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Everything posted by Horatio

  1. Thanks for the award! You need to read back a little bit... I bought a bike. What do you think???? I think that is pretty awesome! Glad you like it!!!!!
  2. Horatio

    My place. :)

    Stellar!!! Sounds fantastic. You will definitely have a smile on your face next week. Yep! Things are finally looking up. In about 20 minutes, I'm going over to Marius and Brennan's room to watch heros (Brennan records it because we both have night class). Yeah!!!! Heros was was an interesting one. (it was the season finale). And of course I came back to my roomie sleeping with the tv on full blast. :glare: Or at least I think she's sleeping... Perhaps she has a hearing problem. Maybe she should get that checked. Maybe...and again with the talking on the cel phone when I'm sleeping this morning. When I get a phone call, I go outside, especially if my roomie's sleeping. *sends Jesusfreak a bugler to play reveille* *evil laugh is heard* You get yourself up around 05H00, then let the bugler begin about one foot from the head of her bed. ROFOCLH...oh yeah!!!
  3. Horatio

    Jesse's topic

    *thinks of these really BIG really HAIRY, really FAST, grove spiders that can squeeze their big fat hairy bodies through the smallest of spaces* *has the willies just thinking about them* And they are bigger, hairier, jump higher and run much faster than any tarantula! They like moisture and will hang out in the bathroom. They are cousins to "WOLF" spider. But they're cute and fuzzy! It just takes a change or perspective. That, and they're not out to get you. They're scared of you. And the less you scare them, the less likely they are to freak out and bite you. You don't know these spiders... they are definitely out to get hamsters. It is written in the Code of Hamster Living... beware of spiders.
  4. I think you should have an oboe. Of course, first we must question: Why an oboe? o_O Sorry, double-reed=hilarious yet bad memories of last year for me. XD because War is more like a case of the runs than an oboe. (read TGHL's siggy) Isn't your graduation today????? lol nope, it was Saturday I was a day early. Well, now that you have graduated... how do you feel???
  5. Horatio

    Jesse's topic

    *thinks of these really BIG really HAIRY, really FAST, grove spiders that can squeeze their big fat hairy bodies through the smallest of spaces* *has the willies just thinking about them* And they are bigger, hairier, jump higher and run much faster than any tarantula! They like moisture and will hang out in the bathroom. They are cousins to "WOLF" spider.
  6. Horatio

    My place. :)

    Stellar!!! Sounds fantastic. You will definitely have a smile on your face next week. Yep! Things are finally looking up. In about 20 minutes, I'm going over to Marius and Brennan's room to watch heros (Brennan records it because we both have night class). Yeah!!!! Heros was was an interesting one. (it was the season finale). And of course I came back to my roomie sleeping with the tv on full blast. :glare: Or at least I think she's sleeping... Perhaps she has a hearing problem. Maybe she should get that checked.
  7. Horatio

    Jesse's topic

    I play with lady bugs, and think they are wonderful, but this does not make me like spiders! Spiders it's good to have a healthy fear of, as in, yes they bite. However, when you see a spider it's not necesary to go, "OHMYGOSHITSASPIDERGETITAWAYGETITAWAYEWEWEWEWEWEW!!!!!!!!!!!!1111" (One's on purpose) Because screaming at a spider won't make it any less likely to bite you. When I see a spider it is definitely... OHMYGOSH-GASP-ITSASPIDDDDDDDDDEEEEEEEEEEEEERRRRRRRRRRRRANDITSRUNNING-GASP-GETITOUTOFHERENOW-GASP-EWEWEWEWEWEWEIHATETHESETHINGS-GASP-EWEWEWEWEWEWEWEWEWEWE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111111111111
  8. Horatio

    My place. :)

    Stellar!!! Sounds fantastic. You will definitely have a smile on your face next week. Yep! Things are finally looking up. In about 20 minutes, I'm going over to Marius and Brennan's room to watch heros (Brennan records it because we both have night class). Yeah!!!!
  9. Horatio

