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Everything posted by Horatio

  1. These two are wonderful!!!! I really appreciate your poetry. Thanks. Aw, thank you and you're welcome Both of them were written in class today. Were these written with a special someone in mind?
  2. I can do this. :blush: :blush: *wonders if I was sleep moderating and totally missed this* That's all right, I don't mind. It'll probably be a while before I assign a stop date for the voting anyways since the board has gotten so slow as far as members being around. =\ Really, REALLY slow. It is making me sad. *blames it on school, exams and the start of summer*
  3. Horatio

    My place. :)

    I see the training is working. *evil laugh is heard*
  4. riding his motorcycle. I just bought a new motorcycle!!! Go look at The Horatio Club topic in HampsterDance Talk. Let me know what you think.
  5. uh. I'd just like to point out that you're being kind of two-faced about this. You act like you like Julian sometimes, but as strongly implied here, such is not the case. or at least not what its made out to be. If something about him really is bothering you, then tell him. It's weird. I really do like him. But sometimes I go into my random psycho depressed moods. It's seriously just me being a two-faced idiot. >. Or, I'm in denial. I was just thinking that was an option since it seems to be for many people. XD Sounds tri-polar. xD Basically, yes. XD It is called 'the years between 15 an 21'. I figured most of the other girls were more concerned about make-up and boys than life problems and the thoughts of eternity/reality. XD Those are the same girls who never are interested in philosophical thoughts, just more make-up, boyfriends/husbands, their house, their kids and where they should shop. You are light-years ahead of them. Yeah, it's funny. My closer friends generally share these philosophical thoughts. Some may have a much more religious philosophical thought version, but they do have philosophical thoughts. XD It's pretty interesting. I don't feel AS crazy when I'm talking to them. And I can hold on to my sanity by just talking about it, which somehow distracts me from it in a way. I can have really thoughtful my two best friends and then Julian. Camielle I can talk to about everything reguarding life and death. Thomas and I talk about fears and sometimes the more religious viewpoint of philosophy. Then Julian and I just sorta talk about whatever. Usually has to do with overthinking and how we try not to but can't help it. XD So, I suppose I can conclude that I'm at least somewhat sane. Definitely sane. As I said... just light-years ahead of them. When you get to college, I would definitely look into some philosophy courses as I think you would love them. I'll definitely be looking into that. Okay, so on this radio show, this guy really made me mad. So he'd read a statistic or something earlier in the show, I guess. But this teenage girl called in to comment, and he tried to make her sound stupid. Basically, he was saying something like most teenagers don't like reading, and that she probably didn't either. But she then said she loved to read. After that for some reason he turned it into politics and said, "Do you know who the candidates are for the upcoming elections?" so she starts saying something and you can hear someone in the background and then he accuses her of making her father say something and she was repeating it. He said like, "Do you think I'm stupid or something?" and the background was nothing NEAR what she said, if he was listening carefully. And then he was like,"Make your father leave the room," and then she did, and then continued with the easy question, "How do you know that Bush isn't a candidate? You don't know that." And the best reply ever, she says(really furious by now), "Because he's already served 2..." and then my mom and I arrived at KFC, so I don't know what else went on, but she was looking for the word "terms", which she was too stressed to immediately think of, and I have no doubt that he continued to try to make her sound like an idiot. Some adults, I swear, they think they know everything. And then that handful of adults accuse all teenagers of knowing less than them. I know far more than many American adults today and I'm 10x more mature. I know in general teenagers are idiots, but it's not fair to make such an assumption about all teenagers. I hate that. I know better than to think my high school relationships are "love" or going to "last forever". I know better than to trust everyone, I