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Everything posted by Horatio

  1. Okay... we have a very, very big problem. I have been "playing" on my iPhone searching for one app and finding other apps that I simply cannot live without. Of course, I think some of these apps we load onto our iPhone are just something to occupy our interest and most often the novelty wears off. Good thing the ones I downloaded are free, but I did get a new app that is for work. The NOAA weather radar. It looks like it will show worldwide weather radar coverage. That would be really terrific. The radar coverage I have now is only for the USA, so I am really excited.
  2. A friend of mine told me to use that, but when I searched I must have separated the two words and I came up with something that was for bills, finance or money management. My brain never told me to delete the space. UGHHHHH... those blonde genes sometimes get into the way. The I found another app that had handbrake, but it was a SoundExpress Cubic Studio with thirteen sounds... one of which is a handbrake. Is this a computer app and I am looking in the wrong place? I have been looking at the iPhone and iPad apps. My search methods need to improve. I have now refined my search using your suggestion. Thank you!!!
  3. I love your picture!!! You look phenomenal!!! MegaWolf has been away, but she usually checks in and then Topazia stops and visits. - Kat - makes a stop in when there are no pyrotechnic events going on. SleepoverFanatic52 has resurfaced, which is great!!! There are the others who make a fleeting appearance, but I am so happy you returned and posted your picture! Is that your art? I wish you would show us more!!!
  4. I have a problem that needs good advice. I have some DVD's that I want to put on my iPad, but they do not give you a download option. No matter how I try, I am unable to download them onto my laptop to transfer them onto my iPad. Does anyone know of a good app that would allow me to accomplish this? Thank you!!!
  5. I am great at procrastination. Why do something important when you can play Pocket Frogs.
  6. To answer your first post... click on the bottom right "More Reply Options" and this will take you to a place to post and underneath the box is the "Attach Files" option. As I am off to bed, I will have to respond to your post first thing tomorrow morning.
  7. Leguan, thank you so much for your real life experience. You are absolutely right when it comes to traveling to other countries, to know some of the language. The basics, hello, good bye, please, thank you, and some other small phrases are important. I make it a point to learn a few words and I have found the same experience you have, that it goes quite a long way towards a good experience in that country. To also know some of the mores and customs of each country also make a good impression. No one can tell others of the value of work-experience travel, unless they have done exactly as you have. Thank you so much for your post!!!! I hope that people put this thought in their minds for something to do. Regarding language problems in other countries, what works well is the iPhone translator app. My colleague and I were at a restaurant in Narita and I wanted some of this fresh tofu that they make. I had tried to explain what I wanted in English, and no one spoke anything but Japanese. Then I remembered my translator program and used it. The waiter loved it and we got the fresh tofu we really wanted. This app makes the hard communications of words and phrases that you might not normally learn, at a touch of the screen.
  8. *waits for the art meme to explode*
  9. I have not taken any good hammie pictures... it is about time I get some new shots.
  10. 'lol: *inconspicuous hello*
  11. I was in Los Angeles and the hotel had hosted a beautiful wedding. The bride had used sort of a dark, purplish blue colour for the bridesmaid dresses and they carried bluish purple and orange flowers. The bride carried a bouquest of the same bluish purple, and white flowers. The tables were done with mostly white table cloths, orange accents and an occasional bluish purple touch thown in. It looked really fantastic. I thought the dark dresses were quite elegant and very dramatic, making the bride's white dress much more brilliant. I believe your colours are going to be a phenomenal choice!
  12. You are soooo pretty! Thank you for the picture!!! A popcorn ball? It looks like the size of a cupcake! I have never seen one of those before. The face is really great!!! Did you create the face?
  13. I did not realize that I had written so much... my apologies.
  14. Oh my goodness!!!!! SleepoverFanatic52, then TopBanana!!!! I thought being in the typhoon in Shanghai would get my attention, but seeing you both appear is much, much more exciting!!! I could never be happier than to see old faces reappear!!!!! WOW!!! When you travel for work, it sometimes can get old. For example, you do not always get the opportunity to go and sightsee. Then sometimes you arrive at the destination and all you want to do is get a shower and head to bed. We flew from Shanghai to Paris, had a nineteen hour layover in Paris before an eight hour flight to Delhi. On my layover, the only thing I was able to do was take a shower, have a couple cups of coffee, sleep (sort of), eat a salad for dinner, sleep some more, get up, take a shower, then head back to the airport to fly. Here I was in one of the most terrific cities in the world and I slept through it. Then there are places where you do not want to eat much as getting sick is a very high possibility. In one country we fly to, there is a placard next to the sink in all the hotels we stay in, that indicates that the water is undrinkable. Bottled water is the only option. But before you say, that is easy, consider this, no ice in your glass, no brushing your teeth without using bottled water and if you have ever opened your mouth in the shower, and water entered, this too could make you sick. Think not getting more than two seconds away from a bathroom. Another consideration is, no salads or anything that may be washed or rinsed with local water. I love salads, but there are some places we travel where I am ultra cautious and lettuce, raw vegetables and other types items are not on my plate. Once you have had a case or two of food poisoning, you become quite attentive. You also have to consider food items where local water may be added and the item may not have been boiled or cooked. Then there are just the other food items that may be bad. Consider that you may encounter bad shellfish or something that is not fully cooked, with organisms that impact your system in ways you never thought possible. I have been so sick that I thought dying might be a better option. Think being in the bathroom where you wanted to both sit on the toilet and lean over the toilet at the same time, and you do not trust getting medicine from the local pharmacy because you cannot