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Everything posted by Horatio

  1. *sees Jesse with a new career on Travelocity* What, you're going to make a game show out of this? "Where in the world is Sheena the Penguin?" You just ate a lawn gnome! He was currently working on Travelocity... now what are they going to do for a spokesman?
  2. *sees Jesse with a new career on Travelocity*
  3. I don't believe there is anything wrong with you. I think there are things wrong with society. Extreme pressure is put on young people adding undue stress to their life. Once you move on into college, I do guarantee that things get better. High school is tough and a long four years. I would suggest that when you get out of college you try the Peace Corps. If you want to feel great about yourself, here is one way to accomplish this. In addition to helping others, you see part of the world you would not have had the opportunity to and you walk away having completed the goals set and meeting and developing new and fabulous friendships. I think you would really like this. Plus, it looks really phenomenal on a resume. the three reasons im SO EXCITED to go to college: 1. i will be in control of the food around me. if i go shopping and all i buy is salads and shove them in my mini fridge, with the ocasional dining hall and pizza delivery, ill be set 2.to get out of this town and this house its really stuck up around here and im over it and as for my house.. i just need out, ya kno? its a highly stressful unhappy environment and im just not built for it 3.i can smoke. freely. without worrying about breaking my mom's heart i cant wait. but at the same time, i so can.. idk its just hard to deal, i wanna pack up and start over meet new people, real, mature PEOPLE but just highschool preps and witchy wannabes i want to weed out my things i dont want this much i want to be simplistic i just want some order idk im done ranting happy halloween! Happy Halloween! Ranting is good. Getting out of your house sounds like it will be good for you.
  4. PERFECTLY LEGITIMATE EXCUCES HAVE NO PLACE HERE D: Course not! Never! I don't know what you were thinking... My sanities must have been taken for me to think such a thing. Just see to it that it doesn't happen again. I must definitely see too it. How could I?! You're lucky we aren't pressing charges. *sneaks in and steals any remaining sanities that might be lurking around Mega Wolf* Horatio could grow up to be a ninja. That would be awesome. *gets a black ninja mask with shiny black bats woven into the material*
  5. I gave that card to my sister for her birthday My mom saw it and she was like, "Jesse, I thought this card would be GREAT for you to use!" :wacko: :wacko: *falls over with all four paws in the air* Soooooooooooo, who made it, where did you buy it... spill the beans! All the details please! You would have to wait until november 9th for me to check. I think hallmark makes them. There is as whole line of greeting cards with audio clips. I will wait! But... in the meantime I am heading for Hallmark to check every single card. If you can remember what the card looks like, that would be a start. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!! I think I looked through them ones in a super stop and shop as well. They had a whole section devoted to the sound making cards. The card was different shades of pink and orange with hamsters doing different dance poses on the front. *gives Jesse the biggest hammie bear hug ever* Thank you a million times! I will now head out and look, and it will be easier because I have an idea of what I am looking for.
  6. Ryukai grasped his Toxin sword in his hand and ran up to the beast. Deciding against waiting to be within range to slash, he just threw the sword. Surprisingly stable, it pierced through the air, heading straight towards Val... Raith hit the ground with the heavy weight on top of her and gasped as her chest was nearly crushed. She tried to reach for her gun-blade, but she couldn't move her arms. The wolf was on top of them. James ran toward the wolf at the same time as Ryukai and brought his sword down. Val coughed as he felt a blade pierce through his chest. He looked down to see Ryukai's sword had stabbed about half-way through his body, but not necessarily close to his heart. He was injured, but would survive... Or so he thought. With a similar sensation, a different sword went through, close to his right shoulder. An ice cold fluid of sorts was emitting from the blade that Ryukai had thrown, and various places on Val's body began hurting strangely... Toxins...?! Val grabbed the two blades, ripped them out of his body, dropping them carelessly, and changed his body back. No longer a Werewolf, He was not holding Raith down, but was kneeling next to her, though his previous form enabled him to use his magic and power once more. One hand he had on the ground to support himself, and the other had a yellow-white glow emitting from it. He moved that hand over his wound, and it slowly closed and healed, though the tears in his clothing remained. He moved his hand over to the wound that Ryukai had put in him, but the fast-acting toxins had begun taking effect. Val let out a few loud coughs and in between that, vomiting a small amount of blood, and his breathing became rather difficult. He continued trying to heal himself. The wound was no longer his main concern. He began thinking, trying to remember the mental steps to use the spell to remove contamination from his body, while coughing up more blood. Rose hurried to injured man's side. She put her hand up and started to think of a spell to bring the poison out of him. At last she did and as the poison moved into her body she asked him, "Are you well?” She gasped as the poison took affect, then mumbled something and was well again. James helped Raith up. He picked up the gun-blades that had been thrown aside while she rubbed her wounded