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Everything posted by Horatio

  1. I know... I waited and waited and then fell asleep waiting. The poor representative on the phone had to wake me up. lol! honestly im not so sure your phone well ever work xD *positive thinking* Soon it will work. AT&T has now unregistered my sim card for Roger Razr and I am just waiting for the email telling me activation is complete! *is really excited* hurray! so close! oh right, and i no longer have a fever! so i get to do various fun things today! aannd i got to run this morning @ 6 *wishes Wildcat lived near my cage* I wish I could have run this morning. It was pouring buckets and I could not bring myself to go out and get drenched the nanosecond I stepped out the door. It is still raining. But... the grass outside my cage looks great! LOL lol! i bet so! a couple days ago i was making a fire, and it was super warm and sunny, then it started POURING down rain, and I was stuck wearing a white shirt.... well I was already half way over to my neighbors house, so i put on a gray shirt and then we managed to keep the fire alive with wet wood and leaves. you could always run in you wheel If you are running and you left the house when it was dry and it started to rain... it usually feels good. As you were not running and you were in regular clothes, that does not feel so good. Yes, you are correct, I could go for a run in my wheel.
  2. I know... I waited and waited and then fell asleep waiting. The poor representative on the phone had to wake me up. lol! honestly im not so sure your phone well ever work xD *positive thinking* Soon it will work. AT&T has now unregistered my sim card for Roger Razr and I am just waiting for the email telling me activation is complete! *is really excited* hurray! so close! oh right, and i no longer have a fever! so i get to do various fun things today! aannd i got to run this morning @ 6 *wishes Wildcat lived near my cage* I wish I could have run this morning. It was pouring buckets and I could not bring myself to go out and get drenched the nanosecond I stepped out the door. It is still raining. But... the grass outside my cage looks great! LOL
  3. WOW!!! You are sooooooooo smart!!! Thanks, but I'm probably going to opt out of doing it next term. It's year 11 psychology because it's meant for people who work at a year 11 level. I don't. You probably could work at year 11 level... you are that smart. I don't have the experience. Experience does not always mean as much as you think. Some people have experience, but they have not learned a thing from it. In schooling, experience means so much. Experience means an enormous amount if you learn from it. There are some people who never learn. There are job applications that allow the exchange of life experience for education. This exchange opens the door to the interview. Once in the interview, it is up to you to show that you have learned from the life experience. You on the other hand, have the education and can always intern with a company that will give you that experience. And those people are held back years. Being smart amounts for little, even just skipping one year can cause so many problems. Although it does open doors even faster, but what's the use of opening a door if you don't know how to go through it? I just realized how much that sounds like Johnny Howard's politics. The lame duck. What's the use of a target if we might miss it? Ummm... as a point of reference? That's not his train of thought. Johnny Howard is certainly entertaining. I am glad that he is yours!
  4. I know... I waited and waited and then fell asleep waiting. The poor representative on the phone had to wake me up. lol! honestly im not so sure your phone well ever work xD *positive thinking* Soon it will work. AT&T has now unregistered my sim card for Roger Razr and I am just waiting for the email telling me activation is complete! *is really excited*
  5. I am certain you could write some lyrics for Mr. Moosey.
  6. Don't forget the John Lennon hair! I cut my hair. Oh. OK. So...whoch musician do you resemble now? Do I count as a musician? I can play the kazoo. =D I can't, so that MUST make you a musician! i remember you saying something about playing violin...but this was years ago... so maybe my memory has failed me.... ANYWAY! if Li is still up for these avis i want one, but it seems like lots of people are requesting and she seems pressured between so, take your time... Uhh... i have NOOOO idea lol so i can give you artistic liscense on the moose... but one thing i would like to have is the moose playing guitar... a Gibson [Epiphone] Explorer, yellow with white pick guard. Right handed[i guess that means the neck would point to the right in my avi] background noo clue...artistic liscense granted there too.one more thing... make sure where you sign it, you can tell, i want EVERYONE to know you made it. Thanks I still play violin. It is quite a sight... a violin playing hamster. Please listent to Joe Satriani if you want some good guitar music. He is my favorite!!!!! Steve Vai is in second place. For Satriani, I would try the CD: Is There Love In Space. I can pick out some songs if you just want a few to listen to, but the entire CD is great. Steve Vai just came out with a new CD. I want to get this soon. I had drawn you a moose avatar, but wonder what happened after I submitted it to HampsterKing. It is not good, but I could submit it again until Li gets one up for you. *~*The grand lllusion*~*The Final Cut*~* Steve vai had a guitar, it's the the Hard Rock Cafe now, but it was awesome. It was heart-shaped like mine is. *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~* Do you like Steve Vai???
