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Everything posted by Horatio

  1. I like this. Now if only I could hear your song. I bet it is just as terrific!!! *gives Cupcakelvr The Platinum Moon Award* yeah award and thanks but i havn't been able to sleep so that's why i've been writing a lot latley. *runs away to record her award* (ha that rhymed) You are most welcome for the award. Sleep is good. I hope you get some soon. i prpbably won't until like sunday *can hear Cupcakelvr's heart beating very fast and very loud* you think this has to do with teddy? well if you do you're right he's at camp and won't be back till sunday and i havn't spoken to him since saturday That was my guess! Even hamsters fall in love.
  2. What no magenta? idk this is all memory the braclet didn't come with one of those little color describy thingies. I don't think magenta would be in the booklet.
  3. I like this. Now if only I could hear your song. I bet it is just as terrific!!! *gives Cupcakelvr The Platinum Moon Award* yeah award and thanks but i havn't been able to sleep so that's why i've been writing a lot latley. *runs away to record her award* (ha that rhymed) You are most welcome for the award. Sleep is good. I hope you get some soon. i prpbably won't until like sunday *can hear Cupcakelvr's heart beating very fast and very loud* you think this has to do with teddy? well if you do you're right he's at camp and won't be back till sunday and i havn't spoken to him since saturday That was my guess!
  4. Funeral for a Friend (Love Lies Bleeding) is one of my favorites, among many of his. I never trust the Certificate of Authenticity... unless I watched him autograph the album myself.
  5. Now that is the version I would love to hear!!! You did great at this garage sale!!! i know! and most of the other stuff they had was not very good...i told my mom to pull over so we could look for elton john records, and there it was! actually my mom saw it first...it was behind a different record....forget what....i started listening to it when i got home...little scratchy but good....i love looking at the the album sleeve thingy....with the cd that i got out of the library, there was a booklet with the lyrics, but on the record it folds out and they're all on one big spread....i was looking at it during dinner....of course now im listening to my mp3 player....technology clash! i got a new speaker at kohls...its cool...we got a good deal on it in a complicated way...i leave all the smart shopping to my mom...lol Your mother sounds really cool!!! yeah...but what brought that up? The fact that your mother would stop at garage sales and help you look. oh, she loves garage sales! That works great for both of you! yeah...we usually go to a bunch in the summer....hopefully ill find more EJ vinyl!!! oh, and btw mushroom_king, i was in wal-mart the other day and my mom and i were looking at cds (they didnt have any EJ ones i didnt have but anyway) we saw a cd that was lullaby versions of pink floyd songs...i was literally laughing out loud when i saw it....knew i had to tell u...and i was looking through my moms records and she has pink floyd the wall....she likes a lot of different music....her favorite band is yes. Ask your mother if her favorite Yes album/CD is Fragile? Lullaby versions of Pink Floyd songs???????????? *wonders what this world is coming to* *~*The Grand Illususion*~*The Final Cut*~* DL, I saw those CD's, I desperatly wanted to buy it and burn it. They also had those of U2, Coldplay, The Eagles, Jimi Hendrix, The Beatles, and another one I forgot. *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astrnomy domine*~* yeah, i saw the beatles one at best buy... and horatio, ill ask my mom but shes not home rite now.. I love the Fragile album. *decides to listen to it now*
  6. I like this. Now if only I could hear your song. I bet it is just as terrific!!! *gives Cupcakelvr The Platinum Moon Award* yeah award and thanks but i havn't been able to sleep so that's why i've been writing a lot latley. *runs away to record her award* (ha that rhymed) You are most welcome for the award. Sleep is good. I hope you get some soon. i prpbably won't until like sunday *can hear Cupcakelvr's heart beating very fast and very loud*
  7. You have been missed!!! Maine is a beautiful state. Hope you had a great time! Great news, the library said they are purchasing another copy of the Elton John book. The guy who never returned it came in and paid for it, I guess. Now I am first in line.