collarbone. Val momentarily felt the cold sensation leave, and the pains were eased as the toxins were absorbed out of his body. He glanced over at Rose. "For the time being, yes. I will give you proper thanks later." Val grabbed one of his swords. With a look of death in his eyes, he slashed at James, his accuracy blinded by fury. He stabbed with the blade, but was too far away. Upon not feeling his blade hit anything, he withdrew it, and weaved his hands in a gesture to conjure a spell of Darkness. Normally, a wave of darkness would have launched out at Val's target, and as it passed, take the life out of the victim, killing it instantly. Val had overlooked the element advantages. Darkness against darkness did nothing. So, he was a werewolf. That might simplify things a bit. At least, Dimearsh didn't think a lycanthrope would make a good host for Sinvalj. Hopefully they wouldn't have to find out. Yes, a careful attack, destroy the soulstone first, and then Sinvalj's foul presence would be forever gone. "Come, there are dark things abroad this night. You can tear each other limb from limb later." "No." said Raith coldly. "He needs to be dealt with." She wasn't going to forgive Val too soon for crushing her. Suddenly, Dimearsh launched into an attack, Starchild blazing with greater intensity. Relentlessly he charged, slashing at Val. Rose put her sword in front of Val, blocking the attack. “You can kill each other later. He is right. We need to stop this useless fighting." Rose hated fighting. Because of fighting, she lost her family and friends. “Now, can everyone just get along with each other, or do I have to hurt you all so you'll listen?" She waited for their responses. Val didn’t have much of a choice in the matter to listen. He was mentally weak, lacking mind power which was drained by his magic power, and he needed to physically rest. But he tried not to show his vulnerability and hoped the Vampires would not attack him for the time being. He, too, watched his opponents for their reactions to this. He did not know what this group was trying to accomplish, but he did not care much either... Val really needed to rest, and could not do it here. He used the last of his available magic power and used a wind spell to create a strong wind in the immediate area, blowing dirt and grass around. He covered his face from the winds and ran over to his swords, then grabbed them and properly sheathed just one of them so he could run. He successfully grabbed his swords and ran away from the miniature tornado he made, which soon dissipated. He ran from tree to tree, trying to remain out of sight, and retreated. It couldn’t have been more than 60 feet before Val collapsed from exhaustion and glanced behind himself to see that the group on the road was within eyesight of him. Val's heartbeat slowed, his breathing increased, and he felt progressively weaker, until he fainted on the spot. Raith ignored the new girl and tried to run to where Val was, gun-blade readied, but James grabbed her around her waist and held her back. "Leave him." he said calmly. "We'll take care of him later." Suddenly, the night was pierced by a shrill cry as a shadow darker than night crossed the moon. Raith continued to glare in the direction that Val ran off in. She could see him lying in a heap, probably defenseless. If her brother would just let her go, they could kill him now and be done with it. James gathered their scattered weapons and reloaded them. "C'mon." he said, handing Raith her gun-blade. "I'm going to pass out if we don't get something to eat." Raith gave James an exasperated look and pointed to Val. "Later." he hissed, getting annoyed at his sister's persistence. "He might be faking it to lure us in, and I really don't have the strength for another fight. We can find something else to eat for now." He disappeared into the bushes, and a highly put-off Raith followed. Naomi couldn't help but be worried about the werewolf. During most of the fight, she had been standing on the sidelines, scared to death of the combined presences of two vampires and a werewolf. But now the werewolf was hurt. She quietly turned into a small tabby again and slinked off down the path where she had seen him run. Well, that went well. Rose went after the small tabby to help with the werewolf. When she reached him, she raised her hand, and with a swift motion the man was raised and put next to a tree. She walked over to him and placed her hand near him. He was tried. She sighed, stood up, walked back over to the Dimearsh, and asked him "Who are you again?" That was when she saw the shadow pass over the moon. "I am Dimearsh. I have come here seeking vengeance against a being that has done great evil. as you may have noticed, I travel with vampires, so dark is the evil I seek to destroy." He waited for her response. This girl might have her uses in the coming battle. Hopefully, she was not a servant of Sinvalj. Giving up on Val, Naomi stalked back to where Dimearsh, Ryukai, and Rose were. She resumed human form and propped herself up against a tree. She noticed Ryukai standing nearby. Being able to read minds helped Rose a lot. "I'm Rose" she said, "I am not a servant of Sinvalj. Just so you know" Ryukai sighed, rather displeased, and stood up to look around. He had hoped he could have really killed Val. That way none of these people would have done anything about it, and he could loot any goods he could find on the body. Ryukai just stood and waited for something to happen. He saw that Naomi was standing nearby and seemed to be lacking something to do. He remembered that she had a need for an item that he carried, and proceeded to walk over to her in hopes of getting her attention. Naomi noticed Ryukai walking over to her. "Hey," she said, also moving closer. "Do you still have that key?" Raith was sitting up against a tree while James paced back and forth in front of her. They had both found a small bit of