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Everything posted by Horatio

  1. Horatio

    My place. :)

    Not having a roomie has some benefits. That was such a quick week. Pack up, move home, unpack, go to camp, pack up, move back, start classes. Phew. I'm ready for a nap. What classes will you be taking? Thanks for the review of Spiderman 3, I think I see this one. A little corny always help to break up the day. I know! I'll be taking chem and a lab, and business ethics (takes care of a philosophy requirement). 7.5 hours of classes today. And yeah, Spiderman had some really mixed reviews. I think all the action movie people were disappointed that it wasn't all action. There's romance and a moral lesson involved. Sounds like my kind of movie. Thanks. Good luck in your classes. 7.5 hours of classes, I think I would fall asleep in one of them. I admire you for being so dedicated.
  2. I had to think about this for a bit before responding. Is there some way you could ask her to do something with you that was 'not a date' but just two friends getting together? This way you would show her by your actions, that your friendship extends beyond the church. You wrote "just keep in mind that you'll always have friends here to come back to" kind of bothered me because if she was to read this the wrong way, it would indicate that you were friends as long as she came back to the church. Anyway, it was just a thought. I'm just thinking, if you said to her that you would like to be her friend and do something together, it did not have to be a church thing, that perhaps you would be able to still see her. Of course, do not bring up religion if you both get together. Don't let her think she is being pressured to come back to the church and that is the only reason you both got together. But, I know you knew that. Hope this helps.
  3. Pure sap. I didn't realize that pure sap was edible, and I wouldn't think It would be good, either. xD You tap a hole in two species of maple tree, collect your sap in a bucket, boil the collected sap, finally, strain the sap and pour it over your pancakes. And that is how you make maple syrup. Y'see, it's not edible unless it's boiled a certain amount, from there on it's maple syrup. Pure as it can be. Still warm from the tree... Oh god, it's heaven... I love canada so much. Arkcher is planning on moving to Canada. You could always go and visit him. As for the syrup, I just love maple syrup, maple sugar candies and maple walnut ice cream. *gets hungry for pancakes*
  4. Horatio

    My place. :)

