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Everything posted by Horatio

  1. MEDDLING HAMSTERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *yells at top of lungs* WE ARE NOT KIDS!!!!!!!!!! WE ARE HAMSTERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *is silent for a few minutes* Anyone want a cookie? *~*THe Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* Yes but not all of us are hamsters, like yours truly YES, I would like a cookie. But no raisins! For every raisin i find...I shall kill you! Yes I stole that line from Family Guy. *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The astronomy Domine*~* they are white chocolate bit cookies! Gimme! But no less than 7 chocolate bits. MHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THEY HAVE 2 WHITE CHOCOLATE BITS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Get more. :blink: :blink:
  2. If you lived near me, I would lend you all of his books. Which British Empire book did you read... Empire: How Britian Made The Modern World or Empire: The Rise and Demise of The British World Order and The Lessons For Global Power. The House of Rothschild is another great book, as is The Cash Nexus, Money and Power in The Modern World, 1700 - 2000.
  3. Yes, what he said. And since i'm a girl, and many of my friends have had this happen to them, i will explain better than i did before. As you know, when people smoke and drink they can get high, and use abuse towards the female, so he will go to the point of wanting to do something he should not worry about till two people are married. And if they give up on all that without medications, or something to help them, they MAY get very sick, and/or die. And if he has been through the addicting part, he MAY not be able to stop doing it, without hurting themselves or someone else. I'm not going to say for sure this will happen to him, but there is a possibilty.And also like is said to Mega Wolf before. Don't rush things. If you like this guy and want to get to know him it is your choice, but don't rush through the love tunnel, or it could hurt you both. Tell him, that if he can prove better grades , and to prove he has stopped for sure, then you would like to get to know him better, to gain more Respect and more trust towards each other.It helped my friends, so i hope it helps you. And if he starts talking about going ahead to the past marrige part, then you know he is using you. So watch him, and be careful. Very well put. Thank you. there may be some harsh parts, and sad, but it is true, and not the best advice i could give, but i made it good. I think... *hears mad scientists cacaling in background* Wrong Sound Noise Guy! *listens and hears pigs* WRONG AGAIN! *this time hears Dun dun DAH!* Yep that's right. *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* HAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA LENS FLARE OMG! My evil plan is all beginning to fall into place! > *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine&*~* Your PLAN?!!!!!!! I don't think so! my plan! because my plan is to eat a cookie! And that is evil!!!!!!!! Mhhahahhahahhahahahahhahaha! *ducks* I said nothing! :ninja: *~*The Grand Illusion*~*the Final Cut*~* And what do you get out of your evil Cookie-Eating plan besides enjoyment, food, happiness, je...Gimme that cookie. >( *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~The Astronomy Domine*~* MY COOKIE! *bites mushroomking's finger* *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final cut*~* AAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHH! THAT'S THE SAME FINGER MY KITTEN GEORGE THOROGOOD SCRATCHED THREE TIMES TODAY! FOOL! -throws you in The Meat Grinder- *~*The psychedelic Luau*~*the Astronomy Dimine*~* *watches Mushroomking try to throw hologram she switched with herself after bite* LOL!!!! I'm over her Mushroom head! I'm dead.... *faints, with all hammie feet in air* *revives Hamster_Girl* You are't going to revive me, when Mushroom_King sees what i wrote, and if you don't see it. I wrote Mushroom head!!!!!!!!!!!!! And i let her throw a hologram into the meat grinder!!!!!! so now she will be furious!!! I read that but figured it would probably be best not to say anything.
  4. You always have a way with words. Yes, that Johnny Howard. Now go back a bunch of posts, I have answered your question and talked about a book by Niall Ferguson. *waits for TGHL's reply* *waits by Hortaio, to keep him company* *loves having company* Thank you for waiting with me.
