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Everything posted by Horatio

  1. So... you have left some gaps. Your parents moved to Florida, from Texas or Nebraska? Where did they move to in Florida? You should be hearing from your friends in the northeast as soon as they get some power returned. Hope they are doing okay.
  2. Omaha is an interesting city. I think you have sized up Nebraska accurately... corn, lots and lots of corn, and college students. I never had Nebraska in one of my travel plans. Do not know why, but it just never popped into my head as a top-ten destination. Plus, the winters are really, really cold.
  3. HampsterKing is still around, alive and kicking. Sorry to hear about the Samsung. That was an expensive mistake. As far as an oversized MP3 player... a little big to carry with you while jogging. Perhaps you could strap it to your back. Glad to know you have upgraded to a laptop! I am shocked! So, overall... do you like the laptop? Caught the comment that your parents moved to Florida. What town did they move to? What made you move to Lincoln?
  4. Exactly!!! *gathers troops to take revenge on the universe*
  5. Horatio

    My place. :)

    CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! I am thrilled to hear that you finally secured a teaching job! Wonderful. You are probably right in thinking this will lead to a permanent position. Are you in Connecticut or back in New Jersey? What kind of school and what are the subjects? Please, do tell us more!!! Tell Shane we said hello! How are things going for him? Smart move on the propane heat. At least if you do not have electricity, you will be warm. I like that thinking!!! We are thinking of you with the hurricane. Please check in to let us know you all made it through okay.
  6. Glad to see you back again, if at least only for a short visit. You are so smart not to add any strangers. What is happening in Indonesia to the young girls using Facebook is so, so sad. Hopefully the authorities will catch those guys. Of course, more and more keep popping up, but at least it will not be easy for them.
  7. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Just about the time I get used to US time... I am back in Asia. Tonight I head for Oakland, California. At least it is only for one day.
  8. There is a lot of good to be said about laziness... , I fit that category quite well myself.
  9. For all those impacted by Hurricane Sandy, we want you to know that you are in our thoughts, hearts and prayers. Although you probably will not be able to read this until your electricity returns, all of us here at HampsterDance are thinking of you and hope that you and your family are safe and secure.
  10. Jesusfreak!!! Welcome back! Hope you and Shane are doing well. I am certain you will be officially engaged soon. We are waiting to hear the news! Hopefully you both, and your families, weathered the storm and are doing okay. Please let us know. Topazia... good luck on your second meeting!
  11. Forgot about those wonderful pictures.
  12. *thinks* What day is this, where am I, what time is it??? It takes me about a number of days before I can sleep at night and not during the day.
  13. That sounds like such a headache. What kind of car are you looking for? Would it be less expensive to replace the engine? Were there other problems with the car? Car problems are so very, very frustrating. Sounds like your sketchbook is quite nice! Have fun using it! POST YOUR ARTWORK!!!!! PLEASE.
  14. ——————— —— ———— ———— ———— ———— ———— ———— ———— ———— ———— ———— —————— 12Oct12 - MEM-NRT - Memphis to Narita, Japan 14Oct12 - NRT-CAN - Narita to Guanzhou, China 15Oct12 - CAN-NRT - Guanzhou back to Narita 17Oct12 - NRT-KIX - Narita to Osaka, Japan 17Oct12 - KIX-PVG - Osaka to Shanghai, China 18Oct12 - PVG-NRT - Shanghai back to Narita 20Oct12 - NRT-ANC - Narita to Anchorage, Alaska 21Oct12 - ANC-KIX - Anchorage to Osaka 23Oct12 - KIX-MEM - Osaka to Memphis. Long trip and now I am trying to figure out what time zone I am on.
  15. I do reply on my mobile device although it is not for mobile devices. I think it is time to get HampsterKing to go to a mobile device version! Thank you for the great idea Arkcher!!!
  16. Great to have you return with an update. Such bad news about your car's engine. That is really awful. How are you getting back and forth to work? As for working in a shop where temptation is all around, that must be quite hard. Glad you are resisting the fine arts department. The riff-raff of the big city can be closer than you think. Not a pretty sight.
  17. My little buddy Hagar passed away this past week. Rest In Peace Hagar You will be missed.
  18. Those colds are awful. I can understand completely how working yourself to exhaustion can make a cold a zillion times worse. Get well soon!!! Good news on the essay questions!!!
  19. Back home... it is so very, very nice to sleep in my own bed.
  20. Sounds like you have been through quite a bit of growing up. And a wizard... my, I am impressed!!! What kind of work are you doing? Do you like it? Please find a job that you love as you will be working a long, long time and if you do not like it, that can be bad for your health. A lady in your life... what wonderful news!!! I am using the iPhone to post, so i will cut this short as I do not spell well with fat thumbs. -Kat- stops in every now and then, as do Lexxscrapham, Leguan, SleepoverFanatic, Krisluvsdogs, and a few others. We should really try for a reunion. It would be great to hear what everyone is up to. Have to head to bed to sleep before my flight, then in the airplane for fourteen plus hours, then I will be back.
  21. For some reason the text did not appear... the latte was created in honour of my hammie friend Helga.
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