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Everything posted by Horatio

  1. * huge gasp* how can you not want to sleep it's like all i do. and all i want to do. I agree, though. I have REALLY strange/creepy/scary/disturbing dreams. Just last night I had a dream I was ripping the heads off of smal animals and trying to do surgury to put back their spines (And the heads i just ripped off. And I think some organs too. That is COMPLICATED stuff, there, you don't even wanna know.) i have dreams about stalkers, haunted houses, killing things, scary video games where my hands go really slow and I can't quite push the pause button in time before the monster gets me, just-creepy-in-general dreams, and those strange half-dreams that you think you're awake, but you're not. Strange storylines, too. I could write a whole book about it. But maybe not. Things I want: =Naruto manga, box sets, and soundtracks =Same goes for Bleach =Become a ninja (I'm in training right now. Don't tell anyone.) =For that voice in my head that says "You're gonna DIE!!!" every time right before I fall asleep to go away (the voice just said "NEVER!!!" I am insane.) =For this year not to totally stink (all the other ones did) =To find a new friend to watch after me (almost no friends in my classes next year) =To finally know who I really am =To stop feeling the sorrow from the past =To not be afraid to kill something when it is suffering and ready to die (crickets. don't ask.*shivers*) =To finally find happiness/love ... I'm sorry, was that too gloomy? People tell me I'm gloomy... Not gloomy. Ignore what those people say.
  2. Needs some fixin' up. A-like so. Win. *sprays coffee all over Adam* *screammmmmmmmmmmssssssssssss* Arkcher, that is hysterical!!!!!!!!! I love it!!!!!!!!!!! *hands Arkcher some freshly baked muffins*
  3. Plush Kirby!!!!! It has been a very long time! Welcome back!!!!!! I'm glad I was not forgotten! Thank you New things about me: =My hamster died!! I never got to take a picture of him to show you guys. waaah. I buried him in a green plastic baby wipes box with lots of bedding and I think something of his. I decorated it with sharpie. I sat on a swing with him in the box in my lap. i cried. i kept a piece of his cage. Now every spring roses, azeleas, tulips, bleding hearts, a blueberry bush, and I think some other flowers bloom around him. i still talk to him sometimes... =I got a new hamster, though! His name is Pooh Bear and he is a honey bear hamster. I played with him today in his playpen. I took some pictures of me holding him if you want to see him. He's very jumpy, but he'll let me pick him up (and today was the first day I did. weird.) His cage needs to be cleaned tomorrow... =I am OBSESSED with: Naruto, Bleach, Full-Metal Alchemist, Fruits Basket, Megatokyo, Azumanga Daioh, and my mind is doing a blippy thing and I can't think of any more... sorry... =Other things that died: Our i-Mac, 2 trees, mom's car, the couch, all the faucets in the house, a doornob, and my grandpa (very sad. i wish i had known him better) =i'm 14!!! I'm going to high school next week. I had orientation, but I'm still really nervous. Only one of my friends is in a class, and that one's an elective. for some reason, I just now that this year will stink. >_ Ouch! Sounds like there has been a great deal going on. I hope this year is much better. When one of my hammie friends passes, I cry like crazy. I love all the plants and flowers you have planted around your baby. Pooh Bear sounds like a beautiful new hammy. When the time is right, of course we want pictures. High school is better than middle school, and university is even better than high school. So, even though you are nervous, I think you will like it. You will make lots of new friends. Please just don't forget us here, as we will always be your friend.
  4. I'm sorry but I have to this,............. STELLER OMG HAHAHAHHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH *falls out of chair and starts rolfl* *picks Cupcakelvr up off the floor* Did you look at Toto's siggy? Phenomenal!!!
  5. TOTO!!!!!!!!!!! I absolutely, positively love your siggy!!!!!!!!!! Very stellar!!!!!!!
  6. And posted in the random stuff topic!!!
  7. Plush Kirby!!!!! It has been a very long time! Welcome back!!!!!!
  8. How did the CD taste??? It was crunchy! I think I might have cut my throught. lol. so yeah Sandpaper and Silk-Hawthorne Heights *ignores - Kat's - post* If you only covered it with gravy, it would have slid down your throat.
  9. Horatio

