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Everything posted by Horatio

  1. Goggles, extra padded helmet, wrist guards, knee pads, elbow pads, and a foam suit, plus back pads, shoulder pads, shin pads and padding everywhere else so that I look like the Michelin Man, is how I ride my motorcycle. So... Kelton. Is this juicy post material for the relationships topic? What do you think of him? Did you go out yet? Did you have a great time? *waits for more* Hershey's Kisses in the Truffle version? Those must taste good. Although I have never tried the Truffle version, I am the Dark Chocolate Fan!!!!!!!
  2. :wub: It is great to hear about two people in love.
  3. I can do =D Just tell me what this so called '"human" looks like! Like hair colour, eyes, skin, clothes, etc. It really helps when peoples are specific! Sure thing! This will be fun to draw. I'll get it done as soon as I can -Li Li... your avatars are wonderful!!! Thanks for creating them.
  4. Horatio

    My place. :)

    You have been profiled as a terrorist. Hahaha LOL Nah, I think what happened was, before everyone's ID cards worked on every residence building, including the ones we're not supposed to be in. But yesterday, they changed it so it only works on your own building. Yesterday is when I moved, and it wasn't in the paperwork that I moved until after they changed it. So now my ID card works in my old building but not the new one. I'll have to go harass the residence life people tomorrow afternoon. And now Brennan, who I'm talking to on AIM about Scrunchy (the mascot for Shop-Rite's cereals), is telling me to go up to his room to join him and Marius, so I I'll be back later. It sounds like this move worked out even better than you imagined! lol I got my card fixed today. During lunchtime I went down to residence life, and all it took was some guy pulling up my ID card info, unchecking one box, and checking another, and I now have access to my own building. And it did work out better than I imagined: my roomie has an air conditioner! Life is good!!!!!!!! Now, not only do you have access to your building, you will have a very cool room to relax in. Yup! And I get to sleep in tomorrow... And sleep in peace, comfort and know you have a considerate room who will not blast the tele. Yup! And it gets better: she normally goes to be early, and doesn't mind sleeping with my desk light on (which was good when I was doing my lab until 2am) This is a great match. If you two get along really well and she returns in the fall, would you be able to be roommates if you wanted? I'm already planning on rooming with my friend Christina. I was supposed to room with her for the summer too, remember? But she ended up doing some work program that housed her elsewhere, and I made the mistake of telling residence life she wasn't going to be here. That's how I got into this mess in the first place. o.O Yes. I remember you saying that. Somehow that slipped my mind. lol that's alright. My brain isn't exactly functioning properly anyways. Coffee!!!!!! *brews a wonderful smelling Butter Rum pot of coffee* Hahaha I had two mint coffee flavored granola bars for breakfast. I also slept in until 1 today, which was a wonderful thing. If I ever slept that late, I would be having some kind of panic attack that I had lost the entire day. Nah, my day generally runs until at least 1am anyways, so it's not really a big deal. Lucky you!
  5. If President Bush would set high environmental standards for the US, tell all US companies it will be mandatory they meet these standards, set a time limit these goals must be achieved, then back this with money; what will happen is the US will be creating the technology that is used around the world, we will be leading the world in reducing use of fossil fuels and reducing our greenhouse gases, we will be a leader by our actions. This will not be a burden on the country and will definitely not break the country's back, what will happen is that we will be the leader in environmental technology that the world will want to purchase. We will have created the leading edge technology and that is the place to be. It is going to happen. Are we going to be making the technology or trying to catch up to the rest of the world?
  6. Yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!! What a beautiful bike!!!!!!!!!!!! How cool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! When are you going to go for a ride??? What a great place you live to ride a bike! I really have no desire to go for a ride. I once went with my dad's friend for a short little ride on the back of his BMW. I felt like if I leaned back or too far one way I would fall off. It wasn't that pleasurable. He and his wife took the bike Europe and traveled all over on it. I don't see how his wife could sit on that narrow little seat the whole time. As for your dad's friend's wife... it is really easy to sit on the back, but more fun to drive it. BTW, the BMW seat is a whole lot wider than a bicycle seat!
  7. Horatio