read the box, cannot speak the language to explain your situation, plus you are too sick to leave your room and realize that the location where you are located has a reputation for counterfeit pharmaceuticals. Dying seems like a much better option. Now for the good aspects, you get to see places that you probably never have traveled to, seen things you most often do not see on the travel channels or in books, and experienced the people first hand. There are many other things to consider before traveling to a different country. One action that can have you arrested and land you on jail is to wear a religious object such as a cross, in Saudi Arabia. There is no such freedom like we have in the U.S.A.. If you are wearing such a piece of jewelry, this is a violation of law and you could go directly to jail. In Singapore, you will NOT chew gum in public. Lots of other little customs, laws and cultural ways that you must be aware of before you travel. There is no such excuse as "I did not know". There are other little things that could land you in jail such as taking a photograph of something that is not approved by that country. Let us imagine that you are traveling down the highway and you see a military troop carrier, with troops in the open back. You snap a great photograph. In some places, you have just committed a crime. A vey big ooops. One that your parents might spend a long time trying to get you released and back home. The one thing that Americans do not consider is just how fortunate we are to be able to live life as we do. Not that there are not other great places in the world with lots of freedoms, but there are also places where you have no freedoms. For instance, there are places where women are second class citizens. A woman must be dressed in a certain method and may not be out alone, unescorted, after a certain time at night. If the woman is caught in either of these situations, a man may commit a crime qgainst her, such as violence or sexual crime, and nothing will be done to the man who committed the crime. The thought behind the law is that the woman was asking for trouble. No one considers that she may be retruning home from working a late shift that ends after dark. Anyway, these are some of the things to consider before traveling. That being said, I totally believe that traveling the world, meeting other people from other countries and seeing the sights is something that everyone should experience. Traveling is one of the best experiences of my life. You can experience other countries in a number of ways. One such method is to get a job with a language school and teach English. The school does not want you to be able to speak their language. Let us say you are in France. The language school may have courses teaching English to business people teaveling to an English speaking country. They offer a rapid course to help these people learn English in a short time period. Here you step in. What the school wants is that you only communicate in English, forcing the student to think in English. If you spoke French, and the student asked a question in French and you replied in French, then the student would not be forced to ask the question in English. So, if you do not speak the language of the country, then you are a better candidate for employment. Another option is an au pair. You can get a six month, year or longer, job looking after someone's children. Yes it is sort of a nanny position, but you learn the language and as these are families with relative wealth, you most often get to travel with the family. Another option is to save money and travel at your own expense. Youth hostels are cheap places to stay and you will meet a number of interesting people, but this costs you money which is extremely hard to earn. The good news is that you have an asset to place on your resume. One option that young people usually reject is the military. I am not suggesting to enlist in the army or navy, but to consider the reserves. This gives you an education in a career field, you may travel and you are only giving up a weekend a month and a couple weeks in the summer. If you do not have a job, this is a great option. And if you believe that you cannot follow orders because you are a free spirit, then you have your eyes closed. Working a job is quite often more restrictive and disciplined being in the military because the company is the one paying you and you are disposible. The last option is something such as the Peace Corps. Well, I have rambled enough. We are here in Delhi and depart tomorrow back to Shanghai and the rainy weather. More to follow as rhe company has suggested we do not leave the hotel. So I am here.
  15. I certainly hope so. We really enjoy hearing from you. *waits for pictures*
  16. It is really excited to hear about your plans and share in the details. Thank you so very, very much for keeping us involved in your plans.
  17. I was disappointed that it did not work out. I am trying for another month. Sounds like you really enjoyed your ride. What a terrific trip. I would love to accomplish a trip such as that. Go out for a day ride into the wonderful countryside. Being on a bike is so enjoyable and the ride you took sounds so totally enjoyable.
  18. Just returned from a long trip and am getting ready to head out for another long trip. This trip I am heading for Shanghai and go to Europe and then back to Shanghai and finally return to Memphis.
  19. Sorry I haven't been here and don't know the answer to this, but why are you everywhere?? Yes why do you get to travel to the neatest places? Sorry to not reply earlier, but I get to travel to the neatest places because that is my job. I am a Captain on a B-777 for FedEx. My job opens doors to places that are extremely interesting. The only bad part is that, as this is work and not a holiday, I do not get to stay and do the tourist things. I can get in one or two tourist things now and then, but mostly I try and visit museums and art gallerys which can be accomplished in a day or afternoon.
  20. Sorry I haven't been here and don't know the answer to this, but why are you everywhere?? Why am I everywhere? I wish I knew? No, I am everywhere for work.
  21. Wait, people know each other in other places now? Sometimes this happens, where people figure out other people on other social media locations.
  22. You should definitely take the opportunity to travel and study abroad!!!
  23. How outstanding!!!!!!!!! I think that is a phenomenal idea!!!!! You will have a great adventure.
  24. SLEEPOVERFANATIC52 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOW!!!!!!!!!!!! I am thrilled to hear from you! Congratulations at your college and being a film major. LifesEagle would be thrilled to hear the news as she changed her major to film a couple years ago. Please do stop back and visit. You can always post a picture of yourself. There is lots and lots of news. Later for this.
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