    Not having a roomie has some benefits. That was such a quick week. Pack up, move home, unpack, go to camp, pack up, move back, start classes. Phew. I'm ready for a nap. What classes will you be taking? Thanks for the review of Spiderman 3, I think I see this one. A little corny always help to break up the day.
  5. ROFOCLH! Toto... you are soooooo bad. *feels sorry for SkinnyMan*
  6. uh. I'd just like to point out that you're being kind of two-faced about this. You act like you like Julian sometimes, but as strongly implied here, such is not the case. or at least not what its made out to be. If something about him really is bothering you, then tell him. It's weird. I really do like him. But sometimes I go into my random psycho depressed moods. It's seriously just me being a two-faced idiot. >. Or, I'm in denial. I was just thinking that was an option since it seems to be for many people. XD Sounds tri-polar. xD Basically, yes. XD It is called 'the years between 15 an 21'. I figured most of the other girls were more concerned about make-up and boys than life problems and the thoughts of eternity/reality. XD Those are the same girls who never are interested in philosophical thoughts, just more make-up, boyfriends/husbands, their house, their kids and where they should shop. You are light-years ahead of them.
  7. My fault. Please accept my apology for not getting it to HampsterKing. I will get those in immediately.
  8. Have you ever tried taking lessons? You have no idea if you have no skills if you don't try and take some lessons. I lack the motivation. But I was never good in any of the middle school guitar dealies where they had guitar labs. I might make a good drummer though... I just need a set to see what I could do. xD You can still take lessons. Nah. I know I would never stick with it. Plus I wouldn't ever practice it at my house. It just wouldn't work for me. Negative, negative, negative. You haven't tried. It might happen that if you tried it, you would like it. Therefore, you would want to practice at home. Unless of course, your parents told you that you would have to practice in the dog house.
  9. Pure sap. I didn't realize that pure sap was edible, and I wouldn't think It would be good, either. xD You tap a hole in two species of maple tree, collect your sap in a bucket, boil the collected sap, finally, strain the sap and pour it over your pancakes.
  10. Have you ever tried taking lessons? You have no idea if you have no skills if you don't try and take some lessons. I lack the motivation. But I was never good in any of the middle school guitar dealies where they had guitar labs. I might make a good drummer though... I just need a set to see what I could do. xD You can still take lessons.
  11. All right TBFOF!!!!!!!! I signed up for the Marine Corps Marathon yesterday. It is the 28th of October. Don't hurt yourself like you did last time! And somehow I managed to crack my tailbone the other day. Not as in break it or anything, but as in the way one would crack there knuckles. Ouch! That hurts! If a hamster hurts his tailbone, that really hurts. Nah, there wasn't any pain. Unlike my feet now, cuase I got this big blister on each of them. >. Blisters hurt. Don't pop them! If you pop them, they really, REALLY hurt.
  12. Have you ever tried taking lessons? You have no idea if you have no skills if you don't try and take some lessons.
  13. uh. I'd just like to point out that you're being kind of two-faced about this. You act like you like Julian sometimes, but as strongly implied here, such is not the case. or at least not what its made out to be. If something about him really is bothering you, then tell him. It's weird. I really do like him. But sometimes I go into my random psycho depressed moods. It's seriously just me being a two-faced idiot. >. Or, I'm in denial. I was just thinking that was an option since it seems to be for many people. XD Sounds tri-polar. xD Basically, yes. XD It is called 'the years between 15 an 21'.
  14. TBFOF is back on the XC team, and I signed up for the Marine Corps Marathon... again. It is happening on the 28th of October.
  15. So...it's as close to authorized as we're going to get right now. Audience: For certain areas, I would recommend it to people over 14. Some language, some inappropriate parts, though not an overwhelming number. Also, it takes a while to get through, so you have to be somewhat interested in Elton John, like I am. (I'm more than "somewhat interested," but that's a different story) Reaction: I LOVE THIS BOOK!!!!!!!!! I give it as many stars or hampsters as I can. I forget if it's out of 4 or 5. It has been in my hands (or somewhere close by) every day in school and most of the time out of school since I got it. I first got it out of the library over Easter break, then liked it so much that my mom ordered it for me online. Now I have my own copy! My copy doesnt have the postscript that the 1992 version from the library did, but oh well. At least I own it. As I mentioned before, I am now on my 3rd time reading it. I am very much in love with Elton John! :wub: So...go read it and give me your reaction! Go! Now! I mean it! ~Liz Thank you so very much!!! That was fantastic. I called the library and had to reserve a copy as they are all out. When I finish it I will report back here. Thanks. yayyy! i am VERY happy i will have somebody to discuss it with!!! i accidentally left it at home today...i felt like i had no purpose in school! yeah, i went to my classes...but i needed filler in the spare minutes that we didnt do anything!!! im not used to not having something to read!!!! in school today, we had gym class outside again...we had to runs laps and it was like 80 degrees out and i forgot to take my shorts so i was wearing my sweatpants....ewwww!!!! i felt so gross...then after gym i have to go all the way across the school and up to the top (3rd) floor where it was BOILING even tho she (my teacher) had the fan on...and we were watching the movie "to kill a mockingbird" cuz we finished the book and i already saw the movie so i was sweaty & sticky & tired from gym class, and it was hot, and i was bored, so i think i actually fell asleep today! not something i ususally do...but i mean come on we were only watching a movie...and half the class had their heads down anyway....my english teacher never rlly gets too mad........ I can't wait to get the book. Of course, we have a 28 day loan, so I might have to wait for at least three weeks. By the way, HampsterKing would like you to change the links to pictures in your siggy. So, I am sorry, but would you please do this for me? Thanks. dont worry, the boko is worth it! ummm change them how? (the links) They just have to be the picture, not the link to the picture. Am I making any sense?
