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Everything posted by Horatio

  1. So do I! Goo Gone... what a phenomenal product!!!
  2. What? No comments? BEAUTIFUL pictures Horatio (i almost forgot how to spell your name *gasp*) Thanks. Did you read the post just prior to this one?
  3. Yeah the fishy market sticky! Have you seen them throw the fishies? Yup! They don't like hamsters running around there. We have too many rodent relatives that scare people! The one fish seller that is right in the corner near the bronze pig is the best. They have a string that attaches to the mouth of one of the fish and the guy pulls on it every now and then, scaring some of the patrons. It is really quite amusing. There are lots of "flying" fish all over that market! Great place.
  4. I wanted to let you all know, that we had another magnificent shuttle launch!!!!!!! Unfortunately, I was watching Cramer's Mad Money Show and ran outside without my camera, but I will say, it was spectacular!!!!!!!!!! Let them all have a great time in space!!!!
  5. I see you visited the fish market in Seattle. Isn't that a great place?!?!?!? Great pictures. Please make them a bit smaller before you send them over so we can see them better.
  6. I would not consider also and extra redundant, but then again you wouldn't want to ask me. English was my worst subject. Math is my worst subject. Too many numbers and symbols.... *shudders* I love math. I liked history, but hated the memorization of dates and associated names, places, etc.. There are much better ways to teach history. When you make it interesting, people want to know all about it. *shuders yet again at the thought of math* I love history sometimes idk i had a great teacher last year she was sooooooooooo.. funny! Your teacher helps make learning so much fun. she was great i'll miss her and my science teacher heck i'll miss middle school You will have lots more great teachers and some not so great ones. yeah I still have 4 years of high school and college possibly 6 for college Lots of great professors in college.
  7. I would not consider also and extra redundant, but then again you wouldn't want to ask me. English was my worst subject. Math is my worst subject. Too many numbers and symbols.... *shudders* I love math. I liked history, but hated the memorization of dates and associated names, places, etc.. There are much better ways to teach history. When you make it interesting, people want to know all about it. *shuders yet again at the thought of math* I love history sometimes idk i had a great teacher last year she was sooooooooooo.. funny! Your teacher helps make learning so much fun. she was great i'll miss her and my science teacher heck i'll miss middle school You will have lots more great teachers and some not so great ones.
  8. Horatio


    Sounds like you have researched this a bit. A few other things to consider: 1) Will you really still want it when you are older. Tattoo removal is very expensive, very painful, and not always 100% effective. 2) Your religion may not allow tattoos. This may effect where you can get married or where you can be buried. It may not seem like something that is important now, but you never know how you might feel when you are older or have kids. I have several friends who suddenly found religion when they had kids. It does happen. 3) As stated above, make sure any place you go for tattoos or piercings are SAFE. All states do not have the same rules for tattoo and piercing establishments. People have gotten infections and even died from tattoos and piercings done without the proper precautions being taken. 4) Although it is not "life threatening", some of the inks used in tattoos contain large amounts of metal (iron oxide I believe). It is possible for the tattoo to heat up or cause skin irritation if you have an MRI. The high powered magnets excite the metal in the tattoo. Again, not a huge issue, but it is something you should be aware of. 5) Never get a tattoo or piercing without really thinking about it first. This might seem obvious, but I know a few people who got tattoos while drunk or to be "accepted" by their "friends". They all regretted it afterwards. It's too serious a decision to be made on a whim. I will get off my soapbox now. Very well said. Another quick tidbit: if/when your friends have tatoos, ask them where they got them. If your friends' tatoos came out really well, go where they went. If they didn't, don't go there. Hamsters don't get tattoos... we like our fur too much. *fasts forward to when all these tattooed people are in their 70's, 80's and 90's, with flabby skin hanging down* My... look at those tattoos now! you know how I feel about stereotypes, Horatio If you can show me any old people with tight skin, I will give Joey Ramone a cookie.
  9. I would not consider also and extra redundant, but then again you wouldn't want to ask me. English was my worst subject. Math is my worst subject. Too many numbers and symbols.... *shudders* I love math. I liked history, but hated the memorization of dates and associated names, places, etc.. There are much better ways to teach history. When you make it interesting, people want to know all about it. *shuders yet again at the thought of math* I love history sometimes idk i had a great teacher last year she was sooooooooooo.. funny! Your teacher helps make learning so much fun.
  10. Horatio

    My place. :)

