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Everything posted by Horatio

  1. Bring your camera. We want some of your fantastic photographs when you return. Have a great time, you will be missed.
  2. Horatio

    Jesse's topic

    You are half-way there. A great schedule... wonderful! I hope you get a really great roommate. Remember, if you don't, you can always ask for a change. They put hamsters in single rooms.
  3. *~*The Grand Illusion*~*the Final Cut~* I kindly ask for permission to use this as a song when I form my new band. *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~* what? for serious? most definatly You write phenomenally well. I would love to hear this when Mushroom_king's band performs it.
  4. That makes it a little more bearable.
  5. Schooooooooollllllllllllllll???????? Oh noooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!! schoooooooollllll i still have to read 3 books fo' summer reading!!! school starts on aug 14 for me :'( but i did make an organized chart to determine how many pages to read per day! GUESS WHAT!!!!!! tommarow i go on a 10 day trip to COLORADO!!! Noooooooo, you will be gone until school starts!!!!!!!!!!! Have a great time!!! We will miss you.
  6. And you think you have something better to do?
  7. :blink: :blink: What??????????? You know my area code?????????? *passes out* But you didn't mention anything about my name.
  8. Perhaps. Once I got Jay Leno in my brain, it was hard to think of someone else. I looked up Al Capone's pictures and they MUST be related!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. You wrote it!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh my goodness, it is wonderful!!!!!!!!!! *hands Dog Lover The Platinum Moon Award* I love that song!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. Unfortunately my magic only works in Florida.
  11. Nope. 2 hints: His first name is often condensed into a shorter nickname (same first initial), and I think I have mentioned this person before, though I can't find the particular post at the moment. *thinks about the hints* Not too many people have a chin like that. I mentioned this man before because I did a group project concerning him. He is also, um, not a good guy. Not a good guy.... I am really confused now. Yeah, I'm running out of hints. So I shall reveal that the man is... Al Capone. Ohhhhhhhhhh. I would have never figured it out. I will tell you who I thought it was... Jay Leno. The only problem was the eyes looked a little too dark.
  12. Oh yeah!!!!!!! She's in LOOOOOOOVVVVVVVVEEEEEEEEEEE !!!!!!!! I gathered. I was just wondering if there was some specific event. She will have to answer that one. Right now he's sleeping on my couch so I'm sneaking on. XD We've just been hanging out a lot. It's hilarious, I'm high up on Arkcher's *top friends* on a *certain website* and Julian was like um who's this guy. XD Anyways, I've just decided that I'm content and happy. More content than ever in this kind of situation and not looking any further for something better. Because I don't think it's possible for anything to be better. ^.^ I don't see the name Horatio anywhere on your *top friends* list. *wonders* well, last time I checked, 'Raishey, you didn't have maispais. You just didn't know what to check under. well, mayhap thou couldst giveth me a hint? *thinks about giving away my identity* Okay... I made it really easy for you. kindanotreally. Think... Hard. ...Wow, that's tough. I just spent a while seeing if I could find you. You all are making this so much harder than it is. Go for the blonde H name. It would not allow me to put down my actual age, as it did not think I could type at 3 1/2. Of course I do not have any kind of statement, just my picture, well, actually it is Huette's face, which is a dead giveaway. You don't even have to read the description, just look at the pictures. LOL I think I'm the only one who knows your full name. XD Untrue. Yay, found him! Added. You are probably the only one who figured it out! ROFOCLH!!!!!!!!! It is so easy, isn't it?
  13. Schooooooooollllllllllllllll???????? Oh noooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. Today is a good day to hop on the motorcycle and go for a ride.
  15. Glad you are back! You were missed! This is good.
