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Everything posted by Horatio

  1. I rest my case, H. But you still have a place to express your ideas.
  2. Tell your mother to bring you down for the next launch. I have extra rooms in my cage. I do believe there are two more shuttle launches this year, and next month is a rocket launch. Hey Ma. Can we go see the shuttle launch? -No But I have a hamster friend and he said he has room for us in his cage. - ROFOCLH!!!! You get The Double Gold Star Award for that post! Now add this... But Ma... Vero Beach is only one hour away and Palm Beach is just one-half hour past there. You can go shopping while I watch the launch. Oh! I think I can reconsider on this trip. How far away is Ft Myers. I know she wants to go down there are visit a friend. Really close, well sort of. All you have to do is drive across the state. So, your mother could drop you off here and she could go to Ft. Myers. From a cretain direction giving website - Total Est. Time: 3 hours, 39 minutes Total Est. Distance: 200.96 miles I'd be better of trying to get my dog to speak Latin. *sees the Bush Baked Bean dog teaching TBFOF's dog to speak Latin* So, you drive across the state on a diagonal. *thinks up another strategy* You could always tell your mother you are thinking about going to college in Orlando, and you would like to check out the schools.
  3. Horatio


    He won't be mad. Cheesemaster is not like that at all.
  4. *sees empty wheels in motion* Huh? Hammie ghosts returning to their cages and going for a run. Ah. Creepy. LOL... I was just following your lead... *looks up at first post in this group*
  5. *sees empty wheels in motion* Huh? Hammie ghosts returning to their cages and going for a run.
  6. It's the cat at the lawyers office down the hall at my moms work. Not the Bobo I had in mind.
  7. *sees empty wheels in motion*
  8. ...Wow. Helga says... I love Horatio. *ignores TBFOF* I didn't realize how $tewwp33d ii wwuzz. Not at all... you just didn't realize Horatio has a group of friends. LOL
  9. Tell your mother to bring you down for the next launch. I have extra rooms in my cage. I do believe there are two more shuttle launches this year, and next month is a rocket launch. Hey Ma. Can we go see the shuttle launch? -No But I have a hamster friend and he said he has room for us in his cage. - ROFOCLH!!!! You get The Double Gold Star Award for that post! Now add this... But Ma... Vero Beach is only one hour away and Palm Beach is just one-half hour past there. You can go shopping while I watch the launch. Oh! I think I can reconsider on this trip. How far away is Ft Myers. I know she wants to go down there are visit a friend. Really close, well sort of. All you have to do is drive across the state. So, your mother could drop you off here and she could go to Ft. Myers. Ma, could you drop me off in Cocoa? I'll have my hamster friend watch me. - No. It'll never happen. LOL... you are probably right. *keeps thinking of a strategy*
  10. ...Wow. Helga says... :wub: I love Horatio. *ignores TBFOF*
  11. Tell your mother to bring you down for the next launch. I have extra rooms in my cage. I do believe there are two more shuttle launches this year, and next month is a rocket launch. Hey Ma. Can we go see the shuttle launch? -No But I have a hamster friend and he said he has room for us in his cage. - ROFOCLH!!!! You get The Double Gold Star Award for that post! Now add this... But Ma... Vero Beach is only one hour away and Palm Beach is just one-half hour past there. You can go shopping while I watch the launch. Oh! I think I can reconsider on this trip. How far away is Ft Myers. I know she wants to go down there are visit a friend. Really close, well sort of. All you have to do is drive across the state. So, your mother could drop you off here and she could go to Ft. Myers.
  12. So true! Cassie's mom has gotten used to it. Her dad just doesnt care its kinda sad Cassie's parents will flip out when Cassie starts asking for her own motorcycle. Probably not, she doesnt have the best at home thing going for her. She is 18 in a month and really wants to get out. And im moving out in a couple months. I have a very stable job with a good pay. Enough to support me. Shes not going tomove in with me though. I think shes gonna live with her grandma Please help her think about her future. She needs to go to college. Although she may possibly live with her grandmother, she needs to think about where she will be in ten years plus. I am very happy you decided not to live together. That would not be a great idea. You sound like you have thought things through.
  13. Exactly! i think my point is proven then No, it's not. I guess you didn't read my post then. And even if I ever did wear "loose pants", that's a whole lot better than a guy showing off his assets and trying to fit in with the scene. A girl wearing a size too big? Or a guy wearing several sizes too small? Which is worse? My point is made. There not too small they fit my waste perfectly, and are made not to show off your butt. I find them comfey, and yes they do fit into the scene. Its not bad to fit in, its just bad if you make too much effort to and make it your life. I disagree about the whole 'butt' thing. They're not worn to show off your butt, but something else. I'm sure you can think about it. Your tail?
  14. So true! Cassie's mom has gotten used to it. Her dad just doesnt care its kinda sad Cassie's parents will flip out when Cassie starts asking for her own motorcycle.
  15. Tell your mother to bring you down for the next launch. I have extra rooms in my cage. I do believe there are two more shuttle launches this year, and next month is a rocket launch. Hey Ma. Can we go see the shuttle launch? -No But I have a hamster friend and he said he has room for us in his cage. - ROFOCLH!!!! You get The Double Gold Star Award for that post! Now add this... But Ma... Vero Beach is only one hour away and Palm Beach is just one-half hour past there. You can go shopping while I watch the launch. Oh! I think I can reconsider on this trip.
  16. Horatio


