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Everything posted by Horatio

  1. What no magenta? idk this is all memory the braclet didn't come with one of those little color describy thingies. I don't think magenta would be in the booklet. most likley not goose Neon yellow either. duck, duck... no no no no yellow lol so ya about the goose thing i just don't say SILLY goose i leave of silly :] I understood completely, but decided to give it a different spin... duck, duck, goose! LOL i am not chasing you around a circle of beings! lol alright then you be the goose cause i have to go to a fam' reunion bleck! I was just being silly. Enjoy your family reunion.
  2. Totally incredible. You want praise or an award?
  3. Oh my!!! Would you like to talk more about this person and what is happening?
  4. =D so Now that I have Torrn Asunder up, Now I can point out that This is the sprite which I based Nathan Torrn off of. I can also point out that I have 1/4 of a tutorial made, and that I have revised versions of this. (pretty much more vivid colors and redrawn accessories.) And that I have poses of Nathan here with the Inimical gun. wooh! so Thats Nathan. and his gun. Oh My!!! Nathan and his gun are so cool and really fantastic!!!! *~*The grand Illusion*~*The Final cut*~* So Nathan and his gun are cool and fantastic, but Mushroom_king and her gun aren't so cool and really fantastic? *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~* I never said Mushroom_king and her gun weren't cool and really fantastic. In fact, I have given Mushroom_king more awards for her art and writing, then everyone else on the boards.
  5. :blink: It's amazing what Toto can teach me!!!
  6. What no magenta? idk this is all memory the braclet didn't come with one of those little color describy thingies. I don't think magenta would be in the booklet. most likley not goose Neon yellow either. duck, duck... no no no no yellow lol so ya about the goose thing i just don't say SILLY goose i leave of silly :] I understood completely, but decided to give it a different spin... duck, duck, goose!
  7. I'm herreee! *does jumping jacks and starts to scream* Were herreee! reading the post... reading your post...
  8. I'm herreee! *does jumping jacks and starts to scream* Were herreee! im here.... after a week of grandparents and guitar lol *wonders what time Moosey's church service lets out*
  9. thats exactly how I feel!!!!! I haven't even dated trey for that long but idk his voice just makes me happy inside awwwwwwww lol i know.. but i feel bad because I'm gonna be at my dads house for the rest of this week and next week. and he doesn't want me to talk to boys on the phone. So i have to be all secretive. and I hate it. i love talking to him and hate going behind my dads back... its lameeee Why does he say for the reason you can't talk to guys on the phone? I really suggest that you ask to sit down and talk with him about this. Please do not get upset, but try to understand what his reasoning is. Hopefully you can change his mind. Tell him that you have lots of friends, like Moosey, that are guys and you would like to be able to talk to them. well he hasn't really said he doesn't want me to talk to guys.but it's one of those unsaid things. and I told him about trey last night... yea... he hasn't said anything... but he wants to meet him... That's a good sign.
  10. We're in trouble now! Four bots!!!!!!!!
  11. What no magenta? idk this is all memory the braclet didn't come with one of those little color describy thingies. I don't think magenta would be in the booklet. most likley not goose Neon yellow either. duck, duck...
