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Everything posted by Horatio

  1. GLOWURM!!!!!!!!!!!! Yeah!!! I have been waiting for you!!!!!!! Look what I bought! So, what do you think?????
  2. *is listening to the song... waiting for Lexxyman to appear in The Horatio Club topic*
  3. These two are wonderful!!!! I really appreciate your poetry. Thanks. Aw, thank you and you're welcome Both of them were written in class today. Were these written with a special someone in mind? LOL LOL Some of them might have been. I thought so. Hahaha I even think I might know who. O rly? Three letters, starts with a vowel... am I close?
  4. Horatio

    My place. :)

    I thought Ian was on your mind. lol Yeah, he's usually on my mind, but he has been more so than usual lately. I'm actually chatting with him online now. Apparently his dad isn't doing too well. I am so sorry to hear about his father. I will keep his father in my thoughts, heart and prayers.
  5. *pours the melted brain over the popcorn* I am easy to beat!!! Sure you are. You just keep every conversation going and have 3x as many posts as me. It'll be easy. XD Hamsters have no life. You have band, 4H, school, etc., so, in your spare time you can post 6x as much. Yeah, I guess I keep busy. XD Next year, I was considering joining track. You would love track!!!! Ask TBFOF... he is on the XC team. Of course, I have to become more fit first of all, and then I have to get over the whole, "Ewww." factor, because teh ebil 1st boyfriend evar, Jordan, who has played bagpipes since age 9 is in track. Band practice situation: I kept on looking at this one kid. He was really short and he was running really fast, so I was like. Haha, that's funny. Then Erin catches up to me. We're running together, and this kid runs past us again. Me: Who's that short kid? Erin: Umm. I'm not sure. *both try to get a better look* Erin: *starts laughing* Jeanette, that's Jordan. Me: *stifling a laugh* Are you sure? Erin: Pretty sure. *halfway around the track* Me: Okay, let's get a better look, he's stopped over by the entrance with all the other cross country people. *run over there* Me: HAHAHA IT IS! Both of us almost fell over laughing and he was staring. Of course. Whenever I see him out of the corner of my eye, even now, I can see him looking at me. It's creepy. ;_; Now Jordan could be a problem. *doesn't care much for the creepy guy stare* In the hamster world, they separate the boys track from the girls track.
  6. Ah. Yes, I don't fear never finding love. I'll find it eventually, and it'll make it easier for me to find it realizing that I'm not afraid to approach people I don't know. >=D I've got the rest of life ahead of me, and, well, I'm not about to take everything seriously. You never get out of life alive anyways. XD I'm becoming a lot more mature, as far as actions go, example, I'm becoming calmer and enjoy life how ever I can. Love is just another luxury I'm waiting to obtain. That really makes me mad. 90%? That's terrible. I mean, that's rediculous. And as for "borrowing" dresses, it's totally unacceptable! I don't know what peoples' problems are. Society, once again looking at things as rights instead of as privileges. Also as usual, people are being selfish. All of the things I plan on doing in life are going to add up to a lot of money, but I'm going to earn it. And I can enjoy life without that dishonesty, there's way too much of it and people are so inconsiderate. See the red above... that's my line! I do believe that as you are finding who you are, this will find it easier not to have to worry about a 'love' interest. This gives you the freedom to do whatever you want. After you find where you want to be, the right person will come along and compliment your life. In my mind you will be an enormous success. This is the generation of 'I've got mine'. It's a good line. XD Ah, life. It's so odd. I don't understand HOW people can be so inconsiderate and stupid. XD Easy... they only think of themselves. They cannot see beyond the here and now. As long as they get what they want when they want it, no one else matters. They cannot see beyond the moment, not even for their children. Now that is the scary part.
  7. Walking is a really great way to start. Yeah, or jogging. Jogging works really well. And keeping electrolytes handy. =D Either is great. Marching band will also get you in shape.
