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Everything posted by Horatio

  1. You have been missed!!! Maine is a beautiful state. Hope you had a great time! Great news, the library said they are purchasing another copy of the Elton John book. The guy who never returned it came in and paid for it, I guess. Now I am first in line. oooooh good!!! if they're buying a new copy, hopefully it's the one with the exclusive conversation at the end! the one i got out of the library did, but my copy doesn't. good thing i scanned the pages of it onto my computer, so i can read them whenever i want! yeah, its really pretty in maine. we visit acadia national park, and its so beautiful. we go there every year. Acadia National Park is incredible! What a magnificent way to spend a holiday, with all that beauty around you. yeah...im really getting to know it now, since ive been there every year since i was about 6 months old! this was my mom's 20th year there....she's been going since b4 i was born, obviously, as im only 15 How terrific! Going to Acadia is something you can look forward to all year. I love those kinds of events!!
  2. J4J, mate? You lost me. Other names? Did I use another name for God? I don't know lol. I didn't pay attention. Of course though, I do use Adonai and H'Shem And Elohim and many others instead of using God. So if you mention me using other names, I don't doubt it lol. But I am not sure what J4J means? Jew for Jesus? Idk lol. Am I a messianic? Is that what you are asking? Well I have jewish blood in me but I am not jewish no lol. (The whole mother to be jewish thing... yeah.. One of my great grandfathers was jewish.... So I'm not jewish... :*( ) yay someone who isn't confused by my abbreviation for Jews4Jesus ok, just curious. blegh! I can't wait for halloween when I can finally cut this mop of fur (hair)!!! our AC died lol yeah, so news in religion in my life: I may be changing denominations in the near future (as in the next year). that's all. God bless!! -A.Je- Which denomination might you be changing to?
  3. Sure, send me the pic to my email and I will have HampsterKing add it to the gallery. Then you can pull it out of the gallery as your new avatar. The size that HampsterKing likes is 1 inch by 1 inch, or something that he can reduce to that size. Here is my email address: pmajr@earthlink.net Please send it. I will be waiting.
  4. I KNOW!! i hate tolls! i heard a bike go by in church, i thought it MIGHT be you but then i was like, wait lots of people down here have them, it cant be... clearly i was wrong... you should have came in and said a hearty hello... lol I am trying to think exactly what time it was. But, I don't think your father would have appreciated someone arriving in the middle of his service. All I can remember is that I passed the mall at exactly 11H11 and was thinking... too bad it isn't after 12H00... I would have stopped in for a Starbucks. Hoops... now read the last part of this. So you do know that there is better coffee elsewhere. Good. So, Horatio visited my little town... And didn't even say hi to me?! Next time, we're getting coffee together. (You're buying. ) Have a good dinner. I love your town!!!!!!!!!!!! Do they sell property to hamsters? I want to live on the lake!!!!!!!!!! And yes... of course coffee is on me. But I drink those fancy ones, so I hope you do too. We will have to get everyone together. My ride was through the town to the road the mall is on and then head back towards home. The ride was really great. I did get hungry after a bit and was anxious to get something great to eat, but only after I had a shower. So I didn't stop for food until I got back to my cage. Tomorrow I am going to the grocery store and buy a toll thingy just for my bike. No more stopping for every single one of those one zillion tolls. By the way... according to the Consumer Reports, Starbucks has the worst coffee ever. It didn't say anything about the fancy drinks. Thanks... dinner was great. Vegetable lasagna, wonderful fresh tomatoes, cucumber slices and radishes. For dessert, a chocolate caramel bar. Outstanding hamster food. Im_soo_coool... you and Mullaypop need to read this and figure out where I was. I will pull up the other one if you are still lost. you visited out humble town! It's sooo boring here. Did you see the lack of stores in our mall??? Our starbucks rocks! I don't think Steve would appriecitate you dissin' it! lol I LOVE your town!!!!!!!! And you think your mall lacks stores????????? You ain't seen nuthin! You should see ours. There is absolutely nothing there except a movie theatre, couple of little stores, one Macy's where they dump all of last year's fashions that did not make it around the rest of the country and the shining star is a Books A Million. Then there are lots of those little kiosk thingys that go in and out of business, but never have anything that anyone would want to buy. No... our mall is about one-tenth the size of yours. And tell Steve... Consumer Reports is the source. Now, you need to find me some property along the lake. I don't need that much, remember, I am only a little hamster. Then... you, Hoops, Mr. Moosey, Mullaypop... we all need to go to Steve's Starbucks for a fancy drink.
