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Everything posted by Horatio

  1. A carecrow? Is that like a scarecrow, only more caring? I'm sure you're a very nice carecrow. :] *wonders if a carecrow works for the red cross*
  2. Horatio

    My place. :)

    I wouldn't even make the start of a car race. Daytona is about one hour and fifteen minutes away and the only way I have seen the track is from the street that passes it on an OFF day. Hahaha XD Yeah, I don't watch sports on TV, except on rare occasion the interesting ones like gymnastics or ice skating or ski/snowboard stunts type things. Things where there is really room for creativity. Even playing sports, I'm not a huge fan of most of them, although I'd rather play them than watch them on TV in most cases. I'm more of an independant sport person. Hiking, camping, swimming, skiing, tree climbing (if that counts), jumping on a trampoline. Things that don't require other people and aren't competitive. And today was productive. I finally got a haircut. And I got groceries, father's day presents, and graduation presents. And a bigger case for my camera, which is something I was looking for for a long time. It's actually a nintendo ds case (got it at the game store for $5, awesome deal), and it's big enough to fit my camera, cell phone, spare batteries (those first three are all I really needed), chap stick, pocket knife, and some other small things. So now I don't need to worry about hauling my pocket book around for shorter trips. For my dad for father's day, I got him a machete (he lost the one he had several years ago), a spoon/fork/knife (all in one utensil), and three packages of the lemon cookies he likes from shop-rite (because there are no shop-rites near our home). For my sister, I got flip flops (for shower shoes for college), a really pretty water fountain thing, and a yellow spoon/fork/knife (dad's is a slate blue, and I got a lime green one for myself). So now I'm done! And I think everyone will be happy with their respective gifts. Sounds like you had a very great day. Tell me, what is a spoon/fork/knife called? A Sporkife? (Okay... that was a little dumb.) Sknork. (pronounced snork)
  3. Horatio

    My place. :)

    I wouldn't even make the start of a car race. Daytona is about one hour and fifteen minutes away and the only way I have seen the track is from the street that passes it on an OFF day. Hahaha XD Yeah, I don't watch sports on TV, except on rare occasion the interesting ones like gymnastics or ice skating or ski/snowboard stunts type things. Things where there is really room for creativity. Even playing sports, I'm not a huge fan of most of them, although I'd rather play them than watch them on TV in most cases. I'm more of an independant sport person. Hiking, camping, swimming, skiing, tree climbing (if that counts), jumping on a trampoline. Things that don't require other people and aren't competitive. And today was productive. I finally got a haircut. And I got groceries, father's day presents, and graduation presents. And a bigger case for my camera, which is something I was looking for for a long time. It's actually a nintendo ds case (got it at the game store for $5, awesome deal), and it's big enough to fit my camera, cell phone, spare batteries (those first three are all I really needed), chap stick, pocket knife, and some other small things. So now I don't need to worry about hauling my pocket book around for shorter trips. For my dad for father's day, I got him a machete (he lost the one he had several years ago), a spoon/fork/knife (all in one utensil), and three packages of the lemon cookies he likes from shop-rite (because there are no shop-rites near our home). For my sister, I got flip flops (for shower shoes for college), a really pretty water fountain thing, and a yellow spoon/fork/knife (dad's is a slate blue, and I got a lime green one for myself). So now I'm done! And I think everyone will be happy with their respective gifts. Sounds like you had a very great day. Tell me, what is a spoon/fork/knife called? A Sporkife? (Okay... that was a little dumb.) Hahaha I don't know, let me go look...they just call it a spork. Lame. But the utensil itself is pretty cool. Looks like something from Ikea (it is by a swedish company, called light my fire.)It was nifty enough that I got one for myself. I found them in the camping accessories section of wal-mart. *buzzer sounds* Wrong. A spork is the duo combination of a spoon and a fork. You have a trio.
  4. How tall are you? At 18, you can post a pic of yourself.
  5. I've never heard the term "krews" before. Normally I'd Google it, but I don't think I really want to see a bunch of pictures of tight sagging pants on guys. Tight pants = bad. Tight sagging pants = even worse. Guys should just not wear pants that are supposed to show off their assets. Not only does it look ###, but it makes girls feel bad when a guy has a nicer butt and legs than she does. It's just not nice. Not nice for children. Not nice for the people that should be wearing the pants. Not nice for humanity. *loves hearing from Toto* Heh ... I've been in a really bad mood lately, so you probably don't want to hear Toto talk for too long. :/ My youth pastor, his wife, his son, and his newborn daughter are moving to Oklahoma tomorrow. -sobs- I love your sense of humor, so when you are in a bad mood, it seems to be funnier. So sorry to hear your youth pastor and family are moving. That is hard. Maybe the next youth pastor will be cool.
  6. I will take my motorcycle to my mouse friend's house and take some pics for you. *thinks, this will be interesting* Didnt you ever read the book The Mouse and the Motorcycle? No, but I will put that first on my list. it will take you about 20 minutes to read its a childrens book Great! Then I will not have to put it on reserve.
  7. I've never heard the term "krews" before. Normally I'd Google it, but I don't think I really want to see a bunch of pictures of tight sagging pants on guys. Tight pants = bad. Tight sagging pants = even worse. Guys should just not wear pants that are supposed to show off their assets. Not only does it look ###, but it makes girls feel bad when a guy has a nicer butt and legs than she does. It's just not nice. Not nice for children. Not nice for the people that should be wearing the pants. Not nice for humanity. *loves hearing from Toto*
  8. I will take my motorcycle to my mouse friend's house and take some pics for you. *thinks, this will be interesting* Didnt you ever read the book The Mouse and the Motorcycle? No, but I will put that first on my list.
  9. *grabs Cheesemaster and coerces him to talk* :ninja: :ninja: :ninja: :ninja: :ninja: *sends in the hammy ninja forces* nooooooooot yet. ;D CHEESE-MAN IS A PIMP o: not exactly. But I did get an amazing girlfriend by the name of Megan. All right Cheesie!!! *is really happy for the Cheese-man* she is 2.166 years younger than I am. (2 years, 2 months) but we don't care. not that much, after all. And it feels so wonderful. Happy cows make happy cheese. And a Happy Cheesie lives in Maryland! It is really great to hear that life is treating you well. *waits to hear more about Megan*
  10. I will take my motorcycle to my mouse friend's house and take some pics for you. *thinks, this will be interesting*
  11. Horatio