  12. Hey, I'm always here to talk. As for support groups, there's gotta be some out there somewhere. You just need to look. As for the world going downhill, yeah it is. It's sad. There's nothing we can really do about it aside from living the best lives we can. Support Groups would be wonderful, but most are Christian. Its really hard when you go to a group and all they say is "You have to believe in this god to quit" they dont exactly say that but... well i mean to me it seems kinda like the Spanish Inquisition for crack addicts "Your gonna have to keep suffering unless you belive in our god" Get what im saying? Yeah. Although of course being who I am, I think that God can help. Even so, somewhere out there, there's got to be a support group that's not faith based. I converted to Buddhism about to years ago. Buddhism is a great religion. Very peaceful. Thats why i converted, it seems to be the only realigon that says killing is never right and animals are our equals. *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final cut*~* I am not sure what religion I believe. I read the book of Buddha and I believe in so much of it-The peacefulness and that all creatures are equal. I'm also learning about Wiccanism and Paganism. My mom is a hardcore Christian and would kill me if I told her I'm not sure I believe that anymore. I, personally, believe there are many things wrong with the world. Styx was sang, "The problem's plain to see, too much technology, machines to save our lives, machines dehumanize" and this was true in the 80's and true now. Many people are unaccepting of other's race, religion, political view, way of dress, sexuality, gender...the list goes on. If more people practised equality, than the world would be much closer to world peace. In today's world, you can't go out into public if you openly express your sexuality, religion, or race, and you can't go anywhere without people looking at you if you have an alternative style. You can't go anywhere if you have a disability without people being rude or people staring. Now: Religion. Where do I even begin. Without religion the world would have less problems. There are civil wars in countries because of religion. Christianity is extremely widespread and people assume it's the only religion. I see stores and magazines for Christians....do i see Stores or literature for Muslims, Buddhists, etc.? No. Wiccans and Pagans have lierature on how to do magick but that is different. That is a oart of their religion. I have read Christian books. 99% of them are just talking about knowing God and how to avoid sin. Many programmes such as support groups say that to get out of a problem, you need to pray and talk to God, read The Bible, etc. You know what? I can't read The Bible without screaming. Go look in the religion TAWPEEK for a few of my rants about that. But this isn't a religion TAWPEEK, I shouldn't talk about that anymore. Now: depression. More people are depressed nowadays to the point that it is a lifestyle (Emo kids Depressed people don't get help because of stereotypes and other things. About stereotypes. I read a story about a boy in a magazine who was anorexic, but refused to get help because anorexia is a "Girl" disease. The same goes for African-Americans, Asians, Hispanics, and Native American girls. If they are anorexic they may refuse help because it is seen as a "White Girl" disease. Stereotypes. I'm done ranting. *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~* the bible has good points to it at the same time though, every realigon is going to have conflicts in it, its just the way you interprit it. Extremism of any thing is bad. Even extremism of peace. Peace is a great thing to live by but if you take it to the next level keeping peace turns to war. Machines are not the problem. Before the race with the USSR, social and technology stuff rose at the same rate, now technology is going above social rates, Machines are beautiful demostrations of man kind and show our need to invent. as for musical quotes and ignorence i like " They dont gotta burn da books they just remove em" we are starting censor ship on our homes i meen this is a big one for me why should sex have a negative conotation with it? I mean it is the biological purpose of life and is an act of love. The only reason pornography and stuff is raging right now is because sex is looked down on. It many eyes it has become an act of pleasure for one person not love and pleasure between two people. actually i could differ with you on this one, i actually think they do the same thing. They slow you down and hurt you. TV fries your brain. Weed fries your lungs. TV is probably my least favorite invention. It think TV is 60% of the obesity crisis. They pump what they want you to believe in your heads. i also think they need to get rid of cigerrettes. The only reason we have them is because the government makes money off the taxes and addicts need them so the government gets a lot of money from them. The government says that we cant have things like weed because they are bad for us, but look at cigerettes, they are refined to have more nicotine and more physically harmful chemicals and addictives in them. In the past it took about 7 cigs a day for a month to get hooked , now it takes 3 a day for around 2 weeks. Weeds a strait up plant, if they are so worried they should grow pure unmodified tabacoo. Hypocricy is every where in the world form realigon to governments to people. But also remember countries act like people. end of rant I do believe that in the 40's, when cigarette companies were handing out cigarettes, even at that time, it only took 3 cigarettes to get you hooked. Just one time, 3 cigarettes, and you were looking to keep smoking.
  13. Horatio

    Jesse's topic

    *is happy that Jesse has internet while he is away*
  14. thats exactly how I feel!!!!! I haven't even dated trey for that long but idk his voice just makes me happy inside awwwwwwww lol i know.. but i feel bad because I'm gonna be at my dads house for the rest of this week and next week. and he doesn't want me to talk to boys on the phone. So i have to be all secretive. and I hate it. i love talking to him and hate going behind my dads back... its lameeee Why does he say for the reason you can't talk to guys on the phone? I really suggest that you ask to sit down and talk with him about this. Please do not get upset, but try to understand what his reasoning is. Hopefully you can change his mind. Tell him that you have lots of friends, like Moosey, that are guys and you would like to be able to talk to them.