food and were now gathering their strength for a larger kill and trying to think of what was going to happen next. "Yes, I have it. I'd rather not discuss that here, though." Ryukai whispered back, seeing how many people there were surrounding him and Naomi. He had no need for any opponents at the moment. Naomi apparently had an important need for this key that he had. Val Hawyn's eyes flickered open, and he tried to remember were he was or why he was there. Without moving his head, his eyes scanned the surroundings, trying to remain undetected among these people. Val would need to escape from their sight, so he could properly rest and recover and regain energy to take them on later. From what he understood, these people were hunting down a villain, which could be one of Val's enemies as well, though it could also be one of his allies. Being of neither light nor dark for more than 30 minutes, he had allies on both sides. Val looked into his mind, and checked how much magic power he had. It was near depleted, only enough to escape from these mysterious beings. Val immediately took action, conjured a spell to make him visually undetectable, changed his form into a werewolf, and silently but speedily padded off in the distance. Undetected, as far as he could tell. "Alright." said Naomi, also in a whisper now. "Whe-" Before she could finish, she jerked her head to the right and stared at the bushes. Something was over there. Someone, actually. Ryukai did not see what Naomi did, but his attention was turned in that direction upon seeing Naomi's reaction to whatever it was. Rose looked at Dimearsh and asked "Are you...um...well...a servant of Elden?" She didn't think this man was a servant of Elden, but she was not sure. "I have not heard of this Elden. I serve none but myself." Naomi quickly turned into a black panther and begun to follow the path of the whoever-it-had-been. She had a strong suspicion it was Val, seeing as his limp form was no longer leaning against the tree down the path. "Naomi, whatever it was, it won't be much of a threat to us considering how many other people there are out here. Let's get a move on." Ryukai tried turning Naomi’s attention away from this so they could get going with the key, and he could continue on with his business. The large black cat stopped turned back around and looked at Ryukai. "Alright..." said Naomi, turning back into a human, but still staring at the bushes. “How do we get out of here?" "One thing that'd really get us going is if you quit staring at the bushes." Ryukai commented. He looked around. The surroundings were somewhat unfamiliar. "Chances are, you have more of an idea where you want this key of mine than me. You lead the way." "Okay..." Naomi said, reluctantly tearing her gaze away from the bushes. "Lets go...erm...this way!" She started walking purposefully up the path, towards where Val used to be. *** The moon was settling behind clouds. A storm was coming. Carefully, Dimearsh crossed the castle drawbridge. As the shadows deepened, he passed through the gatehouse, and into the courtyard. It was quiet. Perhaps too quiet. After a long time of walking, Naomi and Ryukai finally find the city gates of Naomi's home town, Brige. "C'mon." said Ryukai, walking towards them out of the greenery at the forest's edge. It was nearly dawn. "Wait." said Naomi. "I'm wanted. I can't just stroll in." She changed into a small tabby cat and walked next to Ryukai. As they stepped out of the bushes and such, a guard called out, "Who are you? What is your business here?" Ryukai's attention turned to this guard inquiring of his identity and doings. His mind raced to think of something. "I'm... Faolan. With nothing more to say on that, I'll tell you that I've been commissioned by the kingdom of...eh...Halsing...ting...worths. Not very close to here, probably haven't heard much of them, but anyway. They've sent me to...uh...investigate. Investigate a...an assumed murder case, a runaway usurping case, something to that effect." Ryukai made something up on the spot, occasionally nervously glancing at Naomi. "I'm sorry then Faolan. We can take care of things ourselves." "I'll help you out, then." "Why are you so persistent?" "Why does anybody do anything? Shut it." "Do not make us use force. Leave now. We have private cases of our own." "As do I." "And yours would be?" "I can take care of things myself." The guard struck a vaguely intimidating stance, ready to "use force" to get "Faolan" out. "Do not disrespect the royalty of Brige." "I'm royalty." Ryukai gave a nervous cough. “Royalty of Hal...what was it called...Halsing...place." Ryukai hesitated. "Final warning: We will use force to get you out." "Ah, just give me a minute..." Ryukai bode his time. The guard advanced toward him. "Leave now." "You know, I have other business here other than to investigate." "What would that be?" "To test if the town security can handle their jobs. From the looks of things, it isn't going too well." "Leave now." "In fact, I'll check to see if the guards can withstand attack." With that, Ryukai reached behind himself, grabbed one of his more massive, heavy swords, struck a battle stance, and before the guard could resist, swung upward, but did not use the blade. He slammed the handle into the guard's helmet's weak spot, though if the helmet were not there, it would be enough to knock the guard out. While the guard regained his senses, Ryukai put away the sword and grabbed a small knife, making a very agile swipe at the guard’s neck, barely penetrating his body, not likely to draw blood. But Ryukai then used the knife and stabbed it into the guard’s body, but located where he knew would not kill him. Another smash to the head and the guard was severely weakened and knocked out. Ryukai grabbed the limp body and tossed it aside, out of sight. "That didn’t go as well as I had hoped..." Ryukai spoke indirectly to Naomi. As the two tried to sneak their way