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Everything posted by Horatio

  1. I love your pictures. I look like the Syrian hammy with the carrot. I am a blonde, 3 1/2 year old male hammy. Thanks, I love showing pictures of friends pets, and other pictures I can get my little paws on. see I'll escape out of my cage to get pictures of hamsters. Great pic!!! My favorite is the picture in your siggy. I just love that face. Thanks! I wish that one wa mine, but it isn't. I can't wait till July 2nd! To many people have hamsters, and I want one! So I am getting one July 2nd. July 2nd is just around the corner. Remember, never give your hamster any kleenex, toilet paper or paper towels. These items have bleach in them and can also get stuck in your hammie's pouches causing infection and most times death. Cleanliness is the best way to having a healthy hamster, so it is really important to always keep your hamster's cage clean. All the hamsters in our cage group are potty trained and this is really a great way to keep a clean cage. I can tell you how to potty train them if you need some information. Also remember, to keep your hamsters cage off the floor and not near a window. Your cat might scare the hammie, so you will have to keep this in mind when you bring home your new friend and make his cage in a safe and secure place. When you are in the pet store, ask them to put some of his hamster bedding into the take home box, and when you set up his cage, put this bedding into his new cage. This will help him feel more secure and give him the feeling that he belongs there. Don't let the store get away with not doing this. It is very important to helping him adjust to his new home. I know you have lots of information, but if you need any more help, I am here. I wish you lived in Central Florida, I would introduce you to one of my friends who needs a home.
  2. I love your pictures. I look like the Syrian hammy with the carrot. I am a blonde, 3 1/2 year old male hammy. Thanks, I love showing pictures of friends pets, and other pictures I can get my little paws on. see I'll escape out of my cage to get pictures of hamsters. LOL Great pic!!! My favorite is the picture in your siggy. I just love that face. That's my friend's hamster. I was standing beside her when she took the picture. I keep looking at the beautiful little face... *is in love* :wub:
  3. Would you please post a picture of your cat. I know a Siamese, but I have no idea what an apple head Siamese is. Please tell me. Being a hamster... I love talking about hamsters!!! We don't have a current picture of him. But it looks just like a siamese cat with a regular sized cat head. Thanks. I appreciate you explaining that to me. Your welcome. plus they have light, light blue eyes and not the regular cat eyes with stripes, they are like are eyes almost, except with just a black pupil in each, and then the rest of the eyes is light,light blue. The kitty must be so beautiful. He is, I wish I had a picture. You will get a picture and then we can see Milo. Vanilla is a great name for a hammie. Here is the best picture i found that looks like him. This picture is how he looks. Oh my goodness, I was right! Milo IS so beautiful!!!! Look at those magnificent blue eyes!!! Thank you for the picture!
  4. WOW!!! You are sooooooooo smart!!! Thanks, but I'm probably going to opt out of doing it next term. It's year 11 psychology because it's meant for people who work at a year 11 level. I don't. You probably could work at year 11 level... you are that smart. I don't have the experience. Experience does not always mean as much as you think. Some people have experience, but they have not learned a thing from it. Yes it is true. I've learned never annoy your friend across the street by always talking about hamsters, and hamsterdance. She finally stopped getting annoyed, and said she may start coming on here. She MAY, she is not sure. That would be great if she does come, but we are really happy you are here!!!
  5. Horatio

    My place. :)

