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Hampsterdance Discussion Board


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Everything posted by Horatio

  1. I missed that one! That's great. It is unique!!!!!!!!! *hands Dog Lover a plate full of fresh-from-the-oven-cookies* The list of words is not too long. Not for the unique thing I found. *dog lover drools over the DELICIOUS cookies!* thank u! i ususally like puzzles/etc but was a bit overwhelmed by this one...i'd rather obsess over elton! (even though i'm wearing a beatles t-shirt right now... but dont tell anyone!) In my theory, you could add elton and arkcher to the list, and it still would not change the outcome. *wonders if Arkcher agrees* Thats right. I think Horatio has it figured out. but You guys did point out some things I overlooked. o: i feel dumb...i must go look at my report card and take solace in my straight-A's! (no i am not bragging im just trying to cheer myself up) You were working too hard at the list. Don't really read each word, just look at the list. noooooooo idea............. :closedeyes: *slows down* Here I will give you an example... sort of... Tell me which word does not belong. Deer Leer See Boat Look not at the words as much as something else that will pop out at you. Out of there, only one word has three letters. Thats... obviously not the case with the main list though. Here... let me fix the list. Deer Leer Seen Boat Now tell me what you see.
  2. I missed that one! That's great. It is unique!!!!!!!!! *hands Dog Lover a plate full of fresh-from-the-oven-cookies* The list of words is not too long. Not for the unique thing I found. *dog lover drools over the DELICIOUS cookies!* thank u! i ususally like puzzles/etc but was a bit overwhelmed by this one...i'd rather obsess over elton! (even though i'm wearing a beatles t-shirt right now... but dont tell anyone!) In my theory, you could add elton and arkcher to the list, and it still would not change the outcome. *wonders if Arkcher agrees* Thats right. I think Horatio has it figured out. but You guys did point out some things I overlooked. o: i feel dumb...i must go look at my report card and take solace in my straight-A's! (no i am not bragging im just trying to cheer myself up) You were working too hard at the list. Don't really read each word, just look at the list. noooooooo idea............. :closedeyes: *slows down* Here I will give you an example... sort of... Tell me which word does not belong. Deer Leer See Boat Look not at the words as much as something else that will pop out at you. Out of there, only one word has three letters. Thats... obviously not the case with the main list though. Good one, but that was not the case. I used the same exact thing you did... or at least I thought I did.
  3. I missed that one! That's great. It is unique!!!!!!!!! *hands Dog Lover a plate full of fresh-from-the-oven-cookies* The list of words is not too long. Not for the unique thing I found. *dog lover drools over the DELICIOUS cookies!* thank u! i ususally like puzzles/etc but was a bit overwhelmed by this one...i'd rather obsess over elton! (even though i'm wearing a beatles t-shirt right now... but dont tell anyone!) In my theory, you could add elton and arkcher to the list, and it still would not change the outcome. *wonders if Arkcher agrees* Thats right. I think Horatio has it figured out. but You guys did point out some things I overlooked. o: i feel dumb...i must go look at my report card and take solace in my straight-A's! (no i am not bragging im just trying to cheer myself up) You were working too hard at the list. Don't really read each word, just look at the list. noooooooo idea............. :closedeyes: *slows down* Here I will give you an example... sort of... Tell me which word does not belong. Deer Leer See Boat Look not at the words as much as something else that will pop out at you.
  4. I knew you would make an apperance here. Kurt cobain bit down on the barrel of his gun and pulled the trigger. How horrible. :(
  5. What is this? A quick and simple way to get to the four Ren's art thingies in a flash! Unless you have a slow computer, that is... *wonders if these almost three year old links still work* ...Wow! Has it been three years already?! I guess it has... strange.... Can you believe three years has passed? Amazing.
  6. What is this? A quick and simple way to get to the four Ren's art thingies in a flash! Unless you have a slow computer, that is... *wonders if these almost three year old links still work* They do! How did you think I got back to the main topic? *slaps forehead* I wasn't sure because we have had a few board updates.
  7. You had better just stay in touch! I'll try! Keep my email address: pmajr@earthlink.net. This way I can always steer you back here. You are also permitted to post pictures of yourself now that you are over 18.
  8. We have missed you!!!!!!!!! We even had a birthday party for you. I baked the cake and it was perfect... except for you being missing. Please make a point of popping in and posting every now and then. I will pin a topic just for you in whatever forum you like best. Hope college is great. Jesse starts college this fall and Jesusfreak is in her second year. There is lots more to tell you. Please do stay in touch. Thank you for the birthday party... I'm touched. Did you save any cake? Oh well. Thank you for baking me a cake. Things have been a bit odd these past few years, but last year was the ultimate in offness, so, if this year is normal, fine. I'll try to "pop in and post now and then", but it depends on my workload and how crazy college and life are, so... I can't quite guarantee anything. Hmmm, pin a topic... I'll have to think about it. Thanks for the offer. If college is even marginally better than it was last year, I will be well content. Last year was... difficult. Good luck to Jesse and Jesusfreak! What else is there to tell me...? Maybe I should hunt around the boards before school starts again.... Nice to talk to you again, Horatio. You're always pleasant company (disturbingly so ). Yay! Horatio! Thank you for the update. Of course we saved you a piece of cake. In fact we are still waiting for you to make a wish and blow out the candles. That is the official start of the party. College is hard. I do hope this year will be much better. Most everyone has a pinned topic. This way their topic never disappears. Top Banana is starting university, Schimmislick is starting college in California and Lexxscrapham has been at college a couple years. Emily E is married and had a beautiful baby girl. Ummm, most everyone is getting busier and busier. But for as much as things change, they stay the same. Anyway, we certainly do not want you to disappear again, so a pinned topic is great for you. As for me, it is my job to be annoying to a certain extent. This way you remember I am here. Chainsaws and motorcycles are my newest diversions. Other than that, things are still the same in my cage.