  5. I KNOW!! i hate tolls! i heard a bike go by in church, i thought it MIGHT be you but then i was like, wait lots of people down here have them, it cant be... clearly i was wrong... you should have came in and said a hearty hello... lol I am trying to think exactly what time it was. But, I don't think your father would have appreciated someone arriving in the middle of his service. All I can remember is that I passed the mall at exactly 11H11 and was thinking... too bad it isn't after 12H00... I would have stopped in for a Starbucks. Hoops... now read the last part of this. So you do know that there is better coffee elsewhere. Good. So, Horatio visited my little town... And didn't even say hi to me?! Next time, we're getting coffee together. (You're buying. ) Have a good dinner. I love your town!!!!!!!!!!!! Do they sell property to hamsters? I want to live on the lake!!!!!!!!!! And yes... of course coffee is on me. But I drink those fancy ones, so I hope you do too. We will have to get everyone together. My ride was through the town to the road the mall is on and then head back towards home. The ride was really great. I did get hungry after a bit and was anxious to get something great to eat, but only after I had a shower. So I didn't stop for food until I got back to my cage. Tomorrow I am going to the grocery store and buy a toll thingy just for my bike. No more stopping for every single one of those one zillion tolls. By the way... according to the Consumer Reports, Starbucks has the worst coffee ever. It didn't say anything about the fancy drinks. Thanks... dinner was great. Vegetable lasagna, wonderful fresh tomatoes, cucumber slices and radishes. For dessert, a chocolate caramel bar. Outstanding hamster food. Im_soo_coool... you and Mullaypop need to read this and figure out where I was. I will pull up the other one if you are still lost.
  6. thanks I didn't want you to think she was avoiding posting. It was my understanding she will be gone until the end of the month. May be wrong, but I do know it is for a long time and she does not have access to any internet where she is.
  7. *gives Top Banana the biggest hammy bear huggle ever* We have missed you so much. We even had a birthday party for you while you were gone. Please, you need to stop in when you go off to university, even if it is only for five minutes on the weekend. We have missed you soooooooo much and you disappear for way too long.
  8. You went to the midnight show???????? How cool!!!!!!!!!! What I want to see is Ratatouille... but by the time I get around to going, it will be on DVD. I would like to see that also. I also wanted to see Shrek and Spiderman, but I still haven't gotten to that. PARTY AT HORATIO'S CAGE WHEN THEY COME OUT ON DVD! Absolutely!!!!!!!!!!!!! Big, big party!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. Funeral for a Friend (Love Lies Bleeding) is one of my favorites, among many of his. I never trust the Certificate of Authenticity... unless I watched him autograph the album myself. exactly! funeral for a friend (love lies bleeding) is an awesome song....i never get tired of it bcuz there's so much to it! and btw if u can find it, you should watch the dvd vh1 classics, the making of gooodbye yellow brick road (the album) it has interviews with elton, bernie, and the band, and clips from when they were making it, and it talks about the songs. pretty awesome! ive watched it a bunch of times, i got it as a present from my mom's friend. that was back when i was reading the EJbio for the first time! Thanks. I would really like to see the making of the album as that is one of my favorite. I never get tired of listening to that album.
  10. You went to the midnight show???????? How cool!!!!!!!!!! What I want to see is Ratatouille... but by the time I get around to going, it will be on DVD.
  11. You have been missed!!! Maine is a beautiful state. Hope you had a great time! Great news, the library said they are purchasing another copy of the Elton John book. The guy who never returned it came in and paid for it, I guess. Now I am first in line. oooooh good!!! if they're buying a new copy, hopefully it's the one with the exclusive conversation at the end! the one i got out of the library did, but my copy doesn't. good thing i scanned the pages of it onto my computer, so i can read them whenever i want! yeah, its really pretty in maine. we visit acadia national park, and its so beautiful. we go there every year. Acadia National Park is incredible! What a magnificent way to spend a holiday, with all that beauty around you.
  12. May I steal them? They are so cute! Aren't they the greatest?!?!?!? Heidi is a maniac. When she wakes up, she then has the opportunity to get into the pen. This is a really large pen, with two mazes and a couple of climbing thingys. When she gets in there, she runs and runs and runs in circles around the perimeter, does a couple donuts (these 360 turns in place) then runs and runs and runs in the opposite direction, then repeats the entire thing again and again for quite some time. In the middle of her running, she will run over the mazes, through them at high speed and then continue her high speed running. She also squeaks to the other hamsters. If I could put a video up, you would be laughing so hard. The best part is that she does this every day. Harry on the other hand is the hammy that you saw riding the motorcycle. He will curl up next to you and go to sleep. He is a really cool hammy.
  13. Lauren is in Colorado with no internet. I am really anxious for her to return and read your wonderful poetry.
  14. *notices..* Yeah! *is very happy someone noticed* *hands Lexxscrapham some freshly baked muffins, straight from the oven*
  15. What????? No one even looks here anymore. They didn't see the pictures in the previous post of my friends. *time for a sand bath* See you all in a bit. *wonders if anyone will even notice*
  16. Horatio