    Those log distance relationships might work if you were a fox or a wolf. Incidentally, you might want to go to The Relationships Topic. Cheesemaster and his new girlfriend are no longer an item.
  17. Horatio

    Jesse's topic

    I don't understand it myself, but I was told during orientation not to post a schedule online. Or perhaps it was only in context with . Perhaps I can just list the classes I'm taking next year, as I don't know the order of them anyway. -Effective communication -Academic Writing -Literary Expressions -Hist. Paths to Civ. -Calculus 3 -Franco-Italian Connections -French Advanced Expression through Film -Political Science And hopefully Concert Band will be added to the schedule along with other courses to get me started on my music minor. The college is looking to protect you, because the college student website posters are way too trusting. There is too much personal information and it opens he door to too many wierdos.
  18. Oh, I am sorry to hear this. Thanks. But I am taking it all in stride, don't worry. Wait, so Cheesey got a girlfriend and lost a girlfriend in a few days and I MISSED it?! >. You have missed soooooooooo much.
  19. Horatio


    WHAAAAAT?! I NEED TO COME HERE MORE OFTEN!!! I'M WAY TOO BUSY! *runs off to relationships topic* Yes you do! *follows Mega Wolf to The Relationships Topic*
  20. You could probably have put Bernie Taupin in third place for the time when he was out on his own. He had a back-up band as well. Maybe I can be creative enough to think of two more. ive never heard any of his solo stuff though... i think he released 2 albums of him just reading his poetry to background music...one was called "taupin" and the other was (hold on let me go get the elton john book) ok here we go: in the discography it says: sry i only wrote the tracks on the first one...it was taking too long! and BTW, the song "the greatest discovery" was on the Elton John album. which came out in april 1970. so idk why that one was on there.... I love it! If I want any information on Elton John, I will just ask you. *hands Dog Lover The Black Bat Award* oh awesome! whats that for? You received the award for giving me the great information! I appreciate you taking the time to broaden my horizons.
  21. If I had an award to give out, you'd get it. Just because that's the smartest thing I've heard all week. I don't agree that Marilyn Manson is some kind of rebel god, though. His sound is completely normal. Honestly, I think that if you compaired MM to John Mayer, you couldn't tell the difference. The only thing that sets those two apart is that Marilyn Manson choses to look more different from the "normal" person. He also took out some of his ribs, so I guess that's another different factor. And that's not called "rebellion". That just called "trying to get attention". All Manson ever sings or talks about is against God, and though I really don't have a problem with that, every song is about how God and his followers just needs to jump off a cliff. And that's annoying. Why doesn't he pick on other religions? How about Hinduism, or Mormans? Do Christians just really anger him that much? He really needs to pick up the pace and realize that Atheists are supposed to be against all religions, not just Christianity. [end of rant] If you really want to rebel, all the musicians of the world, go play some Norwegian black metal. Or is that popular now? I don't get out much. Fisrt of all, you have probably never listened to him if you think all he sings about are songs against god. He had only one album that did, and that was Antichrist Superstar. Mechanical Animals is about living with a drug addiction. Holy Wood is about americas obbsesion with guns. The Golden Age of Grotesque is about TV. Eat Me, Drink Me is about himself. Hes not atheist ethier, in his biography he describes himself as "undefined". I would also call his sound completely different. maybe you should pick up Mechanical Animals and see if you think its a normal sound. Also the rib thing was a false rumor put out by the American Family Association. Christians dont anger him, realigon does. "Realigon is the opiate of the masses" -Karl Marx Many people do not listen to the lyrics. Often there are great messages in lyrics.
  22. Horatio

    Jesse's topic

    TGHL will love having American Government discussions with you. As for the stalking part... you have me totally confused. How is saying your schedule here on HampsterDance allowing people to stalk you? I must be really naive, but I do not understand how this works. Please do explain.
  23. Tell your mother to bring you down for the next launch. I have extra rooms in my cage. I do believe there are two more shuttle launches this year, and next month is a rocket launch.
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