. Yeah!!! Mushroom_king's pic is up!!! How terrific!!! Thanks.
  19. 1. All The Girls Love Alice (GYBR) 2. Social Disease (GYBR) 3. Burn Down The Mission (Tumbleweed Connection) HA! btw, yes, bennie & the jets is #7, and #10 is rocket man ,,,keep working on #4! im glad u know some GYBR songs that not "everyone" knows! that is one of my favorite EJ albums...and Tumbleweed connection is my dad's, except i only have the LP (please excuse me if i mentioned this b4) so i cant listen to it as often as i could if i had it on my mp3 player...but ive been trying to listen to it more often! i had it on b4 dinner & now im done with dinner so im gonna put it on again....coincidentally i was in the middle of "Burn Down The Mission" when i had to go eat dinner! so hold on....i have to turn on the stereo, and the record player, and carefully drop the needle in the right place! "You tell me there's an angel in your tree....Did he say he'd come to call on me?..." i love elton john! :wub: my mom's going to las vegas this saturday! i told her to get EJ's autograph if she sees him...he performs in las vegas, so i was like "maybe u'll see him walking on the strip!" (wishful thinking but still...) my mom and i were joking around about it when she was driving me to school this morning...she said she'd tell him to come home with her so i could meet him...i said he could become my new piano teacher! not that i dont like my piano teacher now, but u know,,,elton is elton! just more wishful thinking....its nice to daydream sometimes..... I almost cheated this morning. I have been singing a couple of these songs alllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll day and I still couldn't remember the title! So, I was going to get out the Elton John Songbook for piano and look up the words, but somehow I got sidetracked until your topic now. Rats! Hopefully the titles will come to me in a dream.
  20. Horatio

    My place. :)

    I love being outside and totally connected with my precious Adam.
  21. Horatio

    Jesse's topic

    Glad to see you added this little tidbit. Please disregard my previous post. Now I completely understand.
  22. Horatio

    Jesse's topic

    Ah, bitter irony. I hate that stupid alarm. I keep waking up and checking the time because I'm afraid of that thing going off. :closedeyes: It's a tiring process. So I registered to vote today, and it was easy! There was no selective service stuff involved, and no passport or driver's license needed (thank goodness because I forgot the former at home and it will be a while before I get the latter). Just a form to fill out and then you swear an oath. It has been a while since I have heard so many people say "thank you" to me in a row. Perhaps more teens neglect the right to vote than I think. Now I just need to wait until I get mail saying I'm registered. You didn't have to show a picture ID??????????? Down in the land of 'hanging chads' you have to show a picture ID and another form of identification to back up the first one. Glad you registered!!! Now for your first vote.
  23. I must say though, that when I made this topic a long time ago, i was thinking of the wrong word. It was s'posta be Misheard Lyrics. but. whatever. *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* I like misinterpreted better. Oh, and two more songs to the list are Space Oddity by David Bowie and Spanish Castle Magic by Jimi Hendrix. *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~8the Astronomy Domine*~* It works for me either way. Now you have t either way. um. sure. I have t. Grrrrr... *squashes all the home-schooled kids* That's really not nice. You should just squash arkcher. Because it was him after all. It's like, say, shooting all people with blue hair because you don't like the colour D: *looks for all the Beaver group* *calls them in for back-up* Do all you beavers have your supply of duct tape?
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