  7. Don't forget the John Lennon hair! I cut my hair. Oh. OK. So...whoch musician do you resemble now? Do I count as a musician? I can play the kazoo. =D I can't, so that MUST make you a musician! i remember you saying something about playing violin...but this was years ago... so maybe my memory has failed me.... ANYWAY! if Li is still up for these avis i want one, but it seems like lots of people are requesting and she seems pressured between so, take your time... Uhh... i have NOOOO idea lol so i can give you artistic liscense on the moose... but one thing i would like to have is the moose playing guitar... a Gibson [Epiphone] Explorer, yellow with white pick guard. Right handed[i guess that means the neck would point to the right in my avi] background noo clue...artistic liscense granted there too.one more thing... make sure where you sign it, you can tell, i want EVERYONE to know you made it. Thanks I still play violin. It is quite a sight... a violin playing hamster. Please listent to Joe Satriani if you want some good guitar music. He is my favorite!!!!! Steve Vai is in second place. For Satriani, I would try the CD: Is There Love In Space. I can pick out some songs if you just want a few to listen to, but the entire CD is great. Steve Vai just came out with a new CD. I want to get this soon. I had drawn you a moose avatar, but wonder what happened after I submitted it to HampsterKing. It is not good, but I could submit it again until Li gets one up for you.
  8. You and Mushroom_king need to work together! She writes incredible lyrics!!!!!! Look at some of the lyrics in this topic.
  9. Exactly how I felt!!!!!!!! Milo's eyes are incredible.
  10. I know... I waited and waited and then fell asleep waiting. The poor representative on the phone had to wake me up.
  11. Oh my goodness... you saw 400!!!!!!!!!! I saw only 393. You should have taken a snapshot of it. yeah, 402 i think! i couldnt even post what i was trying to post, firefox said the server was too busy well i have a fever, so now i took some tylonol, got a blanket, and cuddled up by my cat to watch what not to wearathon. oh and i couldnt stand being hairy any longer so i shaved... and i had 2 cups of tea, chamomile and catnip mmm, and i got on the roof... i got a lot done in the past 15 min lol i hope i can sweat out this fever by tommarow Hope you get rid of that fever soon.
  12. CONGRATULATIONS!!! You have 2101 posts now!!!
  13. Horatio

    My place. :)

    Not fair, you get all that music for free. Yeah, Ruckus is free for all college students, but when you download the music files, you can only play them in windows mediaplayer or the ruckus player, so you can't do much with them. Well, this may or may not be my last post for awhile. So if I don't get on here in the next few days, have a great summer everyone! *gives Jesusfreak a big hug* Have a really great summer! You will definitely be missed!!! *big hugs back* I'm probably driving you all crazy, but I'm at home now, instead of camp. I'll be going to camp tomorrow. I think. Mom keeps changing the plans. *jumps for joy for one more day* Sorry you are home for one more day, but yeah, aren't we lucky!!! I will be on all here all day because I am on line. What? Not standing in line for an iphone? I was sitting in line for my iPhone... which I now have! The Apple Store had wi-fi for everyone to use. They shut it off for about 30 minutes, and everyone panicked. I will show some pictures later of the wait. lol Horatio, you're crazy. That could be a distinct possibility! LOL