    My place. :)

    I wouldn't even make the start of a car race. Daytona is about one hour and fifteen minutes away and the only way I have seen the track is from the street that passes it on an OFF day. Hahaha XD Yeah, I don't watch sports on TV, except on rare occasion the interesting ones like gymnastics or ice skating or ski/snowboard stunts type things. Things where there is really room for creativity. Even playing sports, I'm not a huge fan of most of them, although I'd rather play them than watch them on TV in most cases. I'm more of an independant sport person. Hiking, camping, swimming, skiing, tree climbing (if that counts), jumping on a trampoline. Things that don't require other people and aren't competitive. And today was productive. I finally got a haircut. And I got groceries, father's day presents, and graduation presents. And a bigger case for my camera, which is something I was looking for for a long time. It's actually a nintendo ds case (got it at the game store for $5, awesome deal), and it's big enough to fit my camera, cell phone, spare batteries (those first three are all I really needed), chap stick, pocket knife, and some other small things. So now I don't need to worry about hauling my pocket book around for shorter trips. For my dad for father's day, I got him a machete (he lost the one he had several years ago), a spoon/fork/knife (all in one utensil), and three packages of the lemon cookies he likes from shop-rite (because there are no shop-rites near our home). For my sister, I got flip flops (for shower shoes for college), a really pretty water fountain thing, and a yellow spoon/fork/knife (dad's is a slate blue, and I got a lime green one for myself). So now I'm done! And I think everyone will be happy with their respective gifts. Sounds like you had a very great day. Tell me, what is a spoon/fork/knife called? A Sporkife? (Okay... that was a little dumb.)
  12. Horatio

    My place. :)