know better than to fuss over everything, and I'm capable of staying calm in some of the most stressful situations. And then there are some adults who think they're more intelligent and more capable than me. When they're standing in the customer service lines, yelling at the representative (who has no control over the quality, they're just paid to deal with the yelling) because their toaster ovens don't work when they just never plugged it in. Ah. Rant of the day. First, I must laugh that you were listening to whatever radio talk program that was! Those shows are awful. I agree with you that the host tries to make everyone look like an idiot, especially young people, unless of course, they happen to agree 100% with whatever the subject of the day is. You are totally correct on your point about some adults. Many adults do not give young people enough credit. To begin, they think that babies know nothing. In reality, babies are soft, cuddly supercomputers. They are observing, compliling data on everything! They know how to manipulate adults days after birth... as soon as they learn that crying will bring an adult running. The learning does not stop, by two years, they copy almost everything they see and are able to do. By four, they have phenomenal memories and will repeat something months later after hearing a conversation of adults. The problem is adults, not all just some. This group of adults say to all young people... you can't do this, you are not pretty enough, you are not smart enough, you don't know anything, you can't, you can't, you can't. :wacko: This same group of adults will never give credit where credit is due. If a young person starts talking about politics, because the adult has not taken the time to become knowledgeable, then obviously, the young person knows absolutely nothing. Unfortunately, if given the opportunity, those same adults can stifle the creativity and ambition of youth. As for the "love" and "lasting forever", well... there are some people who are high school sweethearts and they are still married. So, you never know. The good news is that the divorce rate is dropping. Couples are trying to work things out. So, you never know. You could meet the "love of your life" in high school and have this guy be "the one". As for the adults who think it is acceptable behaviour to yell at a customer service person. Shame on you. This is totally unacceptable behaviour and they should get grounded. Sometimes people get frustrated because they purchase something and when they get it home, it does not work. So going back to the store to exchange it or return it is stressful. Other times, people want something for free for their inconvenience. So they will yell and scream until someone shuts them up with a present. I have a friend who is an airline gate agent and she has heard it all. Once, when the fog was so bad, you would not see your fingers if you stuck your hand out, obviously the planes were not going anywhere. This one guy threw his briefcase at her because she would not upgrade him to first class for the delay. Well, he got an upgrade... she called the airport police. He got a nice chair in their office for a while and then missed his plane. Most times, companies will accomodate the bad out of control person, just to shut them up. This is reinforcing bad behaviour. Scream in a restaurant and you will get free food. What really makes me mad are the people who purchase, let's say, a wide screen television to watch the Super Bowl, then return it the day after the super bowl. Hello... this is stealing. How about the women who purchase a dress, wear it with the tags and then return it. Wrong!!! Now you have me on a rant. I will be quiet now. Before I went rambling on forever... I should have just said... you are correct and I agree on all of your statements except the love one. I think that for some, true, long lasting love can happen in high school or college. Enough said. The love one I meant to say, "in general", and that I'm probably going to be a part of that. XD What's sad about teenagers taking relationships too seriously in high school is because oftentimes they set themselves up for hurt and it hurts them a lot more when they think they're going to spend forever and then some with the person they're with. The problem I have is when they're dating someone for about a week and they're acting rediculously "in love" when it's really just an infatuation, which I observe and about 95% of the time, it lasts less than half of the school year. Or, it lasts a while but then it only