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Everything posted by Horatio

  1. This is going to be very difficult for her family for quite some time. I hope they are doing better in coping with their loss.
  2. Horatio


    You are so right... share the love and positive memories.
  3. Okay everyone... we had a small glitch. We are back up and running. Whoo Hoo!!!
  4. No. You are safe from humidity in Alaska.
  5. Attention... here is my email address for everyone. darker52843@mypacks.net Horatio Hadley
  6. LEXXY... *runs, hops and gives Lexxy a cyberhug*
  7. Oh no... we are so, so sorry to hear you we impacted with roof leaks during the rains. We have been watching the news on the flooding and it looks really bad. Was the roof leak so bad that your funiture was damaged or were you able to control the leaks with buckets? It must be so difficult for those people who just got finished rebuilding. They worked so hard to rebuild and now they have to do it all over again. My heart goes out to them. Please keep us informed on the status of things. If there is anything we can do to help you, please let us know.
  8. Horatio


    R.I.P. Fa We want to express our deepest sympathies for your passing. You are now in heaven in the role as an angel. Hopefully you can guide your family through this tough time from above. You were too young to have departed this earth. You will be missed.
  9. Oh my... I am so very, very speechless. *sends - Katie - a cyber hug* You and your "sisters" and Fa's family are in my thoughts, heart and prayers. This must be such an extremely difficult time for her family. I cannot begin to imagine just what they are experiencing.
  10. Fantastic! Welcome back!!! Now for you and - Kat - to get together so she can illustrate your story. Then you can start producing graphic novels.
  11. Muggy? Just wait until July and August!
  12. * sets up the cannon, loads pintac and lots and lots of pyrotechnics, aims at -Kat's- house, lights the fuse, runs for cover*
  13. *sets up the rubber Katapult return mat* Go ahead... fire away.
  14. ??? WHAT ??? My post disappeared? And it was such a good post too!!!
  15. Yes... I feel like Hiero and Hedvig... sleep, eat, sleep, run in the wheel, sleep, eat... my favourite kind of day.
  16. There are rescues dedicated only to poodles and usually they are pretty well run. Most often, they are a few people who take dogs into their home until they can find a new home. I hope you can find one in your area. I will try and find the dedicated poodle rescue in your area. Another option is Petco. Quite often they have great rescue pets. Forever Friends Animal League is another option and they can be found at petstew. Search for adopt-a-poodle.adoptapet. I looked in your area and there was a perfect Miniature Poodle called Scoobie Brite, located in your area at a Petco. He loves sitting in laps. He is an adult which means that he is already housebroken and will only chase cats if they run. Otherwise, he will give the cat a bath of kisses.
  17. Today I have to go out and clean up the garden. I should go out early, but you know how those things go. My day will probably go like this... drink coffee, goof off, have breakfast, goof off, have lunch, goof off, drink more coffee, really goof off, have dinner, then take a shower, goof off for the last time today and then head to bed. Hmmmm... does not seem like there is too much time dedicated to accomplishing any of the tasks on my To Do List. Perhaps I need to get focused. *looks at my long, long To Do List, runs off to get another cup of coffee*
  18. One great dog that I suggest, is a poodle. Not the little bitty ones, but a miniature. They are true family dogs. We had an apricot miniature, named Buttons, and he loved everyone. My mother's lap was his favourite place, but he was a non-discriminating lap dog... if you lap was open, he would hop up. Buttons was not a yappy dog and barked very little. His hair/fur was not cut in a foo-foo cut, but sort of long all over. The other great things about poodles, they do not shed, but you do have to brush them every day, or they will get matted. There should be a poodle rescue in your area. Another thing to consider, you do not want a very little dog, such as a pocket toy, or those really tiny dogs, they tend to have more medical problems. The humidity is here, and only going to get worse. It seems like the humidity is ten times worse in Memphis, than in Florida. Humidity is a good reason to be lazy. So, was Spamalot good? I think we have a TV that works with a DVD player, but we do not have a DVD player, so I do not know if it works with one or not. Are Blu-Ray players and DVD players, the same?
  19. Too late... the rains came, watered down the cake, which slid down the window, into the dirt. Last I heard, the ants were singing a happy birthday song to you!
  20. Good weather for plants, not great weather for humans. I wonder if plants are unhappy when it is humid, or just like the extra moisture in the air... hmmm.
  21. It went from cold and rainy to hot, steamy hot. So... I need to pull weeds, but I am not too anxious to accomplish this task. Guess I just need to do it.
  22. I think you should find more stuff to put in here. My we request your autograph before you become famous?
  23. I always love hearing from you. You educate me on so many things!!! Thank you Leguan! I remember riding on the train from Paris to Milan and seeing the fields of sunflowers. It was a magnificent sight! On that same note, I would love to be swallowed up in a field of Lavendar flowers. That would be intoxicating!!! Talk about crazy weather... the U.S. has some really crazy weather as well. Be back. Just woke up and need to make coffee.
  24. It sounds like a very good weekend for you! So glad to hear that you had a great time and enjoyed yourself. Now I suggest that you keep focused on creating your art! I think you have lots and lots of talent, you just have to remember what makes you happy. Follow your heart!
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