  16. It is really important to let your parents know. If it is on the internet, then keep as much data as you can to help the authorities catch this person. If you have given out any personal information, please remove it immediately. Your personal information should be given to only those people who you want to give it to. Please do let your parents know about this, and if you feel uncomfortable talking with them, let me know more and I will see how I can help you address this situation with them or with the appropriate authorities. I actually think he is from my school. He knows the shoes and shirt I wore Friday, what water bottle I had and what I have 3 period. I thought about it last night, and he types just like this kid Nick, who hates me. He's a big &*#&*#^#&^* anyway. The things that the person said online are things he would say to me in school. I don't think I would call him a stalker, so much, just an annoying *** ****** ******. But I don't know. Maybe it's just a coincidence that it seems like it's him. I want to wait and see a few more days, if he goes away or not, but if he persists, I'll be sure to tell my mom. Thanks Horatio. Whatever he has written on-line be sure and save for your mother. I am not someone who knows the rules, but to know what clothing you were wearing and what kind of water bottle seems a bit over the top. I think in this situation I would definitely let your mother know and not wait. If you are bothered by it, then it is important enough to let your mother know. You can tell her that you want to wait to see if this stops, and you do not want her to take any action immediately, but you wanted to let her know you feel uncomfortable with the situation. When is school out for summer? Will you see this guy at all during the summer? I told her, but I said I thought it was just someone being a jerk. I told her if it gets worse I'll let her know. As for Nick, school is out June 8th, I won't see him over the summer, and then he's going to prep school next year. =DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD Thanks for telling her. I really appreciate you doing that. As for him... he needs a military school, not a prep school. If he keeps up that type behaviour in prep school, he will find himself kicked out. Most prep schools do not tolerate actions such as that. That's the last thing I want, him to be kicked out. That means he's back here again. Exactly.
  17. For horses names, I like: Terminal Velocity Continuous Ignition
  18. MUSHROOM_KING ... *air-keyboards a random David Bowie song on Horatio's behalf* Sigh. Forgetting to air-something... It's almost a sin... *hands over 100H$ to Glowurm in advance for my next error*
  19. It is really important to let your parents know. If it is on the internet, then keep as much data as you can to help the authorities catch this person. If you have given out any personal information, please remove it immediately. Your personal information should be given to only those people who you want to give it to. Please do let your parents know about this, and if you feel uncomfortable talking with them, let me know more and I will see how I can help you address this situation with them or with the appropriate authorities. I actually think he is from my school. He knows the shoes and shirt I wore Friday, what water bottle I had and what I have 3 period. I thought about it last night, and he types just like this kid Nick, who hates me. He's a big &*#&*#^#&^* anyway. The things that the person said online are things he would say to me in school. I don't think I would call him a stalker, so much, just an annoying *** ****** ******. But I don't know. Maybe it's just a coincidence that it seems like it's him. I want to wait and see a few more days, if he goes away or not, but if he persists, I'll be sure to tell my mom. Thanks Horatio. Whatever he has written on-line be sure and save for your mother. I am not someone who knows the rules, but to know what clothing you were wearing and what kind of water bottle seems a bit over the top. I think in this situation I would definitely let your mother know and not wait. If you are bothered by it, then it is important enough to let your mother know. You can tell her that you want to wait to see if this stops, and you do not want her to take any action immediately, but you wanted to let her know you feel uncomfortable with the situation. When is school out for summer? Will you see this guy at all during the summer? I told her, but I said I thought it was just someone being a jerk. I told her if it gets worse I'll let her know. As for Nick, school is out June 8th, I won't see him over the summer, and then he's going to prep school next year. =DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD Thanks for telling her. I really appreciate you doing that. As for him... he needs a military school, not a prep school. If he keeps up that type behaviour in prep school, he will find himself kicked out. Most prep schools do not tolerate actions such as that.
  20. If I had a horse in the Kentucky Derby, I would like to see the names Pull The Switch and Pitch Black Eclipse. Those are really cool names.
  21. It is really important to let your parents know. If it is on the internet, then keep as much data as you can to help the authorities catch this person. If you have given out any personal information, please remove it immediately. Your personal information should be given to only those people who you want to give it to. Please do let your parents know about this, and if you feel uncomfortable talking with them, let me know more and I will see how I can help you address this situation with them or with the appropriate authorities. I actually think he is from my school. He knows the shoes and shirt I wore Friday, what water bottle I had and what I have 3 period. I thought about it last night, and he types just like this kid Nick, who hates me. He's a big &*#&*#^#&^* anyway. The things that the person said online are things he would say to me in school. I don't think I would call him a stalker, so much, just an annoying *** ****** ******. But I don't know. Maybe it's just a coincidence that it seems like it's him. I want to wait and see a few more days, if he goes away or not, but if he persists, I'll be sure to tell my mom. Thanks Horatio. Whatever he has written on-line be sure and save for your mother. I am not someone who knows the rules, but to know what clothing you were wearing and what kind of water bottle seems a bit over the top. I think in this situation I would definitely let your mother know and not wait. If you are bothered by it, then it is important enough to let your mother know. You can tell her that you want to wait to see if this stops, and you do not want her to take any action immediately, but you wanted to let her know you feel uncomfortable with the situation. When is school out for summer? Will you see this guy at all during the summer?
  22. It is really important to let your parents know. If it is on the internet, then keep as much data as you can to help the authorities catch this person. If you have given out any personal information, please remove it immediately. Your personal information should be given to only those people who you want to give it to. Please do let your parents know about this, and if you feel uncomfortable talking with them, let me know more and I will see how I can help you address this situation with them or with the appropriate authorities.
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