  8. That is really awesome. >=D I am so glad you approve! That's the bike I really like. *wonders if Mega Wolf will show up so I can tell her I bought that bike today* OMG THAT'S REALLY AWESOME! =D Thanks for the fantastic reaction. I will pick it up on Saturday. *feels like forever until Saturday* Yeah, my life is really busy with FFA stuff. Tomorrow, I have to prep my pig for Youth Fair and finish my week of barn duty(basically, 5 pens cleaning duty for a week). Speaking of barn duty, I'm lucky and have less barn duty than most. I had Monday-Friday, Saturday and Sunday are Youth Fair days, so I don't have to clean pens because everyone takes turns on that because it has to be clean the whole time. And on one day a few people cleaned their own pens because of a pig poop in the upper area problem that most people had to deal with. Oh, and I have to walk my pig tomorrow as usual. So I'll probably be in the ag department until like, 6 or 7. XD And then Saturday I have to hang around and eventually show my pig. After that's done, I'm leaving for the band car wash, and then have to go back to the school around 4 for a final Saturday Youth Fair day meeting. That's also probably going to be around an hour. Then I'll be home, probably doing something else of significance. Sunday is another Youth Fair day, and I'll be there the whole time, maybe have time to go home and take a break. Then it'll all be over either at 3 or 5, I forgot which, for awards. Then I'll likely get pulled into cleaning crew. Yay. So I really don't have much time this weekend. XD Oh, and I predicted from yesterday until next Wednesday was going to be bad. Yesterday was kinda bad, today was kinda bad. So I'm hoping it's not TOO bad for the next few days I have of my suffering prediction. I got tired just reading your activities. When I got home, I would need a nap. Sounds like you are going to have a great time. Do you have any pics of your pig? It would be great to see one. You did get really lucky on the cleaning detail. The band car wash should be lots of fun. Well, hope your 'bad' is not too bad. *crosses paws* Yeah, sometimes I do take naps because of it. XD And I'll be taking some good pictures soon. Of course, it's still got about 50 more pounds to gain before it's ready for selling. XD Car washes are always fun. >=D Well, except when I'm spinning signs and guys whistle as they're passing by just because they feel like being idiots. Yeah, hopefully bad doesn't translate into terrible. XD When a guy whistles... always keep this in mind. It is a compliment. Look at it in that light and it will always put a smile on your face. No matter how old you get, if someone whistles... smile. I just laugh. Cuz I think it's hilarious since all they've seen is that I'm skinny Asian kid. XD For all THEY know, I could very well be a guy that just looks feminine or a cross dresser. XD True.
  9. That is really awesome. >=D I am so glad you approve! That's the bike I really like. *wonders if Mega Wolf will show up so I can tell her I bought that bike today* OMG THAT'S REALLY AWESOME! =D Thanks for the fantastic reaction. I will pick it up on Saturday. *feels like forever until Saturday* Yeah, my life is really busy with FFA stuff. Tomorrow, I have to prep my pig for Youth Fair and finish my week of barn duty(basically, 5 pens cleaning duty for a week). Speaking of barn duty, I'm lucky and have less barn duty than most. I had Monday-Friday, Saturday and Sunday are Youth Fair days, so I don't have to clean pens because everyone takes turns on that because it has to be clean the whole time. And on one day a few people cleaned their own pens because of a pig poop in the upper area problem that most people had to deal with. Oh, and I have to walk my pig tomorrow as usual. So I'll probably be in the ag department until like, 6 or 7. XD And then Saturday I have to hang around and eventually show my pig. After that's done, I'm leaving for the band car wash, and then have to go back to the school around 4 for a final Saturday Youth Fair day meeting. That's also probably going to be around an hour. Then I'll be home, probably doing something else of significance. Sunday is another Youth Fair day, and I'll be there the whole time, maybe have time to go home and take a break. Then it'll all be over either at 3 or 5, I forgot which, for awards. Then I'll likely get pulled into cleaning crew. Yay. So I really don't have much time this weekend. XD Oh, and I predicted from yesterday until next Wednesday was going to be bad. Yesterday was kinda bad, today was kinda bad. So I'm hoping it's not TOO bad for the next few days I have of my suffering prediction. I got tired just reading your activities. When I got home, I would need a nap. Sounds like you are going to have a great time. Do you have any pics of your pig? It would be great to see one. You did get really lucky on the cleaning detail. The band car wash should be lots of fun. Well, hope your 'bad' is not too bad. *crosses paws* Yeah, sometimes I do take naps because of it. XD And I'll be taking some good pictures soon. Of course, it's still got about 50 more pounds to gain before it's ready for selling. XD Car washes are always fun. >=D Well, except when I'm spinning signs and guys whistle as they're passing by just because they feel like being idiots. Yeah, hopefully bad doesn't translate into terrible. XD When a guy whistles... always keep this in mind. It is a compliment. Look at it in that light and it will always put a smile on your face. No matter how old you get, if someone whistles... smile.