toward where Naomi led, another guard inside the city area had stopped the suspicious character. As soon as Ryukai knew he was in their sight, and in danger, he changed his identity again to the village drunk. He unstably made his way over to the advancing guard, eventually ran into him, and resting against the armor, as he said, "You...you know what I...I think of you...you metal...metal metal men, you... I think you...you're fat, oh gawsh." He pushed himself away from the guard, and waltzed around the area briefly, fell over on the ground, and continued moving his legs as if he were running. Ryukai eventually got up, and with the confused guard nearby, Ryukai spoke rather loudly to him from a close distance, "See the thing about my... my...the thing is... my ancestry...has a lot of those...metal metal men in there...dooooowwwwwwwnnnn in the muddy...furry...flaming pits of the ancestry pits...and they tend to...get fat...a lot like you. Do I know you?" Ryukai reached behind himself, pulled out a weapon, and swung it around blindly. "Yaaeeh, I'll...I'm take...I'll take you all on, fat metals...metal...men..." Ryukai glanced down at Naomi. "What’s...what’s this dumb cat doing here?" With that, Ryukai kicked Naomi off to the side and swung the sword up in the air, and accidentally let go of it, causing it to fly through the air. "I think..." speaking to the guard again, Ryukai unstably approached. “I think you guys...need...more fat metal metal men patroll...patrollllllllll...get these @&*$ cats out of here..." He gestured something odd, and then kicked his feet around as he did to Naomi. Wordlessly, the guard, not amused, grabbed Ryukai by the arms and began dragging him off toward the main castle. Ryukai gestured for Naomi to follow, as he looked up at the guard again. "I'm... I'm going to...wow its cold outside...but you metallllll...muuuuop..." Ryukai stopped talking and thrashed violently against the guards grip, eventually broke free, and drew two swords. Naomi watched Ryukai stumble through his excuse to the first guard and act like a raving drunk to the second. It was all very amusing until he kicked her. She made a loud, nasty angry-kitty sound, and was still slightly growling when Ryukai faced the guard, swords drawn. Suddenly, it happened. Starchild blazed to life, and Dimearsh heard him, the foul Sinvalj. With a sudden move, he leapt... And it seemed the whole world exploded, everything torn between unbearable light and blinding darkness. Amid the maelstrom, two figures circled, honor against hatred, justice against greed, they fought, and the sounds of the battle filled the night. Back in the forest, Raith and James lifted their heads from the large boar they had hunted down and looked at the distant bright light that had suddenly appeared, and listened to the sounds of swords clashing. Abandoning the last of their meal, the stood up and raced towards the fight, feeling rested a nourished. Val's eyes opened, all his senses briefly stimulated. He had heard in the distance some swords colliding, as a battle begun. Judging by the beat and the force used in each swipe, Val understood that this was no ordinary dueling of the peoples. This was much more significant. What stood out most to Val, though, were the strong, focused presences of light and darkness. Val Hawyn leapt to his feet, deactivated his healing and calming spells, and absorbed the magic power they had cost him. Somewhat rejuvenated, Val dashed off in the distance, following the sound of swords crashing. With every swing, Dimearsh could feel Starchild's power growing, the energies behind it building. The light from the blade growing more intense, suddenly, it snapped. With the built up energy pouring forth, it was all he could do to keep from losing himself to the torrent, and then it stopped. A dead silence fell over the courtyard, the two stood facing each other, the now useless hilts clutched tight as ten thousand shards of metal rained down around them. Naomi, still in the form of a Tabby, silently followed Ryukai to the castle. After a short battle with the guard and a bit of stealth to get around security, they had been able to continue on. She hoped that the king would still be awake. She wanted to prove her innocence as soon as possible, and find more about her previously forgotten past... Eventually, Naomi and Ryukai found the throne room. Luckily, they saw a light shining under the closed door. Naomi waited for one of the servants to exit the room, and then slipped in before the door shut. People assumed she was just another one of the mousers in the castle, so nobody really paid her any attention. As she had suspected, the king was surrounded by guards, all trained to kill her on sight. She would have to wait for when the king was getting ready for bed. By scratching at the door, Naomi was able to leave the room and trot down the hallway to where Ryukai had hidden himself. Ryukai anxiously awaited Naomi's return, as he uncomfortably crouched in an open cabinet among many others in a kitchen area. He was thankful there wasn’t a need for the chefs in this room at the time. Upon seeing Naomi's arrival, with a somewhat excited look about her feline form, he assumed the King was here, awake and active. He also wondered why the king was up at such an hour. The shards of metal stopped falling. The entire courtyard was covered in softly-glowing dust. The two discarded their now useless hilts. Sinvalj brought forth a knife glowing in evil shadow. Dimearsh rushed towards him, and with a swift kick, sent it spinning across the courtyard. The man entered the tavern. Who he was was anyone's guess. He wouldn't have attracted attention if the entire village had been on edge. The village smith, normally a rather stable, easygoing fellow, had suddenly left town the day before. He had seemed distracted and worried the past few weeks, but had never said anything. He just got up one morning and left.
