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Everything posted by Horatio

  1. Outstanding! Other than same old, same old... and a touch of laziness, which in my opinion, is a wonderful trait... how are you? Please remind me, do you live in the San Juan Islands? Talked to - Kat - and they have been hit by all those midwest snow storms... she is without power. BRRRRRRRRR. That must be brutal. I do not like the cold, but to be without power... I would pack up and move south. A nice little bungalow on the Equator would be about my preference.
  2. My wishes to all those in the snow storm area... I hope you do not lose power and can stay warm and safe.
  3. Big announcement... ...this Saturday, February 9th, Everyone, head out and have a bagel !!!!!
  4. Thank you Punxsutawney Phil for not seeing your shadow!!! I am looking forward to an early spring! Groundhog Day... great day and terrific movie!!!
  5. Wild storms last night... not so much rain, but lots and lots of wind! Why does it seem that all these wild and scary storms come at night???
  6. If you ever wanted a different career, there are lots of careers in studying manatees and other marine life in Florida. What book are you reviewing? As for school... outstanding. 1/3 to go!!!
  7. Well, today I received a box filled with Christmas gifts from my friend. What a wonderful surprise!!!! Whoo hoo! Christmas at the end of January!!!!!!!!
  8. If you think you were freaked out... try being me. I thought the website had been hacked as it said my account had been suspended.
  9. You guys look great together!!!!! Thank you!!!!!
  10. East sounds the best to me too! You can actually plot the departure and arrival paths of the jets and go a little north or south of that path on the east side, reducing noise considerably. Thank you so much for that insight. It will prove very helpful. After I research the eastern side, I will let you know where I am thinking.
  11. HammyPotter=D, it has been a long, long time since you are here, but we all want to wish you a most happy birthday. Hope your day is the greatest, with many, many more to come. Horatio
  12. Langenfeld is a great location. I do know Dusseldorf and Soligen. The blades are known all around the world. As for boring, I do not mind boring. Consider the fact that every work day I am in a big city, in a hotel with lots and lots of people. It is nice to be in a boring place on your time off. Of course, that is when bigger cities are only a short train ride or drive away. I love towns or cities where green spaces are a big part and the Koln green belt is nice. Too bad the Harz wasn't within my distance allotment.
  13. Thank you so much for the update! How about a photograph of you and your significant other!!! Please! Glad things are positive for you in the new year!!! Hopefully the manager will not say anything to you about your roommate. As long as the rent is paid, they usually do not say much. It is only when the money does not show when they get fussy. If you were to change names on the lease, then there might be more paperwork and hassles for the manager, so perhaps she does not "want to know". Perhaps this will be good for you. Good news that jail friend is moving on. Whatever the reasons and motives, at least this allows you to have the friendship on your terms. You do not need any negatives dragging you down, which it sounds like you are successful at minimizing. You keep doing what you are doing and relate to him on your terms. He needs to find a place where he is happy and this will mean not relying on you. Great news!!!! Your relationship sounds very, very promising. I am so very happy for you. This sounds like you are going to have a most wonderful year.
  14. Whoo Hoo!!!!! Wonderful! You have brightened my day!!!
  15. Leguan... welcome back!!!!! Actually, I am able to move anywhere within a one hundred mile radius without company permission, and over that with company permission. For example, one person lives in Berlin. So, I am thinking of coming over and then wandering around to find the place that seems most interesting. I have lived in Berlin and loved that city. As for the cold and rain, unfortunately, there are not many places where I can enjoy the wonderful weather, but if you have someplace to be, Europe seems like a wonderful option. The length of time would probably be about three and one-half years. This would give me lots of time to wander all around the different countries. I would like to visit the Baltic area. The bid has been delayed until February. :1( Of course, I would be thrilled to come for a visit, especially since I could make a day most convenient for you. And perhaps we could go for a bike ride when the riding season rolls around. What town outside of Koln did you grow-up? - Kat - is a big, big, BIG pyrotechnic fan! She would love to have a close friend or relative in the pyrotechnic field. As for me, I love fireworks, and appreciate all the work that goes into programming the computers to coordinate such a display, but if I am not available to see the fireworks, that is okay. The one thing I most enjoy is hopping into a small aircraft and watching the fireworks displays from the air. Now that is a sight to behold! You get to see numerous displays up and down the coast of Florida, all at once. Very nice!!! Not much else here.
  16. Okay... here we go again. There is an opportunity for me to move to Koln, Germany. The bid is scheduled to open in a couple weeks, and remain open for one month. What do you think?????
  17. PocketFrogs update... yes, I am still addicted. My count is now 9488 out of 36,800. Ooooohhhhhhhhhhh noooooooooooooooo!!!
  18. Now that the new year has already gotten underway... everything is calm on the hammy front.
  19. HAPPY HAMMY NEW YEAR EVERYBODY!!!! Wishing you all a very happy, healthy, prosperous and wonderful 2013, filled with lots and lots of love!!!
  20. Just thinking how today is the last day of 2012. Hmmmmmmm.
  21. Our tree... I hope Santa has a back-up plan... MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL, And to all a good night!!!
  22. Only two days until Christmas!!! Tree is up, and decorated, presents are almost all wrapped and shopping for Christmas dinner is complete.
  23. Last week was a fantastic meteor shower, peaking on the 12th, 13th and 14th. Did anyone get to see this?
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