    Wonderful!!!!!!!!! How is your summer going so far??? Pretty good, although mostly boring. Working, kayaking, picture taking. I'm home now to help out with vbs. I miss my college friends and internet access. We have missed you! Glad to hear things are good. The lack of internet access really makes you realize just how much you enjoy being online and how big a part of your life it is. After the hurricanes, what I missed most was my internet access. Okay, so, here's my typical journal style entry of what's been going on in my life (sorry it's so long): So far, my summer has been pretty good. I've been working in the Club House (it runs kinda like a hotel) with a bunch of kids about 11 years old. We basically do housekeeping work. I've also been taking tons of pictures, kayaking, and swimming. It's been nice. Ian had more mono complications, was hospitalized, has a surgery, and is now still recovering. I got back home early Monday morning, because I'm helping with my church's Vacation Bible School. I now have a ranger hat that says Ms. Terry. (The theme is "Rescue Zone: Saved by God's Power) They've got me taking pictures of the kids and lending a hand wherever I'm needed. It's tons of fun. My friend Phil came over today. We played DDR, went swimming, and jumped on the trampoline. Then we chatted for about an hour, and he taught me the basic swing step (he does ballroom dancing). And then he tought me how to play Final Fantasy (despite most of my friends being video game/band/anime geeks, I rarely if ever participate in any of those activities). And Phil plays piano (he taught himself). Didn't know that. He might be coming over again on Thursday, or I might go to his house. Which brings me to the interesting parts. Upon my arrival, I found out that Ian apparently has a girlfriend, and incoming freshman. And I'm okay with that, I'm allowing my feelings for Ian to subside because, in reality, he's probably not a good match anyways. I'm only concerned for Ian's sake because last time he dated a freshman, she cheated on him and left him heartbroken. But whatever, it's his life. I just hope he doesn't get hurt. So with that information, it's helped me to get over Ian, which is good. This is what I needed. Interesting part two: I was talking to Lara last night about Phil coming over, and it hit me like a ton of bricks: I might have mentioned earlier that what I need in a guy is a hybrid of my friends Kenny, Ian, and Marius. Duh! Phil matches that description! From Kenny, Phil has the faith, and the slight neuroticism (hey, you take the good with the bad). From Ian, he has a bit of culture. He does the ballroom dancing and plays piano. And he's willing to teach me things. And from Marius, he has the video games, anime, ddr, and j-pop interests (which both Ian and Kenny would likely reject). And Phil was also the one who answered the "do you have a crush on me" question in a 20 questions thing awhile back with that he had a crush on me in 4th grade. Which is trivial, really, but if you think about it, when you have a crush on someone, you never lose your feelings for them 100% (unless maybe, they did something awful to you, but that's never happened to me) And yeah, tonight at VBS when I was waiting for some kids and thinking about the day I had just spent with Phil and all that, I realized that I'm starting to have some feelings for him. But I need to be careful not to rush it or do anything stupid. So we'll see. I need to get back into a habit of praying for God's will, wisdom, and guidance in my life more often. *loves long posts* You will have to post a pic of you in your Ms. Terry Ranger Hat! Your summer sounds like it has been fun so far. Kayaking is really a great way to exercise along with being relaxing for the mind. I hope Ian is back on his feet soon and in the best of health. As for the news of a freshman girlfriend... ohhhhh. You really are doing well in handling your feelings and moving on. You have a great friendship with him and that is something that no one can ever change. I hope this girl does not break his heart. Phil... he sounds like a really cool guy. I like the fact that he is a combination of all your friends. It says something when he will ride his bike with a stuffed duffle bag to see you. Phil sounds like a great friend and a great guy to think more about. You are smart, so I am certain you will handle this at the speed you feel comfortable with and I really can't see you doing anything stupid. So, it sounds like you will be having a spectacular semester. Thanks for filling us in. Hahaha yeah, Phil is really a sweetheart. The only problem is that if we were to pursue a relationship, his college is a good 5 hours away from mine, at least. But who knows? As for the Ian thing, yeah, despite that and the fact that my grandpa is dying of cancer (he's old, in his 80's), I was in a really really really good mood yesterday. I was even in a good mood when I was cleaning the house yesterday morning (I hate cleaning, unless I'm getting paid for it). Haha yeah, I'll have to get a good picture of me in my hat. And kayaking is tons of fun. I recently got an mp3 player, so last time I went kayaking I took that along with me, which was cool. Mmm...that's pretty much it. Today I need to pack up all my stuff for college (I'll be leaving directly from camp) and, if possible, get my room straightened out (it looks like it exploded). And that's pretty much it, I think... Waterproof the MP3!!! That advice is not really for you, but for me. I can see me falling out of the kayak into the river and my iPod losing it's life by drowning. Your grandfather and family will be in our thoughts, hearts and prayers. Cancer is pretty scary. I hope you get to spend some time with him so that you can tell him how much you love him and how he has been a wonderful part of your life. Now for Phil... five hours... oh my. Distance makes the heart grow fonder? As for your room... just get the commercial version of the Mega Hyper Uber Shop Vac and vacuum everything up. The Shop Vac will clean your room fast. lol we have a shop vac, but it's at camp. My mp3 player isn't waterproof, but I keep it in a zip lock bag in my life jacket pocket. And my kayak is pretty hard to tip unless you do something really stupid, like lean all the way over to one side or try standing in it. I doubt I'll be able to see grandpa again, because he lives in FL (he and grandma moved down there from NH when grandpa decided that a man his age shouldn't be shoveling snow off the roof of their house). And yeah, five hours. I guess that's what instant messaging is for. I figure if I ended up in a long distance relationship like that we'd both get webcams. Camp?!?!? Get that Shop Vac home from camp! I would do something stupid like stand on my back legs in the kayak. Please call your grandfather. Before you do, think of everything you want to tell him and please do this. New Hampshire, I love that state, so beautiful, but so snowy. I agree, they do better in Florida. Webcams!!! Stellar idea!!!!! Instant messaging and text messaging... great ways to stay in touch.
  11. I would not consider also and extra redundant, but then again you wouldn't want to ask me. English was my worst subject. Math is my worst subject. Too many numbers and symbols.... *shudders* I love math. I liked history, but hated the memorization of dates and associated names, places, etc.. There are much better ways to teach history. When you make it interesting, people want to know all about it.
  12. Lightning is very powerful. Can you imagine if we could harness the energy from a bolt of lightning? that would be too amazing Thought you would.
  13. A- is what my teacher gave me I didn't have enough lines xP Oh. I'm sorry. You really deserved an A+!!! *throws in a few more lines*
  14. Horatio