  7. That is the life of a hamster. I was mutated at birth That's cool. Mutated into what? LOL half hamster half human. lol Now that is something I would like to see a picture of. LOL ... hehe me too. I think my parents did "reverse mutation" so now I look like a human but have the personality of a hamster. Leave it to parents to do the "reverse mutation process"! LOL I guess they did not want to face years of eating nuts and seeds. Oh what loving parents... Exactly! I'm mad at my parents right now... well only my mom because my dad doesn't think she's being fair. *is confused* Your mother is not being fair about... what? she won't let me go to the haunted feild across a highschool in my cousin's school district for reasons left unknown. she was just like no you can't do anything tonight when i asked her why she said because I said so and then I lughed because that made me think of the movie "because I said so" and then she got mad :[ I can't control my laughter I have to agree with you on this. It would help you understand her decision, if your mother would give you a reason for not letting you go. I'm sorry that you can't go to the haunted field. sounds like she was being a powernazi can i say nazi? lol apparently you can.. lol so I found out it was cuase I was going to and apple butter festival (ftw) It got me really mad cause I told her like a week ago that I didn't want to go to that and she was like ok you don't so we got in a fight and idk It's all good now. forgive and forget. and tomorrow is her birthday(yes halloween) I'm so excited cause once everyone in the house is awake I'm going to sit her down at the table and we're all going to scream (literally) HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!! i'm still mad that I won't get to go trick or treating but at least I get to be with my mommy!! :]]]]]]]] The good thing is that you understand now why she said no. Happy Hammie Halloween Birthday to your mother!!! I am not eating any candy today.
  8. PERFECTLY LEGITIMATE EXCUCES HAVE NO PLACE HERE D: Course not! Never! I don't know what you were thinking... My sanities must have been taken for me to think such a thing. Just see to it that it doesn't happen again. I must definitely see too it. How could I?! You're lucky we aren't pressing charges. *sneaks in and steals any remaining sanities that might be lurking around Mega Wolf*
  9. I gave that card to my sister for her birthday My mom saw it and she was like, "Jesse, I thought this card would be GREAT for you to use!" :wacko: :wacko: *falls over with all four paws in the air* Soooooooooooo, who made it, where did you buy it... spill the beans! All the details please! You would have to wait until november 9th for me to check. I think hallmark makes them. There is as whole line of greeting cards with audio clips. I will wait! But... in the meantime I am heading for Hallmark to check every single card. If you can remember what the card looks like, that would be a start. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. I gave that card to my sister for her birthday My mom saw it and she was like, "Jesse, I thought this card would be GREAT for you to use!" :wacko: :wacko: *falls over with all four paws in the air* Soooooooooooo, who made it, where did you buy it... spill the beans! All the details please!
  11. Bad grammar. D: :wacko: :wacko: We don't care about the grammar... we just want to know who makes it and where it came from!!!!!!!!!!!!! *hangs Hoops from her ankles until she talks*
  12. I don't believe there is anything wrong with you. I think there are things wrong with society. Extreme pressure is put on young people adding undue stress to their life. Once you move on into college, I do guarantee that things get better. High school is tough and a long four years. I would suggest that when you get out of college you try the Peace Corps. If you want to feel great about yourself, here is one way to accomplish this. In addition to helping others, you see part of the world you would not have had the opportunity to and you walk away having completed the goals set and meeting and developing new and fabulous friendships. I think you would really like this. Plus, it looks really phenomenal on a resume.
  13. Nothing has been deleted or even edited. I will also look. eh it was boring anyway ha thats me boring You? Boring? XD to the extreme lol There's plenty of people even more boring than you. XD That would be me. I was thinking more along the lines of people who like things normal. XD Are you suggesting I like abnormal things? LOL
  14. Horatio

    My place. :)

    You have my deepest sympathies. I know this is hard for you and your family. Marius is a good friend to be there for you. You and your family will be in my heart.
