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Everything posted by Horatio

  1. keep doing what you're doing and you'll get your wish. sweet lol no one is gonna kill me cept myself that makes me sad. my bad it makes me sad that death is an escape. you're my friend, so I care about you. when you make poor choices, I'm going to be sad, because a] I can't do anything and b] I see a good friend throwing her potential away. eh. my life really isnt that important. dont stress over it Your life IS that important. Friends, even internet friends, care about you. nobody is a nobody. everybody is somebody...and not just somebody, but somebody in particular. you're not meaningless, nor are you unimportant. every life is worth more than we imagine. dont think ill ever see it like that i have nothing positive to contribute to the world you can write! you're my friend! that's enough!!! so i can put words on paper and make someone smile / bring them down like mad and thats enough to live for? Absolutely! You, like Topazia, have the power of the pen to change the world. pgkjdfhgkljdghkf i dont want to change the world anymore just end mine im sorry if that makes you sad its reality i dont want to live anymore Lauren, please make a decision to see a psychologist. This should help you get rid of the thoughts of ending your life.
  2. *screamsssssssssssss......... one month* *misses Mega Wolf already and she has not even left* Chill, I'll be around. XD That's why you need an iphone. Internet connection from wherever you may be. You can have us at your fingertips, along with your music and your phone. *hint, hint... it comes out on the 29th of June* Depends on how much it costs. XD The argument for the price is... it is an ipod, it is a phone, it is the web. and it costs $499. Except I already have an ipod, a phone, and the web. XD But not in just 1 device. I have been waiting for this for so long. I am saving the ipod for when I run in my wheel or ride my bicycle. The web... well, I can't use my laptop everywhere. But now I can moderate anywhere I go if I have the iphone. As for my razr, I can have no problem ditching this. LOL
  3. As long as you tell her he asked you, things are out in the open. Just because she made a different assumption, in time, this will change. Yes. Eventually. XD But the bottom line is that you were always truthful with her. ...Kinda. XD Haha, oh, well. Hasn't bothered me so far. It's all good. The truth is out in the open, parents will probably detect it as soon as my dad knows I'm going to the movies with one person who is a male. XD Fathers are always protective of their daughters when it comes to other males. LOL Haha, well, they know Julian's dad. And my dad isn't the one who gets angry, oddly. XD They know Julian's dad because of band. And they'll be speaking more now that his dad is band boosters president and my dad is treasurer. Which is part of why I'm not like, totally, no way in *beep* are they going to find out. XD ROFOCLH! I must give you credit. When you pick a guy, you sure do pick one who will be in constant contact with not only the father of the guy, but all the band members parents. Good one Wolfie!!! Haha, yeah. I have such great logic when picking guys. XD *wonders if Wolfie likes flirting on the edge* *eats micicles* *chuckles* I thought so.
  4. *screamsssssssssssss......... one month* *misses Mega Wolf already and she has not even left* Chill, I'll be around. XD That's why you need an iphone. Internet connection from wherever you may be. You can have us at your fingertips, along with your music and your phone. *hint, hint... it comes out on the 29th of June* Depends on how much it costs. XD The argument for the price is... it is an ipod, it is a phone, it is the web. and it costs $499.
