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Everything posted by Horatio

  1. *wishes I were Lauren's friend* i meant with me at the time That's what I meant. With you at the time.
  2. Horatio

    My place. :)

    I think I would just want to leave the car packed.
  3. This still doesn't work. [url= Url goes here. [color=red][b]without no[/b][/color] spaces.][img=Url for the image goes here. like the Photobucket IMG url.][/url] That isn't very clear... I thought the double negative was really clear. You can't put text effects on stuff in a code box. Silly 'Raishey. *slaps forehead* Oh rats... I forgot completely about that. Leave it to you to catch me. LOL Seriously, It is kind of obvious. xD Ya know, based on the whole principal of code boxes and all... *ignores Cheesemaster* LOL *bumps the pyramid.* *hides behind Lexxy* *wonders how long this can go before esplodin'* KABOOM !!!!!! Silly Horatio. That there was an explosion. Not an esplosion. Tsk tsk. *slaps forehead* More coffee, I need more coffee!!! Yes. You do. Missing typos like that... For shame! ROFOCLH !!!!!!! I... I just have to... Once at least... Please... ...PTMYROFOCLH. *can't resist* ...PTMYPTMMROFOCLH.
  4. Horatio

    Jesse's topic

    It is still going on, and the school board is pulling out all the stupidities. They have 9th and 11th graders using a different entrance than the other grades, and they decided to throw in an early dismissal for elementary schools to make things even more fun on the road. C'mon bus company! WAKE UP! I keep changing my mind about how I did. Fortunately the speaking section is 10% of the whole thing, I think...so, we'll see. BTW I'm taking my AP calc test today. Which lasts even longer but I'm ready for it. Good luck, but I don't think you need it. I am certain you will do exceedingly well.
  5. Wow, that certainly is news I don't hear. What happened that made the place so war-bent? Why does it feel like everyone there is making it about war? My guess is for a couple reasons: first, that region has been fighting, at war, for the last 2000 or more years and second, they are tribal.
  6. CUL8R I R BAK I C O RLY Die. Both of you die. There should never be that much chatspeak in one pyramid. Don't worry, that was the total of my chatspeak vocabulary! Good. I won't help. *hands Glowurm a bribe* Please, pretty please... Chatspeak help.
  7. Lexxy check out my new poll! Three questions, multiple choice answers.
  8. :wacko: A chopper??????? My preferences lean towards crotch rockets.
  9. CUL8R I R BAK I C O RLY Die. Both of you die. There should never be that much chatspeak in one pyramid. Don't worry, that was the total of my chatspeak vocabulary!
  10. So sad. Of course, some of the news you don't hear is that in some of the fighting, the children have weapons and are shooting at our soldiers and they try and shoot over the heads of these children, until they need to defend themselves. These are the same children that took candy from the soldiers just hours before.
  11. Thank you. Great one!!!! sure..... (sorry i cant draw hampsters) You did great. And guess what I just remembered the name of that song... Harmony. Right?
  12. So...it's as close to authorized as we're going to get right now. Audience: For certain areas, I would recommend it to people over 14. Some language, some inappropriate parts, though not an overwhelming number. Also, it takes a while to get through, so you have to be somewhat interested in Elton John, like I am. (I'm more than "somewhat interested," but that's a different story) Reaction: I LOVE THIS BOOK!!!!!!!!! I give it as many stars or hampsters as I can. I forget if it's out of 4 or 5. It has been in my hands (or somewhere close by) every day in school and most of the time out of school since I got it. I first got it out of the library over Easter break, then liked it so much that my mom ordered it for me online. Now I have my own copy! My copy doesnt have the postscript that the 1992 version from the library did, but oh well. At least I own it. As I mentioned before, I am now on my 3rd time reading it. I am very much in love with Elton John! :wub: So...go read it and give me your reaction! Go! Now! I mean it! ~Liz Thank you so very much!!! That was fantastic. I called the library and had to reserve a copy as they are all out. When I finish it I will report back here. Thanks.
  13. When I looked at the one of you in front of the window, at first glance, it looked as if you had just jumped from the first floor window! *gets more coffee* Thanks for the pictures! They are fantastic!!! Hahaha no, I don't jump out of windows too often, not unless they're first floor windows anyways... Good thing. I would get hurt jumping off the porch of my cage. LOL
  14. Horatio

    Jesse's topic

    I did pretty bad on the speaking part, but I think I did the other parts pretty well. So who knows what kind of score I'll get... School is closed today because of a bus strike...weird stuff. Apparently if the strike continues after today, school will still reopen, so my parents have to drive us everywhere. Fun times. I really hope you did well. Please do let us know. Maybe the bus strike will end. Having parents drive their children everywhere won't be fun for anyone.
  15. When I looked at the one of you in front of the window, at first glance, it looked as if you had just jumped from the first floor window! *gets more coffee* Thanks for the pictures! They are fantastic!!!
  16. Sorry, not at the moment... I am eating pancakes! I. want. pancakes. e_e -Li *gives some pancakes piping hot from the griddle* If you would like, here is butter and some 'straight-from-the-tree' maple syrup!
  17. Not all, just one! Maybe they're all lost, wandering around in the forest and playing Xbox. Don't worry though, you'll find one eventually. There was this ceepy guy who liked me who was basically like "omg. female. breasts" *drool*. Oh. He told me the reason he held off going out with me for so long. Apparently he was too 'broken' by his previous relationships...(as I suspected). His exact words were "I was broken... but you fixed me!". And he sent me a really sweet message last night, too. Although I won't say what he wrote (no, it's not anything naughty >_>), it's so mushy that your brain will turn to goo. -Li And what exactly do you think they write in all those romance novels they sell millions of.
  18. .. sssooo. I dont know, is it even worth trying to go for Brianrietta? or should I not give up on it, or... D= i dunno. I would not give up quite yet. Brianrietta may have some family problems that no one knows about and she is trying to deal with those. If there was someone else in her life, I think she would still be doing the feminine giggle-squeak thing. It sounds more like she has something heavy on her shoulders.
  19. Haha, this is a very serious matter Horatio. Ohh, and I did make the flag corps! But Brooke didn't. ): She was so excited too, but just messed up in the fight song. CONGRATULATIONS ON MAKING THE FLAG CORPS!!!!!! I'm sorry Brooke didn't make it. Too bad they don't have 'do overs'. As for my response, I was laughing, because that is what you make me do when you write some of these things. You are really good. Plus, hamsters don't have those problems. Which brings me to another point... please go and vote in my Horatio topic poll, and vote in all three questions. Thanks Tototototototototototo..... Haha. I'm glad I bring humor to your life then. :P. I voted! I know!!! Thanks! Would you care for a fresh from the oven cupcake? Are they vegan? Hehe. For you? Of course. I wouldn't think of anything else.
  20. Haha, this is a very serious matter Horatio. Ohh, and I did make the flag corps! But Brooke didn't. ): She was so excited too, but just messed up in the fight song. CONGRATULATIONS ON MAKING THE FLAG CORPS!!!!!! I'm sorry Brooke didn't make it. Too bad they don't have 'do overs'. As for my response, I was laughing, because that is what you make me do when you write some of these things. You are really good. Plus, hamsters don't have those problems. Which brings me to another point... please go and vote in my Horatio topic poll, and vote in all three questions. Thanks Tototototototototototo..... Haha. I'm glad I bring humor to your life then. :P. I voted! I know!!! Thanks! Would you care for a fresh from the oven cupcake?
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