    *screammmmmmssssssssss* Gone for the summer!!!!!!!!!!!! WOW... this summer semester went by so fast. How did that happen? Tell your mother you absolutely positively need the iPhone! This way you will be able to get on HampsterDance no matter where you are. We are going to miss you so much! Hopefully you will find an internet connection somewhere and stop in and say hi. *misses Jesusfreak already*
  6. I was looking at your siggy, before you asked, and was at a total loss for words. People can be so cruel. They have no problem attacking other human beings for no reason. If I could give you a hug and tell you all those horrible, negative words are not true, I would do it immediately. These words are from insecure, hollow people who make themselves feel better by attacking others. You should not give these people power over how you feel inside. Of course, this is easier said than done, but you have so many great qualities... superb sense of humor, intellect, ability to make friends, terrific personality... and I could go on and on. You see, here at HampsterDance, we look at who you are on the inside, not what is on the outside, but who you really are, and we like the person you are. We miss you when you are not here and eagerly await your next post. Many years ago, people made friends that were called "Pen Pals". These friendships were developed through letters. There is not much difference withmaking friends over the internet, except that it is instantaneous. Before, people would be checking their mailbox and it might be months before they received a response to their letter. Now, it is seconds at best, to however long it might be for their cyber pal to respond. All I can say is that we really care about you and like you for the person you are. We will be here for you anytime you need us and will try and talk about whatever it is you want, if we can help you to get through the situation at hand. We are your friends and we like you exactly as you are. *gives Glowurm a really big hug*
  7. WOW!!! You are sooooooooo smart!!! Thanks, but I'm probably going to opt out of doing it next term. It's year 11 psychology because it's meant for people who work at a year 11 level. I don't. You probably could work at year 11 level... you are that smart. I don't have the experience. Experience does not always mean as much as you think. Some people have experience, but they have not learned a thing from it.
  8. WOW!!! You are sooooooooo smart!!! Thanks, but I'm probably going to opt out of doing it next term. It's year 11 psychology because it's meant for people who work at a year 11 level. I don't. You probably could work at year 11 level... you are that smart.
  9. Horatio

    My place. :)

    Hahaha that's crazy! Although looking back on it, most of the guys I've at least had a thing for had some musical talent. But right now things don't seem akward at all, much to my relief. As for the rest of the summer being interesting, that has nothing to do with Ian at all, it's more to do with the people at camp that are *cough* I'm not going to finish that sentence. You don't have to. lol that's what I figured. I figure that if you're old/mature enough to have a good idea of what I would have said, you're old enough to hear it. If that makes any sense. Perfect sense.
  10. Horatio

    My place. :)