  8. Hey, I'm always here to talk. As for support groups, there's gotta be some out there somewhere. You just need to look. As for the world going downhill, yeah it is. It's sad. There's nothing we can really do about it aside from living the best lives we can. Support Groups would be wonderful, but most are Christian. Its really hard when you go to a group and all they say is "You have to believe in this god to quit" they dont exactly say that but... well i mean to me it seems kinda like the Spanish Inquisition for crack addicts "Your gonna have to keep suffering unless you belive in our god" Get what im saying? Yeah. Although of course being who I am, I think that God can help. Even so, somewhere out there, there's got to be a support group that's not faith based. I converted to Buddhism about to years ago. Buddhism is a great religion. Very peaceful. Thats why i converted, it seems to be the only realigon that says killing is never right and animals are our equals. *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final cut*~* I am not sure what religion I believe. I read the book of Buddha and I believe in so much of it-The peacefulness and that all creatures are equal. I'm also learning about Wiccanism and Paganism. My mom is a hardcore Christian and would kill me if I told her I'm not sure I believe that anymore. I, personally, believe there are many things wrong with the world. Styx was sang, "The problem's plain to see, too much technology, machines to save our lives, machines dehumanize" and this was true in the 80's and true now. Many people are unaccepting of other's race, religion, political view, way of dress, sexuality, gender...the list goes on. If more people practised equality, than the world would be much closer to world peace. In today's world, you can't go out into public if you openly express your sexuality, religion, or race, and you can't go anywhere without people looking at you if you have an alternative style. You can't go anywhere if you have a disability without people being rude or people staring. Now: Religion. Where do I even begin. Without religion the world would have less problems. There are civil wars in countries because of religion. Christianity is extremely widespread and people assume it's the only religion. I see stores and magazines for Christians....do i see Stores or literature for Muslims, Buddhists, etc.? No. Wiccans and Pagans have lierature on how to do magick but that is different. That is a oart of their religion. I have read Christian books. 99% of them are just talking about knowing God and how to avoid sin. Many programmes such as support groups say that to get out of a problem, you need to pray and talk to God, read The Bible, etc. You know what? I can't read The Bible without screaming. Go look in the religion TAWPEEK for a few of my rants about that. But this isn't a religion TAWPEEK, I shouldn't talk about that anymore. Now: depression. More people are depressed nowadays to the point that it is a lifestyle (Emo kids Depressed people don't get help because of stereotypes and other things. About stereotypes. I read a story about a boy in a magazine who was anorexic, but refused to get help because anorexia is a "Girl" disease. The same goes for African-Americans, Asians, Hispanics, and Native American girls. If they are anorexic they may refuse help because it is seen as a "White Girl" disease. Stereotypes. I'm done ranting. *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~* Not a rant at all. Mushroom_king you are a very smart girl. You pay attention to your surroundings and the people in it. Questioning is a way to learn more and expand your horizons. Learning about different religions is a really terrific idea. I am sorry that your mother would be upset about you questioning your beliefs. For many years, people did not understand mental illnesses. They thought if you were depressed, somehow this was unacceptable and people shunned you because you had a mental illness. Today we are learning much more about how to treat these problems. Now to get people aware that they can get help to feel better and it is not a bad thing.
  9. Horatio


    *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* Tattoos are not weird or disgusting. If a person wants a tattoo, let them. It's a way of expression, like anything else is. Peace. *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~* What makes this world so great is that we all like different things.
  10. I like this. Now if only I could hear your song. I bet it is just as terrific!!! *gives Cupcakelvr The Platinum Moon Award* yeah award and thanks but i havn't been able to sleep so that's why i've been writing a lot latley. *runs away to record her award* (ha that rhymed) You are most welcome for the award. Sleep is good. I hope you get some soon.
  11. =D so Now that I have Torrn Asunder up, Now I can point out that This is the sprite which I based Nathan Torrn off of. I can also point out that I have 1/4 of a tutorial made, and that I have revised versions of this. (pretty much more vivid colors and redrawn accessories.) And that I have poses of Nathan here with the Inimical gun. wooh! so Thats Nathan. and his gun. Oh My!!! Nathan and his gun are so cool and really fantastic!!!!
  12. Wow. perhaps there are sanity stealing penguins elsewhere? Actually there is a game that had penguins stealing sanities long before it was thought of here.