    My place. :)

    You have been profiled as a terrorist. Hahaha Nah, I think what happened was, before everyone's ID cards worked on every residence building, including the ones we're not supposed to be in. But yesterday, they changed it so it only works on your own building. Yesterday is when I moved, and it wasn't in the paperwork that I moved until after they changed it. So now my ID card works in my old building but not the new one. I'll have to go harass the residence life people tomorrow afternoon. And now Brennan, who I'm talking to on AIM about Scrunchy (the mascot for Shop-Rite's cereals), is telling me to go up to his room to join him and Marius, so I I'll be back later. It sounds like this move worked out even better than you imagined! lol I got my card fixed today. During lunchtime I went down to residence life, and all it took was some guy pulling up my ID card info, unchecking one box, and checking another, and I now have access to my own building. And it did work out better than I imagined: my roomie has an air conditioner! Life is good!!!!!!!! Now, not only do you have access to your building, you will have a very cool room to relax in. Yup! And I get to sleep in tomorrow... And sleep in peace, comfort and know you have a considerate room who will not blast the tele. Yup! And it gets better: she normally goes to be early, and doesn't mind sleeping with my desk light on (which was good when I was doing my lab until 2am) This is a great match. If you two get along really well and she returns in the fall, would you be able to be roommates if you wanted? I'm already planning on rooming with my friend Christina. I was supposed to room with her for the summer too, remember? But she ended up doing some work program that housed her elsewhere, and I made the mistake of telling residence life she wasn't going to be here. That's how I got into this mess in the first place. o.O Yes. I remember you saying that. Somehow that slipped my mind. lol that's alright. My brain isn't exactly functioning properly anyways. Coffee!!!!!! *brews a wonderful smelling Butter Rum pot of coffee* Hahaha I had two mint coffee flavored granola bars for breakfast. I also slept in until 1 today, which was a wonderful thing. If I ever slept that late, I would be having some kind of panic attack that I had lost the entire day.
  8. *sends Wildcat a black bandana with white skulls and cross-bones on it* Now you can terrorize the kids in the neighborhood. Good thing your father is an ER doctor!!! He knows all the right things to do. Glad to know those were the extent of your injuries and you are pretty much okay!!!! I guess you will be wearing goggles when you ride your bike now.
  9. Horatio

    My place. :)

    You have been profiled as a terrorist. Hahaha Nah, I think what happened was, before everyone's ID cards worked on every residence building, including the ones we're not supposed to be in. But yesterday, they changed it so it only works on your own building. Yesterday is when I moved, and it wasn't in the paperwork that I moved until after they changed it. So now my ID card works in my old building but not the new one. I'll have to go harass the residence life people tomorrow afternoon. And now Brennan, who I'm talking to on AIM about Scrunchy (the mascot for Shop-Rite's cereals), is telling me to go up to his room to join him and Marius, so I I'll be back later. It sounds like this move worked out even better than you imagined! lol I got my card fixed today. During lunchtime I went down to residence life, and all it took was some guy pulling up my ID card info, unchecking one box, and checking another, and I now have access to my own building. And it did work out better than I imagined: my roomie has an air conditioner! Life is good!!!!!!!! Now, not only do you have access to your building, you will have a very cool room to relax in. Yup! And I get to sleep in tomorrow... And sleep in peace, comfort and know you have a considerate room who will not blast the tele. Yup! And it gets better: she normally goes to be early, and doesn't mind sleeping with my desk light on (which was good when I was doing my lab until 2am) This is a great match. If you two get along really well and she returns in the fall, would you be able to be roommates if you wanted? I'm already planning on rooming with my friend Christina. I was supposed to room with her for the summer too, remember? But she ended up doing some work program that housed her elsewhere, and I made the mistake of telling residence life she wasn't going to be here. That's how I got into this mess in the first place. o.O Yes. I remember you saying that. Somehow that slipped my mind. lol that's alright. My brain isn't exactly functioning properly anyways. Coffee!!!!!! *brews a wonderful smelling Butter Rum pot of coffee*
  10. Honda was made great by Valentino Rossi! He was the man who told Honda exactly how to make their bikes better. Beside TGHL, you didn't mention how you like my new bike?
  11. Very little... like, Don't forget the root password. and, despite the superficial similarities, bASH is not DOS. that's about it.. I might remember more if I drug out the old hard drive and plugged it in to fiddle about. I know back a few years ago I and a couple others managed to set one up as a router for one of the computer labs at school. thing worked okay... exept, perhaps that it provided a way around some of the school internet filters. Always good to know how to get around those pesky filters.
  12. Because she didn't want to post here if she was not a mod.
  13. How cool!!!!!!!!!!!!!! As for the skins... maybe you can create your own with your own program you write.
  14. Horatio