    Jesse's topic

    I have both the windows and OSX operating systems on my Mac. So, I cannot see why I would need the college compy.
  10. You wouldn't want me to sing! mehbbe I would! It would be more of a for-kicks thing than a lookit-me-talent thing. Trust me on this one... if you like your ear drums, singing is not my forte. I'm not to great myself. xD You are much better than I could ever dream of. It is not that I am "not too great" I am really, really bad. The only saving grace is that I have perfect pitch. Lot of good that does if the voice is awful. LOL I don't like my ear drums. You definitely do not want to hear me sing. LOL Says you. Says anyone who has ever accidentally heard me. And who might have accidentally heard you? =D The other hammies in their cages. You remember Huette?
  11. You wouldn't want me to sing! mehbbe I would! It would be more of a for-kicks thing than a lookit-me-talent thing. Trust me on this one... if you like your ear drums, singing is not my forte. I'm not to great myself. xD You are much better than I could ever dream of. It is not that I am "not too great" I am really, really bad. The only saving grace is that I have perfect pitch. Lot of good that does if the voice is awful. LOL I don't like my ear drums. You definitely do not want to hear me sing. LOL Says you. Says anyone who has ever accidentally heard me.
  12. Would you like mashed potatoes and gravy with that meatloaf? that reminds me of my favorite holiday, thanksgiving, OH i love thanksgiving, especially the day after when all you eat is turkey mashed potato sandwiches. well i have to wait a few more months till then. I love the gravy over the mashed potatoes! Yummmmmmmmmm.
  13. If you have a problem uploading it, please email it to me and I will have HampsterKing add it to this topic.
  14. You wouldn't want me to sing! mehbbe I would! It would be more of a for-kicks thing than a lookit-me-talent thing. Trust me on this one... if you like your ear drums, singing is not my forte. I'm not to great myself. xD You are much better than I could ever dream of. It is not that I am "not too great" I am really, really bad. The only saving grace is that I have perfect pitch. Lot of good that does if the voice is awful. LOL I don't like my ear drums. You definitely do not want to hear me sing. LOL
  15. You wouldn't want me to sing! mehbbe I would! It would be more of a for-kicks thing than a lookit-me-talent thing. Trust me on this one... if you like your ear drums, singing is not my forte. I'm not to great myself. xD You are much better than I could ever dream of. It is not that I am "not too great" I am really, really bad. The only saving grace is that I have perfect pitch. Lot of good that does if the voice is awful. LOL
  16. You wouldn't want me to sing! mehbbe I would! It would be more of a for-kicks thing than a lookit-me-talent thing. Trust me on this one... if you like your ear drums, singing is not my forte.
  17. That happens. What are they doing? Or should I ask, what are they not allowing you to do? I was just being a teenager and pouting because my parents were making a bad weekend worse by having no good reason not to let me invite Julian over. Except that I "copped an attitude" which totally didn't happen. Er. Kinda. XD Actually, I did kinda, but not badly and it was because I've been having just a terrible weekend and it's just not been going well. It'll all be better by tomorrow. *sneaks over to Mega Wolf's house to keep her company* Oh... those things happen. The weekend is almost over.
  18. I don't like my parents either. Why not? They're stupid. They bind me to the house I can't go anywhere people have to come here. And there's more that I don't really feel like talking about. I'm sorry that you are going through this. Quite often parents are fearful of what might happen to you and are not sure exactly how to react. Because there are no books on how to be a parent, they sometimes are much stricter than you would like.
  19. That happens. What are they doing? Or should I ask, what are they not allowing you to do?
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