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Everything posted by Horatio

  1. Welcome back! Of course we remember you! Don't be a stranger, okay? will try...since school is ending soon, I should be able to be a little more active...with a push from Paz. XD she pushed me out of my chair. yeah, definitely need to get back into HD. When you return, please go to HampsterDance Talk and then to the Horatio Club topic and vote in my poll. Please pick an answer to all three questions. Thanks.
  2. Welcome back! Of course we remember you! Don't be a stranger, okay?
  3. Great! You deserve them for all your help. If you like cupcakes, I just finished baking a couple batches of them. Help yourself. I even have ones you can decorate yourself. Now... please, Arkcher, vote in all three questions. Thank you.
  4. Haha, this is a very serious matter Horatio. Ohh, and I did make the flag corps! But Brooke didn't. ): She was so excited too, but just messed up in the fight song. CONGRATULATIONS ON MAKING THE FLAG CORPS!!!!!! I'm sorry Brooke didn't make it. Too bad they don't have 'do overs'. As for my response, I was laughing, because that is what you make me do when you write some of these things. You are really good. Plus, hamsters don't have those problems. Which brings me to another point... please go and vote in my Horatio topic poll, and vote in all three questions. Thanks Tototototototototototo.....
  5. *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* I've been wanting a multiple-choice poll for picking music for my tribute video. *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~& Okay. Is that your vote I see? MAYBE. I was hoping you would say yes... I just baked cupcakes. *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final cut*~* Um. Yes. That is my vote. ... Wait.... Duane Allman died in a motorcycle accident... !!!!! *~*The psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~* Then you better get your cupcakes now! Thanks for voting!!!
  6. *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* I've been wanting a multiple-choice poll for picking music for my tribute video. *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~& Okay. Is that your vote I see? MAYBE. I was hoping you would say yes... I just baked cupcakes.
  7. *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* I've been wanting a multiple-choice poll for picking music for my tribute video. *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~& Okay. Is that your vote I see?
  8. Okay!!!! I fixed the poll, thanks to Arkcher!!!! The key was that I had to delete the entire thing, log out, put Adam to sleep, wake Adam up, log in and then do the poll. And... voila! Multiple choice polls. Pick one in each group. *hands Arkcher a batch of fresh from the oven brownies*
  9. well, I see three polls... none of which we can vote in 'cause we already voted you should or shouldnt get a motorcycle in the first place. so if you take off the whole thing and add it again, and put it at multiple choice (3), then it should work. I tried that and the first one kept reappearing. But, I will delete the poll, sign out, sign back in and then try it. Thanks.
  10. Okay. I tried an experiment and it failed. I was trying to add a second poll onto the first and it won't let me do that. So, I decided if it won't let me do that, I might as well add a third one, and then it really doesn't like that. *thinks up Plan B*
  11. Horatio

    My place. :)

    Probably someone that had the wrong room... otherwise, if it was one of your friends they would have identified themselves, don't you think? Nah, it's possible that they didn't hear me if they were talking. One of them sounded like Dave though... Would he mention it to you? Mention what? Oh well. I'm going to go take a shower, and then figure out what everyone's up to. It was probably just someone wanting to know if I wanted to go do something. That was kind of what I was thinking. What I was asking was if he would say something like: "I stopped by, but you were out." Anyway, have a great day and I hope you find out who it was. Still haven't found out who it was... lol yeah. So, today was so boring that around 11ish Lindsay and Steph and I called Brennan (who's at home now), and we met him at a diner near his house (at least a half hour away). Yeah. That seems like a great idea. I hope that picked things up for the day. *loves diners* It was fun. I got chocolate chip pancakes, Brennan did his usual tobasco sauce shot, and we all sat around talking about random stuff. It was fun. Today should be fairly quiet until Ian comes over, I might get my lab report done so I don't have to do it tomorrow. Sometime tomorrow Marius and Brennan are coming back, because like me, they both have an exam Monday morning. After the exam on Monday, I need to pack up ALL my stuff, and then Tuesday I go home. It seems like this year has traveled at warp speed. I remember when you were just going away. If you are packing up your stuff to leave, do you have to repack it to come back for summer school? How does all that happen? I know! I can't believe college is 1/4 over already. The packing thing is really stupid. I need to get all my stuff off campus for less than a week. I move back in a week from tomorrow. I wonder who's bright idea that is. LOL I dunno. It's pretty dumb. Oh well. Lindsay, Steph, and I made dinner in the kitchen: pork roll and peiroghies. Desert was freezie pops and doughnuts. We were later joined by Derek and Lara. A little later, Christina and I might play some DDR, which will be fun. And then Ian's supposed to come over. Oh, and I went to wal-mart today, and I got shorts. So at least things are a little more interesting that yesterday. Sounds like a really interesting dinner. LOL I think I would have gone for dessert first. LOL Glad your day picked up over yesterday. Me too. Ian was supposed to come over again today, but never showed up. :glare: I wanted him to come during daylight hours so he could see all the pretty trees. Lindsay went home today, but Brennan and Marius came back, which was fun. We didn't really do anything particularly interesting though. I got my lab report done, which is good, and the physics exam doesn't *look* like it's going to be too hard. Pretty much everyone's going home tomorrow, so I'm going to try and be awake and ready in time to go eat breakfast with them. I'll see Brennan and Marius again on Sunday or Monday though, because they're doing summer session as well. Tomorrow afternoon will entail lots of packing. LOTS of packing.... Good luck on your test today. I know you will ace your Physics exam. Hopefully you are up and having breakfast with them now. I don't envy you on the packing. Haha. Awake before 8am... Nah, I'm going to get breakfast with them around 9. I decided to get dressed before sitting down at the computer this time so I wouldn't end up rushing and running out of time. Have fun!!!
  12. A R K C H E R ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Thank goodness you weren't hurt!!!!!!!!!!!!! *is clutching heart* yeah. Needless to say, my mom had a... very 'calm' response to it as well. XD it was kind of funny, actually. ... not the car getting pwned, my moms response. She freaks out at everything. It is all about you!!!!!!!!!! My reaction was as 'calm' as that of your mother. At least you were okay. I cannot explain my relief to hear this. The car can be replaced.
  13. I love it!!!!! I am certain he will like it as well. I will let him know it is here! Thank you so very, very much.
  14. Horatio