    The reason they bother you about this is because they are looking past your high school and college, into your working life. Many companies will turn you down for a job, because of tattoos that show or too many piercings. So, may I suggest that what you pick, be able to hide if you are looking for one of the better jobs. Your 'rents have your best interest at heart and there is a valid reason behind their thinking. ya i know and all if this is just a thought because what i've decided for a job is vet tech or vet or animal cop Kay You might want to wait then and keep thinking about this. Those are wonderful jobs. i will don't worry well no matter what i'm gettin my belly button pierced!! That's cool. No one would see that at an interview. not unless the interview was at the beach or pool!! lol Kay ROFOCLH! True!
  17. Horatio


    The reason they bother you about this is because they are looking past your high school and college, into your working life. Many companies will turn you down for a job, because of tattoos that show or too many piercings. So, may I suggest that what you pick, be able to hide if you are looking for one of the better jobs. Your 'rents have your best interest at heart and there is a valid reason behind their thinking. ya i know and all if this is just a thought because what i've decided for a job is vet tech or vet or animal cop Kay You might want to wait then and keep thinking about this. Those are wonderful jobs. i will don't worry well no matter what i'm gettin my belly button pierced!! That's cool. No one would see that at an interview.
  18. Horatio


    The reason they bother you about this is because they are looking past your high school and college, into your working life. Many companies will turn you down for a job, because of tattoos that show or too many piercings. So, may I suggest that what you pick, be able to hide if you are looking for one of the better jobs. Your 'rents have your best interest at heart and there is a valid reason behind their thinking. ya i know and all if this is just a thought because what i've decided for a job is vet tech or vet or animal cop Kay You might want to wait then and keep thinking about this. Those are wonderful jobs.
  19. Horatio


    The reason they bother you about this is because they are looking past your high school and college, into your working life. Many companies will turn you down for a job, because of tattoos that show or too many piercings. So, may I suggest that what you pick, be able to hide if you are looking for one of the better jobs. Your 'rents have your best interest at heart and there is a valid reason behind their thinking.
  20. Wow. Thank you for your poem. your welcome but it's meant for lauren and i hope it helps Kay I know it is meant for her, but there are more people in Lauren's shoes than you would know. LifesEagle was a big time poster and then she sort of disappeared. When she returned she told us about having these same feelings, but she did not know what we would think of her had she told us what she was thinking at the time. We love her unconditionally. It is great that LifesEagle is past that rough time in her life.
  21. How great that you have such love for your mother. Life is so short. I know someone who lost her mother 9 days after her 16th birthday. Not the sweet 16 she had hoped for. So cherish your mother, as you have only one.
  22. You can't talk because...? he told me not to. I'm sorry. We have missed you.
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