  10. *pours the melted brain over the popcorn* I am easy to beat!!! Sure you are. You just keep every conversation going and have 3x as many posts as me. It'll be easy. XD Hamsters have no life. You have band, 4H, school, etc., so, in your spare time you can post 6x as much. Yeah, I guess I keep busy. XD Next year, I was considering joining track. You would love track!!!! Ask TBFOF... he is on the XC team.
  11. Horatio

    My place. :)

    I thought Ian was on your mind.
  12. That is really awesome. >=D I am so glad you approve! That's the bike I really like. *wonders if Mega Wolf will show up so I can tell her I bought that bike today* OMG THAT'S REALLY AWESOME! =D Thanks for the fantastic reaction. I will pick it up on Saturday. *feels like forever until Saturday* Yeah, my life is really busy with FFA stuff. Tomorrow, I have to prep my pig for Youth Fair and finish my week of barn duty(basically, 5 pens cleaning duty for a week). Speaking of barn duty, I'm lucky and have less barn duty than most. I had Monday-Friday, Saturday and Sunday are Youth Fair days, so I don't have to clean pens because everyone takes turns on that because it has to be clean the whole time. And on one day a few people cleaned their own pens because of a pig poop in the upper area problem that most people had to deal with. Oh, and I have to walk my pig tomorrow as usual. So I'll probably be in the ag department until like, 6 or 7. XD And then Saturday I have to hang around and eventually show my pig. After that's done, I'm leaving for the band car wash, and then have to go back to the school around 4 for a final Saturday Youth Fair day meeting. That's also probably going to be around an hour. Then I'll be home, probably doing something else of significance. Sunday is another Youth Fair day, and I'll be there the whole time, maybe have time to go home and take a break. Then it'll all be over either at 3 or 5, I forgot which, for awards. Then I'll likely get pulled into cleaning crew. Yay. So I really don't have much time this weekend. XD Oh, and I predicted from yesterday until next Wednesday was going to be bad. Yesterday was kinda bad, today was kinda bad. So I'm hoping it's not TOO bad for the next few days I have of my suffering prediction. I got tired just reading your activities. When I got home, I would need a nap. Sounds like you are going to have a great time. Do you have any pics of your pig? It would be great to see one. You did get really lucky on the cleaning detail. The band car wash should be lots of fun. Well, hope your 'bad' is not too bad. *crosses paws*
  13. These two are wonderful!!!! I really appreciate your poetry. Thanks. Aw, thank you and you're welcome Both of them were written in class today. Were these written with a special someone in mind? LOL LOL Some of them might have been. I thought so. Hahaha I even think I might know who.