    Jesse's topic

    I play with lady bugs, and think they are wonderful, but this does not make me like spiders!
  10. my first reply! i love his music too! (but u knew that! lol) I would think you like playing his music on the piano. yes, i just had piano lessons today! i'm working hard on "goodbye yellow brick road" bcuz my recital's on june 9 (i think) and i still have to fix a bunch of the song! i am so gonna practice it every day so its perfect! and our recital MIGHT be in the room in my piano place that has the elton john poster!!! ***very excited!*** if i didnt have ethics i would so steal that poster... but they're nice people at my piano place i wouldnt do that to them.... listening to capt. fantastic album right now... "and someone saved my life tonight...sugarbear...you almost had your hooks in me, didn't you dear?..." u can see my comments about that song in the "what cds do u own" topic.... well.... i love elton john! and i wish i had been born 45 years earlier so we would be the same age! but alas he is 4 times my current age...oh well i can read about his past and pretend he's still close to my age...but in one of his songs he warned me "don't go sleeping with the past/don't go praying he'll come back/take a deep breath and deny/you could love a man like that" but whatever.....(the song is "sleeping with the past" from the album of the same name) and in another part of that song he says "you're proud to love him/it's a foolish sign" but i mean its him that im proud to love and the song was written b4 i was born and he didnt even write the lyrics.....like always....i tend to overanalyze.... Besides, if the poster disappeared, you would be the very first person they would ask.
  11. my first reply! i love his music too! (but u knew that! lol) I would think you like playing his music on the piano.
  12. Thank you. I appreciate your review. I will put it on my list after the Elton John book. I found an Elton John love songs CD in my mom's old CD rack yesterday. I always find good CDs in there. =D That sounds like a great CD. Would you please tell me the title of that CD? If its the one i think it is, its called "Love Songs" it has a pic of elton sitting on a wood floor on the cover...i think he looks very cute in that picture!!! Do you personally like that CD? umm i had most of the songs on it already when i got it out from the library, the ones i didnt were candle in the wind (live), dont let the sun go down on me (live) (with george michael), no valentines, and you make history young again. so those were cool..i forget what others were on it let me go check... ok here: 1. Can You Feel The Love Tonight 2. The One 3. Sacrifice 4. Daniel 5. Someone Saved My Life Tonight 6. Your Song 7. Don't Let The Sun Go Down On Me (Live) (With George Michael) 8. Believe 9. Blue Eyes 10. Sorry Seems To Be The Hardest Word 11. Blessed 12. Candle In The Wind (Live) 13. You Can Make History (Young Again) 14. No Valentines 15. Circle Of Life what confuses me is that "someone saved my life tonight" really isnt a love song. more like a hate song. i mean, he was gonna marry this girl (linda woodrow) but then he didnt want to but she was rlly conrolling & stuff so at the time he was living with her and bernie taupin and one night he went down to the kitchen and stuck his head in the gas oven...but he had all of the windows open and he even had a pillow for his head in the oven...so u can tell he wasnt quite serious....but anyway bernie & linda came downstairs and bernie got him out and linda said he was wasting good gas (can u tell why he didnt want to marry her?! anyway...) later he went out to a bar or something and his friends were all like encouraging him not to marry her, and one of the guys was long john baldry, this singer elton used to back, (and also the inspiration for his last name) so when ive seen it explained it says the person is LJB, but if u know the story it really should be bernie. whatever....so how is that a love song?!?!? but other than that its a good compilation....u can ask me about any other specific songs if u want...im full of elton trivia.... Interesting!!! I love when I ask you a question and you give me much more information. That is soooo cool!!! Thanks so much. I had never much thought about the "Someone Saved My Life Tonight" song. But now that you mention it, I will have to pay more attention.
  13. Horatio

    My place. :)

    Stellar!!! Sounds fantastic. You will definitely have a smile on your face next week.
  14. Horatio

    Jesse's topic

    Awesome! My advice about the amusement park is to go with a bunch of roller coaster junkies and conquer your fear of big rides. I went to sea world with one person who loves roller coasters and two friends who were terrified of them. We made them go on the kraken (a pretty big roller coaster that goes upside down and all that), and after that, they wanted to go again. And again. And again. We must have gone at least 4 times in a row. Anyways, my trick is to use logic. When you go through loops, you won't fall out of your seat. Not only are you securely strapped in, but the force of the roller coaster going in a loop actually pushes you into your seat. It's like being on a swingset. Centrifugal force. And I say, hamsters don't like roller coasters. Watch from the ground. Yep. Or centripetal force. Wimp. Definitely a wimp. The world's biggest wimp. I will just watch.
  15. Horatio