    Sounds like you have researched this a bit. A few other things to consider: 1) Will you really still want it when you are older. Tattoo removal is very expensive, very painful, and not always 100% effective. 2) Your religion may not allow tattoos. This may effect where you can get married or where you can be buried. It may not seem like something that is important now, but you never know how you might feel when you are older or have kids. I have several friends who suddenly found religion when they had kids. It does happen. 3) As stated above, make sure any place you go for tattoos or piercings are SAFE. All states do not have the same rules for tattoo and piercing establishments. People have gotten infections and even died from tattoos and piercings done without the proper precautions being taken. 4) Although it is not "life threatening", some of the inks used in tattoos contain large amounts of metal (iron oxide I believe). It is possible for the tattoo to heat up or cause skin irritation if you have an MRI. The high powered magnets excite the metal in the tattoo. Again, not a huge issue, but it is something you should be aware of. 5) Never get a tattoo or piercing without really thinking about it first. This might seem obvious, but I know a few people who got tattoos while drunk or to be "accepted" by their "friends". They all regretted it afterwards. It's too serious a decision to be made on a whim. I will get off my soapbox now. Very well said. Another quick tidbit: if/when your friends have tatoos, ask them where they got them. If your friends' tatoos came out really well, go where they went. If they didn't, don't go there. Hamsters don't get tattoos... we like our fur too much. *fasts forward to when all these tattooed people are in their 70's, 80's and 90's, with flabby skin hanging down* My... look at those tattoos now!
  15. Horatio

    My place. :)