  15. I'm herreee! *does jumping jacks and starts to scream* Were herreee!
  16. See, miracles do happen when you come to HampsterDance! i have a floppy drive on my piano ....i remember i recorded my song one time and put it on my computer....i forget what kind of file it is tho, i dont think i could burn it onto cd. i'll try to get it on here if i remember Floppy drive on your piano????????? What is this world coming to? my "digital keyboard" technically....but it sounds & feels like a piano.... Oh! Thanks for the clarification. I was thinking a floppy drive on your baby grand.
  17. I remember when Mushroom_king was saying the same thing. A topic for your siggy might be a great idea.
  18. Now hop over to another great story in this forum, by Arkcher... Torrn Asunder. We currently have a bunch of great stories.
  19. You have been missed!!! Maine is a beautiful state. Hope you had a great time! Great news, the library said they are purchasing another copy of the Elton John book. The guy who never returned it came in and paid for it, I guess. Now I am first in line. oooooh good!!! if they're buying a new copy, hopefully it's the one with the exclusive conversation at the end! the one i got out of the library did, but my copy doesn't. good thing i scanned the pages of it onto my computer, so i can read them whenever i want! yeah, its really pretty in maine. we visit acadia national park, and its so beautiful. we go there every year. Acadia National Park is incredible! What a magnificent way to spend a holiday, with all that beauty around you. yeah...im really getting to know it now, since ive been there every year since i was about 6 months old! this was my mom's 20th year there....she's been going since b4 i was born, obviously, as im only 15 How terrific! Going to Acadia is something you can look forward to all year. I love those kinds of events!! yeah...somedays i just sit in school and all of a sudden some memory of there hits me and im like "oh! i want to be in bar harbor!!!" random stuff like that... did the EJ book come in yet!?!?!??! what is taking them so long?? i cannot WAIT until u get it!!! You must be reading my mind. I only just got off the phone with the library, and they said, they do not buy new books until some random date, after they have had their book sale. Can you believe they only had one copy for all the libraries in the county????????????? No wonder the last person decided to "lose" it. Hey... wait a minute... we don't live in the same county do we????????
  20. *gives Top Banana the biggest hammy bear huggle ever* We have missed you so much. We even had a birthday party for you while you were gone. Please, you need to stop in when you go off to university, even if it is only for five minutes on the weekend. We have missed you soooooooo much and you disappear for way too long. I know!! I'm a very bad banana!! I promise to keep posting when i am at university!! You had better!!!!! *makes a copy of Top Banana's post*
  21. Taynio... your poem is beautiful! *hands Taynio The Platinum Moon Award*
  22. You can't talk because...? he told me not to. I'm sorry. We have missed you. I've missed you too. no worries, it was resolved That's great news.
  23. See, miracles do happen when you come to HampsterDance! i have a floppy drive on my piano ....i remember i recorded my song one time and put it on my computer....i forget what kind of file it is tho, i dont think i could burn it onto cd. i'll try to get it on here if i remember Floppy drive on your piano????????? What is this world coming to?
  24. You went to the midnight show???????? How cool!!!!!!!!!! What I want to see is Ratatouille... but by the time I get around to going, it will be on DVD. I would like to see that also. I also wanted to see Shrek and Spiderman, but I still haven't gotten to that. PARTY AT HORATIO'S CAGE WHEN THEY COME OUT ON DVD! Absolutely!!!!!!!!!!!!! Big, big party!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! awesomee...i saw ratatouille in maine...it was cute, like all disney/pixar stuff. my family (my parents & i) went with the other family we meet up there every year (2 parents, two kids; sarah is 7, nick is 4) we went to a theater where u buy pizza and eat it while u watch the movie...pretty cool...and the pizza was actually ok! u never know in places like that.... I really must see that movie. What I have heard from everyone who has seen it was this is the best animated film they had ever seen. Do you agree?
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