  5. Yes, what he said. And since i'm a girl, and many of my friends have had this happen to them, i will explain better than i did before. As you know, when people smoke and drink they can get high, and use abuse towards the female, so he will go to the point of wanting to do something he should not worry about till two people are married. And if they give up on all that without medications, or something to help them, they MAY get very sick, and/or die. And if he has been through the addicting part, he MAY not be able to stop doing it, without hurting themselves or someone else. I'm not going to say for sure this will happen to him, but there is a possibilty.And also like is said to Mega Wolf before. Don't rush things. If you like this guy and want to get to know him it is your choice, but don't rush through the love tunnel, or it could hurt you both. Tell him, that if he can prove better grades , and to prove he has stopped for sure, then you would like to get to know him better, to gain more Respect and more trust towards each other.It helped my friends, so i hope it helps you. And if he starts talking about going ahead to the past marrige part, then you know he is using you. So watch him, and be careful. Very well put. Thank you. there may be some harsh parts, and sad, but it is true, and not the best advice i could give, but i made it good. I think... *hears mad scientists cacaling in background* Wrong Sound Noise Guy! *listens and hears pigs* WRONG AGAIN! *this time hears Dun dun DAH!* Yep that's right. *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* HAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA LENS FLARE OMG! My evil plan is all beginning to fall into place! > *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine&*~* Your PLAN?!!!!!!! I don't think so! my plan! because my plan is to eat a cookie! And that is evil!!!!!!!! Mhhahahhahahhahahahahhahaha! *ducks* I said nothing! :ninja: *~*The Grand Illusion*~*the Final Cut*~* And what do you get out of your evil Cookie-Eating plan besides enjoyment, food, happiness, je...Gimme that cookie. >( *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~The Astronomy Domine*~* MY COOKIE! *bites mushroomking's finger* *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final cut*~* AAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHH! THAT'S THE SAME FINGER MY KITTEN GEORGE THOROGOOD SCRATCHED THREE TIMES TODAY! FOOL! -throws you in The Meat Grinder- *~*The psychedelic Luau*~*the Astronomy Dimine*~* *watches Mushroomking try to throw hologram she switched with herself after bite* LOL!!!! I'm over her Mushroom head! I'm dead.... *faints, with all hammie feet in air* *revives Hamster_Girl*
  6. That's the cool thing about this jacket. The inside zips out and the outer mesh has all the armour, shoulders, elbows, back; you can wear the outside in the heat of summer and stay protected and cool and you can wear the inside alone, just like a jacket that keeps you warm and dry, and when zipped in, it makes the entire jacket a great combination for summer, winter, sunshine or rain. Well, you can't impersonate a tree while playing capture the flag in a bright yellow jackeet, but a dark blue one works well. xD True, but I could impersonate one of those school crossing signs. nu-uh. cause school crossing signs aren't found out in the middle of the woods. xD *thinks*
  7. I feel bad that you feel like that at all. thanks. i feel bad that i have work in an hour :[ I wish you didn't have to work either, but you will have $$$ at the end of the week. What kind of work are you doing? im a cashier at shoprite. btw, im not gonna be back till the 22nd or 23rd. im going to colorado and they have no internet cuz theyre dumb so bye for a little *gives Lauren a big hug* We will miss you when you are gone. Hope you have a good time in Colorado. It is a beautiful state, you should like it. Hurry back.
  8. whew, just thinking about riding 1200 miles on a bike makes my butt & legs hurt! yeah its been raining every day here because of the humidity... it just turns into rain at the same time every day... well im off to MS to watch fireworks on a boat, and go see a concert of a non famous person! hurray! you wont see me for about 4 hours, but there is internet in the hotel where im staying so ill probably get on l8r! Hope you have a great time and I hope we see you later! As for the 1200 miles... I didn't do it all at once, but I would like to. It is a really great feeling to ride my bike. I find roads where there is very little traffic and just enjoy the scenery; except when I am dodging raindrops, then I have to pay very close attention to the road. thats code for Horatio loves going fassst... VROOM VROOM :rolleyes: Fast... who me?
  9. yeah, except I cussed him out 'cause I got mad. XD I probably shouldnt. That is a good thing to keep in mind when you show the screenshots to your parents. So, if someone is presenting themselves in an inappropriate manner, do not curse, just screen-shot the IM thread, block them and show the information to your parents like Arkcher did.
  10. That's the cool thing about this jacket. The inside zips out and the outer mesh has all the armour, shoulders, elbows, back; you can wear the outside in the heat of summer and stay protected and cool and you can wear the inside alone, just like a jacket that keeps you warm and dry, and when zipped in, it makes the entire jacket a great combination for summer, winter, sunshine or rain. Well, you can't impersonate a tree while playing capture the flag in a bright yellow jackeet, but a dark blue one works well. xD True, but I could impersonate one of those school crossing signs.