    Wonderful!!!!!!!!! How is your summer going so far??? Pretty good, although mostly boring. Working, kayaking, picture taking. I'm home now to help out with vbs. I miss my college friends and internet access. We have missed you! Glad to hear things are good. The lack of internet access really makes you realize just how much you enjoy being online and how big a part of your life it is. After the hurricanes, what I missed most was my internet access. Okay, so, here's my typical journal style entry of what's been going on in my life (sorry it's so long): So far, my summer has been pretty good. I've been working in the Club House (it runs kinda like a hotel) with a bunch of kids about 11 years old. We basically do housekeeping work. I've also been taking tons of pictures, kayaking, and swimming. It's been nice. Ian had more mono complications, was hospitalized, has a surgery, and is now still recovering. I got back home early Monday morning, because I'm helping with my church's Vacation Bible School. I now have a ranger hat that says Ms. Terry. :XD (The theme is "Rescue Zone: Saved by God's Power) They've got me taking pictures of the kids and lending a hand wherever I'm needed. It's tons of fun. My friend Phil came over today. We played DDR, went swimming, and jumped on the trampoline. Then we chatted for about an hour, and he taught me the basic swing step (he does ballroom dancing). And then he tought me how to play Final Fantasy (despite most of my friends being video game/band/anime geeks, I rarely if ever participate in any of those activities). And Phil plays piano (he taught himself). Didn't know that. He might be coming over again on Thursday, or I might go to his house. Which brings me to the interesting parts. Upon my arrival, I found out that Ian apparently has a girlfriend, and incoming freshman. And I'm okay with that, I'm allowing my feelings for Ian to subside because, in reality, he's probably not a good match anyways. I'm only concerned for Ian's sake because last time he dated a freshman, she cheated on him and left him heartbroken. But whatever, it's his life. I just hope he doesn't get hurt. So with that information, it's helped me to get over Ian, which is good. This is what I needed. Interesting part two: I was talking to Lara last night about Phil coming over, and it hit me like a ton of bricks: I might have mentioned earlier that what I need in a guy is a hybrid of my friends Kenny, Ian, and Marius. Duh! Phil matches that description! From Kenny, Phil has the faith, and the slight neuroticism (hey, you take the good with the bad). From Ian, he has a bit of culture. He does the ballroom dancing and plays piano. And he's willing to teach me things. And from Marius, he has the video games, anime, ddr, and j-pop interests (which both Ian and Kenny would likely reject). And Phil was also the one who answered the "do you have a crush on me" question in a 20 questions thing awhile back with that he had a crush on me in 4th grade. Which is trivial, really, but if you think about it, when you have a crush on someone, you never lose your feelings for them 100% (unless maybe, they did something awful to you, but that's never happened to me) And yeah, tonight at VBS when I was waiting for some kids and thinking about the day I had just spent with Phil and all that, I realized that I'm starting to have some feelings for him. But I need to be careful not to rush it or do anything stupid. So we'll see. I need to get back into a habit of praying for God's will, wisdom, and guidance in my life more often. *loves long posts* You will have to post a pic of you in your Ms. Terry Ranger Hat! Your summer sounds like it has been fun so far. Kayaking is really a great way to exercise along with being relaxing for the mind. I hope Ian is back on his feet soon and in the best of health. As for the news of a freshman girlfriend... ohhhhh. You really are doing well in handling your feelings and moving on. You have a great friendship with him and that is something that no one can ever change. I hope this girl does not break his heart. Phil... he sounds like a really cool guy. I like the fact that he is a combination of all your friends. It says something when he will ride his bike with a stuffed duffle bag to see you. Phil sounds like a great friend and a great guy to think more about. You are smart, so I am certain you will handle this at the speed you feel comfortable with and I really can't see you doing anything stupid. So, it sounds like you will be having a spectacular semester. Thanks for filling us in. Hahaha yeah, Phil is really a sweetheart. The only problem is that if we were to pursue a relationship, his college is a good 5 hours away from mine, at least. But who knows? As for the Ian thing, yeah, despite that and the fact that my grandpa is dying of cancer (he's old, in his 80's), I was in a really really really good mood yesterday. I was even in a good mood when I was cleaning the house yesterday morning (I hate cleaning, unless I'm getting paid for it). Haha yeah, I'll have to get a good picture of me in my hat. And kayaking is tons of fun. I recently got an mp3 player, so last time I went kayaking I took that along with me, which was cool. Mmm...that's pretty much it. Today I need to pack up all my stuff for college (I'll be leaving directly from camp) and, if possible, get my room straightened out (it looks like it exploded). And that's pretty much it, I think... Waterproof the MP3!!! That advice is not really for you, but for me. I can see me falling out of the kayak into the river and my iPod losing it's life by drowning. Your grandfather and family will be in our thoughts, hearts and prayers. Cancer is pretty scary. I hope you get to spend some time with him so that you can tell him how much you love him and how he has been a wonderful part of your life. Now for Phil... five hours... oh my. Distance makes the heart grow fonder? As for your room... just get the commercial version of the Mega Hyper Uber Shop Vac and vacuum everything up. The Shop Vac will clean your room fast.
  16. I would not consider also and extra redundant, but then again you wouldn't want to ask me. English was my worst subject.
  17. I'm not sure if I would be a tenor or bass. My lowest note is G below middle C (sometimes I can go down to F#), which I think is normal for guys. My voice is still changing (it's sure taking its sweet time) so my voice range might stretch lower. I'm sure the choir director will help me decide. Your fall semester sounds rather interesting. And yes, 4 classes seems pretty light, considering that I'm taking 6 in the fall. I sing Alto, Saprano, and Soprano 2 XD I range from the G below middle C to the E above middle C. What a great range!!! Hamsters only have a squeaky range.
  18. Terrific! Did you do well with this in class? I would have given you an A+!
  19. I love when you share your poetry with us. Thanks.
  20. Lightning is very powerful. Can you imagine if we could harness the energy from a bolt of lightning?
  21. Horatio

