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Everything posted by Horatio

  1. ~gags~ how can you eat that!!!???!!!???!!!???!!!??? By putting it on my food, putting that food in my mouth, chewing, and swallowing. ~annoyed face~ No duh. I can't stand guac. I'm with Glowurm... I love guacamole!!!! UGH. You're making me sick. I'm hungry again. that's the third time today. well you havent had any good guacamole then. If its homemade and done right, then its awesome. if you get it at some mexican restaurant kind of place, Even if they have top quality everything-else, their guac still isnt good. needs be homemade and awesome. *heads for Arkcher's house* *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* Arkcher's Mansion or his house? *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~* The one where the homemade guacamole is located.
  2. Horatio


    Oh My Goodness, you look fabulous!!!!!!!!!! The black shoes. I am of the hammy school that says 'you don't wear white after labour day', plus the dress is black so I think the black shoes are much more elegant and classy. But that is from a male hammy point of view, Oh definately... NEVER white shoes with a complete black dress. My answer: Black shoes to go with the black dress. Wow, Horatio! I didn't know a male hamster knew so much about fashion! Are you an....in the closet...fashion enthusiast?? I like fashion myself. Of course I am not into the highlife of fashion as I am into the what works with a freeflowing self expression thing. I love to design elegant things myself though (On paper.. not with fabarics) Okay... I'll be going now.... *Puts sunglasses on* Just look into this thing right here *FLASH* *Takes glasses off* The explosion you just saw was created by swamp gas from Jupiter interacting with the water from Earth. Not really, I just wear my fur, but have listened to the fashionistas.
  3. Horatio


    Oh My Goodness, you look fabulous!!!!!!!!!! The black shoes. I am of the hammy school that says 'you don't wear white after labour day', plus the dress is black so I think the black shoes are much more elegant and classy. But that is from a male hammy point of view, The dress is Navy-ish and the "white" shoes are actually silver. OMG look at my toesies and I'm really bored that's why I have the shoes on. My vote is still with the black ones.
  4. ~gags~ how can you eat that!!!???!!!???!!!???!!!??? By putting it on my food, putting that food in my mouth, chewing, and swallowing. ~annoyed face~ No duh. I can't stand guac. I'm with Glowurm... I love guacamole!!!! UGH. You're making me sick. I'm hungry again. that's the third time today. well you havent had any good guacamole then. If its homemade and done right, then its awesome. if you get it at some mexican restaurant kind of place, Even if they have top quality everything-else, their guac still isnt good. needs be homemade and awesome. *heads for Arkcher's house*
  5. And not making any spelling errors! Outstanding!!!
  6. Horatio

    My place. :)