    I wouldn't even make the start of a car race. Daytona is about one hour and fifteen minutes away and the only way I have seen the track is from the street that passes it on an OFF day. My dad likes watching it. >. B O R I N G........ Now if there was a crash every lap until all the cars had been eliminated... I might consider watching for a second or two. But that would be so very painful. Kind of like watching the grass grow.
  13. *grabs Cheesemaster and coerces him to talk* :ninja: :ninja: :ninja: :ninja: :ninja: *sends in the hammy ninja forces* nooooooooot yet. ;D CHEESE-MAN IS A PIMP o: not exactly. But I did get an amazing girlfriend by the name of Megan. All right Cheesie!!! *is really happy for the Cheese-man*
  14. True. If you get tied down, you just turn into fondue and ooze your way out. Or i could become some sort of moldy cottage cheese, which would drive away my attackers. Or instead of a penicillian experiment, you could turn into a really, really smelly cheese. Unfortunatly, the smellier the cheese, the better it tastes. But you don't indicate so... Camembert is still your cheese of the century.
  15. No you didn't, they are just hanging out in topics by TBFOF, Jesse and Jesusfreak in Fuzzy and Hampton. The US Government topic is getting a little bit of action. My topic dies every single time I post, unless I drag people in there. *thinks too much bike talk* *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut8~* No offense, but I think that is the reason a lot of people don't post there (I.E. Me) *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~* No offense taken. I appreciate the input. Thank you. Oh im fine with the bike talk Then please come visit my topic in HampsterDance Talk and we will talk bikes.
  16. Let me hear you tell the police officer that one. Not a valid reason. the cops go 10 over. as long as I'm slower than them nobody cares. man i cant wait to actually start driving I hope you don't ever drink or do drugs and drive.
  17. um. ok? I want....Tom! and not in moderation. we live too far away! WAY too far away. but he's moving up here soon! pot, e, shrooms, it doesn't matter WHAT drug, the fact is, the safest drug you'll come across is probably vintage pot. If it wasn't illegal, I'd tolerate its use...but like I can not tolerate it? I can't do anything to stop drug abuse. You can do something to stop drug abuse, not use it yourself. That is the first step.
  18. Horatio

    My place. :)

    I wouldn't even make the start of a car race. Daytona is about one hour and fifteen minutes away and the only way I have seen the track is from the street that passes it on an OFF day.
  19. True. If you get tied down, you just turn into fondue and ooze your way out. Or i could become some sort of moldy cottage cheese, which would drive away my attackers. Or instead of a penicillian experiment, you could turn into a really, really smelly cheese.
  20. No you didn't, they are just hanging out in topics by TBFOF, Jesse and Jesusfreak in Fuzzy and Hampton. The US Government topic is getting a little bit of action. My topic dies every single time I post, unless I drag people in there. *thinks too much bike talk* *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut8~* No offense, but I think that is the reason a lot of people don't post there (I.E. Me) *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~* No offense taken. I appreciate the input. Thank you.
  21. Then perhaps a better question is "successful at what?" For me, success would just be being happy, and at the same time doing what God wants me to do. Looking back at your life and feeling you were successful. Having no regrets. Then so far, apart from little things that could have been handled lately, I have been successful. If you can keep this mentality, then life will be very good for you. The little daily stresses, you will be able to deal easily with those. lol hopefully. I need to remind myself on a regular basis that little things aren't worth stressing over. Otherwise these things pile up and put me in a really bad mood. If you can keep reminding yourself, then you will eventually see the stress coming and put and end to it before it happens. It just takes time and the ability to recognize before it occurs. (And I am still working on the same thing. ) Yeah, that sort of thing takes a lot of practice. Lots!
  22. Horatio

    My place. :)

    Quiet is good. I am certain you did well on your exams and quiz. Quiet is good, but boring. I've been talking to Marius online on a somewhat regular basis, which is always fun. He's a very peculiar person. I've never met someone whose mind works the way his does, and that fascinates me. Ian, on the other hand, has not been online, which is rather depressing. But he wasn't feeling well and had work or something last I checked. Oh, and one thing of half interest did occur today. Lindsay (after asking first) gave her friend Steve my sn. She's been saying for awhile that I'll probably get along with him really well and all that. Although, despite the fact that I barely got a chance to talk to him (I had some last second studying that had to get done), I can tell that he doesn't quite seem like my type. But we'll see. Nice of Lindsay to ask first. Now to wait to hear what happens with Steve. lol I guess so. Well, if he turns out to be some sort of dud, you will know immediately and place him in the friend category. On the other hand, you might be able to bring out his wild side. Well, as much as I hate to sound so judgemental, the use of chatspeak outside of things that really shorten typing (lol, brb, ttyl) is instant minus points for me. Next thing I noticed was his buddy icon, which was a penguin playing ice hockey. That combined with his away message about watching some sports game on TV signals to me: sports fan, which is minus points depending on how extreme he is about it. And I think his sn is something sports related too, but I don't know enough about sports to tell. But like I said, we'll see. Hopefully there's more to him than sports and chatspeak. Sports, sports, sports... B O R I N G !!!!!! Definite turn-off for a hamster like me. There are so many more things to life than sports. The only person who is exempt from this boring sports blather is my favorite motorcycle rider, Valentino Rossi. Sports bore me. though i do like playing some of them. Playing them is great. I like running, riding my motorcycle, swimming, horseback riding, to name a few, but I am not a Television Sports Fan.
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