  14. Walking is a really great way to start.
  15. Ah. Yes, I don't fear never finding love. I'll find it eventually, and it'll make it easier for me to find it realizing that I'm not afraid to approach people I don't know. >=D I've got the rest of life ahead of me, and, well, I'm not about to take everything seriously. You never get out of life alive anyways. XD I'm becoming a lot more mature, as far as actions go, example, I'm becoming calmer and enjoy life how ever I can. Love is just another luxury I'm waiting to obtain. That really makes me mad. 90%? That's terrible. I mean, that's rediculous. And as for "borrowing" dresses, it's totally unacceptable! I don't know what peoples' problems are. Society, once again looking at things as rights instead of as privileges. Also as usual, people are being selfish. All of the things I plan on doing in life are going to add up to a lot of money, but I'm going to earn it. And I can enjoy life without that dishonesty, there's way too much of it and people are so inconsiderate. See the red above... that's my line! I do believe that as you are finding who you are, this will find it easier not to have to worry about a 'love' interest. This gives you the freedom to do whatever you want. After you find where you want to be, the right person will come along and compliment your life. In my mind you will be an enormous success. This is the generation of 'I've got mine'.
  16. These two are wonderful!!!! I really appreciate your poetry. Thanks. Aw, thank you and you're welcome Both of them were written in class today. Were these written with a special someone in mind? Some of them might have been. I thought so.
  17. Please let us know your final opinion when you finish the book. Glad to hear you are enjoying it.
  18. Pure sap. I didn't realize that pure sap was edible, and I wouldn't think It would be good, either. xD You tap a hole in two species of maple tree, collect your sap in a bucket, boil the collected sap, finally, strain the sap and pour it over your pancakes. And that is how you make maple syrup. Y'see, it's not edible unless it's boiled a certain amount, from there on it's maple syrup. Pure as it can be. Still warm from the tree... Oh god, it's heaven... I love canada so much. Arkcher is planning on moving to Canada. You could always go and visit him. As for the syrup, I just love maple syrup, maple sugar candies and maple walnut ice cream. *gets hungry for pancakes* I love all thing maple except for maple syrup, really... Sugarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!
  19. *wonders if Cheesemaster has lost his mind* I only see one post.
  20. You must have never tried IBC Diet Root Beer!
  21. That is really awesome. >=D I am so glad you approve! That's the bike I really like. *wonders if Mega Wolf will show up so I can tell her I bought that bike today* OMG THAT'S REALLY AWESOME! =D Thanks for the fantastic reaction. I will pick it up on Saturday. *feels like forever until Saturday* Saturday & sunday I get to learn about first aid for objects in the eye! And nice bike, by the way. xD Are you joking with me? I have a full face helmet! Thanks for the bike comment.
  22. That is really awesome. >=D I am so glad you approve! That's the bike I really like. *wonders if Mega Wolf will show up so I can tell her I bought that bike today* OMG THAT'S REALLY AWESOME! =D Thanks for the fantastic reaction. I will pick it up on Saturday. *feels like forever until Saturday*
  23. Have you ever tried taking lessons? You have no idea if you have no skills if you don't try and take some lessons. I lack the motivation. But I was never good in any of the middle school guitar dealies where they had guitar labs. I might make a good drummer though... I just need a set to see what I could do. xD You can still take lessons. Nah. I know I would never stick with it. Plus I wouldn't ever practice it at my house. It just wouldn't work for me. If you like hitting stuff with sticks, you'd enjoy drums. And it's not hard to start. XD No offense to any drummers out there, but it's really not THAT hard. Unless you're pro skills. And Cheesey, it takes time and effort to start loving making music. If you stick to it and get better at it, which would be far easier on your chosen instruments than the trumpet, you'll love it and never want to stop. Just take the initiative. That's what I did with trumpet. Just try it. Lessons help motivate, to be honest. They're more for motivation than help with skills. Expensive lessons aren't necessary, just cheap weekly lessons. Thank you for expressing those your thoughts!!!! Yeah, now for Cheesey to see it. =D As far as the band. I have no progress on creating Prisoners of Insanity cuz I'm too lazy to start it. XD Oh, now for more band names! Though, nothing will EVER beat Prisoners of Insanity. Trickle Tickle Geometrically Lost Cell Phone Text New Tech In Formation You are really great at names. I like those.
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