  5. As long as you tell her he asked you, things are out in the open. Just because she made a different assumption, in time, this will change. Yes. Eventually. XD But the bottom line is that you were always truthful with her. ...Kinda. XD Haha, oh, well. Hasn't bothered me so far. It's all good. The truth is out in the open, parents will probably detect it as soon as my dad knows I'm going to the movies with one person who is a male. XD Fathers are always protective of their daughters when it comes to other males. LOL Haha, well, they know Julian's dad. And my dad isn't the one who gets angry, oddly. XD They know Julian's dad because of band. And they'll be speaking more now that his dad is band boosters president and my dad is treasurer. Which is part of why I'm not like, totally, no way in *beep* are they going to find out. XD ROFOCLH! I must give you credit. When you pick a guy, you sure do pick one who will be in constant contact with not only the father of the guy, but all the band members parents. Good one Wolfie!!! Haha, yeah. I have such great logic when picking guys. XD *wonders if Wolfie likes flirting on the edge*
  6. *screamsssssssssssss......... one month* *misses Mega Wolf already and she has not even left* Chill, I'll be around. XD That's why you need an iphone. Internet connection from wherever you may be. You can have us at your fingertips, along with your music and your phone. *hint, hint... it comes out on the 29th of June*
  7. As long as you tell her he asked you, things are out in the open. Just because she made a different assumption, in time, this will change. Yes. Eventually. XD But the bottom line is that you were always truthful with her. ...Kinda. XD Haha, oh, well. Hasn't bothered me so far. It's all good. The truth is out in the open, parents will probably detect it as soon as my dad knows I'm going to the movies with one person who is a male. XD Fathers are always protective of their daughters when it comes to other males. LOL Haha, well, they know Julian's dad. And my dad isn't the one who gets angry, oddly. XD They know Julian's dad because of band. And they'll be speaking more now that his dad is band boosters president and my dad is treasurer. Which is part of why I'm not like, totally, no way in *beep* are they going to find out. XD ROFOCLH! I must give you credit. When you pick a guy, you sure do pick one who will be in constant contact with not only the father of the guy, but all the band members parents. Good one Wolfie!!!
  8. *screamsssssssssssss......... one month* *misses Mega Wolf already and she has not even left*
  9. As long as you tell her he asked you, things are out in the open. Just because she made a different assumption, in time, this will change. Yes. Eventually. XD But the bottom line is that you were always truthful with her. ...Kinda. XD Haha, oh, well. Hasn't bothered me so far. It's all good. The truth is out in the open, parents will probably detect it as soon as my dad knows I'm going to the movies with one person who is a male. XD Fathers are always protective of their daughters when it comes to other males. LOL
  10. Is it me, or not posting because you aren't a mod a bit... what's the word... Eh? I've just been busy. With life and stuff. XD You have a life? No, that's me who doesn't have a life, remember? Only after me. LOL Life is just getting busier, which I love. XD Okay, so there's like a week and half left before I go to fair and show my pig and whatever. I'm there for 11 days, I might not be able to come here in that time. And then it might be even longer. Oh, and following this is my possible part-time job in a vet's office. Basically I'll be taught stuff while helping out, I think. And following that is band camp. Which also might involve time in the vet's office again. In fact, I think any time that I'm not spending in band, I'll be at the vet's office. Probably. And then there's the time after that, where judging contests and animals pick up for ag. Oh, and apparently our new music teacher was in 4H and raised pigs. Which was a really random fact one of the ag teahers told me because he'd met the new teacher. You can always squeeze in a little time for us. *decides Mega Wolf needs to ask for the iphone for a random present*
  11. As long as you tell her he asked you, things are out in the open. Just because she made a different assumption, in time, this will change. Yes. Eventually. XD But the bottom line is that you were always truthful with her.
  12. As long as you tell her he asked you, things are out in the open. Just because she made a different assumption, in time, this will change.
  13. Horatio

