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Everything posted by Horatio

  1. And for other news... this has been a long, long trip. Things were going along wonderfully until I arrived in China. For some unknown reason, my iPhone and iPad decided that they needed to activate as if I had just opened the box! WHAT?!?!?!?!?!? Well, I was internet-less. Finally we arrived in Osaka and I am in the greatest cafe called Shakers and I am back on line. When I return home I will return my devices to their normal state, but for now, at least I am back in operation.
  2. Perhaps when summer arrives... Nebraska is way, way too cold in the fall, winter and spring! Besides, I will need to fly a much, much smaller airplane. FedEx has the B-777 flying non-stop from the USA to Asia, USA to the Middle East, and there is some talk about us flying from Oakland, California to Sydney, Australia. These routes prove to be a good match for lots of freight and non-stop service to give our customers the fastest service possible. We pass Nebraska on our climb out. LOL. As I return from Osaka, Japan tomorrow night, I will wave as we fly by. Sooooooo... what is happening? I see you are getting much closer to Canada. You will love the winters in Nebraska. COLD!!!!! What city do you live in? If you are in Omaha, have you seen Mr. Warren Buffett? Hopefully you will stop back by and fill us in on you, your life and all that has happened in the time since you were last here.
  3. Lexxy... welcome back! What is happening in your part of the world?
  4. *falls over with all four paws on the air* Oh my!!!! How exciting to see you Arkcher! How are you? How is life treating you? What is going on? Do show up and tell us more!!! PLEASE!!!
  5. Today there was some very, very important news from Botswana... women have just won the right to inherit property. Previously only sons could inherit property.
  6. Here I sit having my morning coffee in Japan. Yesterday we headed out to my favourite place for dinner and were really disappointed, no seats!!!!! We needed a reservation. Leaving there, we found another place nearby. Not as good, but still excellent food. As we will be back in a couple days, we will definitely get to eat at my first choice. Today we are heading for Guangzhou, China. Hopefully we will get some good pictures as we are flying in the afternoon to early evening. More later.
  7. Wonderful!!! I am thrilled that you are enjoying music and are pursuing this as a career choice.
  8. On my way to Narita... be out of commission for a day. See you all later!!!
  9. *round of applause* Terrific!!!
  10. The New York Comic Con starts in a couple days!!!!
  11. Too much excitement might fit that category! Seriously, I hope your search turns up the perfect dress at the perfect price. Keep us posted!!!
  12. For the cashier, if you have no customers, it is possible to talk, which is nice. Especially when you get to visit with old friends. Any more updates on the wedding plans and what has been accomplished? Inquiring minds want to know!
  13. You will have the pick of whatever four year school you wish to attend. You have done well, studied and gotten great grades, have a musical side that only adds to your resume and have done other things that would make any school want you to be one of their students! I think that you will have a hard decision to pick the school you wish to complete your four year degree at. They will all want you!!!
  14. So true. I like to be able to move and do more than one thing. To stand all day and just collect money is too boring. Of course, it pays the bills, but still, if you have your druthers, then another job is good.
  15. What are you doing at your new job?
  16. Congratulations to your best friend!!! That makes attending the wedding totally different. I agree that this is a wedding that you should not miss. If there is a smaller con, that is a great one to visit first. Sort of get the feel of what happens and what works best for you. The big cons can be really overwhelming, even after you have attended some before. I do not dress up. If I had a costume where I was totally anonymous, then it might happen. For example, here is my halloween costume from two years ago. With a costume like this, I can wear a costume.
  17. How are your plans coming? Any news to update us with? On another thought... I wonder what is happening with Jesusfreak and her upcoming marriage plans.
  18. My thinking would be to skip the wedding and attend the con. Of course, the people who invited you would probably never speak to you again, but weddings are... well, weddings. The bride looks beautiful, there is an enormous amount of money spent on the event, you eat, drink and be merry, the bride and groom disappear for their honeymoon, then you drive home. The good news is that you get to see relatives, if this is a family member, that you have not seen in ages. I think that if I was going to get married, I would ask my parents to put the money they were going to spend on my wedding, into a fund where I could use it as a down payment on a house, and instead have a small party. As for the comic con... you really need to attend one. The most fun I have had in a long time!!! One of the problems to avoid, wear shoes that you can run around in all day, and plan on not sitting until dinner. Here are a couple hints that I would like to give you before you attend a comic con. Go out to your local art supply store and purchase an artist sketchbook. Preferably a small to medium one which is sprial bound. Most of the writers and illustrators will autograph your book and if you ask, give you a small little doodle type sketch for free. If you take a book such as this, then for all your comic cons, you can keep adding to the book. If you do not like this idea, then you can try and buy a poster or book from that particular con and have them sign that. What I do not like about the the poster or particular comic con book is that then you either have to frame the poster or start a collection of these books. If I had thought about it, I would have started the spiral book idea on my first con. Of course, I did not think about this until much later, after a few cons. But, with that book, when you are old, it will probably be worth a fortune as you will have so many signatures and doodles that some collector would probably want to pay you lots and lots of money for all those signatures in one place. Lastly, bring a camera or make sure your phone is completely charged. You will want to take lots and lots of pictures of all the unbelieveably phenomenal costumes. Most cons have a costume contest, so if you plan ahead, you can go dressed and enter the contest. Of course, you will probably have your picture taken a zillion times because of people like me who do not get dressed, but love to see the costumes and want to take a picture of the person in theirs. Hopefully, you can do both. If you get to choose... go for the con.
  19. Well, I am trying to study for my annual simulator events and the more I read, the more I think nothing is sinking in. HHEEELLLLLPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP!
  20. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! Glad to hear the fantastic news! Regular classes, it seems that your school never ends with summer classes and all.
  21. This past Saturday, I went to the Baltimore Comic Con. My tickets were for both days, but my flight had changed and I only was able to attend one day, so... I walked so much that by the end of the day my legs hurt, I was exhausted and I had the best time of my life!!! Saw David Petersen, author and illustrator of The Mouse Guard and Jeremy Bastian, author and illustrator of The Cursed Pirate Girl and was able to pick up a commission. Even though I had to leave after only one day, I was thrilled at having been able to attend!!!
  22. Very smart. What scares me is the enormous amount of data they are collecting. You have to wonder what they plan to do with all that information. In our town, there were two young people who were breaking into houses, the police learned their identity through facebook, using the facebook recognition software. Good news for the citizens, bad news for the criminals.
  23. That will be really fantastic to see some of your art! Advertising, graphic design and women's and gender studies is a fantastic combination! Great thinking!!! Whoever did the artwork for your favourite band is good! I like those posters. What kind of music does your band play? On another note... how are you doing down there with the hurricane? I see you still have electricity!
  24. I would like to hear opinions of this: What do you think of businesses that advertise if you "like" them on Facebook, they will do ________fill in the blank_______. I do not want to voice my opinion until someone else voices theirs first.
  25. Thank you sooooooooo very much SleepoverFanatic52!!! I searched for "use" as you suggested and voila, I found it. My first mistake was to look for it in the iPad or iPhone apps. I found it for the computer. You are a genius!!! Thank you so much! I purchased some exercise DVDs, and I wanted to put them onto my iPad. When I called the company that sells them, they said they block it from being downloaded because they do not want people to share them. My goal was just to have them on my iPad, and not have to carry all the DVDs when I travel, so this is perfect!!! Thank you again.
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