    Now you know why I am not a shopper! Yeah. Shopping's not so fun when you don't really like what you're looking at. Plus I had to get pants and shoes (as well as jackets and shirts) and it's really hard to find pants and shoes that fit me properly. Today, aside from class and food, I took a long nap and went to yoga. We have a new yoga instructor this year, but she seems alright. I love shopping!!! Today is homecoming and my dress is gorgeous I'll post a picture and my shoes are really awesome. And me and megan are friends again so to celebrate my mom took us out shopping!!!!! so yeah I'm really happy I'm estatic. Woo!!! only 8 hours and 30 minutes to homecoming!!!!!!!!! Awesome! So far, today looks like it's going to be pretty boring. Which means there's a good chance we'll get bored enough to do something stupid. *waits for the 'did something stupid story'*
  7. ~gags~ how can you eat that!!!???!!!???!!!???!!!??? By putting it on my food, putting that food in my mouth, chewing, and swallowing. ~annoyed face~ No duh. I can't stand guac. I'm with Glowurm... I love guacamole!!!! UGH. You're making me sick. I'm hungry again. that's the third time today. That's okay. You can eat many little meals and that is better than sitting down to three big ones.
  8. lol at first i didn't see the difference I was literally staring at the post for five minutes today was a half day at school I got to sit in my homeroom for three and a half hours and mystery guy was there and i still don't know his name but my new best friend brendan kept having at him and my mystery dude was like ftw i don't even know you my home room is in the library with like 3 other classes. In the library?????????? Yes the library WE ran around screaming they didn't care. LOL I was running through the lanes of books with mallorie and brendan stalking mystery dude it was funny then our teacher crept up behind us and was like hey guys who we stalking and we all screamed and fell on the floor our teacher was laughing the hardest and she started crying then eventually fell on to the floor and started rolling around then sense that was such a funny sight brendan mallorie and I ended up doin the same thing my stomach still hurts. First... I love your avatar!!!!! Second... it sounds like you have a teacher with a great personality. Third... what a great way to go to school. LOL I know. First the first time in a really long time I feel light like the world's burdens have been lifted from my shoulders I feel happy Ecstatic excited I feel gosh I can't words on this feeling if I try to it would ruin it because this kind of happiness can't be described or measured it's just there. I figured you would know. That kind of happiness is really nice, isn't it? Yes and it's still radiating off my skin. I seem to excite people when I'm near them. Me megs are friends again and This guy mike liked her and she liked him and all thanks to moi they're together. as off yesterday at the pep rally for the homecoming game. hahahahahhahahaah we have powderpuff and basicly senior boys dress up like girls and cheer for the senior and junoir girls who play flag football. oh man its great they thrw some guy across a really huge gap to make it look like he was flying they did that to crank dat by soulja boy. lol me and friends almost got kicked out of the stands cause we were screaming reallt loud and dancing like maniaks (i have a lot of friends like we took up about a third of a section of stands) but anyway one of the vp's came over and i was like so you're gonna kick us out for showin school spirit?? and he said ummm no you're right I'm not then he turned to the people who were complaining and was like deal with it or leave. it was awesome!!!! I think it is great that the VP sided with you all. That's a switch. Great to hear you had a fantastic time.
  9. What would your other husbands say if you got what you wanted for Christmas? I'm making Christmas graphics for all my husbands. With as many husbands as you have, it is a good thing you are starting early. I wonder how Arkcher feels about this? Perhaps he will let you know. *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* Actually, I think I've asked him twice and he said "I didn't know you were mormon enough to be a polygamist!". and More recently he said "If you were Mormon you could get away with that!" *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~* ROFOCLH !!!!!!! Actually I thought Arkcher was one of your husbands.
  10. Horatio


    Oh My Goodness, you look fabulous!!!!!!!!!! The black shoes. I am of the hammy school that says 'you don't wear white after labour day', plus the dress is black so I think the black shoes are much more elegant and classy. But that is from a male hammy point of view,
  11. It is okay that you are getting lonely, because today you almost got me killed. (Well, a bit of an exaggeration.) Anyway, I was taking a nice, relaxing morning ride and just riding along looking around when I see this billboard of Elton John and some radio announcer. Well, I almost got into an accident because this took me by surprise and you popped into my head. LOL I had to stare at it for a bit and the guy behind me was quite miffed that I would slow when he thought I should be racing to the next traffic light. Anyway, you, and a billboard-sized Elton, were in my thoughts this morning. I would have attached a picture, but my camera is in Memphis and I am in Florida.
  12. Thanks for the avatar compliments, but I brought this one in for Mr. Moosey. In order for him to know it is here, I have to use it. As for the hanging part... at least I did leave you hanging upside down by your toenails. I have to read it a couple more times. I am only worried if a young person reads it. Please give me one more day. Ok, since u asked so nicely! sorry if i got a little impatient.... yeah, i know it's a bit tricky to edit. hopefully it's not driving u crazy! thank you SOOOOOOOOO much for doing this. u get one of the awards i used to give out. ummm what was it....the good dog award i think. u get a special rare version since it officially doesn't exist anymore. so that's pretty cool. lol Thanks again, ~Liz I would rather not edit anything, but let me see what I can do. Of course, this is with your approval and all.
  13. I hadn't heard of it, but then again, I am still back in the Finding Nemo time frame. There have been so many movies that I have wanted to see and somehow the have come and gone before I think about them again. But this sounds like a fantastic movie. Did you see the book I just finished and posted in the Book Club? It is really wonderful. Please go and take a look.
  14. Horatio

