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Everything posted by Horatio

  1. Kind of crazy, but definitely exciting!!!
  2. I am a firm believer that if you take good care of things, they will last a long time. Well, that is if you do not buy them at Wal-Mart, then they will last. You will be shocked with what I am about to say... I still have my Apple IIci from the early 1990's and it still functions perfectly. The use is for word processing as the memory is really small, but it still works fantastically.
  3. The huge size was absolutely perfect for me to see just how magnificent your ring is!!! What a gorgeous ring!!! CONGRATULATIONS again! I can see why you are so excited!!!
  4. WHAT?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? NO PICTURES?????? You are in such big trouble!!!!! Keeping me in suspense like this. PICTURES, PLEASE, NOW!!!!!!! I want to see your ring!!!!! *is jumping for joy* I like the dark and rich color, with lavendar or lilac accents. Just my two cents worth. *is always giving my opinion* *blush, blush* Of course, you have impeccable timing, I am in the lounge in Seoul, Korea and I just let out a squeak of joy!!!!!
  5. Yummmmm, I love cheesecake. Cheesecake with blueberries or strawberries. *waits for a picture*
  6. CONGRATULATIONS to Sean! I am proud of you both! Great thing to be busy, it makes you wonder where the time went. LOL. You have so much happening, and it is only going to get worse as your wedding nears.
  7. Horatio

    Jesse's topic

    So, do we start calling you Doctor? CONGRATULATIONS on graduating to both you and your sister! You have worked so very, very, hard and accomplished so very much! I am really proud of you! Good luck on your job search, I am sure you will hear something soon!
  8. How exciting that you have met some very great musicians! Music is the blood of my soul. I do not believe I could live without music and the great people who create those wonderful sounds. Small details... LOL
  9. You will now be officially hooked! I am excited to hear what you think of the convention. How wonderful to hear that you enjoyed your birthday.
  10. AAAAAGGGHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!! How could I be late on such an important topic!!!!!!!! Oh my goodness!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!! I am so excited for you! Out of curiosity, why is Lent off limits to marriages? The 23rd of March seems Iike such a great day! Of course we would be honored to help you with ideas. Purple... What a spectacular color! You already know a great graphic artist, *cough, cough*, so I am sure that - Kat - can come up with some spectacular ideas. . I already have some flower ideas, please let me know what shade or shades of purple you are thinking of. PLEASE!!!! Ohhhhhhhhh, I am so excited!!!
  11. Thank you for the good wishes. Yes, it was the same ankle. And it still hurts!!! I feel really dumb! And for other news... my beloved laptop is dying. *cries* The Internet connection is gone, or should I say reduced to about 2%. I guess after six years, it is time for my precious laptop to retire into the computer home for well used electronics. Now I have to get a replacement and of course, Apple is talking about a new operating system coming out this summer, so I now have to wait. I already miss my laptop and it still has lots of non-internet use left. *cries*
  12. Dear - Kat -, I apologize for not getting this topic up on your birthday. You were definitely thought of, but I was having internet problems at the hotel and it was incredibly hard to get online. It was nice that your birthday was a success! Did you enjoy the sushi? Although I am not a fried foods person, I do enjoy tempura. Very, very tasty. It worked out really well that your new favourite movie was available on your birthday so that you could see it twice!!! Anyway, I hope you enjoy the convention in Balitimore. Sounds like a really great weekend!!! Of course, you do not escape the traditional song... HAPPY HAMMIE BELATED BIRTHDAY TO YOU, HAPPY HAMMIE BELATED BIRTHDAY TO YOU, HAPPY HAMMIE BELATED BIRTHDAY DEAR - KAT -, HAPPY HAMMIE BELATED BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have baked a red velvet cake for your birthday, but changed the icing to red as well. Enjoy your cake!!! But first, make a wish, blow out all the candles and let's get this party started!!! Happy belated birthday!!! Horatio
  13. Send pictures of the cake!!! We want lots and lots of cake!
  14. This past weekend, I was in Cambridge, England, with a side trip to the Duxford Air Museum and another side trip to London. I am really tired now, which is not so good because I need to start reserve at midnight. Overall the trip was great until I stepped off the curb and got hit by a speeding bicyclist. Dumb move. Totally my fault. The street is a one way street for motor vehicles, traveling towards me, and I was on the left side of the street. Well, there was this really crazy guy on the sidewalk ahead and I did not want to walk past him, so, I forgot to look behind me and stepped into the bike lane. KABOOM! At least I did not knock the bicyclist off her bike, but I am certain that I shook her up a bit. Well, her bike pedal hit my ankle squarely on the bone and took much of my skin and fur off above the ankle. There was an incredible amount of pain. Now I am much better, although I still feel quite dumb. By the way... these bicyclists travel at very high rates of speed.
  15. Sure... I will stop by - Kat's - house and pick her up on the way. Besides, I find any reason to ride my bike. Wait... I don't think so. We need to be able to say we knew you when you had these two minute performances!
  16. Horatio

    Jesse's topic

    If you think you are able to miss two years, just think what happens when you are much older... time flies and all you know is that it is Christmas again. Sort of like the movie Ground Hog Day, except you are placing a year between each day.
  17. Whoooooooooaaaaaaaaaaa, I totally forgot about this topic.
  18. Horatio

    Jesse's topic

    You are much smarter with computers than I could ever dream of being, and you found it without my help!
  19. Dear LifesEagle, As I look back, I realize just how many birthdays you have celebrated here at HampsterDance and now we are wishing you all the best, just one more time!!! We would like to wish you a very happy birthday, with many, many more to come! May your day be most special with all of your birthday wishes coming true. No birthday would be complete without the traditional song... HAPPY HAMMIE BIRTHDAY TO YOU, HAPPY HAMMIE BIRTHDAY TO YOU, HAPPY HAMMIE BIRTHDAY DEAR LIFESEAGLE, HAPPY HAMMIE BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!!!! Have a terrific day!!! Horatio
  20. Hey... look who is lurking... Facebook! LOL Click on the above image to enlarge it.
  21. You will... good things take time.
  22. We want the recording!!! I will definitely find a way to get your music posted. I am so very, very excited!! Perhaps I should head for the west coast and listen in person!!!
  23. Horatio

    Jesse's topic

    Signatures are most definitely permitted! And no, unfortunately you cannot edit your post. I am working on things, but they come very, very slowly.
  24. JESSEEEEEEEEEEEEE! *tackles with the biggest cyber hug* How terrific to hear that life is treating you well with a wonderful guy in your life!!! I am so thrilled to hear the news! And for other news... how is everything else? Do we start calling you doctor? How soon will you have this qualification complete? We are rooting for you!!!
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