  15. That is the life of a hamster. I was mutated at birth That's cool. Mutated into what? LOL half hamster half human. lol Now that is something I would like to see a picture of. LOL ... hehe me too. I think my parents did "reverse mutation" so now I look like a human but have the personality of a hamster. Leave it to parents to do the "reverse mutation process"! LOL I guess they did not want to face years of eating nuts and seeds. Oh what loving parents... Exactly! I'm mad at my parents right now... well only my mom because my dad doesn't think she's being fair. *is confused* Your mother is not being fair about... what? she won't let me go to the haunted feild across a highschool in my cousin's school district for reasons left unknown. she was just like no you can't do anything tonight when i asked her why she said because I said so and then I lughed because that made me think of the movie "because I said so" and then she got mad :[ I can't control my laughter I have to agree with you on this. It would help you understand her decision, if your mother would give you a reason for not letting you go. I'm sorry that you can't go to the haunted field. sounds like she was being a powernazi can i say nazi? lol apparently you can.. lol so I found out it was cuase I was going to and apple butter festival (ftw) It got me really mad cause I told her like a week ago that I didn't want to go to that and she was like ok you don't so we got in a fight and idk It's all good now. forgive and forget. and tomorrow is her birthday(yes halloween) I'm so excited cause once everyone in the house is awake I'm going to sit her down at the table and we're all going to scream (literally) HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!! i'm still mad that I won't get to go trick or treating but at least I get to be with my mommy!! :]]]]]]]] The good thing is that you understand now why she said no. Happy Hammie Halloween Birthday to your mother!!!
  16. If your fiance changed his religious beliefs before you are married, and you feel this is okay for him and your relationship, then I see no problem with staying together. As far as him admiring or not admiring you, I would ignore this comment. Perhaps he does not want to feel guilty about wanting you to stay with him although he has chosen not to remain a christian. There are lots and lots of inter-faith marriages that work very, very well. To me, this is not a reason to break-up. The bottom line is, how do you feel about his choice and are you okay with this. Remember, he can always return to being a christian. but what if you don't think it's okay? I mean, the bible says something abt it, but I don't know what. And a friend of mine who is more mature in the faith said he'd break up. I'm asking fir an internet friend. My hammie parents were different faiths. They worked out the details before getting married. Their marriage was a phenomenal success. So, had they not overlooked the differences in religion, neither my sister nor I would be here.
  17. :( :( Oh. *is really sad* I thought you had returned as a birthday present to me.
  18. You have to look at the back of the card and tell me who made that card... PLEASE!!!!! Also if there is a number. I need a bunch of those cards!!!!!
  19. Nothing has been deleted or even edited. I will also look. eh it was boring anyway ha thats me boring You? Boring? XD to the extreme lol There's plenty of people even more boring than you. XD That would be me.
  20. Horatio

    Insta Talk

    I'm not sure. One of my hammie friends just had babies today. I did not want to clean her cage until a few days have passed, so I do not have an accurate count, perhaps five or six. Then another of my hammie friends has squeaking coming from her cage and that can only mean there are babies in there. Yeah!!! Christmas hammies!! Other than that... I have been riding my bike, studying a little (when I should be studying a lot) and listening to the rain. How about life in your neck of the woods? So you just have many more hammies now. Like you didn't have enough. XD Sounds like fun! Not studying and enjoying what's around you. ^.^ Life here is alright. I went to the mall with some friends today. Really, Julian and I mostly hung out together because my friends are just so crazy ans spazzy, sometimes they get a little too out of hand. We saw The Nightmare Before Christmas 3D. It was alright. Only two fully 3D scenes, though, so it wasn't amazing or anything. And the jack-o-lantern-in-the-box before the actual showing proved that it could have been better. XD However, as seen in the original, it's a good movie anyways so it was all good. Sounds like a great weekend. I don't do scary movies. As for the hammies, a friend and her eight babies left for the pet store on last Tuesday. These new babies are in time for after Christmas. The local pet store does not sell the babies before Christmas, just the cages and other stuff, then they have the parents pick up the new hammie after the holiday. So young children will have their adorable little hamsters, and will soon find out that some of them are biters. =D The difference between the babies I raise and those of others, is that my babies are handled from about the beginning of the second week, unless I have to clean the cage, then it is earlier. But I work very hard to make sure all the hammies babies are sweet and gentle. Sometimes, hammies are given to children who are much too young and the parent does not stay involved. We try and teach the parents to have their children wake the hamster before sticking their hands in the cage. Two of my rescues were "biters". Interesting, the black bear male is older and when you pick him up, he will kiss you. He is one of the sweetest hamsters I have ever had the pleasure of meeting. The other is a brown/black female and she is also a very, very sweet hammie. She is the one who just had babies today. I think I've had one kissing hamster. XD Yeah, it's a good thing you raise nice hamsters. Somebody has to do it, otherwise people wouldn't like hamsters. =o And some parents don't do their research. That's also how puppies end up in animal rescues. =/ What I find most upsetting is people who buy their children pets, chicks, ducks and rabbits at Easter, kitties and puppies on the spur of the moment, and then when the pets are no longer wanted, they do not take the animals to a pet store or animal shelter, they just turn them out in the wild. This is a painful death for the previous pet. Even worse, cats and dogs reproduce and now their offspring are wild and sometimes feral. I get upset at people when they have a disregard for animals, both wild and pets. Yeah, it's pretty upsetting. There are far too many people who are like that, though. All you can do really is educate the public. I wish. They usually don't want to hear about it. For example, the man that returned the Black Bear to the pet shop told them he was a biter. He has NEVER displayed any such trait. Most pet shops will feed a biter to the snakes, and this is so unfair. I have a pretty good reputation and they usually call me first before the hammie becomes a morsel on the snake's dinner plate. There are so many people who just don't want to hear good information. XD Exactly.