  9. I'm only taller than my mom. My parents are like. Exactly the same height, so I overtook both in one swoop! I didn't think I would grow anymore... Lucky! I'm like 5'1'' I'm about 5'9". I wonder how tall the people of HD are... I never thought about it... *cough, cough* You could make a poll! Orrrr... you could for me! =D Please. What you need to do is make a topic, let me know your question, then list up to 20 choices for answers. I will then make the poll for you.
  10. The very first house Jim Morrison lived in, is about 25 minutes from my house. His barber lived next door to him. NO WAY!!! That's amazing! I'm related to Daniel Boone. OH BEAT THAT! WHAT NOW??? Just kidding, but I really am related to him. That's cool!!! Sure is. So any famous hammie's you related to? I was thinking about that... no. No famous relatives.
  11. Close... Your use of phonetics are way too good!
  12. The very first house Jim Morrison lived in, is about 25 minutes from my house. His barber lived next door to him. NO WAY!!! That's amazing! I'm related to Daniel Boone. OH BEAT THAT! WHAT NOW??? Just kidding, but I really am related to him. That's cool!!!
  13. The very first house Jim Morrison lived in, is about 25 minutes from my house. His barber lived next door to him.
  14. Naturalists? Like nudists? Wait... that's naturists, isn't it? And whoa, they teach Japanese at your school? That's awesome. Ours only does Spanish and French. XD Yeah, not Student Nudists. Our school has a pretty good language selection. Spanish, French, Japanese, German, and Latin, that I know of. I think that would be a pretty interesting class. xD Wouldn't blame anyone for dropping it, though. Wow, you must go to a pretty nice school... And, lol at Jesse's explanation of labels. *thinks about how parents would react when they heard their kids were in a Student Nudist class*
  15. no there isn't. in fact, i'm in absolutely every single clique at my school, everyone loves me. i dont know why, but i guess it's a good thing, cause i'm not good at going to people and just talking to them, i usually have people coming to me so, i guess that's pretty cool. but yeah, i'm with the 'emos' the 'goths' the 'preps' the 'geeks(cause i am one)' the 'uber-smart over-achievers' and such and such i've found out that all my emo friends are really nice people and most of them just dress emo cause they like E M O music. for which i have taken a fancy for. heh. Very cool! And we think you add so much to the boards!
  16. I bet you also read the end of a new book before you read the first page. well i always read the last page before i start reading any book, plus it's obvious i really dont care about endings, endings dont matter as much as how you get there There are a couple books where I have to disagree... for example Red Dragon.
  17. If Hillary becomes president, I am moving to Europe and saying that I am French.
  18. I'm only taller than my mom. My parents are like. Exactly the same height, so I overtook both in one swoop! I didn't think I would grow anymore... Lucky! I'm like 5'1'' I'm about 5'9". I wonder how tall the people of HD are... I never thought about it... *cough, cough* You could make a poll!
  19. I missed that one! That's great. It is unique!!!!!!!!! *hands Dog Lover a plate full of fresh-from-the-oven-cookies* The list of words is not too long. Not for the unique thing I found. *dog lover drools over the DELICIOUS cookies!* thank u! i ususally like puzzles/etc but was a bit overwhelmed by this one...i'd rather obsess over elton! (even though i'm wearing a beatles t-shirt right now... but dont tell anyone!) In my theory, you could add elton and arkcher to the list, and it still would not change the outcome. *wonders if Arkcher agrees* Thats right. I think Horatio has it figured out. but You guys did point out some things I overlooked. o: i feel dumb...i must go look at my report card and take solace in my straight-A's! (no i am not bragging im just trying to cheer myself up) You were working too hard at the list. Don't really read each word, just look at the list.
  20. If you could figure out a way to do that, you would be a billionaire!!!
  21. The hay is out in the field with the horses.
  22. Okay, thank you! I'll try to get right on it, but things are kinda hectic right now, so... who knows.... I'll let you know if I need anything (assuming that anyone remembers this place ) We all remember it. Pretty much everyone is still here. Just a little less posting.
  23. What is this? A quick and simple way to get to the four Ren's art thingies in a flash! Unless you have a slow computer, that is... *wonders if these almost three year old links still work*
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