  14. Oh my goodness... you saw 400!!!!!!!!!! I saw only 393. You should have taken a snapshot of it.
  15. Oh no... please do not get sick. That is not good. Was it something you ate? Is it a cold? well im feeling a bit feverish, but i havent had contact with anyone sick in... forever, i need catnip tea! (i will put that into every phrase i get the chance to!) That's the scary part. You could be in contact with someone who does not act sick, but is very contagious and voila... you are now sick. I bet i caught it from my dad, hes like the virus passer. he barely ever gets sick (hes built up immunities to everything he sees in the ER) but he passes it along... i cant be sick! i have plans tomorrow, mmhmm... as for the catnip tea, good luck finding any! i can give you some of my secret stash! *gives horatio a cup of wildcat's famous catnip tea* You should ask your father not to be so generous with his germs. *sips the wonderful catnip tea* Thank you so much. This is very tasty.
  16. Everyone has sort of disappeared. As for stars... I love looking at the stars. There is something so magical about looking at the stars As for shaving... I would not like to be a hairless hammy. *brushes my long beautiful blonde fur* haha, a hairless hammy would not be quite as cute! speaking of i got a hair cut i cut it to my shoulders, i like it Shoulder length is a great length for the summer. Have you ever seen a hairless rat? They really are very cute.
  17. Oh no... please do not get sick. That is not good. Was it something you ate? Is it a cold? well im feeling a bit feverish, but i havent had contact with anyone sick in... forever, i need catnip tea! (i will put that into every phrase i get the chance to!) That's the scary part. You could be in contact with someone who does not act sick, but is very contagious and voila... you are now sick.
  18. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO... who said I have to log off????? I am on hold on my old cell phone trying to activate my new iPhone. well you had logged off earlier, then i wrote that story which entertained me untill you got back on, lol!!! iPhone!!!! OMG!!! $700!!!! COOLIO!!!!!! I WANT ONE!!!!!! sweeeeet! my moto razr is messed up, so i really want an iPhone!!! Roger Razr is now a thing of the past... or soon to be. Now is the problem of getting my phone activated... grrrrr. AT&T answered and gave me an Apple iPhone number to call. The AT&T agent told me to call on Monday... M O N D A Y ? ? ? ? ? Is she kidding?????????????????????? *faints* I could not imagine sitting in line for ten hours only to wait until Monday to get the phone activated. *cries* oh that really stinks! a lot! you need some catnip tea! lol, its my new catch phrase Catnip tea would be nice about now.
  19. Everyone has sort of disappeared. As for stars... I love looking at the stars. There is something so magical about looking at the stars As for shaving... I would not like to be a hairless hammy. *brushes my long beautiful blonde fur*
  20. Oh no... please do not get sick. That is not good. Was it something you ate? Is it a cold?
  21. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO... who said I have to log off????? I am on hold on my old cell phone trying to activate my new iPhone. well you had logged off earlier, then i wrote that story which entertained me untill you got back on, lol!!! iPhone!!!! OMG!!! $700!!!! COOLIO!!!!!! I WANT ONE!!!!!! sweeeeet! my moto razr is messed up, so i really want an iPhone!!! Roger Razr is now a thing of the past... or soon to be. Now is the problem of getting my phone activated... grrrrr. AT&T answered and gave me an Apple iPhone number to call. The AT&T agent told me to call on Monday... M O N D A Y ? ? ? ? ? Is she kidding?????????????????????? *faints* I could not imagine sitting in line for ten hours only to wait until Monday to get the phone activated. *cries*
  22. I would love to talk to you. I am on hold on the phone... boring... I have been on hold for a long, long, longggggggg time. ah perfect timing, yeah youve been there like all day! thats not cool... I got my phone at 18H00 when they opened. Then I headed to FedEx to ship one to a friend. Got to the cage and opened up my new beautiful phone and wanted to activate it, and it said that my account did not work with the new phone. But, I had called the AT&T people prior to getting the phone to verify that it would work. I am so unhappy that my new phone will not work. I want to activate it.
  23. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO... who said I have to log off????? I am on hold on my old cell phone trying to activate my new iPhone.
  24. I have an iPhone!!! B U T... AT&T is swamped and I am unable to activate my phone! *cries*
  25. I would love to talk to you. I am on hold on the phone... boring... I have been on hold for a long, long, longggggggg time.
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