    My place. :)

    Now you're talking. Hahaha. Nah, I'm not going to do anything extreme...yet...I'm going to find out about switching my room today. Nothing extreme? I say go for The Terminator!!! That would definitely get her attention.
  16. Horatio

    Jesse's topic

    Awesome! My advice about the amusement park is to go with a bunch of roller coaster junkies and conquer your fear of big rides. I went to sea world with one person who loves roller coasters and two friends who were terrified of them. We made them go on the kraken (a pretty big roller coaster that goes upside down and all that), and after that, they wanted to go again. And again. And again. We must have gone at least 4 times in a row. Anyways, my trick is to use logic. When you go through loops, you won't fall out of your seat. Not only are you securely strapped in, but the force of the roller coaster going in a loop actually pushes you into your seat. It's like being on a swingset. Centrifugal force. And I say, hamsters don't like roller coasters. Watch from the ground.
  17. And you are using my avatar....why? XD Well, I don't use it, so yea. Give It up-KC & The Sunshine Band I used it so you would see it was approved. Now back to my avatar so you can use yours. I alreayd knew it was approved. But I'm the only person who isn't using their avatar, and I already used it for some time on another site. I would think you would use it a bit to show Li how much you liked it.
  18. Horatio

    My place. :)

    Now you're talking.
  19. Horatio

    Jesse's topic

    You will have fun in Cleveland. Good luck in the competition.
  20. Walking is a really great way to start. Yeah, or jogging. Jogging works really well. And keeping electrolytes handy. =D Either is great. Marching band will also get you in shape. I likes my jogging. I should stick to it more often. >. Go Cheesie! You are going to turn into a chick magnet if you keep getting more fit. I will be up in your area for the Marine Corps Marathon. So, keep getting fit and you can cheer me on in October. Pff. You think I aren't a chick-magnet already? hah. Actually, the majority of my friends in school are girls. xD At lunch, I'm usually the only guy at the table. :blush: I guess that came out wrong. I was trying to say that all the girls will be wanting to date you!
  21. Thanks for the award! You need to read back a little bit... I bought a bike. What do you think????
  22. Horatio

    My place. :)

    Good luck. People who let doors slam need more than signs... a sledge hammer might do the trick. *lends Jesusfreak my sledge hammer* Hahaha nah, they're not really slamming the door on purpose, they're letting it swing closed by itself, and when you do that, it slams. It's really easy to forget, and I've done it myself a few times. So I figured a sign taped to each door would be a good reminder for all of us. And I also just knocked on their door and requested that they keep the noise down so I can go to sleep. I'm pretty sure they're playing beer pong. It is like people in hotels. We go to sleep in the wee hours of the morning on some occasions and this is when people are checking out, or going to breakfast. They let the door slam, because they are up, and then walk down the hall talking. Usually flight attendants are the worst. When you just got to sleep, and are awoken, it is hard to get back to sleep. Hence the ear plugs for me. Beer pong? That's a new one. Yeah, that pretty much sums it up. And beer pong is pretty common, although I'm not exactly sure how it's played. It's your typical drinking game. They were nice about being quiet when I asked them, so we'll see if they actually do it (which, if they're drunk, is doubtful). Alcohol always makes people get louder. Hopefully they will move their game elsewhere before they get loud. I know Good night, sleep tight, don't let the dead bed bugs bite. I actually slept! After a little while, they kicked their drunk friends out of the suite and things settled down. At least once I heard, "Ssssshhhh! She's sleeping!" And this morning (by which I mean about 10 minutes ago) they said to just tell them when I'm going to sleep from now on so they can take measures to quiet down, which I thought was really nice. Very nice. Maybe this will work out after all. Maybe, but I still have my roomie to contend with. *slaps forehead* I had forgotten about her. *lends Jesusfreak my sledgehammer for the corner of the room* Yeah. I'm working on part one of irritation education by example right now. I've got Brennan in the room. I've got a lab report to do, and he's researching nerf gun modifications. And of course, my roomie has the TV on slightly louder than necesary. You need to disable the television. *thinks... lose the remote*
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