    My place. :)

    Wonderful!!!!!!!!! How is your summer going so far??? Pretty good, although mostly boring. Working, kayaking, picture taking. I'm home now to help out with vbs. I miss my college friends and internet access. We have missed you! Glad to hear things are good. The lack of internet access really makes you realize just how much you enjoy being online and how big a part of your life it is. After the hurricanes, what I missed most was my internet access. Okay, so, here's my typical journal style entry of what's been going on in my life (sorry it's so long): So far, my summer has been pretty good. I've been working in the Club House (it runs kinda like a hotel) with a bunch of kids about 11 years old. We basically do housekeeping work. I've also been taking tons of pictures, kayaking, and swimming. It's been nice. Ian had more mono complications, was hospitalized, has a surgery, and is now still recovering. I got back home early Monday morning, because I'm helping with my church's Vacation Bible School. I now have a ranger hat that says Ms. Terry. :XD (The theme is "Rescue Zone: Saved by God's Power) They've got me taking pictures of the kids and lending a hand wherever I'm needed. It's tons of fun. My friend Phil came over today. We played DDR, went swimming, and jumped on the trampoline. Then we chatted for about an hour, and he taught me the basic swing step (he does ballroom dancing). And then he tought me how to play Final Fantasy (despite most of my friends being video game/band/anime geeks, I rarely if ever participate in any of those activities). And Phil plays piano (he taught himself). Didn't know that. He might be coming over again on Thursday, or I might go to his house. Which brings me to the interesting parts. Upon my arrival, I found out that Ian apparently has a girlfriend, and incoming freshman. And I'm okay with that, I'm allowing my feelings for Ian to subside because, in reality, he's probably not a good match anyways. I'm only concerned for Ian's sake because last time he dated a freshman, she cheated on him and left him heartbroken. But whatever, it's his life. I just hope he doesn't get hurt. So with that information, it's helped me to get over Ian, which is good. This is what I needed. Interesting part two: I was talking to Lara last night about Phil coming over, and it hit me like a ton of bricks: I might have mentioned earlier that what I need in a guy is a hybrid of my friends Kenny, Ian, and Marius. Duh! Phil matches that description! From Kenny, Phil has the faith, and the slight neuroticism (hey, you take the good with the bad). From Ian, he has a bit of culture. He does the ballroom dancing and plays piano. And he's willing to teach me things. And from Marius, he has the video games, anime, ddr, and j-pop interests (which both Ian and Kenny would likely reject). And Phil was also the one who answered the "do you have a crush on me" question in a 20 questions thing awhile back with that he had a crush on me in 4th grade. Which is trivial, really, but if you think about it, when you have a crush on someone, you never lose your feelings for them 100% (unless maybe, they did something awful to you, but that's never happened to me) And yeah, tonight at VBS when I was waiting for some kids and thinking about the day I had just spent with Phil and all that, I realized that I'm starting to have some feelings for him. But I need to be careful not to rush it or do anything stupid. So we'll see. I need to get back into a habit of praying for God's will, wisdom, and guidance in my life more often. *loves long posts* You will have to post a pic of you in your Ms. Terry Ranger Hat! Your summer sounds like it has been fun so far. Kayaking is really a great way to exercise along with being relaxing for the mind. I hope Ian is back on his feet soon and in the best of health. As for the news of a freshman girlfriend... ohhhhh. You really are doing well in handling your feelings and moving on. You have a great friendship with him and that is something that no one can ever change. I hope this girl does not break his heart. Phil... he sounds like a really cool guy. I like the fact that he is a combination of all your friends. It says something when he will ride his bike with a stuffed duffle bag to see you. Phil sounds like a great friend and a great guy to think more about. You are smart, so I am certain you will handle this at the speed you feel comfortable with and I really can't see you doing anything stupid. So, it sounds like you will be having a spectacular semester. Thanks for filling us in.
  22. You sing too? What part? My courses for fall: Cell Biology, Personality (a psych class just for fun), Choir, Two education classes that go together (I get to observe classes and eventually teach one), and I think that's it. So it's going to be a light (and awesome) semester. Sounds like you will have a totally awesome semester!! Why is your semester so light? Is this because you took the summer courses? Are you planning on doing that again next summer?
  23. Yes, perhaps I will. Those are all semester courses by the way, except band. I thought band would be a semester course as well, but you would just have to sign up each semester.
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