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Everything posted by Horatio

  1. Complete with teeth marks! Did the pig rip your jeans?????????? Actually, it somehow managed to pierce the skin without using it's teeth. It was weird. o_O I was like, okay, it's probably just going to bruise. And when I checked, I was like. OH WEIRD! I'm bleeding a little. XD Being gummed to death by a pig. Yeah, I don't know how many pounds of force it has in it's bite. XD They take out the front teeth so people don't basically get in the middle of pig fights and get mauled. XD I didn't know that. But you have to figure pigs can weigh as much as 1000 pounds, so there is a lot of force behind that bite. I weight 106. My pig weighs 180ish, and as every other market hog will reach around 240. XD Yeah. Pig riding is fun. I thought they were much, MUCH bigger.
  2. *pours dark chocolate syrup over Mega Wolf and then puts some marshmallow fluff on top*
  3. *pours the melted brain over the popcorn* I am easy to beat!!! Sure you are. You just keep every conversation going and have 3x as many posts as me. It'll be easy. XD Hamsters have no life. You have band, 4H, school, etc., so, in your spare time you can post 6x as much. Yeah, I guess I keep busy. XD Next year, I was considering joining track. You would love track!!!! Ask TBFOF... he is on the XC team. Of course, I have to become more fit first of all, and then I have to get over the whole, "Ewww." factor, because teh ebil 1st boyfriend evar, Jordan, who has played bagpipes since age 9 is in track. Band practice situation: I kept on looking at this one kid. He was really short and he was running really fast, so I was like. Haha, that's funny. Then Erin catches up to me. We're running together, and this kid runs past us again. Me: Who's that short kid? Erin: Umm. I'm not sure. *both try to get a better look* Erin: *starts laughing* Jeanette, that's Jordan. Me: *stifling a laugh* Are you sure? Erin: Pretty sure. *halfway around the track* Me: Okay, let's get a better look, he's stopped over by the entrance with all the other cross country people. *run over there* Me: HAHAHA IT IS! Both of us almost fell over laughing and he was staring. Of course. Whenever I see him out of the corner of my eye, even now, I can see him looking at me. It's creepy. ;_; Now Jordan could be a problem. *doesn't care much for the creepy guy stare* In the hamster world, they separate the boys track from the girls track. They do separate them, but it's at the same time. So it's like, I'd basically still be within staring distance. XD Euwwww. I don't think I would like that. Yeaah. This guy is majorly weird. Haha, another story about him that one of my friends told me. So he was invited to some Christmas party that consisted of basically girls aaaand, well. Him: Let's play spin the bottle. Them: No. *ditch him downstairs and go to hostess' room* LOL LOL
  4. Complete with teeth marks! Did the pig rip your jeans?????????? Actually, it somehow managed to pierce the skin without using it's teeth. It was weird. o_O I was like, okay, it's probably just going to bruise. And when I checked, I was like. OH WEIRD! I'm bleeding a little. XD Being gummed to death by a pig. Yeah, I don't know how many pounds of force it has in it's bite. XD They take out the front teeth so people don't basically get in the middle of pig fights and get mauled. XD I didn't know that. But you have to figure pigs can weigh as much as 1000 pounds, so there is a lot of force behind that bite.
  5. Complete with teeth marks! Did the pig rip your jeans?????????? Actually, it somehow managed to pierce the skin without using it's teeth. It was weird. o_O I was like, okay, it's probably just going to bruise. And when I checked, I was like. OH WEIRD! I'm bleeding a little. XD Being gummed to death by a pig.
  6. Your mind is just taking a break from all the hard work in school. As for the arcade closing, I am really sorry to hear this. There need to be more places for kids to hang out and have fun. Maybe you could think of a good idea and start some sort of business that fills this niche. Regarding the car liking to go fast, this is not a good thing. The reason being the consequences if something were to go wrong. I am sorry to put a damper on your fun, but what would happen if your tire blew, you lost control of the car and killed someone. I know, I am being a little over the top, but there was a lady in Orlando who was speeding, lost control of her car, killed two kids, one of which was her daughter, and she is now in jail for vehicular homicide. And she is in jail for a long time. The traffic laws are not only to protect you and your passengers, but others on the road. Running red lights, not fully stopping for stop signs and speeding could have consequences that put you in a place where the sun never shines. I do not want to see that. Okay, enough of the lecture rant. I guess the reason I am so sensitive to this is because some speeder killed a mother opossum who was pregnant this morning. She died. I took her and the babies, who were very, very young, to the Wildlife Hospital and I am hoping the babies will make it. The babies were so young and not ready to be born, so I do not have much hope.
  7. *pours the melted brain over the popcorn* I am easy to beat!!! Sure you are. You just keep every conversation going and have 3x as many posts as me. It'll be easy. XD Hamsters have no life. You have band, 4H, school, etc., so, in your spare time you can post 6x as much. Yeah, I guess I keep busy. XD Next year, I was considering joining track. You would love track!!!! Ask TBFOF... he is on the XC team. Of course, I have to become more fit first of all, and then I have to get over the whole, "Ewww." factor, because teh ebil 1st boyfriend evar, Jordan, who has played bagpipes since age 9 is in track. Band practice situation: I kept on looking at this one kid. He was really short and he was running really fast, so I was like. Haha, that's funny. Then Erin catches up to me. We're running together, and this kid runs past us again. Me: Who's that short kid? Erin: Umm. I'm not sure. *both try to get a better look* Erin: *starts laughing* Jeanette, that's Jordan. Me: *stifling a laugh* Are you sure? Erin: Pretty sure. *halfway around the track* Me: Okay, let's get a better look, he's stopped over by the entrance with all the other cross country people. *run over there* Me: HAHAHA IT IS! Both of us almost fell over laughing and he was staring. Of course. Whenever I see him out of the corner of my eye, even now, I can see him looking at me. It's creepy. ;_; Now Jordan could be a problem. *doesn't care much for the creepy guy stare* In the hamster world, they separate the boys track from the girls track. They do separate them, but it's at the same time. So it's like, I'd basically still be within staring distance. XD Euwwww. I don't think I would like that.