dies on the side that's not too busy doting without knowing the other person at all, even if they think they do. Or, they're both doting and then one gains sense a few months later and the other one is crushed. Unfortunately, I have a knack for running into the infatuation guys. Or, rather, they run into me. And then they suffer from, "*sulk* She's not mine. *sulk, sulk* We're so perfect together. Or, is she truly too good to be true?!" And then I, or anyone else in this situation, suffers from, "I'm trying to be nice, but really. It's getting creepy." They just know I'm Asian, really abnormally skinny(which isn't good in my opinion), and have a lot of energy. Heck, some don't even know I have so much energy and don't realise how weird I am because they're blind to it. Then they deal with whatever cruelty I put them up to. Julian is proving to be an infatuation guy. So if I were to feel completely indifferent towards him or just stopped liking him in that way, he'd be another to the list of weirdos. ;_; Though, that's not what keeps me with him. I assure you. Back on topic, I've known too many who end up not lasting. And those that do, sometimes end up crushed. Example. Julian's brother. Had his first girlfriend since his Junior year, dated her for 8 years, about to propose, only to find an email she left open on his computer by accident. She was cheating on him. Probably for at least the next month he'll be shaken. He's jumpy right now. And then there are those immature adults once again. Those few who make the idea of being an adult quite childish. Seriously, it is stealing to be returning stuff after using it for something once or twice. Gah, the worse part is the lying portion, in my opinion. It's not the money, it's the idea. That up thar is a long, unexpected rant. o_O Now that you have elaborated, you are one million percent correct. In the most part, you are finding out who you are and trying to find someone compatible. My thinking is that you have a very level head on your shoulders and your maturity level is way beyond that of the guys you are infatuated with. True love may not even happen in college. But never worry about it. As you discover who you are and where you want to go, all else will fall into place. As for the returning stuff, at the last Super Bowl there was an incident where an enormous amount of large screen televisions were purchased just days prior to the Super Bowl from a variety of stores, including Best Buy, Circuit City, and department stores, etc., then of those purchase just a few days prior, 90% were returned just after the Super Bowl. This really makes me mad because then it hurts everyone. There is one show on the tele where a police detective bought a dress, wore it with the tags, returned it and acts like this is totally acceptable. The next person who purchases the dress is going to believe she is purchasing a new product. Grrrrr.
  6. These two are wonderful!!!! I really appreciate your poetry. Thanks.
  7. That is really awesome. >=D I am so glad you approve! That's the bike I really like. *wonders if Mega Wolf will show up so I can tell her I bought that bike today*
  8. Have you ever tried taking lessons? You have no idea if you have no skills if you don't try and take some lessons. I lack the motivation. But I was never good in any of the middle school guitar dealies where they had guitar labs. I might make a good drummer though... I just need a set to see what I could do. xD You can still take lessons. Nah. I know I would never stick with it. Plus I wouldn't ever practice it at my house. It just wouldn't work for me. If you like hitting stuff with sticks, you'd enjoy drums. And it's not hard to start. XD No offense to any drummers out there, but it's really not THAT hard. Unless you're pro skills. And Cheesey, it takes time and effort to start loving making music. If you stick to it and get better at it, which would be far easier on your chosen instruments than the trumpet, you'll love it and never want to stop. Just take the initiative. That's what I did with trumpet. Just try it. Lessons help motivate, to be honest. They're more for motivation than help with skills. Expensive lessons aren't necessary, just cheap weekly lessons. Thank you for expressing those your thoughts!!!!
  9. *pours the melted brain over the popcorn* I am easy to beat!!! Sure you are. You just keep every conversation going and have 3x as many posts as me. It'll be easy. XD Hamsters have no life. You have band, 4H, school, etc., so, in your spare time you can post 6x as much.
  10. Horatio