    Hahaha that's crazy! Although looking back on it, most of the guys I've at least had a thing for had some musical talent. But right now things don't seem akward at all, much to my relief. As for the rest of the summer being interesting, that has nothing to do with Ian at all, it's more to do with the people at camp that are *cough* I'm not going to finish that sentence. You don't have to.
  11. When it comes to blood work, I would do exactly the same thing. If you need some more excuses, just let me know, I have a zillion.
  12. Would you please post a picture of your cat. I know a Siamese, but I have no idea what an apple head Siamese is. Please tell me. Being a hamster... I love talking about hamsters!!! We don't have a current picture of him. But it looks just like a siamese cat with a regular sized cat head. Thanks. I appreciate you explaining that to me. Your welcome. plus they have light, light blue eyes and not the regular cat eyes with stripes, they are like are eyes almost, except with just a black pupil in each, and then the rest of the eyes is light,light blue. The kitty must be so beautiful. He is, I wish I had a picture. You will get a picture and then we can see Milo. Vanilla is a great name for a hammie.
  13. I love your pictures. I look like the Syrian hammy with the carrot. I am a blonde, 3 1/2 year old male hammy. Thanks, I love showing pictures of friends pets, and other pictures I can get my little paws on. see I'll escape out of my cage to get pictures of hamsters. Great pic!!! My favorite is the picture in your siggy. I just love that face.
  14. For having a program with limitations, you are very talented!!! Your tiger is outstanding!!!!!!!!
  15. Would you please post a picture of your cat. I know a Siamese, but I have no idea what an apple head Siamese is. Please tell me. Being a hamster... I love talking about hamsters!!! We don't have a current picture of him. But it looks just like a siamese cat with a regular sized cat head. Thanks. I appreciate you explaining that to me. Your welcome. plus they have light, light blue eyes and not the regular cat eyes with stripes, they are like are eyes almost, except with just a black pupil in each, and then the rest of the eyes is light,light blue. The kitty must be so beautiful.
  16. Hamster Luver and Skwerlhugger, on at the same time!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *falls over in disbelief*
  17. Now here is a multi-million H$ winner...
  18. But, if she wins, she has to share her winnings with the Taco Bell dog.
  19. People from all walks of life get into alcohol and drugs. The problem is that they really are not good. For example you say that you don't find them to be a horrible thing if used in small amounts. How would you feel if you were paying for an attorney and he was smoking pot, but you were unaware and you were being charged with murder? How about if you got on an airline and the pilot just had a couple of drinks with lunch? I do not believe that drugs are good for anyone. I can totally agree with that actually. I guess its just the circumstances but when you say it that way. Its a good point. Thanks. Now if we could only have all the politicians be drug and alcohol tested before they vote on bills that impact the lives of Americans.
  20. :rolleyes: What?!?!?!?!? I go away for 10 minutes and everyone bails without even leaving any posts. *throws everyone into the butterscotch pudding vat* *covers vat with whipped cream* I don't like butterscotch putting, its too buttery and too scotchy. Exactly the reason you were all thown into it. Well with my amazing squirrel skills, i have jumped out of it. And squirrels can jump!
  21. Right on, sistah. I'm likin' your opinions. =D Dude, he's totally rushing even more though. I need to talk to him about that. XD It's actually kind of funny. He's already talking about having a life with me. o_O ...Odd thing being it sounds like a good plan to me. I'm starting to fall for him (slowly, but surely despite the fact that I'm generally very extreme with whether I care about someone or not) and it's kind of weird. It's like, wait. I haven't even known him for a year and I'm actually really starting to attach? What is this total nonsense... If you ever want to get out of this relationship, just tell him that your parents have an arranged marriage all planned for you. Oh wait... that won't work. I forgot about the two fathers talking. Let's see... you will have to get your father in on your scheme if need be. It's really weird. For a while I was like, "I feel so stuck... -.-" and now I'm not sure if it's that or I'm really happy. o_O It's so weird, I feel happier when I'm around him now. Like, instead of feeling obligated to be around him I want him to be there. When he relaxes some and quits pressuring you, then you will either find you like him or decide to venture out into uncharted waters. Right now, I think you are doing the right thing by listening to your feelings and not making a verbal commitment to anything. Yeah, I guess that's the complete truth. I know the only reason he's pressuring me is because he's completely crazy about me and I just need to be patient with him. He is a pretty good guy, though. Adorable, a gentleman, not a completely complicated weirdo, and very good morals. ^-^ He sounds like a really great guy. He is, which I think is why I'm getting less and less passive. You are turning into a marshmallow. LOL mmmm mega wolf pudding and now smores *grabs the graham crackers* ive got the chocolate all we have to do is roast wolfy Why am I always food? XD Hmmm... because you probably are pretty tasty? LOL Well you are a wolf and they do eat dog in some countries. But thats frowned upon here so we have decided to base the HD server in Taiwan. ROFOCLH!!!! You have a wicked sense of humour. It might work. Once Joey and i took his dog to the back of a chinese resturant and tried to pay them to cook it. (we wouldnt really let them) But those jerks wouldnt cook it for us. They probably thought you were trying to set them up for a violation by the health department or whoever it is that is in charge of restaurants.
  22. Now that is the version I would love to hear!!! You did great at this garage sale!!! i know! and most of the other stuff they had was not very good...i told my mom to pull over so we could look for elton john records, and there it was! actually my mom saw it first...it was behind a different record....forget what....i started listening to it when i got home...little scratchy but good....i love looking at the the album sleeve thingy....with the cd that i got out of the library, there was a booklet with the lyrics, but on the record it folds out and they're all on one big spread....i was looking at it during dinner....of course now im listening to my mp3 player....technology clash! i got a new speaker at kohls...its cool...we got a good deal on it in a complicated way...i leave all the smart shopping to my mom...lol Your mother sounds really cool!!! yeah...but what brought that up? The fact that your mother would stop at garage sales and help you look. oh, she loves garage sales! That works great for both of you!
  23. You have definitely won another award!!! May I please keep that hamster picture on my desktop? I really love it!!!!!!! *hands Wildcat The Double Platinum Moon Award for her hammie paint picture*
  24. Would you please post a picture of your cat. I know a Siamese, but I have no idea what an apple head Siamese is. Please tell me. Being a hamster... I love talking about hamsters!!! We don't have a current picture of him. But it looks just like a siamese cat with a regular sized cat head. Thanks. I appreciate you explaining that to me.
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