  8. Complete with teeth marks! Did the pig rip your jeans??????????
  9. 505 to tie, 506 to beat. Get posting.
  10. NNNNNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *cries* You, Jesusfreak, Jesse... everyone is going away! I'm staying! >:^D But you're not on! Where are you?????????????????????
  11. Today a car ran over a poor mother opossum. She died, but the babies were still alive. I took them to the Wildlife Hospital and am hoping they might be saved. They were really, really young. Maybe too young, but I am still hoping they make it. Even if only one makes it I will feel like I did something worthwhile.
  12. What did you do to the pig??? Well, I was getting pigs to stop fighting. A decision was made that we should move the pigs around since the weights were uneven. Well, when pigs are moved in with pigs that are strangers, sometimes they're territorial and/or violent. So we have to break up the fights using pig boards. And I was in Pen #1, which had a series of fights going on. I was warned not to get in the middle of the fight, which I did pretty well. Then I put the pig board between the two of them, and one of them decides to turn around to try to bite the other pig, but ends up biting me right above the knee instead. And I start with a series of cuss words and limp my way out of the pen. And hence I started to bleed slightly and I've got a huge bruise that won't be going away for a while. XD :o :o Oh... I don't want to laugh because I know it hurts, but I am so sorry. *is at a loss for words* *visualizes the entire scenario* Oh, don't worry, the initial shock was what was the worst, and the actual pain of it biting me. The bruise looks really bad, but I can gross people out and poke it, it's hilarious. XD I was hoping you would post a picture of the bite. Well?!?!?!?
  13. Father's usually have a hard time giving approval to their "little girl's" boyfriend. It sounds like he approves of him.
  14. I hope she doesn't lose her computer and internet.
  15. Good one Lexxy!!! The only thing Jack is in love with are his Strawberry and Milk & Honey yogurt drops. He loves those things. And I think it's Horatio's fault he's addicted to them. :P *innocent look* *FedExes Jack some additional goodies... corn cobbies, organic raisins, raw peanuts, sunflower seeds, molasses stars, critter cookies* He likes the mini corn cobs to gnaw on, but he doesn't eat the the seeds. He does like plain organic sunflowerseeds, though. And sometimes I make vegan pancakes, and make a little one for him. So, basically his diet consists of hamster food, yogurt drops, sunflowerseeds, and tiny vegan pancakes. It's a good diet I'm guessing, since his fourth birthday is coming up soon. Must be a great diet. If you have raisins, he would love a couple. Also if you get cherries, give him one. A very small piece of raw carrot is also nice. I always try to hive him fruits and veggies, but he doesn't like them very much. Normally he just takes them from me, but doesn't eat them. I do have some dried fruit I can give him, but he's getting so old, I don't want to force him to eat foods he doesn't want. I wasn't suggesting you force foods on him. I was just making some suggestions. Hubert lived past five years. I am not sure how much past five because he was already a bunch of months old when my friend got him and he lived with her and us for the rest of his life. Hopefully Jack will live as long.
  16. Wildcat... I really have to go. I am shipping something and the FedEx office closes at 12H00. Hope you can come on later.
  17. I love your backyard. You are right on the river!!! How wonderful. Your pictures are fantastic!!!! I was waiting for you and did not want to leave until I moderated your post. Are you doing anything for the Memorial Day holiday????? I am just staying in my cage with an occasional venture out to ride my motorcycle.
  18. If anyone has trouble uploading pictures, please let me know and we will help you.
  19. Please stop by my topic... Best Friend of Horatio Club and visit. It is in HampsterDance Talk.
  20. ...Hi. Sorry, I'm currently AFB. Away From Brain. I am always AFB. I am really happy to see you!!!!! Well I'm afraid you won't be happy for long, because I'm gonna go now. And so the sun sets once again. As one day ends, another begins, and life goes full circle. Flowers hide in the winter air The weather is very fair I start to chew on a pear The spring time is the best time Too bad it's still winter. You wrote a beautiful poem. And yes... I am sad you are going for the day. Perhaps tomorrow. Sleep tight my little wurm.
  21. ...Hi. Sorry, I'm currently AFB. Away From Brain. I am always AFB. I am really happy to see you!!!!!
  22. Time for me to run some errands. Be back around noon. Hopefully I will then be able to ride my shiny, new motorcycle. *wills the rain away* Let's see what the weather does today. Hopefully it will be sunny. Lately we have had days of on and off rain showers, and lots and lots of wind. Wildcat... come back and post in a couple of hours. Mushroon_king was only on for a minute and then disappeared. Maybe she will return. GLOWURM !!!!!!!
  23. Li definitely made some phenomenal avatars! I love yours!!! Toto's is really fantastic. Mushroom_king's avatar is terrific, but she won't use it. I love the colours in hers. Mine is just beautiful and I used it, but have to rotate around with all of them.
  24. You are very fortunate to get her convertible!!! But...But!... When you move out, then you are supporting yourself, I am certain you will find the VW Bus of your dreams.
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