    My place. :)

    Sounds like a really great idea. Good luck.
  11. I can do this. :blush: :blush: *wonders if I was sleep moderating and totally missed this*
  12. *wakes up, smells the coffee, looks back and decides that Mega Wolf wants a poll *
  13. uh. I'd just like to point out that you're being kind of two-faced about this. You act like you like Julian sometimes, but as strongly implied here, such is not the case. or at least not what its made out to be. If something about him really is bothering you, then tell him. It's weird. I really do like him. But sometimes I go into my random psycho depressed moods. It's seriously just me being a two-faced idiot. >. Or, I'm in denial. I was just thinking that was an option since it seems to be for many people. XD Sounds tri-polar. xD Basically, yes. XD It is called 'the years between 15 an 21'. I figured most of the other girls were more concerned about make-up and boys than life problems and the thoughts of eternity/reality. XD Those are the same girls who never are interested in philosophical thoughts, just more make-up, boyfriends/husbands, their house, their kids and where they should shop. You are light-years ahead of them. Yeah, it's funny. My closer friends generally share these philosophical thoughts. Some may have a much more religious philosophical thought version, but they do have philosophical thoughts. XD It's pretty interesting. I don't feel AS crazy when I'm talking to them. And I can hold on to my sanity by just talking about it, which somehow distracts me from it in a way. I can have really thoughtful my two best friends and then Julian. Camielle I can talk to about everything reguarding life and death. Thomas and I talk about fears and sometimes the more religious viewpoint of philosophy. Then Julian and I just sorta talk about whatever. Usually has to do with overthinking and how we try not to but can't help it. XD So, I suppose I can conclude that I'm at least somewhat sane. Definitely sane. As I said... just light-years ahead of them. When you get to college, I would definitely look into some philosophy courses as I think you would love them. I'll definitely be looking into that. Okay, so on this radio show, this guy really made me mad. So he'd read a statistic or something earlier in the show, I guess. But this teenage girl called in to comment, and he tried to make her sound stupid. Basically, he was saying something like most teenagers don't like reading, and that she probably didn't either. But she then said she loved to read. After that for some reason he turned it into politics and said, "Do you know who the candidates are for the upcoming elections?" so she starts saying something and you can hear someone in the background and then he accuses her of making her father say something and she was repeating it. He said like, "Do you think I'm stupid or something?" and the background was nothing NEAR what she said, if he was listening carefully. And then he was like,"Make your father leave the room," and then she did, and then continued with the easy question, "How do you know that Bush isn't a candidate? You don't know that." And the best reply ever, she says(really furious by now), "Because he's already served 2..." and then my mom and I arrived at KFC, so I don't know what else went on, but she was looking for the word "terms", which she was too stressed to immediately think of, and I have no doubt that he continued to try to make her sound like an idiot. Some adults, I swear, they think they know everything. And then that handful of adults accuse all teenagers of knowing less than them. I know far more than many American adults today and I'm 10x more mature. I know in general teenagers are idiots, but it's not fair to make such an assumption about all teenagers. I hate that. I know better than to think my high school relationships are "love" or going to "last forever". I know better than to trust everyone, I know better than to fuss over everything, and I'm capable of staying calm in some of the most stressful situations. And then there are some adults who think they're more intelligent and more capable than me. When they're standing in the customer service lines, yelling at the representative (who has no control over the quality, they're just paid to deal with the yelling) because their toaster ovens don't work when they just never plugged it in. Ah. Rant of the day. First, I must laugh that you were listening to whatever radio talk program that was! Those shows are awful. I agree with you that the host tries to make everyone look like an idiot, especially young people, unless of course, they happen to agree 100% with whatever the subject of the day is. You are totally correct on your point about some adults. Many adults do not give young people enough credit. To begin, they think that babies know nothing. In reality, babies are soft, cuddly supercomputers. They are observing, compliling data on everything! They know how to manipulate adults days after birth... as soon as they learn that crying will bring an adult running. The learning does not stop, by two years, they copy almost everything they see and are able to do. By four, they have phenomenal memories and will repeat something months later after hearing a conversation of adults. The problem is adults, not all just some. This group of adults say to all young people... you can't do this, you are not pretty enough, you are not smart enough, you don't know anything, you can't, you can't, you can't. :wacko: This same group of adults will never give credit where credit is due. If a young person starts talking about politics, because the adult has not taken the time to become knowledgeable, then obviously, the young person knows absolutely nothing. Unfortunately, if given the opportunity, those same adults can stifle the creativity and ambition of youth. As for the "love" and "lasting forever", well... there are some people who are high school sweethearts and they are still married. So, you never know. The good news is that the divorce rate is dropping. Couples are trying to work things out. So, you never know. You could meet the "love of your life" in high school and have this guy be "the one". As for the adults who think it is acceptable behaviour to yell at a customer service person. Shame on you. This is totally unacceptable behaviour and they should get grounded. Sometimes people get frustrated because they purchase something and when they get it home, it does not work. So going back to the store to exchange it or return it is stressful. Other times, people want something for free for their inconvenience. So they will yell and scream until someone shuts them up with a present. I have a friend who is an airline gate agent and she has heard it all. Once, when the fog was so bad, you would not see your fingers if you stuck your hand out, obviously the planes were not going anywhere. This one guy threw his briefcase at her because she would not upgrade him to first class for the delay. Well, he got an upgrade... she called the airport police. He got a nice chair in their office for a while and then missed his plane. Most times, companies will accomodate the bad out of control person, just to shut them up. This is reinforcing bad behaviour. Scream in a restaurant and you will get free food. What really makes me mad are the people who purchase, let's say, a wide screen television to watch the Super Bowl, then return it the day after the super bowl. Hello... this is stealing. How about the women who purchase a dress, wear it with the tags and then return it. Wrong!!! Now you have me on a rant. I will be quiet now. Before I went rambling on forever... I should have just said... you are correct and I agree on all of your statements except the love one. I think that for some, true, long lasting love can happen in high school or college. Enough said.
  14. That is really awesome. >=D I am so glad you approve! That's the bike I really like.
  15. *pours the melted brain over the popcorn* I am easy to beat!!!
  16. Okay... what do you think of this bike??????? :ninja:
  17. Horatio