    My place. :)

    Probably someone that had the wrong room... otherwise, if it was one of your friends they would have identified themselves, don't you think? Nah, it's possible that they didn't hear me if they were talking. One of them sounded like Dave though... Would he mention it to you? Mention what? Oh well. I'm going to go take a shower, and then figure out what everyone's up to. It was probably just someone wanting to know if I wanted to go do something. That was kind of what I was thinking. What I was asking was if he would say something like: "I stopped by, but you were out." Anyway, have a great day and I hope you find out who it was. Still haven't found out who it was... lol yeah. So, today was so boring that around 11ish Lindsay and Steph and I called Brennan (who's at home now), and we met him at a diner near his house (at least a half hour away). Yeah. That seems like a great idea. I hope that picked things up for the day. *loves diners* It was fun. I got chocolate chip pancakes, Brennan did his usual tobasco sauce shot, and we all sat around talking about random stuff. It was fun. Today should be fairly quiet until Ian comes over, I might get my lab report done so I don't have to do it tomorrow. Sometime tomorrow Marius and Brennan are coming back, because like me, they both have an exam Monday morning. After the exam on Monday, I need to pack up ALL my stuff, and then Tuesday I go home. It seems like this year has traveled at warp speed. I remember when you were just going away. If you are packing up your stuff to leave, do you have to repack it to come back for summer school? How does all that happen? I know! I can't believe college is 1/4 over already. The packing thing is really stupid. I need to get all my stuff off campus for less than a week. I move back in a week from tomorrow. I wonder who's bright idea that is. LOL I dunno. It's pretty dumb. Oh well. Lindsay, Steph, and I made dinner in the kitchen: pork roll and peiroghies. Desert was freezie pops and doughnuts. We were later joined by Derek and Lara. A little later, Christina and I might play some DDR, which will be fun. And then Ian's supposed to come over. Oh, and I went to wal-mart today, and I got shorts. So at least things are a little more interesting that yesterday. Sounds like a really interesting dinner. LOL I think I would have gone for dessert first. LOL Glad your day picked up over yesterday. Me too. Ian was supposed to come over again today, but never showed up. :glare: I wanted him to come during daylight hours so he could see all the pretty trees. Lindsay went home today, but Brennan and Marius came back, which was fun. We didn't really do anything particularly interesting though. I got my lab report done, which is good, and the physics exam doesn't *look* like it's going to be too hard. Pretty much everyone's going home tomorrow, so I'm going to try and be awake and ready in time to go eat breakfast with them. I'll see Brennan and Marius again on Sunday or Monday though, because they're doing summer session as well. Tomorrow afternoon will entail lots of packing. LOTS of packing.... Good luck on your test today. I know you will ace your Physics exam. Hopefully you are up and having breakfast with them now. I don't envy you on the packing.
  15. Horatio

    Jesse's topic

    Yes, $83 for each AP exam. I think it's because the scores are sent to college. This is important for the math one because it is a factor in what college grades I recieve for the credits I applied for in advance. (I'm talking AP Calc.) I know you will do really well. Good Luck!
  16. Horatio

    Jesse's topic

    You have to pay to take the AP French exam?????? I am sure you will do great. If you get nervous, take a moment and breathy deeply about five or six times. If you make the breaths really deep and kind of slow, this should help to relax you. Good luck.
  17. A R K C H E R ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Thank goodness you weren't hurt!!!!!!!!!!!!! *is clutching heart*
  18. Sorry, not at the moment... I am eating pancakes! I already gave you the word. xD It just went over your head. *sleeps off a sugar rush*
  19. Sorry, not at the moment... I am eating pancakes!
  20. Thank you. Great one!!!!
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