  21. Horatio

    Insta Talk

    I'm not sure. One of my hammie friends just had babies today. I did not want to clean her cage until a few days have passed, so I do not have an accurate count, perhaps five or six. Then another of my hammie friends has squeaking coming from her cage and that can only mean there are babies in there. Yeah!!! Christmas hammies!! Other than that... I have been riding my bike, studying a little (when I should be studying a lot) and listening to the rain. How about life in your neck of the woods? So you just have many more hammies now. Like you didn't have enough. XD Sounds like fun! Not studying and enjoying what's around you. ^.^ Life here is alright. I went to the mall with some friends today. Really, Julian and I mostly hung out together because my friends are just so crazy ans spazzy, sometimes they get a little too out of hand. We saw The Nightmare Before Christmas 3D. It was alright. Only two fully 3D scenes, though, so it wasn't amazing or anything. And the jack-o-lantern-in-the-box before the actual showing proved that it could have been better. XD However, as seen in the original, it's a good movie anyways so it was all good. Sounds like a great weekend. I don't do scary movies. As for the hammies, a friend and her eight babies left for the pet store on last Tuesday. These new babies are in time for after Christmas. The local pet store does not sell the babies before Christmas, just the cages and other stuff, then they have the parents pick up the new hammie after the holiday. So young children will have their adorable little hamsters, and will soon find out that some of them are biters. =D The difference between the babies I raise and those of others, is that my babies are handled from about the beginning of the second week, unless I have to clean the cage, then it is earlier. But I work very hard to make sure all the hammies babies are sweet and gentle. Sometimes, hammies are given to children who are much too young and the parent does not stay involved. We try and teach the parents to have their children wake the hamster before sticking their hands in the cage. Two of my rescues were "biters". Interesting, the black bear male is older and when you pick him up, he will kiss you. He is one of the sweetest hamsters I have ever had the pleasure of meeting. The other is a brown/black female and she is also a very, very sweet hammie. She is the one who just had babies today. I think I've had one kissing hamster. XD Yeah, it's a good thing you raise nice hamsters. Somebody has to do it, otherwise people wouldn't like hamsters. =o And some parents don't do their research. That's also how puppies end up in animal rescues. =/ What I find most upsetting is people who buy their children pets, chicks, ducks and rabbits at Easter, kitties and puppies on the spur of the moment, and then when the pets are no longer wanted, they do not take the animals to a pet store or animal shelter, they just turn them out in the wild. This is a painful death for the previous pet. Even worse, cats and dogs reproduce and now their offspring are wild and sometimes feral. I get upset at people when they have a disregard for animals, both wild and pets. Yeah, it's pretty upsetting. There are far too many people who are like that, though. All you can do really is educate the public. I wish. They usually don't want to hear about it. For example, the man that returned the Black Bear to the pet shop told them he was a biter. He has NEVER displayed any such trait. Most pet shops will feed a biter to the snakes, and this is so unfair. I have a pretty good reputation and they usually call me first before the hammie becomes a morsel on the snake's dinner plate.