  11. That's the cool thing about this jacket. The inside zips out and the outer mesh has all the armour, shoulders, elbows, back; you can wear the outside in the heat of summer and stay protected and cool and you can wear the inside alone, just like a jacket that keeps you warm and dry, and when zipped in, it makes the entire jacket a great combination for summer, winter, sunshine or rain.
  12. You always have a way with words. Yes, that Johnny Howard. Now go back a bunch of posts, I have answered your question and talked about a book by Niall Ferguson. *waits for TGHL's reply*
  13. I feel bad that you feel like that at all. thanks. i feel bad that i have work in an hour :[ I wish you didn't have to work either, but you will have $$$ at the end of the week. What kind of work are you doing?
  14. whew, just thinking about riding 1200 miles on a bike makes my butt & legs hurt! yeah its been raining every day here because of the humidity... it just turns into rain at the same time every day... well im off to MS to watch fireworks on a boat, and go see a concert of a non famous person! hurray! you wont see me for about 4 hours, but there is internet in the hotel where im staying so ill probably get on l8r! Hope you have a great time and I hope we see you later! As for the 1200 miles... I didn't do it all at once, but I would like to. It is a really great feeling to ride my bike. I find roads where there is very little traffic and just enjoy the scenery; except when I am dodging raindrops, then I have to pay very close attention to the road.
  15. Okay... so I want to go and ride my bike. But, as is typical in Florida during the rainy season, there are clouds on the horizon and all over. So, do I venture out very far or be a wimp and only go to the beach area, have a cup of coffee and then see what pans out. *looks out window* Doesn't look very promising. I think I will stay locally. I need only 375 more miles before I pass the 1200 mark and I was hoping to get at least 200 of those miles today. Oh well. HAPPY FOURTH OFJULY!!!!
  16. Thank you so very much Arkcher. Please everyone remember, anytime anyone asks you for personal information, do NOT give it out. Tell your parents immediately!!!! Let your parents handle the situation. People you do not know should not be asking for any personal information. If it was the police on the other end of the IM message, believe me, they would not be IMing you. They would be at your house talking to your parents if they were going to arrest you. If you are IMing someone and you feel uncomfortable, stop IMing them immediately. If the person signs in under another screen name, do exactly as Arkcher did, block them. If your parents are not home, screen-shot what was written and sign-off of your IM program. Then the minute your parents get home, let them know what has happened. Under no circumstances do you continue IMing this person. Sign out of the IM. And, I know you know this... but NEVER MEET IN REAL LIFE! You do not know who you are meeting. If they ask you to MIRL, do NOT respond. Immediately get your parents, or if they are not home, block the this person and sign out of IM. Arkcher you did the right thing by taking a screen shot of the IM and saving it all for your parents. Thank you for bringing up a topic that needs to keep us all on our toes always. I know you hear this a lot, but your safety is the most important topic we can write about. Horatio
  17. Actually, I did not make it there. But this weekend I plan on riding through there. I need to get 1200 miles on my bike before the engine is considered 'run in'. In the meantime, you need to vary the RPM, and cannot go above 5000 RPM until you pass 1200. This week I have to go back to the motorcycle dealer because I don't trip the lights and refuse to run them, so I end up making lots of right turns and detours unless I can follow a car. The dealer has a little light tripper thingy that they can install so I will trip the lights. YEAH!!!! My next purchase will be rain gear. This is a must. The one I am looking at is Neon Yellow. I am fairly certain people will see me in the rain with that colour!!! The reason I decided to go with that colour is because some guy was riding his bike and I was following him at a good distance and I realized that one little light on the back of his bike was hard to see. He did have lots of reflective stripes on his gear, and that helped enormously, but the guy in the car following would have to have his lights on in order for the reflective gear to be seen. Yes, the law in Florida states, lights on when raining, but some people don't follow the law and I would prefer not to be quished, flat as a pancake, roadkill. So, I guess the next best option will be a Neon Yellow jacket. hope i see you! do you think youll ride through my town, or just down the highway that is literally 3 football fields away I will make a detour. I decided that I might see how traffic is and perhaps I can ride through there tomorrow, if not tomorrow, then the weekend. If I actually decide to head your way, I will make a post in The Horatio Club topic in HampsterDance Talk and let you know.