  13. Just thought I would show you a few pictures, first of Harry, waking up, and then Heidi, investigating the camera lens.
  14. I KNOW!! i hate tolls! i heard a bike go by in church, i thought it MIGHT be you but then i was like, wait lots of people down here have them, it cant be... clearly i was wrong... you should have came in and said a hearty hello... lol I am trying to think exactly what time it was. But, I don't think your father would have appreciated someone arriving in the middle of his service. All I can remember is that I passed the mall at exactly 11H11 and was thinking... too bad it isn't after 12H00... I would have stopped in for a Starbucks. Hoops... now read the last part of this. So you do know that there is better coffee elsewhere. Good. So, Horatio visited my little town... And didn't even say hi to me?! Next time, we're getting coffee together. (You're buying. ) Have a good dinner. I love your town!!!!!!!!!!!! Do they sell property to hamsters? I want to live on the lake!!!!!!!!!! And yes... of course coffee is on me. But I drink those fancy ones, so I hope you do too. We will have to get everyone together. My ride was through the town to the road the mall is on and then head back towards home. The ride was really great. I did get hungry after a bit and was anxious to get something great to eat, but only after I had a shower. So I didn't stop for food until I got back to my cage. Tomorrow I am going to the grocery store and buy a toll thingy just for my bike. No more stopping for every single one of those one zillion tolls. By the way... according to the Consumer Reports, Starbucks has the worst coffee ever. It didn't say anything about the fancy drinks. Thanks... dinner was great. Vegetable lasagna, wonderful fresh tomatoes, cucumber slices and radishes. For dessert, a chocolate caramel bar. Outstanding hamster food.
  15. I KNOW!! i hate tolls! i heard a bike go by in church, i thought it MIGHT be you but then i was like, wait lots of people down here have them, it cant be... clearly i was wrong... you should have came in and said a hearty hello... lol I am trying to think exactly what time it was. But, I don't think your father would have appreciated someone arriving in the middle of his service. All I can remember is that I passed the mall at exactly 11H11 and was thinking... too bad it isn't after 12H00... I would have stopped in for a Starbucks. Hoops... now read the last part of this. Time for me to have some dinner. See you in a bit.
  16. I KNOW!! i hate tolls! i heard a bike go by in church, i thought it MIGHT be you but then i was like, wait lots of people down here have them, it cant be... clearly i was wrong... you should have came in and said a hearty hello... lol I am trying to think exactly what time it was. But, I don't think your father would have appreciated someone arriving in the middle of his service. All I can remember is that I passed the mall at exactly 11H11 and was thinking... too bad it isn't after 12H00... I would have stopped in for a Starbucks. Hoops... now read the last part of this.
  17. Yo... Moosey. yes it is actually I rode past two churches, the Church of God (I believe) and then another new church on the way to another road. Did I pass your father's church? I stopped in McDonalds and had a coffee and then rode off. you passed my church! the church of god, we were probably in service... There was a crowd of cars outside, so I am assuming the service was ongoing. You have the most incredible town with fantastic lakes. I really love it. Hoops... read ALL of this one first please. Yep, I read that. Wait, you live pretty far away don't you? Riding that far on a motorcycle would be terrifying... At least for me. McDonalds doesn't have very good coffee... And woot for being adopted! Did you see what town I rode through??? And who's church service I did not sneak past? *I have another one for you*
  18. Yo... Moosey. yes it is actually I rode past two churches, the Church of God (I believe) and then another new church on the way to another road. Did I pass your father's church? I stopped in McDonalds and had a coffee and then rode off. you passed my church! the church of god, we were probably in service... There was a crowd of cars outside, so I am assuming the service was ongoing. You have the most incredible town with fantastic lakes. I really love it. Hoops... read ALL of this one first please.
  19. I even posted a picture of Harry riding it. You would need to go back a number of posts.
  20. *slaps forehead* Hoops... look where I was. Read Mr. Moosey's post before mine, a couple more posts back.
  21. I like this. Now if only I could hear your song. I bet it is just as terrific!!! *gives Cupcakelvr The Platinum Moon Award*
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