  22. Horatio

    Insta Talk

    I'm not sure. One of my hammie friends just had babies today. I did not want to clean her cage until a few days have passed, so I do not have an accurate count, perhaps five or six. Then another of my hammie friends has squeaking coming from her cage and that can only mean there are babies in there. Yeah!!! Christmas hammies!! Other than that... I have been riding my bike, studying a little (when I should be studying a lot) and listening to the rain. How about life in your neck of the woods? So you just have many more hammies now. Like you didn't have enough. XD Sounds like fun! Not studying and enjoying what's around you. ^.^ Life here is alright. I went to the mall with some friends today. Really, Julian and I mostly hung out together because my friends are just so crazy ans spazzy, sometimes they get a little too out of hand. We saw The Nightmare Before Christmas 3D. It was alright. Only two fully 3D scenes, though, so it wasn't amazing or anything. And the jack-o-lantern-in-the-box before the actual showing proved that it could have been better. XD However, as seen in the original, it's a good movie anyways so it was all good. Sounds like a great weekend. I don't do scary movies. As for the hammies, a friend and her eight babies left for the pet store on last Tuesday. These new babies are in time for after Christmas. The local pet store does not sell the babies before Christmas, just the cages and other stuff, then they have the parents pick up the new hammie after the holiday. So young children will have their adorable little hamsters, and will soon find out that some of them are biters. =D The difference between the babies I raise and those of others, is that my babies are handled from about the beginning of the second week, unless I have to clean the cage, then it is earlier. But I work very hard to make sure all the hammies babies are sweet and gentle. Sometimes, hammies are given to children who are much too young and the parent does not stay involved. We try and teach the parents to have their children wake the hamster before sticking their hands in the cage. Two of my rescues were "biters". Interesting, the black bear male is older and when you pick him up, he will kiss you. He is one of the sweetest hamsters I have ever had the pleasure of meeting. The other is a brown/black female and she is also a very, very sweet hammie. She is the one who just had babies today. I think I've had one kissing hamster. XD Yeah, it's a good thing you raise nice hamsters. Somebody has to do it, otherwise people wouldn't like hamsters. =o And some parents don't do their research. That's also how puppies end up in animal rescues. =/ What I find most upsetting is people who buy their children pets, chicks, ducks and rabbits at Easter, kitties and puppies on the spur of the moment, and then when the pets are no longer wanted, they do not take the animals to a pet store or animal shelter, they just turn them out in the wild. This is a painful death for the previous pet. Even worse, cats and dogs reproduce and now their offspring are wild and sometimes feral. I get upset at people when they have a disregard for animals, both wild and pets. Yeah, it's pretty upsetting. There are far too many people who are like that, though. All you can do really is educate the public. I wish. They usually don't want to hear about it. For example, the man that returned the Black Bear to the pet shop told them he was a biter. He has NEVER displayed any such trait. Most pet shops will feed a biter to the snakes, and this is so unfair. I have a pretty good reputation and they usually call me first before the hammie becomes a morsel on the snake's dinner plate.
  23. Time for me to go. I know it is still early there, sorry to have to run. I am getting up in four hours and four minutes.
  24. Horatio

    Insta Talk

    I'm not sure. One of my hammie friends just had babies today. I did not want to clean her cage until a few days have passed, so I do not have an accurate count, perhaps five or six. Then another of my hammie friends has squeaking coming from her cage and that can only mean there are babies in there. Yeah!!! Christmas hammies!! Other than that... I have been riding my bike, studying a little (when I should be studying a lot) and listening to the rain. How about life in your neck of the woods? So you just have many more hammies now. Like you didn't have enough. XD Sounds like fun! Not studying and enjoying what's around you. ^.^ Life here is alright. I went to the mall with some friends today. Really, Julian and I mostly hung out together because my friends are just so crazy ans spazzy, sometimes they get a little too out of hand. We saw The Nightmare Before Christmas 3D. It was alright. Only two fully 3D scenes, though, so it wasn't amazing or anything. And the jack-o-lantern-in-the-box before the actual showing proved that it could have been better. XD However, as seen in the original, it's a good movie anyways so it was all good. Sounds like a great weekend. I don't do scary movies. As for the hammies, a friend and her eight babies left for the pet store on last Tuesday. These new babies are in time for after Christmas. The local pet store does not sell the babies before Christmas, just the cages and other stuff, then they have the parents pick up the new hammie after the holiday. So young children will have their adorable little hamsters, and will soon find out that some of them are biters. =D The difference between the babies I raise and those of others, is that my babies are handled from about the beginning of the second week, unless I have to clean the cage, then it is earlier. But I work very hard to make sure all the hammies babies are sweet and gentle. Sometimes, hammies are given to children who are much too young and the parent does not stay involved. We try and teach the parents to have their children wake the hamster before sticking their hands in the cage. Two of my rescues were "biters". Interesting, the black bear male is older and when you pick him up, he will kiss you. He is one of the sweetest hamsters I have ever had the pleasure of meeting. The other is a brown/black female and she is also a very, very sweet hammie. She is the one who just had babies today. I think I've had one kissing hamster. XD Yeah, it's a good thing you raise nice hamsters. Somebody has to do it, otherwise people wouldn't like hamsters. =o And some parents don't do their research. That's also how puppies end up in animal rescues. =/ What I find most upsetting is people who buy their children pets, chicks, ducks and rabbits at Easter, kitties and puppies on the spur of the moment, and then when the pets are no longer wanted, they do not take the animals to a pet store or animal shelter, they just turn them out in the wild. This is a painful death for the previous pet. Even worse, cats and dogs reproduce and now their offspring are wild and sometimes feral. I get upset at people when they have a disregard for animals, both wild and pets.
  25. You continue to amaze me! How multi-talented you are. Thank you. I never take a long time to write a poem. I just write what I happen to type, sometimes it is as though I'm possessed because I don't think while writing it. XD That's fantastic!!!
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