    My place. :)

    You have been profiled as a terrorist. Hahaha Nah, I think what happened was, before everyone's ID cards worked on every residence building, including the ones we're not supposed to be in. But yesterday, they changed it so it only works on your own building. Yesterday is when I moved, and it wasn't in the paperwork that I moved until after they changed it. So now my ID card works in my old building but not the new one. I'll have to go harass the residence life people tomorrow afternoon. And now Brennan, who I'm talking to on AIM about Scrunchy (the mascot for Shop-Rite's cereals), is telling me to go up to his room to join him and Marius, so I I'll be back later. It sounds like this move worked out even better than you imagined! lol I got my card fixed today. During lunchtime I went down to residence life, and all it took was some guy pulling up my ID card info, unchecking one box, and checking another, and I now have access to my own building. And it did work out better than I imagined: my roomie has an air conditioner! Life is good!!!!!!!! Now, not only do you have access to your building, you will have a very cool room to relax in. Yup! And I get to sleep in tomorrow... And sleep in peace, comfort and know you have a considerate room who will not blast the tele. Yup! And it gets better: she normally goes to be early, and doesn't mind sleeping with my desk light on (which was good when I was doing my lab until 2am) This is a great match. If you two get along really well and she returns in the fall, would you be able to be roommates if you wanted? I'm already planning on rooming with my friend Christina. I was supposed to room with her for the summer too, remember? But she ended up doing some work program that housed her elsewhere, and I made the mistake of telling residence life she wasn't going to be here. That's how I got into this mess in the first place. o.O Yes. I remember you saying that. Somehow that slipped my mind.
  15. So do I. Do you ever listen to Prairie Home Companion?
  16. So do I! Especially since you are almost in second place. Yaaay second. XD Second for what? Does that help clarify second??? No. Overall post numbers. You are 407 posts away from securing 4th place.
  17. Horatio

    Jesse's topic

    Call your local motorcycle store, one that carries dirt bikes, then ask if they know of a place close by where you could ride it. Sometimes the area to ride is right under your nose. It is just that you have never thought of looking there because you did not have a reason before. Dirt bikes are so much fun. I would imagine so. How much do they cost? You would start out with a used one. As for the cost, I have no idea, but I will find out, just because I am interested. xD Don't feel the need to randomly purchase a dirt bike. xD I am just working on one bike at the moment. But it would be fun to find out. The Honda dealer is only about one mile from me. I will go in and torment them. I imagine that they would love to be tormented by a little hampster. xD I went over there today and the salesman saw me. Remembering me, he asked if I was ready to buy a bike and I had to break the news to him... too late, I already bought one. Of course then he wanted to know, what kind, when, blah, blah, blah. So I told him I was interested in a dirt bike and you should have seen him light up. He assumed I was buying a second bike. We never got to the price, because he was so busy with the sell that I had to leave rapidly in order to avoid losing both my ears to his sales pitch. But I figure I will go back tomorrow.
  18. Yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!! What a beautiful bike!!!!!!!!!!!! How cool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! When are you going to go for a ride??? What a great place you live to ride a bike!
  19. So do I! Especially since you are almost in second place. Yaaay second. XD Second for what? Does that help clarify second??? Hahaha wow, Sheena's still in second. How long has it been since she last posted? I miss her, she was awesome. Sorry, I don't know when her last post was. I only know when people appear last. Ah, then when did she last appear? February I believe. I saw her come on and within about two minutes, leave again. No post, nothing. Wow. Did she ever say why she left? Yes.
  20. Horatio