    Jesse's topic

    My ears are still ringing from that shout, but thank you. *grabs a few cherry micicles to celebrate* 100% on a calc final. I just had to shout because you were phenomenal!!! *adds more flavours of micicles to the pile*
  14. Is it me, or not posting because you aren't a mod a bit... what's the word... Eh? I've just been busy. With life and stuff. XD You have a life? No, that's me who doesn't have a life, remember? Only after me. LOL
  15. Horatio

    Jesse's topic

    Yeah, really. Unless you wanted to change the pattern of half steps for the major scale or something crazy like that, but you would be on your own there. So I had just finished my statistics final today, when my AP Calc teacher came in and shook my hand because it turns out I got 100 on the calc final. That was a pleasant surprise. CONGRATULATIONS JESSE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You did great!
  16. RPVF sure seems to like sending mixed messages. As I said before, she kind of exploded at me 'ignoring' her all the time. Shes still being just as flirty as ever, but no longer has a countdown on her page counting the minutes down to when I turn 16, and can go on a date. But she does want me to go to the movies with her, The Denzel and Brianrietta, which they're trying to organize for tomorrow night. RPVP kind of freaks me out. From observations. Haha. Oh, and I feel offended. I'm 5'4". XD Okay, actually you're probably more offending my friend who is not here, Hannah, who is under 5 feet tall. XD I'm not really offended. Don't take me seriously. o_O well Fine I wont o: *thinks about the Randy Newman song... "Short People"*
  17. I rest my case, H. But you still have a place to express your ideas. wait i dont get why she cant say it herrrrrrre? Because HampsterKing has asked that religion matters be discussed in the religion topic. I am sure you could venture over to that topic. that and the world isn't fair *goes to clean living room will be back in 30 min XD* free speech should apply anywhere..? Not really. .. wow. just wow. thats real messed up Not really. A perfect example of free speech not being permitted everywhere is this... Try out your free sppech idea in your parent's home. In most homes, I can pretty much guarantee you that your right to free speech will go as far as your parents patience. There are other places in public where free speech is not permitted... such as yelling "fire" in a crowded movie theatre. It comes to mind that if you started talking loudly or even yelling anything in a movie theatre you might be escorted out. When it comes to private property, the owner makes the rules. But for you, I think you should not try out the free speech idea unless you want to be grounded. exactly. fgjsdfl;fkjdslfkjsd;lkf parents censorship and hampsterdance >. LOL True.
  18. keep doing what you're doing and you'll get your wish. sweet lol no one is gonna kill me cept myself that makes me sad. my bad it makes me sad that death is an escape. you're my friend, so I care about you. when you make poor choices, I'm going to be sad, because a] I can't do anything and b] I see a good friend throwing her potential away. eh. my life really isnt that important. dont stress over it Your life IS that important. Friends, even internet friends, care about you. nobody is a nobody. everybody is somebody...and not just somebody, but somebody in particular. you're not meaningless, nor are you unimportant. every life is worth more than we imagine. dont think ill ever see it like that i have nothing positive to contribute to the world you can write! you're my friend! that's enough!!! so i can put words on paper and make someone smile / bring them down like mad and thats enough to live for? Absolutely! You, like Topazia, have the power of the pen to change the world.
  19. Seriously. Why are people raised to hate different people? Tell me anywhere in the bible it says that God hates gays. In fact, I learned on a website about religious tolerance that there are gay references in the bible, it's just that things were mistranslated or people couldn't handle the truth. Segregation is segregation. If people didn't hate people who were different from them, perhaps this world would be a much more peaceful place. But no, stubborn human minds will always find it right to say that one is wrong to be someone else. God doesn't hate anyone. You've heard it, and I'll tell you again. He loves everyone. In the bible it says that you should not be gay, and some other stuff. But nothing against them. It's the people that are for God and against gays that make me mad. It makes those people out there think that God hates them if they're gay. That's not true. I have nothing against the people that like the same sex, but some people do. My brother uses the word "gay" a lot. Long story short, he kept on using that word at a store. The guy that rung our clothes up ended up being gay. ...Oh. And how'd we end up on this subject? I know God doesn't hate gays. It gets on my nerves as well when people believe gays are evil people who shouldn't exist. As far as gays are concerned, we have similar opinions. See the date on that? 2005. Some things never change... Yes, as it should be. =D On the downside, that's mostly because people keep attacking gay people. In more then just the physical sense. Haha. I just thought of something. Almost everyone is slightly racist and slightly sexist, because if someone was honestly not racist, they wouldn't even label people different races, let alone care about whether they're one race or another... And I have no idea if anyone's like that... Actually I am like that. I do not see colour, heritage, religion or sexual preference. I look at who is on the inside. As a baby hammie, my mother taught me to accept everyone exactly as they are and to look at their differences as you would the colours of the rainbow. It takes many colours to make a beautiful rainbow. Peace through tolerance, compassion and understanding.
  20. RPVF sure seems to like sending mixed messages. As I said before, she kind of exploded at me 'ignoring' her all the time. Shes still being just as flirty as ever, but no longer has a countdown on her page counting the minutes down to when I turn 16, and can go on a date. But she does want me to go to the movies with her, The Denzel and Brianrietta, which they're trying to organize for tomorrow night. Are you going to go?
  21. Is it me, or not posting because you aren't a mod a bit... what's the word... Eh? I've just been busy. With life and stuff. XD You have a life?
  22. So your phone company places all your free minutes in a mound? *wonders how big Mega Wolf's free minutes mound is* Amount. I meant amount of course. XD I know. I couldn't resist.
  23. Horatio

    Jesse's topic

    I can't debate well anyway. I'm just not informed enough. You would be after the American Government class. LOL I suppose. Too bad you can't watch me have debates about music theory. We could watch you right here. Just start the debate, you will have opponents.
  24. I believe it. You just wanted me to return here fast. LOL
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