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Everything posted by Horatio

  1. Horatio

    My place. :)

    I would love one! Thank you. ...Wait. You're eating Cheesemaster? o_O But of course! Hamsters love cheese!
  2. Horatio

    My place. :)

    I would love one! Thank you.
  3. Horatio

    My place. :)

    Ooh, good call. *now imagines melted cheese and burnt up rocket bits dripping down the roller skates* *grabs the melted cheese, picks out the rocket bits, takes off the skates and throws what's remaining into a tub of ice to solidify the cheese*
  4. I'm back and dinner was wonderful!!!!!!!! *sends everyone some chips and salsa*
  5. Horatio

    My place. :)

    Get Skwerlhugger Will into the mix and you will really see imagination!!!
  6. You are all going to be mad, but I have to run. We are having Mexican for dinner. Adios!!!! See you all in a bit.
  7. LOL That is really great!!! Does your pet eat large quantities of food? Only when i let him eat Do you make him do tricks for a treat? LOL Yes i do in fact there are many tricks Joey knows Including drive will places because he doesnt want to pay for gas LOL Joey deserves two treats!!! LOL
  8. Horatio

    My place. :)

    *kicks the cheese foward* C'mon, you're not even trying! oww. *equips rocket packs* *steps back and hides in a hole to watch the fireworks begin*
  9. LOL That is really great!!! Does your pet eat large quantities of food? Only when i let him eat Do you make him do tricks for a treat? LOL
  10. I agree! Skwerlhugger adds a special touch to his pictures.
  11. Wait, but Connecticut just reelected Joe Lieberman into the Senate in 2006...does that mean he will leave the seat if he were to be elected president? I'm surprised I didn't know about this, but then again I'm me, so I'm not. I'm not entirely sure. The American political system confuses me due to its large amounts of bureaucracy and slightly sinister electoral system. Sinister in the sense that the electoral colleges smell easily exploitable and easily rigged. Fred Thompson... I don't know. He likes McCain (helping him in 2000), dislikes Cuba and Michael Moore, led Citizens United and made this stupid statement: "When people ask what has Saddam done to us, I ask, what had the 9/11 hijackers done to us -- before 9/11." Helped Bush pack the Supreme Court, serves on the International Security Advisory Board and helped the now convicted felon Libby. I'm curious as to how the government can get away with being so corrupt. Quite easy, all the things relating to corruption go through a series of secretive bank accounts in Switzerland and if the media does find out about them they won't tell because its all controlled by uber-Fascist Murdoch. If only that weren't reality. >. I have a solution: Don't vote Republican. Don't vote Democrat. Vote Independent or other party. Oh and don't watch, listen or read any of that propaganda Murdoch vomits out onto his various media networks. It's bull. Well, I have to get to 18 before I can vote. I would vote independent if everyone else would. However, nobody votes independent cause they think no one else will. You should vote for who you want to vote for and NOT change your vote because others might not vote a particular way. I am fully aware. I'm not gonna waste a vote on someone that isn't gonna win. just because your voice is heard doesn't mean that is aknowledged, unfortunately. That is exactly the problem. Vote for the candidate you want... not who you think will win. If more people voted for who they wanted, perhaps we would have better politicians.
  12. That is really great!!! Does your pet eat large quantities of food?
  13. Welcome back!!! You have been missed!!!!!!! *sends Mushroom_king up to the topic Sooo, by Arkcher in Warm Wishes*
  14. Wait, but Connecticut just reelected Joe Lieberman into the Senate in 2006...does that mean he will leave the seat if he were to be elected president? I'm surprised I didn't know about this, but then again I'm me, so I'm not. I'm not entirely sure. The American political system confuses me due to its large amounts of bureaucracy and slightly sinister electoral system. Sinister in the sense that the electoral colleges smell easily exploitable and easily rigged. Fred Thompson... I don't know. He likes McCain (helping him in 2000), dislikes Cuba and Michael Moore, led Citizens United and made this stupid statement: "When people ask what has Saddam done to us, I ask, what had the 9/11 hijackers done to us -- before 9/11." Helped Bush pack the Supreme Court, serves on the International Security Advisory Board and helped the now convicted felon Libby. I'm curious as to how the government can get away with being so corrupt. Quite easy, all the things relating to corruption go through a series of secretive bank accounts in Switzerland and if the media does find out about them they won't tell because its all controlled by uber-Fascist Murdoch. If only that weren't reality. >. I have a solution: Don't vote Republican. Don't vote Democrat. Vote Independent or other party. Oh and don't watch, listen or read any of that propaganda Murdoch vomits out onto his various media networks. It's bull. Well, I have to get to 18 before I can vote. I would vote independent if everyone else would. However, nobody votes independent cause they think no one else will. You should vote for who you want to vote for and NOT change your vote because others might not vote a particular way.
  15. Interesting thoughts. I don't believe I've ever read a story anything like that. I think I should write that story... I agree! I think this would make a great story line.
  16. I have been trying to think how to do this. Give me another day.
  17. And I always thought it was the girl who asked the "do you love me" question. And no, you are not a bad person.
  18. Im not wearing my wet suit any more since its like 100 in santa cruz right now i forgot the horror that is sun burn So do we get to see a picture of you surfing? i guess so i need to find one ok we will call this couch surfing "Engage Mr. Sulu" I dunno ill have to ask cassie for a surfing one The picture did not come up Please try again. After you click on Choose File, then please click on Upload and then look to the right and click on the drop down menu and click on the little green plus. here it is again Couch surfing... not quite what I had in mind. We found a couch next to a high way I love your imagination!!! *hands Skwerlhugger Will The Gold Star Award* Thank you, that was actually an awesome day. We took the couch after that, it eventually died. You are most welcome. At least you gave the couch another chance at life. I am sorry, but I need a little nap. It is 02H40 here and I have to get up at 04H00. Talk to you tomorrow.
  19. I hope you are not chosing that school because of her, but because of your goals. Its for my goals. Im gonna learn about plants. Cassie is just a bonus Botanist? How terrific!!! I am thrilled to hear this. Glad it works out that Cassie is going there as well. Yep, especially in farming areas, then its off to the Peace Corps. What a phenomenal experience. The Peace Corps is outstanding. I wanna be a fair trade officer Very cool. Please tell me more about your plans. I would like to go to South America and help in a country that suffered from the green revelotion but does not have a high crime rate. I want to help people get paid what they deserve. The farmer recives 8,000 for what is eventually valued at 3.6 million in the United States (coffee) South America is a great place to start. There are so many countries around the world where people are not paid what they deserve.
  20. Hey, I'm always here to talk. As for support groups, there's gotta be some out there somewhere. You just need to look. As for the world going downhill, yeah it is. It's sad. There's nothing we can really do about it aside from living the best lives we can. Support Groups would be wonderful, but most are Christian. Its really hard when you go to a group and all they say is "You have to believe in this god to quit" they dont exactly say that but... well i mean to me it seems kinda like the Spanish Inquisition for crack addicts "Your gonna have to keep suffering unless you belive in our god" Get what im saying? Yeah. Although of course being who I am, I think that God can help. Even so, somewhere out there, there's got to be a support group that's not faith based. I converted to Buddhism about to years ago. Buddhism is a great religion. Very peaceful.
  21. *breaths sigh of relief* I am so happy they like someone else. I thought it was me they were stalking.
  22. Horatio


