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Everything posted by Horatio

  1. ROFOCLH !!!!!!! LOL... That's great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yeah, i think i inhaled some packing penut dust, and they were the cool packing penuts!!! the ones that are made out of cornstarch!!! you can lick them, and they stick together! I really need to get a picture of me on my new skateboard doing something cool, but i have a picture of me on my skateboard at camp attempting to do a trick then failing miserably! oh and those skater shoes smelt bad! but i came back from swimming when i went to skatepark at camp, so i was wearing sandals... i prefer to skateboard barefoot, but they made me wear nasty smelly shoes It looks like you were doing great!!!!!! *hands Wildcat a bottle of Baby Powder to use to make your smelly shoes smell nice*
  2. ROFOCLH !!!!!!! LOL... That's great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. Glad to hear it was a good book!!! i finished it last night too... lots of interesting stuff...and now its all over... i finished it while babysitting...kids went to bed at around 8 and i went downstairs to finish the book...i went to the midnight party at my local barnes & noble...pretty fun...i started it that night (technically morning) stayed up till 3:30, got 5 hours of sleep, read some more, slept some more, got up and read more, ran errands with my mom, read more, babysat, and u know the rest. awesome book... There were a million people in line at the Barnes & Noble waiting for midnight.
  4. Glad to hear it was a good book!!!
  5. *wonders where everyone disappeared to* *decides to head out for a motorcycle ride*
  6. Can you make the first one you like a little bigger? About one inch by one inch in size would be perfect. If so, I will see if we can get it approved as an avatar for you. thanx iz this ne betta?? or does it still need to be bigger? I will pass it on to HampsterKing and see what he says.
  7. WHAT????? You mean your mother was not on line last night so that you would have had the book just after midnight?????? my mom got that book for my brother today 2 walmart she kept askin me if i wanted it i hate readin the hp books they give me headaches right now i'm reading twilight by stephanie meyers and by the looks of it i'll finish by tomorrow and i just started today its a great book and about 500 pages with 24 chapters the chapters are freakishly long like the hp book chapters ILOVETHISBOOK i can't wait to read the next 1 by her called new moon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! eery1 thinks its weird that i love to read CRAZY PEOPLE!!! ok im done I love reading too!!!!!!!
  8. How cool!!!! Roux-Roo the gerbil! Welcome! Now we need a picture of her! Please!!!!!
  9. How about Hotel Rwanda? Haven't seen it. Seeing that movie is a must. It is on the Tele now.
  10. WHAT????? You mean your mother was not on line last night so that you would have had the book just after midnight??????
  11. Can you make the first one you like a little bigger? About one inch by one inch in size would be perfect. If so, I will see if we can get it approved as an avatar for you.
  12. I had never heard of that. Very interesting. i love it it gives me the power to make people really see what i'm writing and make seem as if the world could melt away and they would be were my writing takes place I read your poem and understand completely. Your colours are very powerful in portraying your thoughts.
  13. I had never heard of that. Very interesting.
  14. If you would like to post them, then we would like to read them.
  15. Oh My Goodness!!!!!!!!!! Your eyes are an amazing blue green!!!!!!!!!!! How gorgeous!!!!!!!!!! Thank you. You are so welcome!!!
  16. Horatio

    Jesse's topic

    Sounds like your trip was an overall good event. It will be really nice to be back home. Hope your trip is safe and we see you back here soon.
  17. *sticks my paw in - Kat's - ear* Ha ha... now you have something else stuck in your head! omg horatio u cood preform sugery on -Kat- that wood b fun 2 c im listening to the hamster dance song!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!! I like your siggy! Nice flower.
  18. *sticks my paw in - Kat's - ear* Ha ha... now you have something else stuck in your head!
  19. Okay... I am a little slow. Are you nocturnal like us hamsters?
  20. More beautiful eyes!!!!!!!! *loves all these pictures*
  21. Oh My Goodness!!!!!!!!!! Your eyes are an amazing blue green!!!!!!!!!!! How gorgeous!!!!!!!!!!
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