  18. Actually, I did not make it there. But this weekend I plan on riding through there. I need to get 1200 miles on my bike before the engine is considered 'run in'. In the meantime, you need to vary the RPM, and cannot go above 5000 RPM until you pass 1200. This week I have to go back to the motorcycle dealer because I don't trip the lights and refuse to run them, so I end up making lots of right turns and detours unless I can follow a car. The dealer has a little light tripper thingy that they can install so I will trip the lights. YEAH!!!! My next purchase will be rain gear. This is a must. The one I am looking at is Neon Yellow. I am fairly certain people will see me in the rain with that colour!!! The reason I decided to go with that colour is because some guy was riding his bike and I was following him at a good distance and I realized that one little light on the back of his bike was hard to see. He did have lots of reflective stripes on his gear, and that helped enormously, but the guy in the car following would have to have his lights on in order for the reflective gear to be seen. Yes, the law in Florida states, lights on when raining, but some people don't follow the law and I would prefer not to be quished, flat as a pancake, roadkill. So, I guess the next best option will be a Neon Yellow jacket. A neon yellow jacket with reflector stuffs. I'm guessing my navy blue rain jacket would not be suitable. xD About as suitable as black. Even my red is hard to see. but it is a really nice jacket; I'm taking it with me to Philmont. It is all like, wind-proof and water-proof and keeps you at a comfortable temperature and is lights and folds up really small in a pouch thingymajigger. And it does have the reflector strips on it. It is perfect for you, but not for a small hamster on an even smaller motorcycle, in the rain. I really need to be seen. True 'dat. I will just need to be DRY in the rain. xD This is also rain gear... both.
  19. WOW !!! is right! That is totally incredible!!!!! *has to think up an award for this, as it is the best ever*
  20. Are you studying? nope! but i should be but we dont have a summer math packet cuz they got canceled!!! HURRAY!!! but my mom is making me do the high school Algebra I packet thats what i get for being in algebra I instead of pre-algebra, i almost stayed in pre, but i didnt like the way that teacher taught, oh well and i was feeling random so i posted that! its the Pythagorean theory or however you spell his name! Please do one big thing for me... give your mother a giant bear hug and thank her for taking an interest in your studies. You have no idea just how fortunate you are. I know it is a pain, but having a parent who cares enough to see you do well is worth you taking a minute to thank her. By the way, you get an A+ for spelling Pythagorean correctly.
  21. Actually, I did not make it there. But this weekend I plan on riding through there. I need to get 1200 miles on my bike before the engine is considered 'run in'. In the meantime, you need to vary the RPM, and cannot go above 5000 RPM until you pass 1200. This week I have to go back to the motorcycle dealer because I don't trip the lights and refuse to run them, so I end up making lots of right turns and detours unless I can follow a car. The dealer has a little light tripper thingy that they can install so I will trip the lights. YEAH!!!! My next purchase will be rain gear. This is a must. The one I am looking at is Neon Yellow. I am fairly certain people will see me in the rain with that colour!!! The reason I decided to go with that colour is because some guy was riding his bike and I was following him at a good distance and I realized that one little light on the back of his bike was hard to see. He did have lots of reflective stripes on his gear, and that helped enormously, but the guy in the car following would have to have his lights on in order for the reflective gear to be seen. Yes, the law in Florida states, lights on when raining, but some people don't follow the law and I would prefer not to be quished, flat as a pancake, roadkill. So, I guess the next best option will be a Neon Yellow jacket. A neon yellow jacket with reflector stuffs. I'm guessing my navy blue rain jacket would not be suitable. xD About as suitable as black. Even my red is hard to see. but it is a really nice jacket; I'm taking it with me to Philmont. It is all like, wind-proof and water-proof and keeps you at a comfortable temperature and is lights and folds up really small in a pouch thingymajigger. And it does have the reflector strips on it. It is perfect for you, but not for a small hamster on an even smaller motorcycle, in the rain. I really need to be seen.
  22. mmhm yes what you called can i help you sir how may i be of assistence whaddya want whats up hows it going whatcha up to sup foo' what is it? Just wanted to see if you were paying attention.
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