  16. So true. Of course you can do something about it. You can do things in your own way... against the obscene salaries, do not go to the game, do not buy the sports junk, do not buy anything that has to do with that team or in fact any of the teams. The players are never happy. It is always more money. The owners are never happy, it is always a new stadium... AT THE TAXPAYERS EXPENSE! Yes, when they build a stadium in your town, you are paying for this with your tax money. The city mayor gets the taxpayers to float a bond, then build a stadium for the team, who decides after x amount of time, that they are leaving your city, for a better deal elsewhere. Are you aware that The Green Bay Packers are the only team that the people of Green Bay own? It is not some greedy owner who will threaten to move if he doesn't get something he wants, it is the city and the people of the city. As for movies, I think the salaries are totally out of control. Millions and millions for a movie? Well, I don't really get around to going to the movies because, first it costs too much. Second, I would rather get on my bike and ride. For the same amount of money it costs me to get into the movie theatre, I can ride for a couple hundred miles. You can hurt the terrorism where it hurts by cutting back on everything that uses oil, that you have some control over. Don't drive around as much. Get another form of transportation that uses less gas... or no gas. My bike gets 78 mpg and this makes me very happy. If we as a nation cut back on oil, then there is less money for the oil producing countries to throw at the terrorists. Are we going after wind generators, solar energy... no. I would love to see wind generators outside my cage in the river. I wish I could do something about it. But in my own way, I am cutting my use of oil and oil products as much as I possibly can. Either the bicycle or motorcycle. I hardly ever drive the car. I spend in less money in gas in one month, than most people spend in one fill-up. I recycle everything that I possibly can. This is the only way we can save the planet. I take a basket to the grocery store. No bags. I fill up the basket when I walk around the store, get to the check-out, unload the basket, pay and reload the basket for the trip home. These crazy baggers at the grocery store try and give me bags to put into my basket. It takes about three or four times to train the baggers that when you show up with a basket, this means... NO BAGS! I think the grocery stores should start charging you for bags. Make the price 5 cents each. I am willing to bet, you will see people not wanting to pay. Of course, they pay anyway, we all do. The price is just figured into the cost of the groceries we buy. The same goes for the cost of the salary for the guy to run around the store putting back stuff that people pick up in one place, then five aisles later decide they don't want, so they stick it on the shelf somewhere. And you don't think you are not going to pay for this? Okay... I could rant forever, but I am going for a ride on my bike.
  17. I hung around all day... nothing. Then I kept checking back... no one. I go off for a ride on my motorcycle and then voila... posts, but everyone is gone. Hurry back. I love all the pictures in your siggy!!! Not one duplicate!!! oh good! i was hoping i didnt have any... No, you did great!!!!!!!!! I really love all those pics. two more album frames up! i found nails in my wall...now i have captain f, greatest hits, and tumbleweed connection up. i tried gybr but it wasnt fitting....of course maybe i should have tried taking the records out first...hmm..... I wouldn't have thought of that.
  18. I hope you don't leave. Please don't take Mushroom_king seriously. We really like having you here. And we DO CARE about you mending a broken heart.
  19. I hung around all day... nothing. Then I kept checking back... no one. I go off for a ride on my motorcycle and then voila... posts, but everyone is gone. Hurry back. I love all the pictures in your siggy!!! Not one duplicate!!! oh good! i was hoping i didnt have any... No, you did great!!!!!!!!! I really love all those pics.
  20. Nope. 2 hints: His first name is often condensed into a shorter nickname (same first initial), and I think I have mentioned this person before, though I can't find the particular post at the moment. *thinks about the hints* Not too many people have a chin like that. I mentioned this man before because I did a group project concerning him. He is also, um, not a good guy. Not a good guy.... I am really confused now.
  21. I hung around all day... nothing. Then I kept checking back... no one. I go off for a ride on my motorcycle and then voila... posts, but everyone is gone. Hurry back. I love all the pictures in your siggy!!! Not one duplicate!!!
  22. How about Hotel Rwanda? Haven't seen it. Seeing that movie is a must. It is on the Tele now. I'll try to remember to watch it sometime. Once you see it, you will never, ever forget it.
  23. Perhaps you could colden the book.
  24. Nope. 2 hints: His first name is often condensed into a shorter nickname (same first initial), and I think I have mentioned this person before, though I can't find the particular post at the moment. *thinks about the hints* Not too many people have a chin like that.
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