    You are quite welcome on both points. Tee Hee. well I'm BoReD! There is absolutly nothing to do. plus i have to go clean my room (that could take a while) but i have to clean my room cause my grandparents airconditioning broke so they have to stay the night or what ever so i am gioing to be really bored and my grandma will nag on me because i dont dust and i dont help my mom enough (blah blah blah sirously thats all i'll hear) and my grandpa will nag on me cause i dont do enough yard work or something like that ( ) and i am going to wish i was dead then i wont die but oh well so i guess BYE!BYE! (isn't the typing pretty!!!???!?!?!?!?) Well, to combat the boredom, you can always come here and we can post like crazy. Just look at the bottom to see if I am on, then keep checking the new posts or the topic you just posted in and I will post back. mk Party time teehee my cousins over we're staying up all night and partyin' then we're gunna go bowling with my friends!!!!!!!!!!!! It sounds like you all are having a great time!
  23. I hope you are not chosing that school because of her, but because of your goals. Its for my goals. Im gonna learn about plants. Cassie is just a bonus Botanist? How terrific!!! I am thrilled to hear this. Glad it works out that Cassie is going there as well. Yep, especially in farming areas, then its off to the Peace Corps. What a phenomenal experience. The Peace Corps is outstanding. I wanna be a fair trade officer Very cool. Please tell me more about your plans.
  24. Have sweet dreams! It is 02H26 here and it is time for me to take a short nap.
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