    My place. :)

    You always think of the best ideas! Your idea about designating one room for sleeping and keeping the living room far away from the sleeping room is stellar!!! That sounds like a really fantastic plan. Good luck. I think everyone would like that idea.
  18. Oh my!!!!!!!! Those are magnificent!!!!!!!! You are so very talented. I will get them to HampsterKing immediately!!!!!! He may not get them up until tomorrow.
  19. Horatio

    Jesse's topic

    The last day of school (currently... ) is the 16th. According to the current finals schedule I will be done on the 14th if I can stay exempt from all the exams I can (I have to take half-year courses' exams). Then I will graduate on the 23rd. You were reading my mind. Graduation was my next question. Yeah!!! You will feel sooooooooooooo good when you graduate! I hope you remain exempt from your exams. *crosses paws for Jesse*
  20. Li would really like this one!!! :wub:
  21. Getting closer at too slow a pace for me... 537 to tie, 538 to beat!
  22. uh. I'd just like to point out that you're being kind of two-faced about this. You act like you like Julian sometimes, but as strongly implied here, such is not the case. or at least not what its made out to be. If something about him really is bothering you, then tell him. It's weird. I really do like him. But sometimes I go into my random psycho depressed moods. It's seriously just me being a two-faced idiot. >. Or, I'm in denial. I was just thinking that was an option since it seems to be for many people. XD Sounds tri-polar. xD Basically, yes. XD It is called 'the years between 15 an 21'. I figured most of the other girls were more concerned about make-up and boys than life problems and the thoughts of eternity/reality. XD Those are the same girls who never are interested in philosophical thoughts, just more make-up, boyfriends/husbands, their house, their kids and where they should shop. You are light-years ahead of them. Yeah, it's funny. My closer friends generally share these philosophical thoughts. Some may have a much more religious philosophical thought version, but they do have philosophical thoughts. XD It's pretty interesting. I don't feel AS crazy when I'm talking to them. And I can hold on to my sanity by just talking about it, which somehow distracts me from it in a way. I can have really thoughtful my two best friends and then Julian. Camielle I can talk to about everything reguarding life and death. Thomas and I talk about fears and sometimes the more religious viewpoint of philosophy. Then Julian and I just sorta talk about whatever. Usually has to do with overthinking and how we try not to but can't help it. XD So, I suppose I can conclude that I'm at least somewhat sane. Definitely sane. As I said... just light-years ahead of them. When you get to college, I would definitely look into some philosophy courses as I think you would love them.
  23. Horatio

    My place. :)

    Not having a roomie has some benefits. That was such a quick week. Pack up, move home, unpack, go to camp, pack up, move back, start classes. Phew. I'm ready for a nap. What classes will you be taking? Thanks for the review of Spiderman 3, I think I see this one. A little corny always help to break up the day. I know! I'll be taking chem and a lab, and business ethics (takes care of a philosophy requirement). 7.5 hours of classes today. And yeah, Spiderman had some really mixed reviews. I think all the action movie people were disappointed that it wasn't all action. There's romance and a moral lesson involved. Sounds like my kind of movie. Thanks. Good luck in your classes. 7.5 hours of classes, I think I would fall asleep in one of them. I admire you for being so dedicated. lol thanks I have a roomie now. She seems alright though. I just hope she's not as obnoxious as the people in the next room over. o.O For your sake, I hope so too! That would make for a very long summer.
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