    My place. :)

    Now you know why I am not a shopper! Yeah. Shopping's not so fun when you don't really like what you're looking at. Plus I had to get pants and shoes (as well as jackets and shirts) and it's really hard to find pants and shoes that fit me properly. Today, aside from class and food, I took a long nap and went to yoga. We have a new yoga instructor this year, but she seems alright. I love shopping!!! Today is homecoming and my dress is gorgeous I'll post a picture and my shoes are really awesome. And me and megan are friends again so to celebrate my mom took us out shopping!!!!! so yeah I'm really happy I'm estatic. Woo!!! only 8 hours and 30 minutes to homecoming!!!!!!!!! Have a great time this evening. Of course we would love to see your dress. Ask your parents to take a picture and then please post it.
  15. ~gags~ how can you eat that!!!???!!!???!!!???!!!??? By putting it on my food, putting that food in my mouth, chewing, and swallowing. ~annoyed face~ No duh. I can't stand guac. I'm with Glowurm... I love guacamole!!!!
  16. Horatio

    My place. :)

    *is too busy to reply as I am baking cupcakes for Campsoup's birthday party* Hope to see you there.
  17. What would your other husbands say if you got what you wanted for Christmas? I'm making Christmas graphics for all my husbands. With as many husbands as you have, it is a good thing you are starting early. I wonder how Arkcher feels about this? Perhaps he will let you know.
  18. I love the bottom picture of Juliet and Iggy. *looks at the way Juliet has her paw over Iggy as if a hug* I would never want to hear about how delicious she tasted. At least she had a better life than she would have had without being purchased. ^.^ I consider pigs purchased by students lucky, due to the fact that either way they were born for that purpose because the farmer bred the pigs. So when the farmer sells to students, the students actually give the pig a better life with attention and love. However, not all people are like me and they don't care about their pigs but they're still fed better. And the animals bought by students actually have a slight chance at living beyond six months. XD Iggy and Juliet were best buddies and at least they had each other for the time they lived. =D It's better than hearing that she tasted good because that means I treated her well enough so that her meat didn't taste bad. Actually, it's a great reflection of how well I excercised her. ^.^ Here's a pic of an adorable goat. The goat's so cute!!! I love those spots. I didn't know that the taste of the meat had to do with the level of exercise. Interesting. They say everytime Horatio learns something new... an Angel gets its wings... MAN there sure must be a lot of angels WITH wings ROFLMBO *hands Taynio The Gold Star Award* I am hoping all those angels are having a good time.
  19. Horatio

    My place. :)

    Now you know why I am not a shopper! Yeah. Shopping's not so fun when you don't really like what you're looking at. Plus I had to get pants and shoes (as well as jackets and shirts) and it's really hard to find pants and shoes that fit me properly. Today, aside from class and food, I took a long nap and went to yoga. We have a new yoga instructor this year, but she seems alright. Hamsters are excellent at yoga. Just look at the contortions we can twist our bodies into. Hahaha Yoga is good for improving flexability and balance, toning muscles, and relaxing. Doesn't help my virtually nonexistant cardiovascular system though. But that's what DDR is for. DDR will definitely get your blood flowing and your heart racing! Indeed! To finish out the day, I went to the diner with some friends, and then Marius, Kim, and I watched Corpse Bride. Good movie. I haven't seen that one, I will add it to the list. My movie list is so long I am not sure if I will ever get through half of them. Hahaha mine too. It's a lot like Nightmare Before Christmas if you've seen that one (both are Tim Burton movies) Nightmare Before Christmas was excellent! *moves Corpse Bride up the list*
  20. How? What happened? Can you fix it?
  21. Horatio