    My place. :)

    You have been profiled as a terrorist. Hahaha Nah, I think what happened was, before everyone's ID cards worked on every residence building, including the ones we're not supposed to be in. But yesterday, they changed it so it only works on your own building. Yesterday is when I moved, and it wasn't in the paperwork that I moved until after they changed it. So now my ID card works in my old building but not the new one. I'll have to go harass the residence life people tomorrow afternoon. And now Brennan, who I'm talking to on AIM about Scrunchy (the mascot for Shop-Rite's cereals), is telling me to go up to his room to join him and Marius, so I I'll be back later. It sounds like this move worked out even better than you imagined! lol I got my card fixed today. During lunchtime I went down to residence life, and all it took was some guy pulling up my ID card info, unchecking one box, and checking another, and I now have access to my own building. And it did work out better than I imagined: my roomie has an air conditioner! Life is good!!!!!!!! Now, not only do you have access to your building, you will have a very cool room to relax in. Yup! And I get to sleep in tomorrow... And sleep in peace, comfort and know you have a considerate room who will not blast the tele. Yup! And it gets better: she normally goes to be early, and doesn't mind sleeping with my desk light on (which was good when I was doing my lab until 2am) This is a great match. If you two get along really well and she returns in the fall, would you be able to be roommates if you wanted?
  21. So do I! Especially since you are almost in second place. Yaaay second. XD Second for what? Does that help clarify second??? Hahaha wow, Sheena's still in second. How long has it been since she last posted? I miss her, she was awesome. Sorry, I don't know when her last post was. I only know when people appear last. Ah, then when did she last appear? February I believe. I saw her come on and within about two minutes, leave again. No post, nothing.
  22. Horatio

    My place. :)

    You have been profiled as a terrorist. Hahaha Nah, I think what happened was, before everyone's ID cards worked on every residence building, including the ones we're not supposed to be in. But yesterday, they changed it so it only works on your own building. Yesterday is when I moved, and it wasn't in the paperwork that I moved until after they changed it. So now my ID card works in my old building but not the new one. I'll have to go harass the residence life people tomorrow afternoon. And now Brennan, who I'm talking to on AIM about Scrunchy (the mascot for Shop-Rite's cereals), is telling me to go up to his room to join him and Marius, so I I'll be back later. It sounds like this move worked out even better than you imagined! lol I got my card fixed today. During lunchtime I went down to residence life, and all it took was some guy pulling up my ID card info, unchecking one box, and checking another, and I now have access to my own building. And it did work out better than I imagined: my roomie has an air conditioner! Life is good!!!!!!!! Now, not only do you have access to your building, you will have a very cool room to relax in. Yup! And I get to sleep in tomorrow... And sleep in peace, comfort and know you have a considerate room who will not blast the tele.
  23. Horatio

    My place. :)

    You have been profiled as a terrorist. Hahaha Nah, I think what happened was, before everyone's ID cards worked on every residence building, including the ones we're not supposed to be in. But yesterday, they changed it so it only works on your own building. Yesterday is when I moved, and it wasn't in the paperwork that I moved until after they changed it. So now my ID card works in my old building but not the new one. I'll have to go harass the residence life people tomorrow afternoon. And now Brennan, who I'm talking to on AIM about Scrunchy (the mascot for Shop-Rite's cereals), is telling me to go up to his room to join him and Marius, so I I'll be back later. It sounds like this move worked out even better than you imagined! lol I got my card fixed today. During lunchtime I went down to residence life, and all it took was some guy pulling up my ID card info, unchecking one box, and checking another, and I now have access to my own building. And it did work out better than I imagined: my roomie has an air conditioner! Life is good!!!!!!!! Now, not only do you have access to your building, you will have a very cool room to relax in.
  24. Oh my goodness!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How fantastic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What kind did you get? What colour??????? Where's a picture???????????
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