    Jesse's topic

    I think you will be an outstanding college student with fantastic grades! *has total faith in Jesse*
  22. I love the bottom picture of Juliet and Iggy. *looks at the way Juliet has her paw over Iggy as if a hug* I would never want to hear about how delicious she tasted. At least she had a better life than she would have had without being purchased. ^.^ I consider pigs purchased by students lucky, due to the fact that either way they were born for that purpose because the farmer bred the pigs. So when the farmer sells to students, the students actually give the pig a better life with attention and love. However, not all people are like me and they don't care about their pigs but they're still fed better. And the animals bought by students actually have a slight chance at living beyond six months. XD Iggy and Juliet were best buddies and at least they had each other for the time they lived. =D It's better than hearing that she tasted good because that means I treated her well enough so that her meat didn't taste bad. Actually, it's a great reflection of how well I excercised her. ^.^ Here's a pic of an adorable goat. The goat's so cute!!! I love those spots. I didn't know that the taste of the meat had to do with the level of exercise. Interesting.
  23. Horatio

    My place. :)

    Now you know why I am not a shopper! Yeah. Shopping's not so fun when you don't really like what you're looking at. Plus I had to get pants and shoes (as well as jackets and shirts) and it's really hard to find pants and shoes that fit me properly. Today, aside from class and food, I took a long nap and went to yoga. We have a new yoga instructor this year, but she seems alright. Hamsters are excellent at yoga. Just look at the contortions we can twist our bodies into. Hahaha Yoga is good for improving flexability and balance, toning muscles, and relaxing. Doesn't help my virtually nonexistant cardiovascular system though. But that's what DDR is for. DDR will definitely get your blood flowing and your heart racing! Indeed! To finish out the day, I went to the diner with some friends, and then Marius, Kim, and I watched Corpse Bride. Good movie. I haven't seen that one, I will add it to the list. My movie list is so long I am not sure if I will ever get through half of them.
  24. Ask a buddy of his that you can trust, or ask a buddy of yours to hang out with him and figure the truth. That's a great idea Hamster_Girl. Also remember, he needs to change for himself, not for you. His saying he will do this just for you is not a good thing. Just like if you meet a guy and you see things you don't really like, don't ever think you will change him. Never happen. And in the end, you will not really be happy. I think you ought to find a different guy. Something gives me the feeling this is not a good situation. ahh! ive been gone WAYYY to long! lol a little old but good news none the less: I havent seen kelton in a good month or so now, aannnnnnnnndddd there is a really reallllyyy hot guy who i like, and hes super nice, annndd he has abs, aaanndd he is single! yay! so, yupp..... I'm sorry to burst your bubble, but even the guys who seem super nice can be jerks who fake nice so they can be players. All too familiar for my friends. Unfortunately, both guys and girls who seem super nice can be jerks who fake nice, not only to be players, but to get the other person to marry them. Then after the ring is on their finger, they turn into the partner from the underworld. Seriously, happens too often. Of course, there are the very very few that actually really are nice. *cough, Julian, cough cough* XD Well, seriously, though, I thought he was a jerk at first and we hated each other for half the time we've known each other. He was only being rude and mean because I was mean to him. I tend to do that to people. XD But, after you got past the initial fears, you both have a really terrific relationship. Yeah, I've pretty much accepted that relationships are going to have difficulties no matter what. I mean, I have no problem with arguing, I love that. XD And any of the flaws I find bug me and I can pinpoint... well, I do that to literally everyone. So it's like, well, if I argue and I judge my own best friend, then why should it be any different for him? Nothing can ever be perfect, just really really excellent. Which is what I've got. ^.^ I applaud you!!! It sounds like you have really come to understand something many people will never figure out. People work hard at their jobs, play hard at sports, concentrate on becoming the best at hobbies, but when it comes to the most important relationship in their life, they don't work at making their relationship better, they just break-up or get a divorce and look for the next perfect relationship. You have great insight into people. I suppose for most teenagers and many adults it's difficult to accept that perfect is real but not, and truthfully life would be boring without imperfection. So basically, imperfection IS perfection. I mean really, who wants to live a life with no flaws? A lot of people do but they don't realize how stupid supposed and boring "perfect life" is. ^.^ The dings in life accentuate what is truly great. "Perfectly" stated.
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